Temple Spots in Minami-Osaka Area

  • Fujii-dera Temple
    59 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Fujiderashi Fujidera 1-16-21
    Located five minutes from Fujii-dera Interchange, in Fujii-dera 1 Chome, this temple, belonging to the Omuro school of the Shingon sect of Buddhism, is the fifth temple of the Saigoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage. The temple was established by Gyoki in accordance with Emperor Shomu's imperial prayer, in the year 725. The main hall, where the national treasure, the thousand-armed Kannon is enshrined, also incorporates struts called kaerumata and lavish carvings in its construction. The wood carvings adorning the traditional gable roof are intimidating, and the four-pillared temple gate (the West Gate) is also an Important Cultural Property. It was built by order of Toyotomi Hideyori, in the Momoyama Period. Fujii-dera Temple has also been famous for over a thousand years for the Wisteria flowers that continue to bloom here, and during full bloom, their purple blossoms flutter in the wind.

    西国三十三ケ所を巡る中で行ってきました。 ちょうど「藤まつり」というイベントが行われている最中で、境内の藤棚を写真に収めている参拝客が多かったです。中でも白色の藤はお天気が良かったこともあって、風に揺られて陽に透けるような美しさがとても見ごたえがありました。 一部のお堂(だと思います)は改修中で、そのお堂に使われるのかどうかは分かりませんが、屋根の瓦に願い事を書いて納めるというものがありました(3...

  • Kanshinji Temple
    38 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Kawachinaganoshi Teramoto 475
    This temple is located in Teramoto, Nagano City. It was originally called Unshinji, when En no Ozunu built it in the year 701. Kukai visited this temple at the beginning of the Heian period, and when he visited again in 815, he named it Kanshinji. It is said, that this is when the Nyoirin Kannon carving, a Buddhist statue rarely shown to the public, which Kukai made with his own hands, was designated as a National Treasure. Kondo, which is also a National Treasure, is the oldest designated national treasure in the prefecture of Osaka. The temple is also famous for its Cherry blossoms and Autumn leaves, and has been selected as a natural landmark in the prefecture's top 100 natural places in Osaka.

    観心寺は上記の通り楠木正成にゆかりのある歴史ある寺院でもあり、楠木正成の首塚が祭られている。しかしそればかりではなく、じつは後村上天皇陵もここ観心寺にあるのだから驚きだ。 観心寺には勇ましい楠木正成の像がある。楠木正成は観心寺にゆかりがあり、湊川の戦で討ち死にしたが、この観心寺の建掛塔を三重塔に建立中だったときだったのだ。残念ながら建掛塔は途中で中断したため現在の姿になったが、こうしたゆかりもある...

  • Mizumadera Temple
    40 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Kaidukashi Mizuma 638
    This temple is located in Mizuma, Kaizuka City. While it is commonly called Mizuma Kannon, its official name is Mizuma-dera Temple. According to legend, the temple was built by Gyoki, on Emperor Shomu's orders. The temple's name comes from the meeting of the Kogi River, flowing down from Mt. Katsuragi, and the Kibitani tributary River. The current main hall was rebuilt in 1811, with the temple having been razed multiple times by the fires of war. The principle object of worship in the temple is a Kannon that drives away misfortune. The Shogatsu Hoe and Senbon Mochitsuki festivals, which are held every New Year, are designated Intangible Cultural Properties of Kaizuka City.


  • Domyo-ji Temple
    24 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Fujiderashi Doumyouji 1-14-31
    This is a convent of the ancient Shingon sect of Buddhism located on the western side of Domyoji Tenmangu Shrine, approximately a seven-minute walk from Domyoji Temple Station. The Temple is dedicated to the 11-headed Kanzeon Bodhisattva, a national treasure, that lord Fujiwara Michizane carved himself. The history of the temple is also associated with Michizane's aunt who was also a member of the nunnery. In the age of civil wars in the medieval period the temple burned down. However, with the support of Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the Tokugawa family, the temple was able to be rebuilt and became a temple authorized by the shogunate. The national treasure and principal object of prayer is on public display on the 18thand the 25thof every month. This temple is also the birth place of Kansai style sakura mochi sweet rice cakes and Domyoji Hoshii, dried boiled rice used to make Japanese confectionery.

    道明寺駅から徒歩7分ほど。 7世紀に土師(はじ)寺として創建した真言宗御室派の寺院(尼寺)。947年に現寺号に改称。1724年に道明寺天満宮内に移転したが、明治の神仏分離により1873年に現在地に移転。本尊は菅原道真の作とされる十一面観世音菩薩像(国宝)。山門を入ると右手が護摩堂、正面が大師堂。境内はきれいに整備されており、敷かれた砂利には砂紋が付けられている。大師堂の前を左手に折れたところが本堂...

  • Mt.Amano Kongoji Temple
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Kawachinagano-shi Amanocho 996
    A Buddhist temple located in Amano-cho, Kawachinagano City. Records state the shrine was founded by the priest Gyoki on the order of Emperor Shomu in the Nara period, and this holy place is also believed to have been used by the great monk Kobo Daishi for training in the Heian period. The temple is in position of 37 designated Important Cultural Properties and four National Treasures, including a statue of Vairocana representing the mandala which is the temple's principal object of worship, a statue of Acala, and a statue of Trailokyavijaya.

    こちらは[本坊]と[庭園]で構成され 両方を鑑賞しようとすると 2時間程度は少なくとも必要なので 時間的余裕を持って来訪する必要があります。今回 令和2年(2020)からの [庭園]側にある [大玄関]の修復が完了していていると聞き 2023年3月19日訪問すると、[本坊]境内の《しだれ桜》が見事に咲き 春感をタップリ楽しめました。なお 通常は[金堂]内に安置されている三尊像[大日如来坐像、不動...

  • Myokokuji Temple
    27 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakai-shi Sakai-ku Zaimokucho Higashi 4-1-4
    A Buddhist temple located in Zaimokuchohigashi, Sakai Ward, Sakai City. The temple is believed to have been founded by Nichiren monk Nichiko in 1562. A large sago palm growing on the grounds is over 1,100 years old and has been designated a National Natural Monument; one legend connects the palm to the powerful samurai lord Oda Nobunaga. The strolling rock garden built around the palm is also a highlight. In addition, the temple is known as the site where 11 samurai from Tosa Domain committed seppuku after the Sakai incident at the end of the Edo period.

    《蘇鉄枯山水庭園》《史料館》は写真撮影禁止なのが残念ですが 《蘇鉄枯山水庭園》に 大井川 富士山 富士川を表現している為 徳川家康が喜んだとの話は 実際に鑑賞すると納得です。又 《史料館》内部に 豊臣秀吉や織田信長が残した品々に驚き 堺事件(土佐十一烈士)に関しては こちらを訪問し 初めて知りましたが 遺品や辞世の句は 心に響くものがありました。 こちらは《蘇鉄枯山水庭園》《史料館》を実際に触れな...

  • Hirokawa-dera Temple
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Minamikawachigunkananchou Hirokawa 43
    This temple located in the Hirokawa area of Kanan-cho is famous as the place where the monk Saigyo ended his life. A famous cherry blossom viewing spot, the famous Suya-zakura (red weeping cherry blossoms) on the grounds have thin trunks and a deep pink dainty appearance when they begin to bloom. The best time to see them is usually from the beginning to end of April. Approx. 1,500 cherry blossoms such as Yoshino cherry blossoms, yae-zakura and weeping cherry blossoms bloom nearby, and the area was chosen as one of Osaka's top 100 green landscapes. The 13th En no Gyoja's sacred site of the Saigoku Yakushi 49 Temple Pilgrimage, possesses items such as a wooden seated statue of a saint who achieved complete emptiness, a prefecture-designated tangible cultural property, and a wooden Kobo Daishi seated statue.

    紅葉がきれいでまるで京都に来ているみたいにゆっくり庭を楽しめました 西行法師ゆかりのお寺でおすすめです

  • Yachuji Temple
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Habikino-shi Nonoue 5-9-24
    "A Buddhist temple located in Nonoue 5-Chome, Habikino City. Records state the temple was founded by Soga-no-Umako on the order of Prince Shotoku and thus is also known as the ""Nakano Taishi"" after the prince's Japanese title of ""taishi."" The ruins of an Asuka period temple, including a three tier pagoda and main hall, are located on the grounds, and this has been designated a National Historic Site."

    大阪府羽曳野市にある聖徳太子所縁の高野山真言宗の仏教寺院。 府道堺羽曳野線沿いに建ち、無料駐車場が有ります、入場料も無料です。 非常に歴史の有るお寺で元々は広大な境内だった様ですが、現在はこじんまりとした落ち着いた雰囲気のお寺です。 お寺裏の墓地には、浄瑠璃や歌舞伎で有名な「お染久松」のお墓があります。 国重要文化財の金銅弥勒菩薩半跏像は18日に開帳です。

  • Sefukuji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Prefecture Izumi City Saioyamacho 136
    "Sefukuji Temple is a Buddhist temple affiliated with the Tendai Sect and located in the city of Izumi. Its nickname is Makiodera ""Yew Plum Pine Temple."" It is said to have been founded during the reign of the 6th century Emperor Kinmeiby the monk Gyoman Shonin. The principal image is f Juichimen Senju SenganKanzeonBosatsu(an eleven-faced, thousand-armed and thousand-eyes statue of Kanzeon).No. fourthtemple of Seigoku33Kannonpilgrimage. Located on the side of Mt. Makio, Sefukuji is known to be difficult to reach, since visitors must access it by a series of steep, stone steps. In former times, it was a place for praying for safe travel by ship and for victory in war. Kobo Daishi, the ninth-century founder of Shingon Buddhism, officially entered the monastic life at a ceremony at this temple. It is famous for its exceptionally scenic surroundings, with views of Mt. Iwawaki to the south, Mt. Kongo to the east, and Osaka Bay to the north. Visitors enjoy viewing cherry blossoms in the spring and brightly colored leaves in autumn."
  • Takidani-fudomyo-ji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Tondabayashishi Ochikata 1762
    This temple, established by Kobo Daishi to pray for the safety and the happiness of the people in 821, is a 15-minute walk fromTakidanifudo Station. The temple is dedicated to Fudo Myo-o Deity and along with the attendants of Kongara-doji and Seitaka-doji, carved with a ritual of bowing three times before carving each part, are registered as National Important Cultural Property. It is also known as the god of the eyes and the prosperous Fudosan, and many people visit the shrine to pray for prosperous business, good luck and road safety on the 28thof each month which is considered as the day of good fortune.
  • Eifuku-ji Temple (Tomb of Prince Shotoku)
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Minamikawachi-gun Taishicho Taishi 2146
    A Buddhist temple located in Taishi, Taishi Town, Minamikawachi County, Osaka Prefecture. The temple was established to protect the mausoleum where Prince Shotoku; his mother, Princess Anahobe Hashihito; and his wife Kashiwabe no Oiratsume are buried. The temple died out temporarily during the Warring States period but was restored in the Edo period after the Syoryoden was rebuilt by Toyotomi Hideyori. The Eifuku-ji Daijyoeshiki ceremony, also known as the Taishi Mairi, is held each year on Aril 11th and 12th.
  • Enmeiji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kagaoka, Kawachinagano-shi, Osaka Prefecture 492
    This temple is in Nagano, on Kamigaoka Kawachinagano City, and is said to have been founded when Kukai enshrined a Jizo statue there. Later, the temple was abandoned but it was restored as Yakujuyama Enmeiji Temple during the Edo period by local son Jogon. In so doing, the main object of worship became the Nyorin Kannon, now designated an Important Cultural Property. This area is famed as an autumn leaf viewing spot, and was selected one of Osaka's Best Greenery Spots, and the 1000 year old maple Yusho Momiji is designated an Osaka Natural Monuments.
  • Nanshuji Temple
    31 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakai-shi Sakai-ku Minamihatagocho Higashi 3-cho 1-2


  • Eifukuji Temple
    23 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Minamikawachi-gun Taishicho Taishi 2146

    聖徳太子が生前から自らの墓所と決めていた地の古墳(墓所)です。 622年に母が亡くなり、その2か月後に妃が亡くなり、その翌日に太子は49歳で亡くなったとされます。 この3名が眠る場所としてこの地に古墳が造られました。 聖徳太子も皇族なので管理の管轄は宮内庁となります。 宮内庁の管理ってどんな感じなんだろう?と思いますが、この場所に関しては週に一度は状況確認に宮内庁の担当者が来ているらしいです。 歴...

  • Ebaraji Temple
    23 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakai-shi Nishi-ku Iebaraji Cho 1-cho 8-20

    真言宗だと思ってお参りし、真言の札を頂きたかったのでご長老の方にお尋ねしたら、「もはや、真言宗では行きはったらいいわ!!!」とえらい勢いで言われました。 しかも、ずっと境内自由だったのが入場料が必要です。改修工事中の場所が多くて歩きにくいし、もう行けません。

  • Jigenin Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Izumisano-shi Hineno 626


  • Matsuodera Temple
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Izumi-shi Matsuojicho 2168

    泉北光明池駅から車で12分ほどの場所にあります。Google Mapのナビを使って松尾寺の駐車場と思われる場所に到着しましたが、そこから5分ほど坂道を下った場所に松尾寺の本当の駐車場がありました。松尾寺の間近にある「P (駐車場)」に到着地設定することをお勧めします。 境内はそれほど広いわけでは無かったですが紅葉はきれいでした。泉北や和泉市の在住者が気軽に訪れられる紅葉スポットとしてお勧めです。

  • Ushitaki Yamadai Itokuji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Kishiwada-shi Osawacho Ushitaki 1178

    もみじと滝が楽しめます。 紅葉の季節に初めて行きました。 寺の奥の牛滝山方面に行くと滝とハイキングコースがあります。 大自然に囲まれたパワーをもらえる場所です。

  • Honganji Temple Sakai Betsuin (Kita no Gobo)
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Sakai-shi Sakai-ku Shinmeicho Higashi 3-1-10

    阪堺電気軌道の妙国寺前駅から徒歩5分ほど。 1476年に蓮如が創建した信證院が始まり。真宗本願寺派。本尊は阿弥陀如来。1877年に明治天皇が当寺に臨幸されており、大きな山門(1752年築)の前には「明治天皇聖址」と刻まれた石碑が立つ。豪壮な本堂は1825年再建で、現存する堺最大の木造建築。明治初期には堺県の県庁舎として利用された。鐘楼に吊るされた梵鐘(1617年造)は開口神社の神宮寺である念仏寺に...

  • Takojizo (Tenshoji Temple)
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Osaka Kishiwada-shi Minamimachi 43-12


Osaka Areas


While Osaka prefecture is the country's second smallest prefecture, its capital, Osaka City, is the country’s third-largest and arguably one of the most popular in the Kansai region thanks to its vibrant nightlife, the Osaka people’s openness, and its much-loved cuisine, which has earned it the nickname "the nation’s kitchen."

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