Temple Spots in Around Chichibu Area

  • Jigenji Temple
    50 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Higashimachi 26-7
    Located near Ohanabatake Station on the Chichibu Main Line, Jigenji Temple is instantly recognizable by its stout, black-painted gate. Founded in 1486, it was long considered the 13th site of Chichibu's 34 temples devoted to Kannon, as well as the home of the god of eyesight, and for these reasons it attracted worshippers. Among the many cultural relics and historical treasures found on the temple grounds are a standing statue of Kanzeon (Kannon), a round library where 1630 sutra scrolls are stored, and wooden statues of the 13 monks who founded the temple.


  • Suisenji Temple
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-gun Minanomachi Shimo-hinozawa 3522
    This temple is located in Shimohinozawa, Minano Town, Chichibu County. The 34th temple on the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage, it is also the final temple on the 100 Kannon Pilgrimage along with the Saigoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage and Bando 33 Kannon Pilgrimage. For the Osunafumi (sand stepping) on the grounds of the temple, sand from each of the 100 Kannon temples is gathered here, so by worshipping here, you will receive the divine blessing of having completed the 100 Kannon Pilgrimage.


  • Jorin-ji Temple
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Sakuragimachi 21-3
    Jorin-ji tucked away in a residential area in Sakuragi-machi, Chichibu City is a temple of the Soto School. This historical temple is known as the 17th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage, and it is said that it was the 1st temple in the Chichibu Kannon Pilgrimage Ranking List in 1488 which is a temple treasure in Hosho-ji Temple. In the precinct, there is a Kannon Hall which decorated with fretwork of flowers and birds on ranma openwork, and a rare temple bell (a prefecturally-designated Tangible Cultural Property) on which principal images for 100 holy places in Saigoku, Bando and Chichibu are embossed and goeika (a Buddhism poem) for each stamp office is carved.

    本堂外側に天井画(但し 描かれている内容は良くわからず)がありますが、本堂内部にも天井画があり こちらは 建物内に描かれ 内部照明が暗くしているせいか(或は 近年 修復作業が行われたのか)色彩を含め綺麗に残っています(添付 写真参照)。但し 内部照明を落としてあるので 懐中電灯無しだと 暗くて 内部天井画はよく見えません(偶然 私達は 懐中電灯を所持していたので 内部天井画を鑑賞することが出来まし...

  • Seitaisan Saizen-ji Temple (Eighth Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunyokozemachi Yokoze 598
    "A Buddhist temple located in Yokoze Town, Chichibu County. Established in 1234, the temple enshrines an eleven faced, seated statue of Kannon known as the ""Mochiyama Kannon"" as well as a statue depicting the Amitabha triad. A huge, 600-year old maple tree designated a Natural Monument by the prefecture stands on the temple's grounds. This is the eighth temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage."

    1234年創建の臨済宗南禅寺派のお寺で、秩父観音霊場八番札所に指定されています。 山門をくぐると石段を下っていくという変った造りで、本堂までの参道はきれいに清掃されていました。 約600年と言われるコミネモミジの巨木がお寺のシンボルとなっているようで、秋には紅葉が楽しめそうです。 本尊の阿弥陀三尊像はぼけ封じと延命長寿にご利益があるとされ、十一面観音と共に恵心僧都作と伝えられているほか、如意輪観音...

  • Zuiryusan Hounji Temple (30th Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Arakawashiroku 432
    A Buddhist temple located in Arakawashiroku, Chichibu City. The temple's principal object of worship, a statue of Kannon, is stated to have been had carved by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang China to memorialize his beloved Yang Guifei and brought here by the priest Doon in 1319. This statue is made viewable to the general public during the temple's festival on April 18 and in the year of the Ox. This is the 30th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.

    庭園のあるお寺ということで立ち寄りました。 本堂から庭園を見下ろすと池を中心に箱庭のような景色が広がります。 高低差のある庭園で俯瞰できるので面白いですね。 樹々の緑の中で、赤い本堂もよい色彩です。

  • Sasadozan Chosen-in Temple (29th Pilgrim Temple)
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Arakawakamitano 557
    Sasadozan Chosen-in is a historic old temple which is said to have been opened by Taroemon Tonuma in 990 and has been worshipped as the 29th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage for a long time. It is often called the Ishifuda Hall (Ishifudadojo) as Saint Shoku preached there on a tour to Chichibu in 1234 and dedicated a votive card. In the precinct, there are a wide range of flowers and trees including an old weeping cherry called a lone cherry blossom of resurrection, dwarf azaleas, azaleas and crape myrtles so it is well-known as a place for flowers.


  • Iwamotosan Josenji Temple
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Yamada 1392
    A Buddhist temple located in Yamada, Chichibu City. The temple's principal object of worship is a standing figure of Sacred Avalokitesvara carved from a single tree in the distant Muromachi period. The temple's Kannondo hall was originally the Yakushido of Chichibu Shrine; later dismantled and moved here, the hall is decorated with stunning dragon carvings. This is the third temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.

    参拝者にとっての印象は、寺の歴史的建造物だけではなく、納経所での触れ合いも大切です。心使いのある対応を受けるとうれしくもあり、有難いものです。 寺歴や縁起を説明したパネルを観ながらじっくりと参拝しました。 周囲の寺や住民の支援があって、今の常泉寺があることが記されておりました。 納経所に近づき(距離はまだ離れている位置)、3番札所のページを開こうとすると、納経所から「(野太い声で)はい。」と大きな...

  • Ogawasan Gokado Temple (Fifth Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunyokozemachi Yokoze 6119-2
    "A Buddhist temple located in Yokoze, Yokoze Town, Chichibu County. The temple was built by Honma Magohachi, a supporter of the Chokoji temple, to enshrine a statue of Jundei Kannon records state created by the great monk Ennin. The name of the temple, meaning ""Discussed Poetry Temple,"" is derived from an anecdotal tale in which the aforementioned Honma Magohachi spent the night at a Kannon temple with a traveling monk; the two spent the night discussing waka poetry, and through this Magohachi allegedly mastered the art form. This is the fifth temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage."

    和歌を語らうという意味の語歌堂。 赤い三間四面の本堂と仁王門が横瀬の辻に何気なく建っています。 小さな藤棚もあり存在感を放っています。 本堂の網状の飾り窓や仁王門裏の風神・雷神や語歌堂の由来を描いた額など、全体的にかわいらしいお堂ですね。

  • Odanasan Shinpukuji Temple (Second Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Yamada 3095
    A Buddhist temple located in Yamada, Chichibu City. The temple, which records state was founded by the monk Daiho, was originally quite large, but it was destroyed in a fire in 1860. The temple's principal object of worship was saved from the fire and in 1908, at the end of the Meiji period, the Kannondo hall was rebuilt to enshrine it. This is the second temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.

    真福寺は秩父観音霊場第ニ番札所に指定されていますが、西国札所と坂東札所と合せて100カ所とするため最後に札所に指定されたお寺です。 本堂は1908年に再建されたものですが歴史を感じる造りで、欄間の龍の彫り物は見応えがあります。 本尊は室町時代に作られた聖観音ですが、無住のお寺で秘仏のため拝観はできません。 お寺の管理や納経は細い道を下った所にある光明寺が行っているそうです。

  • Daijiji Temple (10th Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunyokozemachi Yokoze 5151
    A Buddhist temple located in Yokoze, Yokoze Town, Chichibu County. The temple's principal object of worship is a statue of Sacred Avalokitesvara records state was created by the Eshin Sozu (priest Genshin). The temple also enshrines an eleven faced statue of Kannon, a statue of Kshitigarbha, and a Koyasu Kannon statue believed to grant worshippers aid in childbirth and childrearing. This is the 10th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.

    横瀬駅から、歩いて20分余りでしょうか。大通りから一歩入った、山沿いの高台にある寺院です。札所10番の由緒ある寺院でもあります。 と言うより、今では「ここさけ(心が叫びたがってるんだ)」に登場した寺院と言った方が、通りが良いかもしれません。まだ少なからぬ痛絵馬も奉納されていましたし。

  • Muryozan Saiko-ji Temple (16th Temple)
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Nakamuramachi 4-8-21
    This old temple of the Shingi Shingon sect of Buddhism was built to venerate the victims of the Mt. Asama eruption in 1783. It is the only fudasho in Chichibu that still has a fuda-do hall, and it is the sixteenth temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage. A peculiar temple in the country, it contains a corridor with replicas of the main statues found in each of the 88 Temples on the Shikoku Pilgrimage. With weeping cherry trees and peonies on the grounds, you’ll find beautiful flowers blooming every spring.

    日本国内には多種多様な《大黒天》がありますが 《酒樽》内に《大黒天》を祀っているのは こちらだけではないでしょうか? [酒樽大黒天]を初めて鑑賞しましたが 四国八十八ケ所の写し本尊がある[回廊堂]以上に 深い印象が残ります。[酒樽大黒天]の左手にある説明文(添付 写真参照)によると 元々は《日本酒の仕込み樽》を利用し《茶室》として作られ、 その後《大黒天》を祀ったところ 招福の御利益があると 多く...

  • Banshozan Enyuji Temple (26th Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Shimokagemori 348
    A Buddhist temple located in Shimokagemori, Chichibu City. The temple's Iwaido hall, which enshrines the principal object of worship, stands on an overhanging cliff at the top of over 300 stone steps reached after a walk among the mountains. This is the 26th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.

    15世紀末頃の創建と言われる曹洞宗のお寺で、秩父観音霊場二十六番札所に指定されています。 お寺は良く手入れされた木々や草花に囲まれていて、入る前から落着いた雰囲気がありました。 本尊の聖観音は恵心僧都作と伝われていて、岩井堂にあったものを移設したそうですが、非公開で拝観することはできません。 奥の院・岩井堂は清水の舞台を小さくしたような舞台造りと聞き興味があったが、今回は見送りました。

  • Nosaka-ji Temple (12th Temple of the Chichibu 34 KannonPilgrimage)
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Nosakamachi 2-12-25
    A Buddhist temple located in 2-Chome Nosaka-machi, Chichibu City. The temple enshrines numerous Buddhist statues, including a statue of Sacred Avalokitesvara, the temple's principal object of worship; the Ten Bulls Kannon; and the Buddhist triumvirate, as well as Yama, judge of the afterlife; and minor deities Fujin, Raijin, and Ujin. This is the 12th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.

    うっすらとした記憶が甦ってくる 細い路地を車走らせ到着する あずかり観音様と牛と山神様達が待っていてくれた トイレ奥には干支の虚空蔵菩薩様が! 本殿にも観がいる お墓側には弁財天が! とにかく盛り沢山 賑やかなお寺さんだ 楽しいし、面白い また参拝したい

  • Seitaisan Hochoji Temple (Seventh Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunyokozemachi Yokoze 1508
    A Buddhist temple located in Yokoze, Yokoze Town, Chichibu County. The main temple building is believed to have been designed based on a drawing by renaissance man Hiraga Gennai. The Kannondo hall inside the main building enshrines the temple's principal object of worship, an 11 faced statue of Kannon. This is the seventh temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.

    秩父観音霊場第七番に指定されている曹洞宗のお寺です。 境内は広く落ち着いた雰囲気で、正面に平賀源内の設計と伝えられる大きな本堂があるが、入口が左に寄った独特な造りです。 境内にある豊川稲荷は家内安全や商売繁盛のご利益があるほか、山門前にある特徴ある石柱、恵比須・大黒天、牛伏堂由来の石像、観音像など、由来がありそうな珍しい像が多いお寺でした。

  • Hoosan Iwanouedo Temple (20th Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Terao 2169
    "A Buddhist temple located in Terao, Chichibu City. A ""senbikizaru"" chandelier-like decoration hangs in the temple's Kannondo hall, while water from the Chisuiba spring is said to improve breast milk flow. This is the 20th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage."

    岩之上堂は名前の通り崖の上にありますが、駐車場はさらに上にあります。 初見が屋根と秩父の山々というビューになるので、ちょっと不思議な感じ。 石段を下り、木々が茂る庭を抜け本堂へ。 木造の味のある本堂ですが、なかは吊るし雛で溢れています。 何かいわれがあるのかな。 本堂の前に大きな紅葉の木があったので秋におすすめ。

  • Nansekizan Jorakuji Temple (11th Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Kumagimachi 43-28
    A Buddhist temple located in Kumagi-machi, Chichibu City. The temple is believed to grant worshippers recovery from disease and long life. The current Kannon-do hall was reconstructed after the destruction of the previous one in the Great Chichibu Fire of 1878 and enshrines an 11-headed Kanzeon Bodhisattva statue, the temple's principal object of worship. This is the 11th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.

    創建は不明ですが、明治に焼失した後に天台宗から曹洞宗に改宗したお寺で、秩父観音霊場第十一番札所に指定されています。 コンビニの向いにある参道から坂を上ると斜面に観音堂があり、病気平癒と長寿祈願のお寺として信仰されています。 本尊は十一面観音ですが、江戸時代末期まで天台宗の寺院だったため、元三大師も祀られています。

  • Shukutsusan Kannonin Temple (31st Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunoganomachi Ida 2211
    A Buddhist temple located in Iida, Ogano Town, Chichibu County. The main temple building is located beyond the Deva gate at the top of 296 stone steps. There are said to be 108,000 stone Buddhist images on the grounds, including the temple's principal object of worship, a statue of Sacred Avalokitesvara, and some 1,000 figures carved into the wall of a cavern. This is the 31st temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.


  • Iwayasan Kyushoji Temple (25th Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Kuna 2315
    "A Buddhist temple located in Kuna, Chichibu City. According to legend, when the great priest Shoku was on a pilgrimage in Chichibu, he was presented with a stone seal (pass) by Yama, the judge of the afterlife and he offered the seal to this temple, and accordingly this temple is also known as the ""Seal Temple."" This is the 25th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage."

    浦山口駅から歩いて向かいました。 荒川を渡り向かったお寺は山門をくぐるり観音堂をお参りして少し離れた本堂のほうで御朱印を頂きました。途中の池には睡蓮が咲いてました。時期が合えば蓮の名も見られるようです。

  • Mt. Choshozan Fudoji Temple
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-gun Nagatoromachi Nagatoro 1753-1
    This Buddhist temple is located near the cable car at the foot of Mt. Hodosan in Nagatoro, Nagatoro Town, Chichibu County. There is a weeping plum orchard on the temple grounds, and along with the Umehyakkaen and Robaien plum orchards on the summit of Mt. Hodosan, this place is known for its plum blossoms. They also hold the “Nagatoro Fire Festival” annually in March that features ascetic barefoot running over fire.

    撫子は早い時期に来ないとなかなか咲いているのが見れません。 今回は少し残っていたので撮ることができました。 不動寺は宝登山ロープウェイからも近くて、側には桜の木もあるので、春の時期に来ても見応えあると思います。 宝登山に登る前に寄っても良いお寺です。

  • Kochisan Hosenji Temple (24thTemple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Bessho 1586
    A Buddhist temple located in Bessho, Chichibu City. The temple's Kannondo hall stands at the top of a steep, 116 step stone stairway and enshrines the temple's principal object of worship, a statue of Sacred Avalokitesvara records state was created in the distant Muromachi period. On April 18, the Mawari Nenbutsu ceremony is held in which local residents form a ring around a giant Buddhist rosary and chant the nenbutsu prayer. This is the 24th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.

    通りからは行かず 急勾配を車で何とか上りきる 正直怖い 知らない道を登るのは… 待っていたのは立派な堂 隣の白山神社同様、由緒が立派 とにもかくにもこの高台には…

Saitama Areas


Eclipsed by neighboring Tokyo, Saitama is often branded as the sleepy suburbs. However, look a little deeper and you’ll uncover quaint towns bursting with history and crafts from the kurazukuri Edo-period clay houses of Kawagoe to the ancient tree-enveloped temples of Chichibu.

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