Chinese Food / Yakiniku BBQ / Asian / Ethnic Spots in Takamatsu Area

  • Wine and Wagyu AGORA
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kagawa Pref. Takamatsushi Kajiyamachi 4-1 Festa 2 Building 5F
    A wine bar and bistro restaurant which serves dishes incorporating an abundance of organic vegetables and other ingredients from Kagawa Prefecture. The fresh vegetables used by the establishment are personally stocked directly by the head chef from specially contracted farms and are prepared in ways that highlight their innate freshness and flavor. In addition to a monthly changing grand menu and seasonal menu of dishes made with seasonal ingredients, the establishment's selection of wines from around the world is also amazing.


  • Chinese Kitchen Shisen
    2 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kagawa Sanuki-shi Shido 2116-2
    This Chinese restaurant is located a five-minute drive from the Shido Interchange. The restaurant’s chic, undressed concrete exterior draws the eye; inside, customers can enjoy authentic Chinese cuisine. The former owner and chef was the favorite apprentice of Chen Kenmin, who popularized Sichuan cuisine in Japan. The open and airy restaurant interior also has a view of an inner garden, and diners can enjoy their meal along with the garden’s seasonal appearance. The restaurant’s signature dish is its rich and flavorful dandanmian noodles.


  • Chuka Tenshin Saryo
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kagawa Takamatsu-shi Furubabacho 9-11
    This Chinese dim sum specialty shop is located along the Takamatsu Lion-dori shopping arcade that runs north and south from Takamatsu Mitsukoshi department store to Kawaramachi. The constantly rising balls of steam direct one to the richly flavored niku-man steamed meat buns sold here. These super-sized buns are 10 centimeters across. The thick gravy like center is just the ideal consistency for enjoying the buns while strolling. Top the bun with the vinegar-soy sauce, which comes with the bun in the small container, and you have an altogether different flavor. Many customers stop to buy a few as a take-home gift, after a few drinks because the shop is open until mid-night.

    高松市内の商店街にある茶寮 麺や かずひろです。 たまたま通りかかったので寄りました。 蒸籠からもくもく水蒸気がでており、蒸したてのシュウマイや肉まん、あんまん、ちまきなど頂けるようです。 なかなか出来立てのちまきを頂ける機会がないため、チャーシューのちまきを購入。 小降りなサイズです。 油っこくなく普通に美味しかったです。

  • JR Hotel Clement Takamatsu Chinese Cuisine TOKO
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kagawa Takamatsu-shi Hamanocho 1-1 JR Hotel Clement Takamatsu 2F
    This is a Chinese cuisine restaurant on the second floor of the JR Hotel Clement, just a one-minute walk from the Takamatsu Station. Here one can enjoy real Cantonese cuisine. The chef extravagantly uses the seasonally fresh local seafood and produce to make delectable yet healthy dishes. The beautifully garnished dishes are both beautiful and delicious, and known for the chef's discriminating taste. There are various set-course menus including such dishes as Peking duck, shark-fin soup, and Olive Beef, providing patrons with a luxurious selection by which to relax and dine. The restaurant has various private rooms, which are available for events such as reunions, parties, or meetings.
  • Yakinikugoen Mirakuruten
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kagawa Pref. Takamatsushi Goutouchou 210-1


  • Sumibiyakiniku Mozaiku
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kagawa Pref. Takamatsushi Tahishimomachi 1568-3

    靴を脱いで入り、個室に案内されました。 オーダーは全てタブレットのような電子版。 おしぼり、取り皿、グラス、スタッフ呼び出しボタンも全てタブレットでオーダーできるので注文が決まれば1品づつ好きな時にオーダーできるから、わざわざスタッフさんを呼ばなくてもいいぶん頼みやすい感じです。 料理もオーダーしてからの待ち時間はほとんどなくスピーディーでした。

  • Yakinikugoen Mikiten
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kagawa Pref. Kitagunmikichou Shishibuse Under office 210-1
  • Kankokuryori Sugoroku
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kagawa Pref. Takamatsushi Akanechou 10-2

    人気店を聞いていたので、楽しみに来店しました。 お店の方は感じよく、お店の雰囲気も良かったです。 味は・・・料理人が韓国人ではなくなったようで、日本風の韓国料理で、期待していた内容とは違いました。 豚キムチなんて、韓国にはないですよね。キンパも日本風でした。味は悪くはなかったですが、再訪は悩むところです。

  • Sosakuhorumondainingu Kankokuryori Hangu
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kagawa Pref. Takamatsushi Kajiyamachi 1-5 FK Building 1F
  • Pikopikoseinikuten Sanfuwara
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kagawa Pref. Takamatsushi Fuseishichou 2137-2
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kagawa Pref. Takamatsushi Tokiwachou 1-3-1 Roof of Taira-cho FLAG
  • Shijan
    2 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    2F, 1-7, Kajiyamachi, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, 760-0028

    職場が近いので利用。 良いお肉ばかりいただいたのでどれも柔らかくとっても美味しかったです! いつもは混んでいるそうなので予約必須。

  • Tenzankaku Nagomikasugaten
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    1026-1, Kawashiri, Kasugacho, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, 761-0101
  • Tenzankaku Gototen
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    2-13, Gotoucho, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, 761-8031
  • Kanemura
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    1F, 11-1, Kataharamachi, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, 760-0040
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    7-5, Nishinomarucho, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, 760-0021
  • Oribugyusemmon Yakiniku Ichigoya
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    1677-1, Busshozanchokou, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, 761-8078
  • Nikuaji Arata
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Fuji building 1F, 4-7, Kajiyamachi, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, 760-0028
  • Ilalika
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    14-33, Furubabacho, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, 760-0045
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    2-10-18, Kawaramachi, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, 760-0052

Kagawa Areas


Japan’s smallest prefecture, Kagawa, may take up just a small corner of Shikoku, but it has grown increasingly popular with the recognition of Naoshima, its "art island" in the Seto Inland Sea between Shikoku and Honshu. Just a stone’s throw from the islands, mainland Kagawa’s prefectural capital, Takamatsu, holds history in its castle ruins and its pride and joy, Ritsurin Garden, is known as one of the country’s best gardens.

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