Temple Spots in Shiga Area

  • Tenneiji Temple (500 Arhats)
    20 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Hikoneshi Satonechou 232
    A Buddhist temple located in Satone-cho, Hikone City. The temple was built by Ii Naonaka, then lord of Hikone Domain. The temple is famous for its 500 arhat figures carved by the renowned Komai Choun. It is said that those who stand in the arhat hall and gaze at the 500 figures arrayed side by side are sure to find one whose face seems to be looking into their very soul.


  • Eigenji Temple
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Eigenjitakanochou 41
    A Buddhist temple located in Eigenji Takano-cho, Higashiomi City. The temple was founded by the monk Jakushitsu Genko after Sasaki Ujiyori, the military commission of Omi, donated the land in 1361 during the Nanboku-cho period. The temple’s principal object of worship, a “hidden Buddha” figure depicting the Kanzeon Bodhisattva, is displayed to the general public only once every 25 years or so. The temple’s grounds are also a renowned destination for fall foliage viewing.


  • Hyozu Taisha Shrine
    20 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Yasushi Gojou 566
    A Shinto shrine located in Gojo, Yasu City. This ancient shrine was built in the distant Nara period and is dedicated to Yachihoko-no-Kami. Frequented by samurai warriors in ancient times, its magnificent Sakura-mon gate is said to have been donated by the shogun Ashikaga Takauji and the shrine’s treasures includes numerous sets of arms and armor. The shrine’s garden is also a designated national Place of Scenic Beauty.


  • Daichiji Temple
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Minakuchichounasaka 1168
    A Buddhist temple located in Nasaka Minakuchi-cho, Koka City. The temple is said to have been founded some 1,250 years ago during the Tempyo period when the great priest Gyoki, who was visiting the region, dug four ponds which still remain today in the shape of the Japanese character for heart and built the main temple in the center of them. The temple’s Hourai Garden, a dry landscape garden, is said to have been created by the celebrated artist Kobori Enshu.

    龍護山大池寺(りゅうごさんだいちじ)は、滋賀県甲賀市水口町名坂(しがけんこうかしみなくちちょうなさか)にある臨済宗妙心寺派の寺だ。 本尊は、釈迦如来(しゃかにょらい) 行基が作ったと伝わる池がある名坂大池寺自然公園がある。 2020年10月23日、この日は田村神社に参拝した。 そこから車で、大池寺にやってきた。 駐車場はとても広い。 駐車場から、かなりの距離を歩く。 この日は土砂降りで、少しつ...

  • Sekisemimaru-jinja Shrine Shimosha
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Ousaka 1-15-6
    A Shinto shrine located in Osaka, Otsu City. The shrine is one of three Sekisemimaru shrines in the city. The Shimosha, or lower shrine, is dedicated to Toyotama-hime-no-mikoto, who is enshrined here alongside the famous Heian period biwa lute player Semimaru. The shrine is seen as a patron shrine to musical performance and is also thought to heal worshippers with eye diseases based on a story about Semimaru, once blind, regaining his eyesight.


  • Ishidoji Temple
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Ishidouchou 860
    A Buddhist temple located in Ishido-cho, Higashiomi City. According to legend, the temple was founded by Prince Shotoku. The three-tier stone pagoda located on the temple’s grounds is believed to have been created in the distant Nara period; the oldest three tier stone pagoda in the country, is has been designated a National Important Cultural Property. The temple holds a Stone Pagoda Festival each year in August.


  • Ishibaji Temple
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Gokashouishibajichou 823
    A Buddhist temple located in Gokashoishibaji-cho, Higashiomi City. The temple was built in 594 by Prince Shotoku. The temple’s name, which means “Stone Horse Temple,” is derived from a legend according to which Prince Shotoku was led up Mt. Kinugasa by a horse; the prince tied to horse to a pine tree and descended down the mountain, and when he returned, the horse had turned into stone and sunk to the bottom of a pond. Today, the main temple building enshrines a wooden signboard with the temple’s name said to have been inscribed by Prince Shotoku’s own hand, and the pine tree to which Prince Shotoku tied the horse.

    よかった 階段きつかったです。拝観はお金かかるですが、外見るだけ無料です。杖があって、大変助かりました。緑いっぱいです

  • Katsuragawa Sokusho Myooin
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Katsuragawaboumurachou 155
    A Buddhist temple located in Katsuragawa Bomura-cho, Otsu City. The temple was built as a dojo on the Kaihogyo pilgrimage route by the head priest of the Enryakuji Temple in the Heian period. A ritual taiko drum performance and dance called the Taiko Mawashi is held at the temple for pilgrims walking the route on Mt. Hiei each year on July 18.

    鯖街道をドライブ中にたまたま見つけた紅葉の名所です。 明王谷にかかる三宝橋の辺りの紅葉は見応えがあり、隠れた穴場ですね。

  • Seiganji Temple
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Maibarashi Maihara 669
    A Buddhist temple located in Maibara, Maibara City. The temple was originally founded as the Beisenji temple by Sasaki Doyo, military commissioner of Omi, in the distant Nanboku-cho period. The temple’s rock garden is a designated National Place of Scenic Beauty and, with a reservation made at least five days in advances, visitors can enjoy a special Japanese Buddhist vegetarian meal while taking in a view of the garden.

    米原市の太尾山(ふとおやま)西麓にある曹洞宗の禅刹です。 南北朝時代に、近江国の守護・京極氏が建てたお寺をルーツとしています。 兵火により焼失した際に、難を逃れた本尊の聖観音像が、長い年月を経たまま古びた小堂に祀られている様子を、遊行中の彦根大雲寺の僧侶が哀れみ、青岸寺として再興したと伝えられ、寺名は再興に尽力した敦賀人の謚に因んでいます。 湖東(琵琶湖の東部)エリアに点在する近江七福神霊場札所の...

  • Enryakuji Temple (Hokke Sojiin Todo Hall)
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Otsu-shi Sakamotohonmachi 4220
    A Buddhist temple located in Sakamoto Honmachi, Otsu City. This temple makes up one of the three sections of the Enryakuji Temple, the head temple of Tendai Buddhism. Located on the land where the great monk Saicho founded the Enryakuji in 788, the grounds encompass various important structures centering on the Konpon Chudo, the overarching main temple and a designated National Treasure.
  • Chojuin
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Hikone-shi Furusawacho 1139


  • Rakuyaji Temple
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Koukashi Koukachouichino 1377
    A Buddhist temple located in Ichino Koka-cho, Koka City. The temple’s principal object of worship is a seated, 11 headed figure of Kanzeon Bodhisattva; the largest such figure in Japan, it is said to have been carved by the great monk Saicho and is only unveiled to the general public once every 33 years. The shrine also came to be known for having been visited by Sakanoue no Tamuramaro to pray when he went to subdue the bandits in the Suzuka Mountains; the origins of the ritual sumo matches held on the grounds each year on October 18 date back to the sumo matches held by Sakanoue no Tamuramaro’s retainers.

    滋賀県甲賀市甲賀町にある天台宗の寺院で「らくやじ」と言います。 たまたま近所を車で走っていて「甲賀の大仏」と言う看板が見えたので寄りました。 無料の駐車場があり、そこから境内に向かうと、たくさんの観音様がたくさん並ぶ参道があり、ガラス張りの中に仁王様がいる仁王門も小ぶりですが素敵でした。 ここの一番の見どころは甲賀三大仏と言われる薬師如来坐像、日本最大の十一面観音坐像ですが、少し急いでいたので...

  • Osaki-ji Temple
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Takashima-shi Makinocho Kaizu 128
    "This Shingon Chisan Buddhist temple is located a five-minute drive from JR Makino Station. The ninth temple on the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage, it is widely known as the ""Osaki Kannon."" In addition to being able to see Lake Biwa from the observatory in front of the main temple building, some of the temple's many highlights include the Amidado hall, which was built with wood which is still stained with blood from the battle which led to the fall of Azuchi Castle; a statue said to have been created by Prince Shotoku; and two ancient pines called the Senkanmatsu and the Bentenmatsu. In the spring, cherry trees growing on the grounds come into beautiful bloom. As the temple is located a 30-minute walk from the nearest bus station, visitors are encouraged to rent a bicycle at the train station."


  • Ohara Kannon-ji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Maibara-shi Asahi 1342
    A 10-minute drive from the Nagahama Interchange on the Hokuriku Expressway. This temple was once a Hosso Buddhist temple and one of the four great Gokokuji (temple dedicated to protecting the country) on Mt. Ibuki alongside the Yatakaji Temple, Taiehiji Temple, and Nagaoji Temple, but in 1383 it became a Tendai Buddhist temple. The temple is believed to be the place where future samurai and military commander Ishida Mitsunari and mighty samurai lord Toyotomi Hideyoshi met; according to legend, Ishida, who was then a young monk, was discovered by Toyotomi, who had come to the area to enjoy falconry, after the boy served the lord three cups of tea with exquisite hospitality. The temple's wooden statue depicting the great monk Dengyo Daishi in a seated position dates to the distant Kamakura period and has been designated a National Important Cultural Property.


  • Kuwanomi-dera Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Oumihachimanshi Aduchichoukuwanomiji 292
    A Buddhist temple located in Kuwanomiji Azuchi-cho, Omihachiman City. The temple was founded on the order of Emperor Tenji. The temple’s name means the “Mulberry Truth Temple” and is derived from the fact that Joe, the temple’s first head priest, brought back a mulberry tree from China. In turn, the temple is also known as the first-place silkworm cultivation was conducted in Japan. The temple is the 46th temple on the Saigoku Yakushi 49 Sacred Places pilgrimage.


  • Rengeji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Maibarashi Bamba 511
    A Buddhist temple located in Bamba, Maibara City. Banba was once a post station town which was named as the hometown of Chutaro, a character appears in the play “Mabuta no haha” by Shin Hasegawa, and a Jizo statue modeled after the character stands on the grounds of the temple. The temple is also known for its beautiful cherry tree and Rhododendron dilatatum blossoms in April.


  • Seiryuji Tokugenin Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Maibarashi Kiyotaki 288
    A Buddhist temple located in Kiyotaki, Maibara City. The family temple of the northern Omi Kyogoku clan, in the Edo period Kyogoku Takatoyo gathered generations of family graves at one location here to create a family cemetery, marking it by building a three-tier pagoda. Today, this pagoda is a designated National Historic Site. The temple is also famous for its fall foliage in autumn and, in spring, the blossoms of its “Doyo” zakura cherry trees.

    We learned about this temple before we left home and had decided we wanted to visit it. It is an easy train ride to Maibara from Nagahama where we were staying. Then we transferred trains for a...

  • Shozuiji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Honkatata 1-27-20
    A Buddhist temple located in 1 Chome Honkatata, Otsu City. The temple was founded in the Muromachi period by the monk Kaso Sodon. The temple also known for the famous poet and monk Ikkyu Sojun having trained here under Kaso Sodon, and a stone monument noting this fact stands on the temple’s grounds. An advance reservation is required to worship in the main temple.

    庭園は見応えがあります。 浮見堂を含め、堅田藩陣屋跡周辺はお寺や神社があり、付近一帯を巡るのがよいでしょう。昔からの商店の看板があちらこちらにあります。

  • Genjuan
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Kokubu 2
    A historic site located on the grounds of Chikatsuo-jinja Shrine in 2 Chome Kokubu, Otsu City. During the Edo period, the renowned haiku poet Matsuo Basho stayed here for four months, describing it in the “Genjuan no ki.” The current structure was restored in 1991.

    大津市国分の近津尾神社境内の自然深きところにひっそりと建っています。 松尾芭蕉が元禄年間に4ヶ月滞在した草庵「幻住庵」を平成3年に復元したもので当時の生活ぶりを今に残しています。また小路には俳句が彫られた石碑などが置かれています。また近隣には聖徳太子堂があり小高い丘に登ると琵琶湖を一望できます。

  • Shoho-ji Temple (Wisteria Temple)
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Shiga Pref. Gamougunhinochou Kaigake 2145
    A Buddhist temple located in Kaigake, Hino Town, Gamo County, Shiga Prefecture. The temple’s principal object of worship, an 11-headed Kanzeon Bodhisattva, is a so-called “hidden Buddha” which is only revealed to the general public once every 33 years. The temple’s small two-tier stone Buddhist tower is a designated national Important Cultural Property. A famous destination for wisteria flowers, around May, visitors can enjoy the site of one-meter long branches covered in wisteria blossoms growing from an over 300-year-old tree draped along and hanging from a trellis.

    鎌掛の藤寺と言われる正法寺では、樹齢300年の藤がとても有名です。 藤棚から、1メートル程藤の花が下がっており、奥行きが80メートルの藤棚は見事でした。 ずっと続く藤のトンネルは圧巻でした。 ここまでの藤を見たことがなかったので感動で、来た甲斐がありました。

Shiga Areas


Visitors to Shiga prefecture are almost always hopping east across the prefectural border from Kyoto, and they are almost certainly Lake Biwa-bound. Covering an area of 670 square kilometers, Lake Biwa makes up the bulk of Shiga prefecture, with beautiful lakeside paths that offer myriad walking and cycling opportunities, connecting a string of museums, shrines, and picturesque views that finally lead you to Hikone Castle on the eastern side of the lake.

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