Accommodations / Hot Spring Spots in Shimane Area

  • Hotel Mimata
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Hamada Kanagicho Oibara 31-5


  • Jirosannoie
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Pref. Ochigunonanchou Iwaya 1258

    インターネットでたまたまみかけたお宿。1日1組ということで、とーってもゆっくり出来ました。お風呂は家庭用の浴槽をでっかくした感じ。外には五右衛門風呂があって自由に入れたよ!入り方を教えてもらって初体験。周りは夜は暗くて、木で囲まれているので、外部の人に見られる心配はないけれど、ペンションからは丸見えなので、1日1組がありがたい(笑) なんといっても、じろうさんが作るごはんが絶品!季節の野菜を取り入...

  • Ebisuyamineihosuteru
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Taishachoukidukiminami 831

    出雲大社近くの商店街から少し入ったところにあります。 ユースホステルだけに2食付きも格安です。 夫婦で利用し、その旨伝えていましたので和室の同室となりました。 玄関を入ったところに出雲阿国ゆかりの壁掛けがありました。

  • Private lodging Shirasuna
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Izumo-shi Taishacho Kizukikita 2977

    季節はずれの女一人旅でも気持ちよく受け入れてくれる民宿です。 貸切状態でしたが、広々したお風呂も時間制限もなく、ゆったり使わせてもらいました。 部屋数が4室というこじんまりしたアットホームな雰囲気で、 女将さんも従業員さん(女将さんの娘さんかな?)も親切でした。 夏場は海水浴客で混雑するそうなので、予約はお早めに!

  • Private lodging Aji Tomi
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Oki-gun Okinoshimacho Kitagata 262-1

    突然の弾丸旅 当日16時ぐらいに予約させていただきましたが、快く承諾していただきました。一般的な民宿ですが、すぐ横に島唯一の温泉があり無料利用権もいただけます。温泉につられてこのお宿にさせていただきました。宿のオーナーさんはかなり親切で翌日観光にも付き合ってくださり、地元のかたの貴重なお話など聞くことができてとても充実した観光となりました。お食事は、海の幸満載!?とはいかないですが、しっかり量はあ...

  • Kataeso
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Pref. Okigunamachou Fukui Mitsubishi Ura 839-1


  • Tsu Modani Ryokan
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Hamada Konyamachi 83-16


  • Futaba Ryokan
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Kanoashi-gun Tsuwanocho Nichihara 224-8


  • Business Hotel Hama 1
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Hamada Kurokawacho 97-9

    夜中に到着しましたが対応していただけました。建物は古いですが、泊まるだけなら問題ないと思います。 ホテルの少ない町なので、イベントと被ると予約がとれないこともあります。

  • Minshuku Azabiso
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Pref. Okigunamachou Fukui Mitsubishi Pohang 1258-1


  • Yamane Ryokan
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Hamada Kanagicho Oibara 7-1


  • Asahi Ryokan
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Oda-shi Kutecho Hanenishi 396-4


  • Sasa Yuri
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Ochi-gun Kawamotomachi Kawakudari 3005-2

    でも居室はホコリが多くて、ハウスダストアレルギーが出てしまいました。 お食事も、、、、田舎のばあさん家で出される、、、レベルの。 再訪は無いかな。

  • ocean base hagane
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    多伎町久村1861-1 Izumo Shimane

    Overpriced.No internet connection.Not clean rooms and kitchenBlood stain on matress.Loudly neighbours.Beach looks like rubbish pit.Definitely NOT WORTH of listed value of 42.000 jpy.Dont believe to...

  • Private lodging Hamada Ya
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Oki-gun Okinoshimacho Nakamura 1434-6

    ローソク岩遊覧船で夕陽を見た後のチェックインとなったのですが、夕食をせかされました。 チェックアウト時には宿の主人に対する愚痴を聞かされ、韓国産の海苔を売りつけられました。 九州からいらっしゃった夫婦旅の方との楽しい交流ができたのはよい思い出となりましたが、宿の接客を改善していただければありがたいと感じました。

  • Sanbe Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Oda-shi Sanbecho Shigaku
    This elegant and old hot spring district, situated at the southern foot of Mt. Sanbe, has flourished for over 200 years since Kansei era. The district encompasses two old-fashioned public bathhouses and around 10 hot spring lodging facilities. The waters of the area's chloride springs are said to treat such ailments as nerve pain, rheumatism, muscle soreness, stiff shoulders, lower back pain, joint pain, fatigue, sprains, gastrointestinal disorders, sensitivity to cold, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The baths at almost all of the facilities here are constantly replenished from a source spring kakenagashi style. The Kame no Yu bathhouse, closely connected to the local community; and the Yakushiyu, a bathhouse popular with tourists; are seen as the symbols of the district. There are also many sightseeing destinations in the area where visitors can take in the abundant local natural beauty, such as Mt. Sanbe National Park, which encompasses picturesque Mt. Sanbe; and Nishi no Hara, scenic grassland where cows are left to graze from spring through fall.
  • Araiso Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Masuda-shi Nishihirabaracho
    This hot spring, ranked number one for its scenery in the Chugoku-Shikoku region, is owned and operated by the Araisokan, a hotel standing on the coast of the vast Sea of Japan. The hotel has outdoor baths in which bathers can feel one with nature, indoor baths from which bathers can enjoy views of azure ocean, and private reservable bath from which bathers can have the area's expansive scenery all to themselves. The hotel's bath facilities are open to non-guests as well. The waters of the hotel's metasilicic acid simple spring are said to treat such ailments as fatigue and nerve pain, in addition to beautifying the skin. Throughout the year, visitors can enjoy days filled with seasonal events and scenery, followed by soothing hot spring bathing. In spring, visitors can enjoy viewing Misumi Town's famous Ohirazakura cherry tree, plum blossoms, and azaleas; in summer, there's swimming. In fall, there are traditional Iwami Kagura performances and festivals, while in winter, the daffodils on the ocean-facing slopes of Karaoto Suisen Park.
  • Tamatsukuri Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Matsue-shi Tamayucho Tamatsukuri
    A hot spring which has been flowing for 1,300 years whose skin beautifying properties are so great, they are even mentioned in the “Izumo no kuni fudoki,” an ancient historical chronicle of the bygone Izumo Province. The waters of this mildly alkaline hot spring contain an abundance of skin moisturizing metasilicic acid, and some call them a natural facial lotion. The area’s hot spring waters can also be bottled and brought home for personal use or to give as a popular gift. Many studios offering activities such as glasswork are located in the hot spring town area, as well. Tamatsukuriyu-jinja Shrine, located a five minute walk away, is a popular spiritual destination due to its “wishing stone” which is said to grant a wish made while touching it. Many of the area’s hot spring hotels and inns also make their bathhouses open to non-guests, and there are free footbaths for visitors to enjoy.
  • Matsue Shinji Lake Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Shimane Matsue-shi Chidoricho Suetsuguhonmachi
    A hot spring area facing the north shore of Lake Shinji, a favorite destination of author Lafcadio Hearn. The waters of the area’s sodium, calcium sulfate, chloride springs are 77° C and are said to treat an abundant array of ailments, including nerve pain, muscle soreness, joint pain, frozen shoulders, chronic women’s diseases, and hardening of the arteries. In addition to hot spring inns and hotels, there are also day trip hot spring bathhouses and free footbaths in the area, giving visitors a wide variety of ways to enjoy the hot springs. The “Oyukake Jizo” Kshitigarbha statue standing at the source of a spring welling up from more than 1,250 meters below the surface is said to grant health and happiness to those who place their hands together in prayer before the figure and pour hot spring water over it. There are also an abundance of sightseeing destinations and things to do nearby, such as Matsue Castle, Shiomi Nawate Street, and pleasure cruises along the Hori River, a canal surrounding the castle.
  • Shikinoyado SAHIMENO
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    2078-2,Shigaku,Sanbe-Town Oda Shimane

Shimane Areas


What Shimane prefecture lacks in size and population, it makes up for in scenery and ancient mythology. Izumo-taisha, in the middle of the prefecture, is said to be Japan’s oldest Shinto shrine, where stories that delve into the creation of the Japanese race have been passed down over centuries. The 180 Oki Islands, a 40-minute ferry ride north of Sakaiminato, offer an undiscovered paradise well off the beaten track.

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