Temple Spots in Shimane Area

  • Kiyomizu-dera Temple
    52 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Yasugishi Kiyomizuchou 528
    Located in Kiyomizu Town, Yasugi City, Kiyomizu-dera is a Buddhist temple devoted to the worship of Kannon that, according to tradition, was founded by the renowned Buddhist monk Sonryu in 587. Since ancient times, it has been famous as a temple where people go to pray for protection against misfortune, and many people continue to visit the temple for this purpose today. Within the temple grounds, visitors can see the Konpon Hall, which has been designated as a National Important Cultural Property; there are also many precious statues of the Buddha, including a wooden statute of Kannon with eleven faces standing upright.

    Wow! Im glad that Im in not-bad shape, because the road was pretty steep going in from where we were dropped off by the a and n oni. I kind of wish wed gone through the many torii gates...

  • Kumano Taisha shrine
    93 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Matsueshi Yakumochoukumano 2451
    A Shinto shrine standing amidst the mountains of Yakumo Town, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture. The shrine is dedicated to the god Kaburogi-kumano-okami Kushi-mike-no-mikoto, which is viewed as another name for the god Susanoo-no-mikoto. Together with the Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine, the Kumano Taisha has been viewed as one of the holiest shrines in the local Izumo area, and the shrine is famous as being the origin of fire in Japan. Some of the shrine’s many highlights include the taisha-zukuri style main shrine building, and the Sanka-den hall, which is built in a unique style—in addition to a thatched roof, the hall’s four walls are covered with hinoki cypress bark. During the Sanka Festival on October 15, the chief priest of the Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine visits the Kumano Taisha and performs the Kamedayu Shinji, a ritual wherein the priest receives a wooden hand drill and board for lighting a sacred fire.

    山あいにある「出雲国一之宮 熊野大社」です。自分的にはかなりお気に入りです。 島根県松江市にある「熊野大社」は「出雲大社」と共に「出雲国一宮」として古くから信仰を集めている神社だそうです。「出雲国神仏霊場、第十五番 熊野大社...

  • Ichibata Temple (Ichibata Yakushi Temple)
    60 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Kozakaichou 803
    The Ichibata Temple is a Rinzai Buddhist temple located in Kozakai Town, Izumo City. It is the chief temple of the Ichibata Yakushi school of Rinzai Buddhism. Praying at the Temple is said to help people recover from eye ailments, and the “Yakushi-sama of the Eyes” has attracted large numbers of worshippers for many centuries. The Ichibata Temple is also famous for its 1,300-step stone entrance stairway.


  • Gohyakurakan Rakan-ji Temple
    68 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Odashi Omorichou A) 804
    A Koyasan Shingon Buddhist temple located in Omori Town, Ohda City, Shimane Prefecture which enshrines a total of 500 statues of arhats split evenly between two caves. The figures were created over a 20-some year period starting in the Genbun period (1736-1740) and are said to memorialize ancestors and people who died in the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine. The temple is registered as part of the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape UNESCO World Heritage Site and is also designated a National Historic Site.

    A World Heritage Site which is clearly indicated by a (too) huge sign in front of it. You have to pay (500 Yen) to enter which has to be done across the street at the entrance of the Rakanji...

  • Gakuen-ji Temple
    48 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Besshochou 148
    According to tradition, the Gakuen-ji Temple was founded by the monk Chishun Shonin in 594. There are many legends about the famous warrior-monk Benkei associated with the Temple; Benkei is said to have studied at the Temple for three years starting from the age of 18, and to have sought refuge there after the Battle of Dan-no-Ura in 1185. During this later stay at the Gakuen-ji, Benkei is said to have carried the temple bell of the Daizen-ji Temple to the Gakuen-ji in the space of one night (covering a distance of around 100 kilometers); this bell has been designated as a National Important Cultural Property.

    If you get there, you will fall in love with Fall (the season). The tree leaves, the passage into the temple are extremely great, I loved it so much. Be prepared for a long interesting walk. The are...

  • Yomeji Temple
    30 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Kanoashi-gun Tsuwanocho Ushiroda Ro 107
    A Soto Zen Buddhist temple surrounded by forest. It has been designated a prefectural Tangible Cultural Property as the family temple of generations of Tsuwano Castle feudal lords including the Yoshimi, Sakazaki, and Kamei clans. Rarely seen today, the superb thatched roof was reconstructed in 1779. It contrasts strikingly with features like the white plaster walls, stone walls, and old pillars. The majestic grounds have been designated as a part of the Tsuwano Feudal Lord Kamei Family Graveyard National Historic Site. The graves of the first Tsuwano feudal lord, Sakazaki Naomori, and the great Meiji period writer Ogai Mori are also on the premises.

    境内に向かう参道前に「覚皇山 永明寺」の標識が立っていました。その横には永明寺坂を紹介する津和野今昔イラスト入り説明板もあり、歴史を感じさせられました。坂の上の山門を潜ると境内へ進むようになり、正面本堂の屋根を見て驚きました。現在、修復工事中との事でしたが、茅葺き屋根が同寺の特徴となっていました。

  • Manpukuji Temple
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Masuda-shi Higashimachi 25-33
    A temple built in the Heian period as the Masuda training facility for the Jishu school of Buddhism. At that time it was called Anfukuji Temple and was near the mouth of Masuda River. It was washed away by an enormous tsunami in 1026. The temple was rebuilt at its current location in 1374 and given the name it has today. The main hall consists of an about 13-meter-square single-story building that preserves architectural features from the Kamakura period. Although the main gate was burned down in the Masudaguchi War, the main hall and the temple kitchen were left intact and remain as they were when the temple was founded. The temple features many cultural assets important to medieval Masuda culture, including a garden created by Sesshu, a Niga Byakudo-zu painting showing the teachings of Buddhism, and a Kanan-sansai vase acquired through pre-modern European trade.

    鎌倉時代の七尾城主益田氏の建立だそうです。外観は本当にシンプルですが 屋根のしなりなどに 素朴な美しさがあります。拝観できるので 本堂の中を見ると 柱などに時代が感じられます。裏手の 雪舟の作庭による庭は 医光寺程の華やかさは有りませんが 素朴な美しい庭だと思いました。

  • Fumonin Temple
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Matsueshi Kitatamachi 27
    Located in Kitata Town, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, Fumonin Temple was a shrine founded at the time the first lord of the Matsue Domain, Horio Yoshiharu, built Matsue Castle. In 1689, the third lord, Matsudaira Tsunachika, moved the temple to its current place at the site of Matsue Castle’s northeast gate, or demon’s gate. Highlight of the temple is the Sansai Hosokowa-style teahouse, Kangetsuan, often visited by the seventh lord, Matsudaira Fumai (Harusato), and also where the Meiji period Japanese researcher, Koizumi Yakumo (Lafcadio Hearn) first studied the tea ceremony. There is a large window on the eastern side where visitors can see the moon and the garden. Also famous is the Adzukitogi Bridge which appears in Koizumi Yakumo’s book, Kwaidan.


  • Unjuji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Yasugi-shi Kiyoicho 281
    A Rinzai Zen Buddhist temple that is counted among of the oldest Zen temples in the Izumo region. It was founded in 1322 by the priest Koho Kakumyo who had earned the trust of Emperor Godaigo and Emperor Gomurakami. The precious large shikyakumon four-pillared gate at the end of the pine tree lined approach dates from the 1300s and escaped fires, helping it survive to the present day. The precincts are also home to one of the prefecture's few Korean bells. The temple is also a popular spot for viewing azaleas; the site of hundreds of them blooming together is superb.


  • Homotsuden (Treasure Hall)
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Taishachoukidukihigashi
    The treasure hall in the precincts of Izumo Taisha has exhibited valuable items since 1981. In 2000 the exhibition hall was renovated to commemorate the Daisen-gu Shrine of Heisei (Sengu means temporary removal of the body of god while the main shrine undergoes rebuilding or restoration.) and the pillars of the ancient Imperial main building are displayed.
  • Gesshoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Matsueshi Sotonakabarachou 179
    This Jodo (Pure Land) sect of Buddhism temple is located in Sotonakabara Town in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, and it is the family temple of the Matsudaira family, the old leaders of the Matsue clan. The graves of the first through ninth generations of the clan leaders are on the temple grounds, and it has been designated as a National Historic Site. The seventh leader, Matsudaira Fumai was famous as a tea master, and his mausoleum gate is said to have been made by famous artisan Jodei Kobayashi. The grape latticework is spectacular. The sixth leader Munenobu’s Juzo-hi (tombstone set up prior to one’s death) that rests atop a big stone turtle statue appears in the writings of famous writer Yakumo Koizumi (Patrick Lafcadio Hearn), and legends say the big turtle wandered the streets of the castle town after dark. Around mid-June, the hydrangeas bloom, which attract many visitors and have earned the temple the nickname “hydrangea temple in the mountain shade.”
  • Seisuiji
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Oda-shi Omoricho
  • Shogen-ji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Oda-shi Omoricho I430-1
    This is a Jodo-shu sect temple that's head temple is Chion-in Temple in Kyoto. After climbing the stone stairs, you'll find a Sanmon main gate in the Romon tower gate architectural style, the graves of the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine magistrates, and a Buddhist mortuary tablet for the Tokugawa clan. This temple is said to date back to 1601, and was built by the first magistrate of the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine, Okubo Nagayasu, and second magistrate Takemura Michikiyo as principal supporters. Later, the Toshogu Shrine was built on the back mountain to enshrine Tokugawa Ieyasu, and it now holds the Buddhist mortuary tablets of 11 generations of Tokugawa clan leaders, from Ieyasu to Ienari. The graves of the magistrates, starting with Takemura, and the wooden Amitabha Buddha (Amida Nyorai) standing statue are prefectural Cultural Properties.
  • Kanzeonji Temple
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Oda-shi Omoricho I1383


  • Ikoji Temple
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Masuda-shi Somebacho 4-29

    七尾城の大手門を移築したそうですが 門をくぐる時の雰囲気と いざ寺院の境内に入った時の雰囲気が違うので この違和感が 不思議な感覚を催しました。益田氏の庇護を受けていたそうで しっかりとした歴史の裏打ちを感じました。本堂の裏手には雪舟庭園のしだれ桜が春風に花びらを散らしている光景にしばらく 立ち尽くしていました。

  • Senjuin Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Ishibashicho 385


  • Kodenninamesai
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Pref. Izumoshi Taishachoukidukihigashi Miyauchi


  • Oki Kokubunji Temple
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Oki-gun Okinoshimacho Ikeda Furo Mae 5

    玉若酢命神社から移動して来ましたが、すぐ横に大きな駐車場がありました。隠岐廃仏騒動の際、隠岐の寺院は全て焼失し、平成19年本堂を焼失したため平成21年から25年に調査が行われ、遺構や遺物が発見されました。そして平成30年、この新たな発見により国指定範囲が広がったようです。 山門には11菊花紋と桐紋が合体した寺紋があり珍しいものでした。拝観料を払う場所が山門左手前にありました。本来ならば拝観料40...

  • Mineji Temple
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Unnan Mitoyacho Kyushita

    Its an interesting experience. the scenery is good and the drinks are also delicious. Im very satisfied with the calligraphy I wrote.

  • Ryushoji Temple
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shimane Matsue-shi Teramachi 136


Shimane Areas


What Shimane prefecture lacks in size and population, it makes up for in scenery and ancient mythology. Izumo-taisha, in the middle of the prefecture, is said to be Japan’s oldest Shinto shrine, where stories that delve into the creation of the Japanese race have been passed down over centuries. The 180 Oki Islands, a 40-minute ferry ride north of Sakaiminato, offer an undiscovered paradise well off the beaten track.

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