Temple Spots in Around Chichibu Area

  • Hannyasan Hoshoji Temple (32nd Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunoganomachi Hannya 2661
    "A Buddhist temple located in Hannya, Ogano Town, Chichibu County. The temple's Kannondo hall, built in 1707, enshrines the temple's principal object of worship, a statue of Sacred Avalokitesvara (Kannon) which records state was created by Gyoki. A worship space in front of the main temple building commands a view of the temple's mountaintop Okunoin inner sanctuary, which enshrines a statue known as the ""Boat Kannon."" This is the 32nd temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage."
  • Hahasozan Shorin-ji Temple (15th Pilgrim Temple)
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Bambamachi 7-9
    This temple, created out of the merger of Hahasozan Zofuku-ji Temple and Goyozan Shorin-ji Temple, is the 15th temple on the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage which attracts many devout worshippers. The main hall is a rare building in which both Japanese style architecture and Western style craftsmanship was used. It was built with a hipped, gabled and tiled roof with the walls plastered white to create a fireproof structure. In addition to having many flowering trees in the precincts, more than 5,000 Amur Adonis plants have been planted by former priests making the temple a famous place for admiring the flowers.

    駐車場は広く 通りを渡ったお寺の敷地は細長く 何だか? 事件があった様だ 貧しさの中でもがき暴徒化した困窮民集団に警部補二人が殉職した秩父事件が! お二方のお墓がお寺の粋な計らいでここに作られた様だ 窪田・青木両警部補のご冥福をお祈りいたします また住職に感心しました

  • Enmeisan Kikusuiji Temple (33rd Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Shimoyoshida 1104
    A Buddhist temple located in Shimoyoshida, Chichibu City. The temple's principal object of worship is a standing wooden statue of Sacred Avalokitesvara carved in the distant Fujiwara period. This is the 33rd temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.
  • Myojosan Akechiji Temple (Ninth Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunyokozemachi Yokoze 2160
    A Buddhist temple located in Yokoze, Yokoze Town, Chichibu County. The temple was founded in 1191 by the monk Meichi. The temple's principal object of worship, a statue of Nyoirin Kanzeon Bosatsu, is believed to grant worshippers safe childbirth and aid in childrearing. The statue sees particularly large numbers of women visitors each year on January 16 and August 16. This is the 9th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.
  • Sekiryuzan Hashidatedo Temple (28th Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Kamikagemori 675
    A Buddhist temple located in Kamikagemori, Chichibu City. The temple's principal object of worship is a figure of the Bato Kannon records state was created in the distant Kamakura period; it is enshrined in a crimson lacquered Kannondo hall built in the mid-Edo period. The temple adjoins the Hashidate Cave limestone cave shaft. This is the 28th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.
  • Shimabuji Temple (First Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Tochiya 418
    A Buddhist temple located in Tochiya, Chichibu City. The temple's Kannondo hall, erected in 1697, enshrines the principal object of worship, a statue of Sacred Avalokitesvara. The temple holds a sejikie food offering service considered one of the three largest of the Kanto region each year on August 24. This is the first temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.
  • Ryuseki-ji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-shi Obatakemachi 15-31
    This temple is located in Oobatake-machi, Chichibu City. This is the 19th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage and has the “senju Kannon seated statue,” said to have been made in the Muromachi period, as its principal object of worship. Within the premises, there is the Sanzuba Hall that enshrines the Datsueba demon which snatches away the clothes of the dead at the River of Three Crossings, and is believed to cure sickness among children.
  • Kataisan Dojido Temple (22nd Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Terao 3595
    "A Buddhist temple located in Terao, Chichibu City. Two statues of the Deva kings known as the ""Boy Deva Kings"" are enshrined in the temple's thatch roofed Deva gate. This is the 22nd temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage."
  • Chogakuzan Imamiyabo Temple (14th Temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage)
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Nakamachi 25-12
    A Buddhist temple located in Naka-machi, Chichibu City. The temple was previously a branch temple under the direct supervision of the Shogo-in, the head temple of the Shugendo syncretic faith. The temple's Kannondo hall, rebuilt in 1709, enshrines the temple's principal object of worship, a statue of Sacred Avalokitesvara. A late Fujiwara period statue depicting a Hiten, a flying Buddhist angel, can also be found on the grounds. This is the 14th temple of the Chichibu 34 Kannon pilgrimage; together with the Saigoku 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kinki region and the Bando 33 Kannon pilgrimage in the Kanto region, these three pilgrimages make up the Japan 100 Kannon pilgrimage.
  • Hoyoji Temple, Yakushido
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibugunoganomachi Ryoukamisusuki
    This temple near Roadside Station Ryokami Onsen is said to have been constructed at the end of Muromachi period. There are few buildings like it in the prefecture today. There's a Niomon gate with red guardian deities on the grounds, and the main hall enshrines the Twelve Protective Deities dedicated by the samurai Hojo Ujikuni. The Yakushi Nyorai (Medicine Buddha) is the temple's principal object of worship. The deity is thought to protect eyesight and some believe worshiping there can help relieve eye related ailments. It's one of Chichibu's 13 famous Buddha images, and is counted among Japan's three main Yakushi Nyorai. As such, the temple gets a lot of visitors.
  • Taiyo-ji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Pref. Chichibushi Otaki 459
    This temple sits quietly surrounded by mountains and nature at an altitude of 800 meters. It is an ancient temple established in the late Kamakura period, known as the place of one of the 13 Chichibu Buddhas. There are no private houses in the vicinity and no mobile phone service, so at the temple guests can get away from the times and the everyday and feel immersed in nature. From spring to autumn guests can experience zen meditation, and copy written sutras. Accommodation is also available (reservations are required in advance).
  • Seiunji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-shi
  • Matsukaze San Ongakuji Temple (Dai 23Ban pilgrim stamp office)
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-shi Terao 3773


  • Komyoji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-shi Yamada 2191

    807年に創建された曹洞宗の歴史あるお寺です。 光明寺は札所ではないのですが、二番札所の真福寺が無住寺で真福寺の維持管理を行っていることから、二番札所のご朱印を行っています。 お寺に山門はありませんが、境内は緑が多くきれいに整備されていて、落ち着いた雰囲気がありました。

  • Godo Ji
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-shi Shimomiyajimachi 5-15

    国道140号線沿いにあり、秩父観音霊場第十八番札所に指定されている曹洞宗のお寺です。 境内はこじんまりしていますが、歴史を感じる観音堂や不動堂をはじめ、蓮華堂、ニコニコ地蔵などがありました。 観音堂の裏手に回廊があり、内部には大日如来、千手観音、文殊菩薩、虚空蔵菩薩などが安置されているので是非拝観してみてください。 その他にも、蓮華堂には釈迦如来、文殊菩薩、普賢菩薩、阿弥陀如来、観音菩薩、勢至菩薩...

  • Kaname Hikariyama Kannonji Temple (Dai 21Ban pilgrim stamp office)
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-shi Terao 2354

    県道72号線沿いにある真言宗豊山派のお寺で、秩父観音霊場第二十一番に指定されています。 お寺は山門や壁はなく開けた雰囲気で、本尊の聖観音は火事の時にも難を逃れたことから「火除けの観音様」と呼ばれ、信仰されています。 境内には、宝篋印塔、八幡神社、芭蕉句碑、六地蔵と他にも多くの地蔵尊が並んでいました。

  • Funadama Festival
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-gun Nagatoromachi Nagatoro


  • Naritasan
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-shi Kumagimachi 39-1
  • Bokunji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-gun Yokozemachi Yokoze 1430
  • Daienji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Saitama Chichibu-shi Kamikagemori 411

Saitama Areas


Eclipsed by neighboring Tokyo, Saitama is often branded as the sleepy suburbs. However, look a little deeper and you’ll uncover quaint towns bursting with history and crafts from the kurazukuri Edo-period clay houses of Kawagoe to the ancient tree-enveloped temples of Chichibu.

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