Soba / Udon Spots in Tamatsukuri Onsen Area

  • Soba Tomi
    9 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Shimane Matsue-shi Tamayucho Tamatsukuri 1197-7
    "This restaurant is located in Japan's oldest hot spring known to promote beautiful skin, Tamatsukuri Onsen. It offers a variety of dishes including Izumo-style handmade soba buckwheat noodles, seafood, hotpot dishes, and Japanese, Western and Chinese dishes. Their soba noodles, that has not changed since it opened, contain buckwheat cuticles for a good feeling going down the throat. It is characterized by its black color unique to this region. Their ""Yokubari Seafood Rice Bowl,"" which has a wide variety of seafood straight from Sakaiminato Port such as Matsuba crab, sea bream, horse mackerel and Spanish mackerel, is a very popular dish. Pursuing the unique taste of Izumo with the spirit of hospitality, the restaurant is loved by local residents and tourists."

    夜は17時オープンで、雨にも関わらず18時ごろにはそこそこお客が入っていました。味も美味しいですがとにかくメニューが豊富で、好き嫌いが激しい人も困らないでしょう。 この日は、二人でシジミそば、海鮮丼、カニクリームコロッケ、ゴボウ唐揚げ、おにぎりにノンアルビール付けて3,333円。ご馳走様でした。

Shimane Areas


What Shimane prefecture lacks in size and population, it makes up for in scenery and ancient mythology. Izumo-taisha, in the middle of the prefecture, is said to be Japan’s oldest Shinto shrine, where stories that delve into the creation of the Japanese race have been passed down over centuries. The 180 Oki Islands, a 40-minute ferry ride north of Sakaiminato, offer an undiscovered paradise well off the beaten track.

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