Temple Spots in Fukushima Area

  • Enzo-ji Temple
    54 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Kawanumagunyanaidumachi Yanaidu Jikemachikou 176
    A Buddhist temple located in Yanaizu Town, Kawanuma County, Fukushima Prefecture. A Rinzai sect Myoshin-ji temple, the temple's principal object of worship is a statue of Gautama Buddha. Along with statues in Ibaraki Prefecture and Sendai Prefecture, this is considered one of Japan's Three Akasagarbha Bodhisattvas, and is believed to have been created by the great monk and artist Kobo Daishi. The temple sees large numbers of visitors during the New Year's holidays and also holds the Nanokado Hadaka Mairi, a naked festival to pray for happiness and good health, each year on January 7.

    Getting there We took a long train ride there just to realize it’s under renovation.. hence I am only able to give 3 stars. If you still decide to go, you may take train to Aizu-Yanaizu Station...

  • Nakano Fudoson
    28 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Fukushimashi Izakamachinakano Sekizaka 28
    One of Japan’s Three Great Fudosons, Nakano Fudoson is located on the west side of Iizaka Onsen-district. It is a power spot known as the birthplace of “Roku-San Yoke”—a secret method of charm protection. Three Fudo Myo-o “Yakuyoke”, “Ganshu”, and “Mikazuki” are worshipped here, and are said to hear the prayers of one who prays with a clean heart. You can enjoy some herbal tea called “Toki-cha” at the Kamoshika-An, a rest spot. They also offer original souvenirs of Nakano Fudoson and light meals such as dumpling balls with sweet sake.

    その名を聞いたことはあったのですが飯坂温泉に近かったので立ち寄ってみることに。 場所は福島市街からはかなり離れていて飯坂温泉や米沢へ向かう国道13号に近いです。駐車場は多く設けられているので車利用時でも不自由しませんでした。 県外ナンバーが多く泊まっていたのでやはり有名なお寺のようです。 洞窟や滝など興奮する見どころが多くあります。 時間がたつのもあっという間でした。朱色の三階建ての立派な大日堂...

  • Eryu-ji Temple Tachiki Kannon-do Hall
    25 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Kawanumagunaidubangemachi Toudera Matsubara 2944
    A Shingon Buddhist temple located in Aizubange Town, Kawanuma County Fukushima Prefecture. The temple's principal object of worship is an 11 faced, thousand hand statue of Kannon nicknamed the Tachiki Kannon. It is believed that the hermitage was constructed by the Liang Chinese monk Seigan in 540. Inside the Kannon-do hall, there is a pillar that is said to grant your wish if you embrace it, and many people come here to do just that.

    金塔山恵隆寺 立木観音 御本尊は千手観音菩薩 御詠歌は「遙るばると参りて拝む恵隆寺 いつも絶えせぬ松風の音」 巨大な千手観音立像は、立木に直接掘り込んだ一木造りで、床下にはいまなお根があるといわている。 両脇には、室町時代の作といわれる「二十八部衆立像」の眷属と風神・雷神が取り囲んでおり、国重要文化財に指定されている 抱きつくと願いが叶うという抱きつき柱がある

  • Ioji Temple
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Fukushima-shi Iizakamachi Hirano Teramae 45
    A temple in Teramae, Hirano, Iizaka-machi, Fukushima City. It was established in 826. The principal object of worship in the main hall is the Dainichi Nyorai while in the Yakushi Hall the object of worship as introduced by the monk Kobo Daishi is the Yakushi Nyorai, also called the Saba-no-Yakushi. The temple was also the family temple for the Sato family of the Northern Fujiwara clan who ruled over Iizaka. While on his Narrow Road to the Interior, poet Matsuo Basho recalled the devotion of lord Sato Tsugunobu, who died taking an arrow for lord Minamoto no Yoshitsune, with a verse, 'Decorate the satchel and the sword with streamers, in the month of May.' The temple grounds have a slab with Basho's verse carved into it as well as a treasure hall.


  • Torioi Kanon Nyohoji Temple
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Yamagunnishiaidumachi Nozawa Nyohouji Yu 3533
    A Shingon sect Muro-ji Buddhist temple located in Nishiaizu Town, Yama County, Fukushima Prefecture dedicated to Aryavalokitesvara. The temple's Torioi Kannon statue, one of the three Aizu Korori Kannon, is normally not viewable by the general public. The figure is specially revealed during the annual festivals in spring and fall, attracting many visitors.

    会津三十三観音 番外 鳥追観音 如法寺 斗組も立派で彫刻も美しい 隠れ三猿を探すのも楽しい 格式の高い寺感が凄い

  • Yamamoto Fudoson
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Higashishirakawaguntanaguramachi Kitayamamoto Kohizawa 94-2
    A Shingon Chisan Buddhist temple frequented by tourists. Located in Tanagura Town, Higashishirakawa County, Fukushima Prefecture, the temple is dedicated to Acala. Visitors can enjoy seasonal scenery here, such as a beautiful ravine area and an avenue of cedar trees over 100 years old. The temple is also a popular fall foliage destination and during the season the grounds are lit up at night.

    まずはじめにすみません。 実際に訪れるまでは大したこと無い普通のお寺だろうと高を括っていました。 ※紹介してくれたK氏には心から感謝 栃木県と福島県の県境にある山本不動尊。 地元では厄除けや開運で有名な歴史あるお寺なんだと知りなるほどと一人納得。 細い道を抜けた先に駐車場があるのですが道が狭いのでペーパードライバーの方は要注意です。 車を停めて参道を歩くと何とも言えない雰囲気の灯篭の連続に圧倒され...

  • Shojoji Temple
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kawanuma-gun Yugawamura Shojo Dai Mai 1764
    This ancient temple belonging to the Buzan-ha sect of Shingon Buddhism was founded by the monk Tokuitsu in the year 807. Also known as Aizu Chuo Yakushido, it possesses a number of national treasures and national important cultural assets that represent the Tohoku region. The temple's wooden seated image of the Bhaisajyaguru as well as the standing image of the Suryaprabha Bodhisattva and image of the Candraprabha Bodhisattva to its left and right are all national treasures. The temple possesses 12 other early Heian period Buddhist images, nine of which are important cultural assets. It is rare for so many statues from this period to be all in one place. The statues are available for viewing upon advanced request from April to mid November.

    御本尊は十一面観音 御詠歌は「幾たびも歩みを運ぶ勝常寺 生れ会津の中の御佛」 勝常寺といえば薬師堂 畿内を除いて東北では珍しい国宝の薬師如来坐像をはじめ国重要文化財が多数 平安初期の仏像が30以上もある古刹

  • Dairin-ji Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Nihonmatsu-shi Naritamachi 1-532
    This temple was built as the family temple of the Niwa clan, who were the lords of the Nihonmatsu Domain. The temple belongs to the Soto sect of Buddhism. Its grounds currently feature a reconstructed bell tower, the mausoleums of the successive heads of the Niwa clan, who ruled the Nihonmatsu Domain. It also features the graves of the members of the Nihonmatsu Youth Brigade whose young lives were lost during the Boshin War as well as a memorial tower dedicated to the victims of the conflict. Other points of interest include Kannonyama, a sacred place where the Saigoku Sanjusan Kannon are enshrined, a pilgrimage of thirty-three Buddhist temples throughout the Kansai region of Japan as well as the Enmei Koyasu Jizoson guardian Ksitigarbha of childbirth.

    大隣寺ははじめ、白河の地に建立されましたが、その後、国替えとともに二本松に移り、二本松藩主歴代の菩提寺となりました。 現在の本堂は1810年代に改築されたものです。戊辰戦争直後には、藩主の謹慎所や二本松藩庁の仮事務所、藩校などにも使用されました。本堂の左側には戊辰戦争殉難者の霊とともに、二本松少年隊隊長、副隊長と少年隊戦死者14人の供養塔が建立されています。

  • Tennei-ji Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Aizuwakamatsu-shi Higashiyamamachi Ishiyama Tennei 208
    The temple was founded in 1422 by Morinobu Ashina, the 11th head of the Ashina clan, who was once the chief priest of the Aizu Soto sect and had 33 temples and 12 branch temples. Also in the precincts of the temple are the graves of Kayano Gonbei, who served as a retainer of the feudal lord Matsudaira Yonpo during his tenure as Kyoto governor, and his second son Nagamasa.

    会津若松市街から東へ向った山の中腹にあります。 1422年に傑堂禅師が創建した曹洞宗のお寺で、当時会津で勢力があった葦名氏の菩提寺でした。 新選組の近藤勇と土方歳三のお墓があるので有名なお寺で、お墓まで案内板があり迷うことはありませんが、坂をかなり上るので歩きやすい靴で行くことをお勧めします。

  • Shiramizu Amidado Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Iwakishi Uchigoushiramizumachi Hirohata 219
    Shiramizu Amidado Temple was constructed in 1160, in the latter years of the Heian period, by Princess Tokuhime, the daughter of Fujiwara no Kiyohira. It is the only building in Fukushima Prefecture to have designated as a National Treasure. The way the Temple garden is designed, with ponds on the eastern, western and southern sides, is characteristic of the late Heian period Jodo (Pure Land) style of garden design. To reach the Amidado hall, visitors cross over a red bridge positioned directly in front of the hall. The architectural design of the Shiramizu Amidado Temple is said to have been influenced by temple architecture in Hiraizumi, the region where Princess Tokuhime was born.
  • Oki Kannon-do Joan-ji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kitakata-shi Shiokawamachi Otaki Tsukada 3281-1
    This is the first temple on the Aizu 33 Temple Pilgrimage, a registered Japan Heritage. This Kannon-do hall in the temple precincts of Shingon-shu school Kobaizan Joan-ji temple enshrines a statue of the 11-Faced Kannon, once owned by someone called Millionaire Joan. The current hall was apparently rebuilt between 1598-1601 after the original was burned by soldiers of the Date clan in 1589. This place still resonates with the ancient echoes of the faith of Aizu, said to be the first place in the Tohoku region where the culture of Buddhism flourished.

    御本尊は十一面観音 御詠歌は「万代の願い大木の観世音 あの世とともに救け給えや」 立派な仁王門もあって会津三十三観音巡りの出発の御堂にふさわしい

  • Koyasu Kannon
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Minamiaidugunshimogoumachi Ouchi
    A Buddhist temple in Shimogo Town, Minamiaizu County, Fukushima Prefecture. The temple's Kannon-do hall stands on hill with a sweeping view of the thatched roof homes of the Ouchi-juku post station district. The temple hall is normally closed but a festival is held once a year when the Buddhist image inside is displayed to the general public. The temple is dedicated to the protection of children and women and many worshippers come here to pray for children, safe childbirth, and healthy child growth.
  • Koan-ji Temple (Nakada Kannon)
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Onumagunaidumisatomachi Yoneta Dounoushirokou 147
    A Soto Buddhist temple located in Aizumisato Town, Onuma County, Fukushima Prefecture. The temple enshrines an 11-headed Kanzeon Bodhisattva figure counted as one of Aizu Korori Kannon figures. The temple is known to locals as the Nakata Kannon-sama. Also the 30th station on the Aizu 33 Kannon temple pilgrimage route, the temple sees many visitors.
  • Yakuoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Iwaki-shi Yotsukuramachi Yakuoji Hanawa 74
    "The temple is said to have been founded in the Daido Period (806-810), and was founded on a hill about 15 minutes by car from Yotsukura Station as a branch temple of Yakushi Hakke Yakushi in the same city. Although many cultural assets were lost, the temple still possesses a ""wooden Monju Bosatsu (Manjusri) lion statue"" and a ""Maitreya Bosatsu (Maitreya Bodhisattva) statue on silk, both said to have been made in the late Kamakura period (1185-1333)."
  • Chomeiji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Aizuwakamatsu-shi Nisshinmachi 5-51
    "This temple, under the direct control of Kyoto Honganji Temple, is located about 10 minutes away from the Aizu-Wakamatsu Interchange on the Ban-Etsu Expressway. It is known as the site of the fiercest battle in the city of Aizu Wakamatsu during the Boshin War. Just one tombstone, marked only ""war grave,"" indicates that 145 of the Aizu clan's war dead, who were not allowed to be touched after the fierce battle because they belonged to the rebel army, are buried there. There are still holes in the earthen walls and other parts of the building that were pierced by shells from that time, showing the intensity of the war."
  • Tota Kannon-do Hall (Daikoji Temple)
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kitakata-shi Shiokawamachi Tota Yajinaka 3227
    This is the ninth temple in the Aizu 33 Kannon Pilgrimage that is said to have been started by Masayuki Hoshina, the founder of the Aizu domain. The main deity, the thousand-armed Kannon, is enshrined on the temple grounds of Fukushuzan Daikoji Temple surrounded by rich nature. According to legend, it was a magnificent building of 12.6 meter-square gold pillars and a cypress bark roof. In the past, there were many historic Buddhist temples and shrines in Aizu domain, and it is said that many residents of the domain, including men and women of all ages, made the Aizu 33 Kannon Pilgrimage.
  • Takeya Kannon-do Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kitakata-shi Shiokawamachi Nakayazawa Daihata Hei 697
    This Kannon-do temple is in the Takeya district, a green and lush region. The hall is adjacent to Daiunzan Kannon-ji main temple, and enshrines a sitting wooden statue of Nyoirin Kannon that is said to be the work of Kamakura period Buddhist sculptor Unkei. Legends say that this Takeya Kannon, the eighth temple on the Aizu 33 Kannon pilgrimage, was founded by a monk named Kaigen who visited here from Echigo. The 86.9-centimeter-tall yosegi-zukuri style wooden statue of the sitting Nyoirin Kannon retains much of its Kamakura period character, and as such is a prefecturally registered Important Cultural Asset.
  • Jigenji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kitakata-shi Atsushiokanomachi Atsushio Atsushio Ko 795
    This ancient temple is said to have been founded by legendary monk Kukai early in the Heian period. The former Shingon-sect temple is named after Genno Shinsho, famous for his role in the legend of the Nasu killing stone, and was rededicated as a Soto-sect temple. This Kannon-do temple is the fifth temple on the Aizu 33 Kannon pilgrimage, and enshrines a Thousand-Handed Kannon Bodhisattva. The temple grounds also hold the nationally designated Important Cultural Asset Engraved Camellia-wood Lacquered Closet, and many other important cultural pieces demonstrating Kitakata's rich history. Legends say that Atsushio's hot spring source was discovered when Genno's akaza wood staff pierced the ground. Every year on January 4th they carry out a Yudono Iri festival to offer thanks for the hot springs.
  • Hoyo-ji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Onuma-gun Aizumisatomachi Suzumebayashi 3-ban Yamashita 3554
    The 29th temple of the Aizu 33 Kannon Temples. The temple, as home of the Butto Aizu, retains cultural assets deeply tied to Aizu Buddhist culture. It's said to be the oldest temple in Aizu and stated to have been founded by the Saint Tokudo in 720 CE. It is said that there used to be 33 priests' living quarters along. with the rise of Shugendo practice. The grounds are home to a number of Cultural Properties of Japan that recall the prosperity of the temple including a three-storied pagoda, uncommon in the snowy regions of Japan, and a pair of Nioh guardian statues created during the Heian period. The Tora-no-o sakura (Tiger's Tail cherry tree) standing in front of the Kannon hall is considered one of the top five cherry trees in Aizu.
  • Fukujuji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Tamura-gun Miharumachi Gomenmachi 194
    The temple is the family temple of the Tamura family, who ruled the region during the Warring States period (1467-1568). The temple's grounds are also home to a number of cultural assets, including the "Code of Takakien Tamura" and the "Code of Kiyoaki Tamura," which were handed down in the past to govern the area evenly.

Fukushima Areas


Fukushima is a blend of fantastic scenery, delectable sake, and kaleidoscopic colors. This nature-rich prefecture displays its splendor from the hidden Abukuma Cave underground right to the top of its sky-high mountain road, known as the Bandai-Azuma Skyline.

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