Temple Spots in Meguro / Along the Tokyu line Area

  • Gotoku-ji Temple
    446 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Setagaya-ku Goutokuji 2-24-7
    A Soto Buddhist temple located in 2 Chome Gotokuji, Setagaya City, Tokyo. The temple was built in 1480 by Kira Masatada, then lord of Setagaya Castle. According to a historical anecdote, a man named Ii Naotaka, the second lord of Hikone Domain (which also ruled Setagaya subsequently), escaped being struck by lightning after a cat beckoned him to enter the temple, and thus the temple is also said to be the origin of Japan's famed maneki-neko beckoning cat figures. Countless beckoning cat figures are arranged around the temple's grounds, and many tourists visit the temple to see this stunning sight.

    To let others know incase you share my characteristics - I am queer/trans, overweight, tattooed, use a walking stick with limited mobility, white british. I was treated well and not required to cover...

  • Kuhonbutsu Joshinji Temple
    109 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Setagaya-ku Okusawa 7-41-3
    "Located in the city center a five-minute walk from Kuhonbutsu Station and a 10-minute walk from Jiyugaoka Station, this Jodo Buddhist temple has an authentic traditional dry landscape garden like you might see in Kyoto. ""Kuhonbutsu"" refers to the nine statues of Amida Buddha enshrined at the temple, and the temple is often referred to by this name. Founded in 1678, it houses Tangible Cultural Properties such as a seated wooden Amida Nyorai sculpture, a silk-based colored picture of the master Kaseki Shonin, and an old Buddhist temple bell. The garden with its pond across from the dry landscape garden is well known for its colored leaves in autumn, when it gets busy with tourists."

    Walking here at winter could be very cold but still I love the peaceful vibe and serenity of this place. It’s located in a very quiet neighborhood up a hill. It’s quite far from downtown Tokyo but if...

  • Todoroki Fudoson
    77 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Setagaya-ku Todoroki 1-22-47
    A Buddhist temple situated along Meguro-dori Avenue in Todoroki 1-Chome, Setagaya City. A branch temple of the Manganji Temple in Todoroki 3Chome, the temple was built to enshrine a statue of Acala based on a revelation the great priest Kakuban received in a dream. The grounds, positioned in the Todoroki Valley, have rest areas which sell sweets and drinks.

    We were doing the walking trail in the Todoroki valley and visited this temple after climbing a steep flight of steps going up near the Fido-na-Saki waterfall. These steps will lead you to one of the...

  • Joen-ji Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Meguro-ku Yakumo 1-2-10
    A Buddhist temple founded in 1590 and located in Yakumo, Meguro City, Tokyo. Due to a large gingko tree standing on the temple's grounds said to be some 300 years old, it is also known as the Large Gingko Tree Temple. Each year on February 15 during the temple's service memorializing the death of Gautama Buddha, a painting depicting the enlightenment of the Buddha, a temple treasure normally hidden from view, is specially put on display for the public. The temple also hosts yoga classes and holds a variety of concerts, rakugo comedic storytelling performances, and other events.

    都立大学駅から徒歩5分ほど。 1590年創建の日蓮宗の寺院。本堂は1931年築で木造瓦葺き。境内には妙見菩薩と七面大明神を祀る妙見堂がある。

  • Gohyaku Rakanji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Meguro-ku Shimomeguro 3-20-11
    This is the temple with the main hall where Shaka Nyorai and his disciple Rakan met together. A scene with the Buddha preaching is reproduced there. There are abundant things to see, such as a monument for souls, monument inscribed with a poem by Roko Hirayama and monument engraved with haiku written by Kyoshi Takahama, as well as Jizo deities, and Rakando, where 146 Rakans are placed that cannot be stored in the main temple.
  • Enyuji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Meguro-ku Himonya 1-22-22
    This Tendai sect ancient temple is said to have been built by Jikaku Daishi in 853 approximately 1150 years ago. Shakado is the oldest wooden building in Tokyo, and it is designated as a nationally Important Cultural Property. It is said to have been built in the Muromachi period (1336-1573). In addition, the black lacquered Nio statue that was created in 1559 is designated as a Tangible Cultural Property of Tokyo, and the shrine is surrounded by a mysterious and quiet atmosphere.
  • Meguro Fudoson Takisenji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Meguro-ku Shimomeguro 3-20-26
  • Megurofudoson Takiizumitera Temple
    163 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Meguro-ku Shimomeguro 3-20-26

    It takes about 10 minutes from Fudo-mae Station to reach the Meguro Fudoson Temple, which is an important historical site since the temples black-eyed Fudo Myoo statue gave the district its name. We...

  • Yutenji Temple
    47 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Meguro-ku Nakameguro 5-chome 24-53

    A nice cozy temple you can visit any time. They have seasonal festivals a few time a year and thousands of people gather. I live nearby and visit there often to refresh my mind.

  • Daienjishibotokegun
    95 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Met. Meguro-ku Shimomeguro 1-chome 8-5

    One of the temples most prominent features is a wall of over 500 stone Buddhas. Its also a popular stop on the Yamate Seven Lucky Gods Walk route. If youre on your way to Meguros famous Hotel...

  • Banryuji Temple
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Meguro-ku Shimomeguro 3-chome 4-4


  • Takoyakushi Jojuin Temple
    23 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Meguro-ku Shimomeguro 3-chome 11-11

    目黒不動を後にして、「不動前」駅へと戻ります。 その途中、目についたのが「たこ薬師 成就院」。ん?たこを祭るお寺?!なんじゃそりゃってな感じで寄ってみます。こじんまりした門をくぐると、境内はほとんど駐車場。小さなお寺です。案内によると、海の中から、タコが出てきて、その上に如来像があった的な感じで、その如来像をこのお寺で祭ってるのだそうな。 たこ薬師という名前だけあって、こちらの絵馬やお守りにはたこ...

  • Riyugenji
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Meguro-ku Nakane 2-21-17


  • Shogakuji Temple
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Meguro-ku Nakameguro 3-chome 1-6


  • Tokoji Temple
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Meguro-ku Yakumo 1-9-11

    都立大学駅から徒歩5分ほど。 1365年、世田谷城主・吉良治家が10歳で亡くなった息子を弔うために「東岡寺」として建立。1591年に現寺号に改称。江戸初期に臨済宗から曹洞宗に改宗。本尊は釈迦如来。吉良家菩提所。本堂は木造銅板葺きで、正面両脇に風神雷神像が安置されている。

  • Enkoin Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Setagaya-ku Setagaya 4-chome 7-12

    円光院 東急世田谷線の世田谷駅からすぐ。 天正年間(1573-1591年)創建。真言宗豊山派の寺院。本尊は不動明王。本堂(1962年築)は鉄筋コンクリート造で白く塗られている。その手前左手には、本堂と同様に白く塗られた閻魔護摩堂(1964年築)がある。

  • Myo Kotobuki Ji
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Setagaya-ku Kitakarasuyama 5-chome 15-1


  • Myohoji Temple
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Setagaya-ku Okura 5-12-3


  • Mori Iwao Ji
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Setagaya-ku Daizawa 3-chome 27-1

    「旧ヤム邸」でカレーのランチを済ませ、やってきたのは「森厳寺」。 下北沢駅から南に延びるメインストリートから1本離れた住宅街のの中に、そのお寺はあります。山門には“森厳寺”とでかでかと書かれ、緑が豊かなことはこの山門沿いからも分かります。中に入ると、なぜか園児たちがいっぱい。そう、ここのお寺の境内の半分ぐらいは「淡島幼稚園」になっていて、園児たちと、そのお迎えの下北マダムであふれておりました。 そ...

  • Daikichiji Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Setagaya-ku Setagaya 4-7-9


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