Shrine Spots in Saitama Area

  • Mitsumine-jinja Shrine
    441 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Mitsumine 298-1
    Mitsumine-jinja Shrine (literally meaning “three peaks shrine”), so called by that name because of the three peaks of Mt. Kumotori, Mt. Shiraiwa and Mt. Myohogatake which can be seen overlooking the eastern side of the shrine are beautifully positioned in a line. The god worshipped at the shrine is in fact Gokenzoku, the wolf and so the shrine is affectionately known as the Oinusama, meaning “honorable wolf deity”. There is also Mitsumineyama Museum in the shrine’s precincts with exhibits and treasures relating to mountain worship and temple retreat on display.

    We went to Mitsumine Shrine by using local trains and a local bus. It was a long way, but was worth it. This shrine is related to Japanese wolves instead of dogs, which is relatively rare warship...

  • Musashi Ichinomiya Hikawa-jinja Shrine
    447 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Saitamashi Omiya-ku Takahanachou 1-407
    Founded over 2,400 years ago, Hikawa-jinja Shrine is famous for its “Hikawa Gagaku-kai,” which was organized in 1935. This society performs ancient court music known as gagaku at the shrine’s festivals. Although it is also held in the spring, the annual kangetsu (moon viewing) gagaku performance at the shrine’s music pavilion in the fall lets visitors enjoy a fantastic autumn evening with a performance that blends kagura and kangen dance.

    境内の周囲は住宅地であるのに、境内は木々が生い茂っている自然豊かな神社です。武蔵国の中で最も格式の高い一宮の神社ですが、いわゆる高い格式に伴う排他的な雰囲気は無く、1時間もあれば全て周遊できる程度の境内の広さです。年末年始であれば初詣客で混雑しますが、それ以外の季節は特に神事を始めイベントでもない限り、休日でもそれほど混雑しておらず、ゆっくりと境内を散策することが出来ます。 神社そのものは大宮駅...

  • Chichibu-jinja Shrine
    278 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Bambamachi 1-3
    The ancient and historic Chichibu-jinja Shrine, is a Saitama Prefecture designated Tangible Cultural Property, famous for its well preserved main hall, gifted by Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1592. The Chichibu Night Festival, held annually on December 3, is a National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property, and is one of the Big Three Japanese Shrine Float Festivals along with the Gion Festival in Kyoto and Hida Takayama Festivals in Gifu Prefecture.

    秩父地方の総鎮守である神社です。12月初旬に開催される『秩父夜祭』は、秩父神社の例祭の一つであり、初詣に匹敵する賑わいを見せますが、祭りが開催されない日でも(それが平日であっても)参拝者は比較的多く、秩父観光の折等で参拝する人が多いように見られます。 最寄り駅は秩父鉄道の秩父駅ですが、西武秩父駅、及び御花畑駅からでも徒歩で行くには特に苦にならない距離です。 創建は3世紀後半から4世紀ごろとされてい...

  • Hodosan-jinja Shrine
    176 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunnagatoromachi Nagatoro 1828
    Hodosan-jinja Shrine with its soothing atmosphere is blessed by the gracefully shaped Mt. Hodo and the beauty of its four seasons. The shrine buildings include the Honden (main sanctuary), Heiden (hall of offerings), and Haiden (hall of worship), constructed in the Gongen-zukuri style. There are many wooden carvings, including the “Nijushiko,” on the transoms. The kami enshrined here with beautiful statues are virtuous ones offering protection against fire and theft.

    . I visited here in order to see sakura flowers(Cherry blossoms).I visited here on April 16th 2019.Usually, people can see the flowers in the early April.There is a tourist information center beside...

  • Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Kawagoeshi Miyashitamachi 2-11
    Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine is said to be over 1,500 years old. The main deity venerated here is Susanoo-no-Mikoto, often worshiped as the god of harmonious families, matrimonial happiness and matchmaking. One popular item is the charm for forming good relationships, made to resemble the red thread that represents the power of the god of matchmaking.

    氷川神社の大鳥居をくぐると直ぐの右手に鎮座しています。 西南戦争以降の川越出身の戦没者2970柱の英霊が祀られています。 特に、江戸幕府との繋がりが強かった故の旧川越藩士たちの微妙な立ち位置を考えさせられました。 西南の役出征日に因む4月12日を例祭日として慰霊祭が催行されるようです。 こちらの社殿は、他の境内社とは一線を画し、神社御神域の御社として大切に管理されています。

  • Koma-jinja Shrine
    84 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Hidakashi Nihori 833
    The Koma-jinja Shrine enshrines Komano Jakko, a settler from Kokuri that was a flourishing northern region of the Korean Peninsula. The shrine celebrated its 1300th year since Koma County was established in 2016. The shrine’s cultural artifacts are exhibited with a chosen theme every year in September in the Koma-jinja meeting hall main room.

    You can just imagine those historical Korean drama. I wish someone make drama out of this place. Also, dont forget to have Koma nabe(hot pot) at Asahi Japanese restaurant. This restaurant serves...

  • Hijiri-jinja Shrine
    54 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Kuroya 2191
    "A Shinto shrine located in Kuroya, Chichibu City. The surrounding area is known for having produced ""nikiakagane"" in 708, a native form of copper which was presented to the then Empress, and this served the opportunity for changing Era name to Wado and casting Japan's first coinage, the Wadokaichin. This shrine was built in dedication to this coinage and even today it attracts worshippers seeking improved financial fortunes."


  • Chichibu Imamiya-jinja Shrine
    31 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Nakamachi 16-10
    A Shinto shrine located in Naka-machi, Chichibu City. One of Japan's oldest shrines, since ancient times it has been dedicated to a water god embodied by a miraculous spring welling up from under Mt. Buko. Until the distant Nara period, the shrine was also dedicated to other deities such as the Eight Dragon Kings. In 1535, a portion of the spirit of Susanoo-no-Okami from Imamiya-jinja Shrine in Kyoto was ritually transferred to this shrine when an epidemic raged in the region. The grounds encompass Ryujin Pond, the oldest spring in Chichibu, as well as a huge tree called the Ryujinboku which is over 1,000 years old.

    強力なパワースポットです。 といっても秩父全体がそうなので、それを構成するひとつなのですが。 秩父はぜひとも歩いて旅したい街。車の方が楽だけど、やはりこの町は歩いて移動したい。 今宮神社を目指す場合は地場産センターから反時計回りに、秩父神社、番場商店街、今宮神社、矢尾百貨店、御花畑、西武秩父駅、羊山公園、道の駅…と、いつもぐるっと周回するコースに入れています。どこからも雄大な武甲山が見え、町の中で...

  • Yakyu Inari Shrine
    42 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Higashimatsuyamashi Yakyuchou 2-5-14
    "A Shinto shrine located in 2-Chome Yakyu-cho, Higashimatsuyama City. Dedicated to Ukemochi-no-Kami, the shrine was founded in 712, although its name was written with different characters. After the samurai Minamoto no Yorinobu prayed for success here when tracking down the rebel Taira no Tadatsune and achieved victory in his quest, he donated a new main shrine building, and the shrine was renamed with characters pronounced the same but meaning ""arrow and bow."" The Danjuro Inari, a subordinate shrine built by kabuki actor Ichikawa Danjuro VII, stands on the shrine's grounds, and parishioners come to this shrine to pray for success and protection in the field of the performing arts."

    I stayed few days at hotel directly near Yakyu Inari Shrine and every day I went to work directly across this area. I can say this place is really nice and amazing. Every day made my morning better...

  • Musashi Ichinomiya Hikawa Nyotai Shrine
    31 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Saitamashi Midori-ku Miyamoto 2-17-1
    A Shinto shrine located in 2-Chome Miyamoto, Midori Ward, Saitama City. The shrine is dedicated to gods such as Kushinadahime-no-Mikoto. Warm climate plants grow thickly here, and the shrine's grounds have been designated a Prefectural Natural Monument as well as Furusato no Mori forest. A Nagoshi no Harae event is held here on July 31 in which participants take dolls into which their sins and shames have been transferred to and let them drift away on a river, then pass through a large ring placed in the shrine's torii gate to pray for good health.


  • Kanasana-jinja Shrine
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Kodama-gun Kamikawamachi Ninomiya 751


  • Chinjyu Hikawa-jinja Shrine
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Kawaguchishi Aoki 5-18-48
    A Shinto shrine located in 5-Chome Aoki, Kawaguchi City. The shrine was founded in the early Muromachi period some 700 years ago. Dedicated to Susanoo-no-Mikoto, who defeated the eight headed serpent Yamata no Orochi, and his wife Kushinadahime no Mikoto, the shrine is believed to grant worshippers purification from evil influences, protection from disaster, luck in finding love and marriage, matrimonial harmony, and aid in childrearing.

    涼し気な風鈴や、鯉の恋みくじを釣り上げるという変わったおみくじがあって、とても可愛いかったです。 神社の周りにもオシャレなカフェや、色んな食べ歩きができるお店があってとても楽しい1日になりました!

  • Iwatsuki Sochinjyu Hisaizu Shrine
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Saitamashi Iwatsuki-ku Miyachou 2-6-55
    A Shinto shrine located in 2-Chome Miya-cho, Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama City. The shrine was established to venerate Okuninushi-no-Mikoto some 1,500 years ago by the Izumo Hajiu clan and came to serve as the guardian shrine of the Iwatsuki area. Surrounded by lush forest, the grounds are also known as a treasure trove of wild birds.


  • Washinomiya Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Kukishi Washinomiya 1-6-1
    A Shinto shrine located in 1-Chome Washinomiya, Kuki City. Believed to be the oldest large shrine in the Kanto region, records state it was founded by the Izumo tribe. The Washinomiya Saibara Kagura music and dance performance, passed down since ancient times, is said to be the origin of kagura Shinto music and dance performed in the Kanto region and has been designated a National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property.
  • Gyoda Hachiman Jinja
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Gyoda-shi Gyoda 16-23
  • Kawagoe Kumanojinja
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Kawagoe-shi Renjakucho 17-1
  • Kawagoe Hachimangu Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Kawagoeshi Minamitorimachi 19-1
    A Shinto shrine situated along Hachiman-dori Street in Minamitori-machi, Kawagoe City. The temple was founded in 1030 by the samurai Minamoto no Yorinobu and is dedicated to Emperor Ojin. The temple's Chinowa Kuguri event, held from June 30, is also known as the Nagoshi no Oharae. A tradition dating back to the early Edo period, the event involves walking through a cogon grass ring to purify oneself.
  • Senba Toshogu Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Kawagoeshi Kosembamachi 1-21-1
    "This shrine is in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture. It’s one of the three major Toshogu Shrines (which enshrine Tokugawa Ieyasu) in Japan, and others are Nikko and Kunosan Toshogu Shrines. This one was built in 1617. The main shrine hall enshrines a statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and around the hall are rows of stone garden lanterns donated by the historical lords of Kawagoe. This is also said to be the birthplace of the children's song ""Antagata Dokosa."""
  • Togo Park Chichibu Ontake Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Hannoushi Sakaishi 580
    This park, hosting a statue of Togo Heihachiro, is famous for fall leaves. There are about 1,000 trees planted here, and the fall maples turn the surroundings scarlet, creating a symbol of the Chichibu autumn. Every year, they Togo Park autumn leaf festival is held in November.
  • Miyoshino Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Kawagoe-shi Kuruwamachi 2-25-11
    A shrine dedicated to Tenjin and said to be the birthplace of the Toryanse children's song. It was the local shrine for nearby Kawagoe Castle and was rebuilt in 1624 on the orders of Sakai Tadakatsu who later became the ruler of the castle. The main buildings of the shrine are currently undergoing repairs. While construction is underway a temporary place of worship for visitors has been set up in the front shrine building.

Saitama Areas


Eclipsed by neighboring Tokyo, Saitama is often branded as the sleepy suburbs. However, look a little deeper and you’ll uncover quaint towns bursting with history and crafts from the kurazukuri Edo-period clay houses of Kawagoe to the ancient tree-enveloped temples of Chichibu.

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