Shrine Spots in Fukushima Area

  • Isasumi Shrine
    42 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Onuma-gun Aizumisatomachi Miyabayashiko 4377
    This shrine is said to be the origin of the “Aizu” location name. It began when people worshipped Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto at Mt. Mikaguratake. Now it elicits adoration from worshippers inside and outside the prefecture looking for better fortune, longevity, better relationships, and safe commutes. The precincts feature the “Usuzumi Zakura”: a holy tree that is mostly white with some light charcoal color, which gradually turns reddish and releases a unique aroma. The Ayame Festival held in the outer Ayame Garden begins in mid-June and exhibits 100,000 irises, attracting many visitors.

    大内宿観光後、大内ダム脇を通過してこちらへ。車で30-40分くらい。 神社の敷地の真ん中?に道路が通っているようで、あやめ池側に駐車場が。 夏休み休日の昼間、駐車場はほぼ満車でした。 鳥居には七夕のお飾り、頭上に風鈴が一面垂れ下がり、手水舎には季節の花々が活けてあり、神社とは思えないくらい大変センス良く、インスタ映えする光景です。 神社自体がパワースポットとして名高いようで、 境内をめぐるこ...

  • Shingu Kumano-jinja Shrine
    44 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Kitakatashi Keitokumachishingu Kumano 2258
    A Shinto shrine built in the late Heian period located in Kitakata City, Fukushima Prefecture. The front shrine, known as the Kumano-jinja Nagatoko, is designated a National Important Cultural Property, while the beautiful gingko trees in front of this shrine have been designated Natural Monuments by the city of Kitakata. In fall during the autumn foliage season, the shrine's grounds are covered with golden leaves, attracting large numbers of visitors.

    The history of the shrine can be traced back to the twelfth century when the local feudal lord invited the three sacred shrines of Kumano to this site. Upon approaching the shrine from the main torii...

  • Soma Nakamura Jinja Shrine
    25 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Soma-shi Nakamura Kitamachi 140
    A shrine in Kita-machi, Nakamura, Soma City. It was originally the Myokensha Shrine founded 1000 years prior by Taira no Masakado, an ancestor of the Soma family, before it was moved in 1611 to the grounds of Soma Nakamura Castle (the current temple grounds). The current main shrine building was constructed in 1643 and has been designated an Important Cultural Property of Japan. Archeological remains such as the stone walls of Soma Nakamura Castle are still present on the temple grounds.

    中村城跡の敷地内にある神社です。 かなり古い建物になっていましたが、その分雰囲気がありました。 入り口にある巨大な杉の木(親子杉)は必見です。 「相馬」の地名の名の通り、馬にゆかりのある場所のようで、入り口には狛犬のように馬の像が2体並んでいました。

  • Kaiseizan Dai Jingu Shrine
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Koriyamashi Kaisei 3-1-38
    A Shinto shrine located in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture. Because the shrine enshrines a division of the deity of Ise-jingu Shrine, it is nicknamed the Ise-sama of Tohoku. The shrine is surrounded by the lush natural beauty of Kaiseizan Park and during the shrine's cherry blossom festival and on New Year's Day, the shrine is visited by many people. The shrine also provides ceremonial cleansings from evil influences and shichi-go-san (ages seven, five, and three) blessings for children.


  • Nanko-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Shirakawashi Sugoudate 2
    A Shinto shrine located in Nanko Prefectural Nature Park in Shirakawa City, Fukushima Prefecture dedicated to Matsudaira Sadanobu. The temple's treasure hall is a museum which displays items which belonged to Matsudaira. The temple is also famous for the Rakuo-zakura, a beautiful cherry tree some 200 years old, and when it blossoms in spring many visitors come here to view it.
  • Oyamazumi-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Yamagunnishiaidumachi Nozawa Okubo Instep 1445-2
    A Shinto shrine located in Nishiaizu Town, Yama County, Fukushima Prefecture. Founded in 778, the shrine is dedicated to the god Oyama Matsumi no Mikoto and his two daughters, Iwanaga-hime no Mikoto and Ko no Hana no Sakuya-hime no Mikoto. Visitors can enjoy seasonal scenery here, including two waterfalls along to the approach to the shrine and a hill with trees over 400 years old. The shrine's walking paths have been selected as one of the 50 best in Fukushima and many locals and tourists come here.
  • Hanitsu Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Yamaguninawashiromachi Mineyama 1
    A Shinto shrine located in Inawashiro Town, Yama County, Fukushima Prefecture dedicated to Hoshina Masayuki, the first lord of the ancient Aizu Domain. Shrine highlights include the Kame-ishi, one of the largest stone monuments in Japan, and a National Historic Site-designated graveyard for the Matsudaira clan, who once rules Aizu Domain. The shrine is also a renowned destination for viewing fall foliage and holds an autumn foliage festival during the season.
  • Fukushima Inari Shrine
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Fukushima-shi Miyamachi 1-29


  • Asaka Kokuzo Shrine
    46 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Koriyama-shi Shimizudai 1-chome 6-23


  • Onsen Shrine
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Iwaki Jobanyumotomachi Sahako 322

    湯本の街中にあり、以前から気になっていたので寄って見ました。 タイミングが良く紅葉が見頃でした。 拝殿に向かう階段の脇からは温泉が湧いています。 拝殿もなかなか雰囲気があり立派な神社でした。本殿にも狛犬が鎮座する神社は初めて見ました。

  • Takayashiki Inari Shrine
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Koriyama-shi Shiraiwamachi Taka Yashiki 290

    鳥居は100基あるが、戦前は4,000基もの鳥居が舞木駅まで連なっていたらしいです。 裏側から自転車で登りました。 表参道からご参拝の方は、石畳、石段、朱鳥居、荘厳な四季の移ろいを楽しみながら拝殿まで散策できます。 五穀豊穣をもたらす神様、商売繁盛の神様の使いは狛犬ではなく、狐(狛狐)が祀られています。 また、古来から祀られています磐座(いわくら)は、直接触れ霊力をお受けできる、パワースポットとな...

  • IinoHachimangu Shrine
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Iwaki-shi Taira Hachiman Koji 84

    いわき駅から車で10分程、平の市街にある神社です。 メイン通りからは見えませんが、かなり立派な楼門の神社でした。 本殿にはあるのかもしれませんが、拝殿には狛犬がありませんでした。

  • Nihonmatsu Shrine
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Nihonmatsu-shi Motomachi 1-chome 61


  • Yatukitutukowakejinjiya
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Higashishirakawaguntanaguramachi Yatsuki Omiya 224

    たのがはじまりといわれています。 御田植祭は穀物の豊穣を祈って神楽を奉納するお祭りで、拝殿において、ユーモラスな舞と掛け合いで一連の稲作風景が演じられます。(国指定重要無形文化財) 宮司の祝詞奏上から始まり、楽人による奉納の舞が行われます。約400年の歴史を持つ、伝統行事です。 ポスターが張ってありました。 本殿に行くと、お正月なのでお守りなどを売っていました。

  • Fukushimakengokokujinjiya
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Komayama 1


  • Ryozen Shrine
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Date-shi Ryozenmachi Oishi Koya Tate 1


  • Atago Shrine
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Koriyama-shi Shimizudai 2-12-6


  • Suwa Shrine
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Iwaki Onahamasuwacho 23-1

    前から気になっていた諏訪神社に行ってみました。 青い鳥居は珍しいですね。 御祭神は、建御名方大神(タケミナカタノオオカミ...

  • Jinsuikanjinjiya
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Sukagawashi Suwamachi 45-1

    須賀川駅から徒歩20分ほど。 「おたきやじんじゃ」と読み、全国唯一の社名。創建年不明。1598年に須賀川城内にあった諏訪社を合祀し、牛袋(東北本線を挟んだ反対側。須賀川IC付近)から現在地に遷座。以降「諏訪大明神」と称していたが、1878年に現社号に改称。須賀川の総鎮守。祭神は建美依米命。社号碑は山岡鉄舟の揮毫。鳥居は1908年建立。参道には石灯籠が立ち並ぶ。拝殿は木造銅瓦葺き、本殿は木造銅板葺き...

  • Iwatsutsukowake Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Ishikawa-gun Ishikawamachi Shimoizumi 296

Fukushima Areas


Fukushima is a blend of fantastic scenery, delectable sake, and kaleidoscopic colors. This nature-rich prefecture displays its splendor from the hidden Abukuma Cave underground right to the top of its sky-high mountain road, known as the Bandai-Azuma Skyline.

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