Temple Spots in Sugamo / Komagome / Oji Area

  • Shinshoji Temple
    59 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Toshima-ku Sugamo 3-21-21

    2021年11月6日-14日迄開催されている《第29回すがも中山道菊まつり(添付 写真参照)》にて 3ケ所が会場になっており こちら[眞性寺]は その一つになっています。[巣鴨地蔵通り商店街]をこの期間に訪問する機会あれば 立ち寄られることをお薦めします。参道沿いに菊花が展示され、江戸六地蔵中4番目、巡拝3番目である《銅造地蔵菩薩坐像(像高:2.68 m 台座含み...

  • Entsuji Temple
    26 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Arakawa-ku Minami-senju 1-59-11
    A five-minute walk from Minowa Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line. Records state this Soto Buddhist temple was established in 791 by shogun and general Sakanoue no Tamuramaro. In the Edo period, it was known as one of the Three Temples of Shitaya along with the Kotokuji Temple in Shitaya and the Kishimojin in Iriya. The temple became connected to the Boshin War when it held a memorial service for the Shogitai samurai who fought the armed forces of the new government at the Battle of Ueno in 1868; thereafter, in 1907, the Kaneiji temple's Ueno Kuromon (Black Gate), which became the center of the fighting in Ueno, was moved here to this temple. The gate is pockmarked with bullet holes, an indication of the intensity of the battle which took place.


  • Kogan-ji Temple (Togenuki Jizoson)
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Toshima-ku Sugamo 3-35-2
    This Soto Buddhist temple is popularly called the Togenuki Jizoson. A statue of the bodhisattva Kshitigarbha, donated by a man in prayer for his wife’s recovery from illness after childbirth, is the temple’s principle object of worship. Legend has it that when a piece of paper with an image of the bodhisattva was floated on a river, his wife was healed. Based on this legend, it is said that affixing a piece of washi paper with the statue’s image imprinted on it sold at the temple to an injured area will hill the injury. A bronze statue called the “Washing Kannon” also stands on the temple grounds which is believed to cure illness.
  • Honmyoji Temple
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Toshima-ku Sugamo 5-35-6
    This is an annex of Honjo Temple, the grand head temple of the Hokke sect, located about a ten-minute walk away from Sugamo Station. Originally built in 1571 in Sunpu (modern-day Shizuoka), it was later moved to Shimizu Gate when the Tokugawa government took hold in Edo Castle. Then in 1657, it was associated with the start of the Great fire of Meireki, which burned down a large portion of Edo. There is a memorial tower located there now, as well as a tomb for the late Edo-era swordsman Chiba Shusaku, and tomb for Toyama Kagemoto, a noted samurai official Toyama no Kin-san. There are also tombs for one of the grand Go master, Honinbo, and other noted figures.

    こちらは、徳栄山総持院と号し、法華宗陣門流総本山本成寺の別院だそうです。 山門・本堂がとても立派でした。 ここには千葉周作、遠山金四郎が眠っていました。

  • Sekiunji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Arakawa-ku Nishiogu 2-25-21
    "A Soto Buddhist temple located a one-minute walk from the Miyanomae stop on the Toden Arakawa Line. Founded in 1596, the temple was originally built in Honjoishiwara-cho and was moved to its current location in the early modern Taisho era. The year after the Oji train line connecting Asukayama and Minowa was opened in the area in 1913, the temple's chief priest discovered a hot spring on the grounds and it began operating a bathhouse called the Tera no Yu (""Temple Bathhouse""), later changed to the Furokaku (""Palace of Eternal Youth""). Though this bathhouse has long-since been closed, at the time, it marked the start of a boom in the leisure industry in the Ogu area, with shopping arcades and hot spring inns popping up one after another, and thus today the temple is also famous as the site of this former bathhouse."


  • Nankoku-ji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Bunkyou-ku Honkomagome 1-20-20
    Believed to have been founded in the Genna period (1615-1624) by the priest Mangyo, this Buddhist temple is located in an area with many shrines, temples, and schools. The temple was moved to its current location in the mid-Edo period and since that time has been regarded as one of the Five Color Fudo Temples of Edo as well as number 13 of the 36 Fudo Temples of the Kanto Region.
  • Togakuji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Kita-ku Tabata 2-7-3
    A Buddhist Temple located in 2 Chome, Tabata, Kita City. People go here to paste special red paper to the corresponding body parts of the stone Kongo Rikishi statues where they are injured or sick and pray to be healed. This is known as Red Paper Nioh.
  • Kichijoji Temple
    34 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Bunkyo-ku Hon-komagome 3-19-17

    目線で楽しめ見応えありです。 座ってのんびりとはいきませんが、混み合っていないので写真を撮ったりゆっくり鑑賞出来る穴場。

  • Jokanjinagekomidera
    25 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Met. Arakawa-ku Minamisenju 2-1-12

    Jokan-ji (浄閑寺) is a buddhist temple in Minowa, Tokyo. Its cemetery houses the remains and spirits of about 25,000 prostitutes and fire victims of the Yoshiwara quarter of the Edo period. A memorial...

  • Kyooji Temple
    20 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Arakawa-ku Nishi-nippori 3-chome 2-6

    Our guide did a stop at this temple to walk us through the history and importance of this temple. It was a great cultural experience and learning food the relevance and importance of this temple...

  • Saifukuji Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Toshima-ku Komagome 6-chome 11-4

    巣鴨駅から徒歩10分。 1596年創建の真言宗豊山派の寺院。本尊は阿弥陀如来。現本堂は1980年築の鉄筋コンクリート造。豊島八十八ヶ所霊場の62番札所。かつては隣接する染井稲荷神社の別当であった。 江戸時代の園芸家で徳川吉宗の御用植木師であった伊藤伊兵衛政武の墓がある。この人が「ソメイヨシノ」を生み出したという説があるが、実は明確な根拠は何もない。

  • Jigenji Temple
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Toshima-ku Sugamo 5-35-33

    こちらは、了現院日盛が深川六間掘猿子橋に創建した日蓮宗寺院だそうです。 染井霊園に隣接したこのお寺は山門が立派で、ここには、芥川龍之介が眠っていました。

  • Yofukuji Temple
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Arakawa-ku Nishi-nippori 3-3-8

    仁王門と観音様 六地蔵が待っている 境内改装中か? 業者が出入りしていた 奥まであり境内広い 真言書いてあり見ながら唱える 趣のあるお寺だった

  • Josenji Temple
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Bunkyo-ku Hon-komagome 1-7-12


  • Hodoin Temple
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Kita-ku Akabane 3-chome 4-2


  • Tokugenin Temple
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Bunkyo-ku Hon-komagome 3-chome 7-14

    徳源院にまつられている「日限地蔵尊」は、寺伝によると寛政五年(1793)に近くの「動坂」に建立されたものです。それが「動坂の日限り地蔵」として崇敬されてきたたとのことです。願いごとを日を限って祈願すれば、不思議と満願できる「日限地蔵」といわれてきました。 昭和六十年(1985)に動坂からここに移されたそうです。古寺の境内の庭は綺麗な緑豊かな寺院です。

  • Miyogiyoji Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Toshima-ku Nishi-sugamo 4-chome 8-28

    こちらは、荒川線の庚申塚と西ヶ原4丁目のほぼ真ん中より西ヶ原よりの都電沿いにあります。 法華宗陣門流のお寺で、境内には、四谷怪談のお岩さんの墓所、浅野家遥泉院供養塔の他、うなぎ供養塔、魚がし供養塔、浄行様がありました。

  • Hokoji Temple
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Arakawa-ku Nishi-nippori 3-chome 8-6

    西日暮里にある 江戸時代初期に創建された、 法華宗陣門流のお寺です。 門前に少年飛行兵慰霊碑がすごく 気になるお寺です。

  • Hongyoji Temple
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Arakawa-ku Nishi-nippori 3-1-3

    Take the West Exit at Nippori and walk up the Gota Zaka Hill (the Yanaka cemetery is on your left) The femple on your right is Hongyo-ji and is the least impressive of the four on the hill. Check the...

  • Shoboin Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tokyo Toshima-ku Nishi-sugamo 4-chome 8-1

    都電の新庚申塚駅から徒歩3分ほど。白山通り(国道17号)に面している。 730年創建の天台宗の寺院。本尊は聖観世音菩薩。 境内は塀で囲まれており、現代的な山門があるが扉は閉じられていた。敷地内には6階建ての建物があるが、このご時世、寺院の経営を成り立たせるために賃貸マンションを経営しているのかもしれない。 中がどうなっているのか分からないが、外観からは魅力のある寺院には見えなかった。

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