Shrine Spots in Shiga Area

  • Shirahige-jinja Shrine
    235 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Takashimashi Ukawa 215
    A Shinto shrine situated along the Nishi-Oumi Highway in Ukawa, Takashima City. Dedicated to Sarutahiko-no-mikoto, the shrine is said to grant worshippers long life. Because of the shrine’s large torii gate standing in the waters of Lake Biwa, the shrine is also known as the “Itsukushima of Omi.”

    It is an easy flat walk from Omi-Takashima Station to the shrine with lots to see along the way - Omizo Castle ruins, Otomegaike Pond, rice fields and the 48 buddhas. We took lunch and picnicked at...

  • Taga Taisya Shrine
    157 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Inukamiguntagachou Taga 604
    A Shinto shrine located in Taga, Taga Town, Inukami County, Shiga Prefecture. The shrine is dedicated to the gods Izanagi-no-Okami and Izanami-no-Okami. Known locally as “O-Taga-san,” the shrine is believed to grant worshippers long life and luck in love. During the Kugatsu Korei-sai festival on September 9, a “Kochi Kochi” sumo competition is held which predicts whether the year’s harvests will be good or poor.

    Peaceful,quiet,clean air... You can refresh your mind. Also you can buy some local foods and staffs around this shrine. Many shop are there.

  • Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine
    191 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Sakamoto 5-1-1
    A Shinto shrine located in Sakamoto, Otsu City. The shrine was founded some 2,100 years ago. The shrine is also the head shrine of all 3,800 Hiyoshi, Hie, and Sanno shrines in Japan. Positioned in the unlucky direction northeast of the ancient capital of Heian-kyo, the shrine is believed to provide protection from misfortune and disaster and even today worshippers come here to receive these benefits. 3,000 maple trees grow on the shrine’s grounds, making it a renowned destination for autumn foliage in the fall as well.

    This shrine locates at the foot of the mountain which accommodates the Enryakuji. We stopped by on our way and find it very relaxing but sorry to say that the Enryakuji overwhelmed us. But I was...

  • Omi Jingu Shrine
    165 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Jinguchou 1-1
    A Shinto shrine located in Jingu-cho, Otsu City. The shrine was established in 1940. The shrine is dedicated to Emperor Tenji, who implemented various policies and reforms, and accordingly the shrine is believed to grant worshippers better fortunes and guidance; because of the shrine’s large “rokoku” water clock, time is also believed to fall under the shrine’s domain. A poem by Emperor Tenji appears as the first entry in the ancient “Ogura Anthology of 100 Tanka by 100 Poets,” and in turn the shrine is also viewed as a mecca for players of the Japanese game karuta—a card game which involves hearing the first half of a poem and racing to find the correct card inscribed with the second half; a “Karuta Opening Ceremony” is held at the shrine and a national karuta competition is also held here.

    Few people know but otsu Kyo was a capital very short period. Recently because of manga / TV movie , Japanese card game what we called karuta is getting popular among youth. Now youth have...

  • Himure Hachimangu Shrine
    159 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Oumihachimanshi Miyauchichou 257
    The Omi merchants had faith in this Shinto shrine from the days of old. According to tradition, the Emperor Seimu established it to worship Oshima Okami in 131 AD. The three Shinto gods now enshrined there are Hontawake-no-Mikoto, Okinagatarashihime-no-mikoto, and Himekami. The shrine holds two fire festivals: The Sagicho Festival in March, consisting of a competition where parishioners make portable shrines covered with talismans, and the Hachiman Festival in April where they burn an enormous 10-meter-tall torch.

    This shrine is beautiful and worth stopping by. Best of all no entrance and is well kept. Restroom is across the street from the shrine. Many Japanese people come here for short prayers. We took a...

  • Takebe Taisha Shrine
    66 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Jinryou 1-16-1
    A Shinto shrine located in Jinryo, Otsu City. The shrine is one of the oldest in the country dedicated to Yamato Takeru no mikoto, god of scholarship, and some even call it the “most important shrine in Omi.” After Minamoto no Yoritomo, who later became shogun, prayed here for the restoration of the Minamoto clan, the shrine came to be known for blessing worshippers with fortune in war among samurai warriors.

    京阪石坂線の唐橋前から徒歩で、「急がば回れ」のことわざ語源の瀬田の唐橋を徒歩で渡り約15分です。 滋賀に近江富士「三上山を七巻きした大蛇を俵の藤太がここから弓で退治した伝説がある

  • Tarobogu Shrine (Aga-jinja Shrine)
    60 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Owakichou 2247
    A Shinto shrine located in Owaki-cho, Higashiomi City. Dedicated to Masaka-Akatsu-Kachihaya-Hiame-no-Oshihomimi-no-mikoto, first son of Amaterasu-Omikami, according to legend “Tarobo” is derived from the name of a tengu goblin that protected the shrine. The shrine is said to grant worshippers victory and better fortunes, and, further, these boons are said to be granted quickly; accordingly, the shrine has attracted large numbers of worshippers since ancient times and has said to have been visited by such famous historic personages as the great monk Saicho and the samurai Minamoto no Yoshitsune.


  • Mikami-jinja Shrine
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Yasushi Mikami 838
    A Shinto shrine situated along National Route 8 in Mikami, Yasu City. The shrine is dedicated to Ame-no-Mikage-no-Kami, who is said to have descended to Mt. Mikami during the reign of Emperor Korei, the seventh emperor of Japan. The shrine’s main shrine building, estimated to have been built in the late Kamakura period, has been designated a National Treasure.


  • Aburahi-jinja Shrine
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Koukachouaburahi 1042
    A Shinto shrine located at the foot of Mt. Aburahidake in Aburahi Koka-cho, Koka City. Just when the shrine was founded is not clear, but descriptions of the shrine can be found in documents dating all the way back to the Heian period. In ancient times, Mt. Aburahidake was viewed as a sacred mountain, and even today a rear shrine can be found at its peak. In medieval times, this shrine was considered the protective shrine of Koka and was frequented by the samurai of Koka. The shrine is also known as the patron shrine of oils.

    車で油日神社(あぶらひじんじゃ)に向かう。 油日神社は、滋賀県甲賀市甲賀町油日(しがけんこうかしこうかちょうあぶらひ)にある神社だ。 祭神は、油日大神(あぶらひのおおかみ) 「甲賀の総社」として、また勝軍神として武士の崇敬を受け、社名から油の火の神としても信仰された。 駐車場はわりと広い。 奴振りは県選択無形民俗文化財になっている。 由緒書きは消えてしまっている。 新しい由緒書き。 877年に...

  • Tachiki-jinja Shrine
    24 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Kusatsushi Kusatsu 4-1-3
    A Shinto shrine situated along Prefectural Route 141 in Kusatsu, Kusatsu City. Founded in 767, the shrine is dedicated to Takemikazuchi-no-mikoto. After the shogun general Sakanoue no Tamuramaro prayed here for protection from misfortune during his subjugation of the northeast and gifted a figure of the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra to the shrine, the shrine came to be seen as providing worshippers with protection from evil and traffic safety.


  • Nagahama Hachimangu Shrine
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Nagahamashi Miyamaechou 13-55
    "This shrine honoring Nagahama's patron deity has been there since the Heian Period. The deity was installed there in 1069 from Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine, and it's been the region's protective spirit ever since. The shrine declined temporarily during the Warring States Period, but the lord of Nagahama Castle, Hashiba Hideyoshi, favored the shrine and it regained its status. The Nagahama Hikiyama Festival is its main celebration is especially famous. Held yearly from April 13 to 16, area children perform extravagant ""Kids Kabuki"" shows on top of flamboyant festival floats. "

    It is maybe one of the most interesting tourist attractions in Nagahama. Its origin remounts to over 1000 years ago, but during Sengoku Period it was devastated. At the time Hideyoshi was in...

  • Namura-jinja Shrine
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Gamougunryuouchou Ayado 467
    A Shinto shrine located in Ayado, Ryuo Town, Gamo County, Shiga Prefecture. The shrine is dedicated to Namura-hiko-no-Kami, Namura-hime-no-Kami, and Kuni-no-Satsuchi-no-mikoto. The shrine’s parishioner district covers the surrounding 33 villages, and every 33 years the shrine holds a grand festival (the next on is scheduled for 2046). The west main shrine building is a designated National Treasure.

    竜王町役場の近く、蒲生野のど真ん中、といったあたりに位置します。県道を挟んで東西に社領が分かれています。深い林の中にある東本宮、開放的な西本宮と空気は異なります。 駐車場からも威容がうかがえる楼門をくぐり神楽殿、西本殿へ、当然拝殿に遮られて全貌を捉えることはできませんが、鎌倉時代の作ということで、国宝に指定されています。楼門寄りにある神輿庫も美しい造りです。平日だからか、自粛の影響か定かではあり...

  • Ono Jinja
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Ritto-shi Arahari 896


  • Konomiya-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Inukamiguntagachou Binmanji 49
    A Shinto shrine located in Binmanji, Taga Town, Inukami County, Shiga Prefecture. In ancient times, the shrine flourished on the grounds of the Binmanji Temple, a massive temple with 48 major temple buildings and 120 monks, but during the Warring Sates period all of this was set on fire and destroyed by the powerful samurai lord Oda Nobunaga and Azai Nagamasa. Later, only the shrine was rebuilt. Today, traces of the Binmanji Temple can still be seen on the shrine’s grounds and in the surrounding area, and the Binman-ji Stone Buddha Valley Grave Site on the south side of the Shrine is a designated National Historic Site.
  • Mi Dai Jinja
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Kusatsu-shi Shinacho 309
  • Umamioka Watamuki Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Gamo-gun Hino Cho Murai 705
  • Toyokuni Jinja
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Nagahama-shi Minamigofukucho 6-37
  • Shiga Gokoku Shrine
    52 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Hikone-shi Osuecho 1-59

    彦根城沢口多聞櫓前の中堀を背にして鎮座する滋賀県の護国神社です。 明治2年(1869年)彦根龍潭寺に、戊辰戦争で没した彦根藩士26人の霊を祀る招魂碑を建立したことを起源とし、元彦根藩主の発願により招魂碑を彦根城傍の現在地に移して、社殿を造営したと社伝に記述されています。 主に明治維新以後の戦乱で命を落とした戦士の方々の供養のために、国内各所に存在する護国神社は堅苦しいイメージがあるものですが、こち...

  • HiyoshiToshogu Shrine
    29 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Otsu-shi Sakamoto 4-chome 2-12


  • Tenson Shrine
    24 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Otsu-shi Kyomachi 3-chome 3-36


Shiga Areas


Visitors to Shiga prefecture are almost always hopping east across the prefectural border from Kyoto, and they are almost certainly Lake Biwa-bound. Covering an area of 670 square kilometers, Lake Biwa makes up the bulk of Shiga prefecture, with beautiful lakeside paths that offer myriad walking and cycling opportunities, connecting a string of museums, shrines, and picturesque views that finally lead you to Hikone Castle on the eastern side of the lake.

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