Temple Spots in Onomichi Area

  • Senkoji Temple
    688 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Higashitsuchidouchou 15-1
    This is a temple located in Senkoji Park in Onomichi City. According to temple legend it was established in 806, by Kobo Daishi. The red painted main hall is an unusual structure called a stage building, and the building, together with the bell tower, symbolizes Onomichi. It is believed that once a jewel of shining light was placed on the big rock beside the main hall called “Tama no Iwa” and this illuminated the sea. From inside the precincts you can enjoy a magnificent view overlooking the city of Onomichi and the Seto Inland Sea.

    Located half way along Senkoji mountain and not far from the cable car station. The temple was established around 806. The temple offers a panoramic view of Onomichi port and the Seto Inland sea. A...

  • Kousanji Museum (Kousanji Temple)
    156 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Setodachousetoda 553-2
    The temple of Jodo Shinshu in Setoda Town, Onomichi City. It was established in 1936 by Kouzo Kousanji, an industrialist, to ensure his mother’s bodai or enlightment. The temple itself is the museum and inside the exhibition hall there are displays of cultural properties such as artifacts of Buddhism, tea ceremony and drawings. Many temples were built mimicking Japanese architecture and 15 buildings, including the main hall, are registered as Tangible Cultural Properties of the country. It is also called “the Sunlight in the West”.

    I had the Kosanji Temple marked on my maps as a must when I rode my bike on the Shimanami Kaido. I was really looking forward to visiting the temple but the entrance price really threw me off...

  • Tenneiji Temple
    117 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Higashitsuchidouchou 17-29
    Tenneiji Temple, a temple of the Soto school of Zen Buddhism, located about 15 minutes’ walk from Onomichi Station, is said to have been founded by Fumyo Kokushi through donations by Yoshiakira Ashikaga in 1367. Yoshiakira built the temple as a five-story pagoda but it was later changed to a three-story pagoda known as Kaiunto, now designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. The view from the tower overlooking the city and the sea is one of the highlights of Onomichi. The 526 statues of Buddhist saints in the Rakando Hall is a must-see. A so called Sasuri Hotoke-san statue (literally, “rubbing Buddhist statue”) stands to the left in the temple’s main hall, and legend has it that your illness will get cured when you rub the same part of the statue’s body to where you feel sick. From April through to May, the cherry blossom and peonies show their full splendor in the temple grounds.

    Love the architecture of the temple. While its not a must see, if youre in town, its worth adding to your itinerary.

  • Jodo-ji Temple
    52 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Higashikubochou 20-28
    This is one of the leading ancient temples of the Chugoku region. Located in Onomichi City, Hiroshima, it is the head temple of the Senyuji school of the Shingon sect. It is said to have been founded by Prince Shotoku in 616 as is known as the temple where Ashikaga Takauji prayed for success in battle. The main temple building, with its Irimoya-zukuri (formal tile hip-and-gable roof) and Hongawara-buki (tile roofing in which round and square tiles are laid down alternately) and the two-storied pagoda are registered as National Treasures, and the main gate and temple hall containing the image of Amitabha are Important Cultural Properties. In fact, the temple has such high historical value that the entire grounds are designated as a National Treasure. The inner shrine at the top of the mountain offers a spectacular view of the townscape of Onomichi and the sea.

    浄土寺の脇道から浄土寺山に登ることが出来ます。 結構ハードなハイキングコースで、 手入れがなされていないため薮が深い。 「本当にここを登っていいのか」と半信半疑になりますが、 そこの展望台から見る尾道は絶景です。 眼下にトンビが舞い、遠く四国まで見えました。 千光寺の展望台から見る景色より綺麗です。 尾道市は、ここを手入れし、観光資源として もっと活用すれば良いのにと、 どうでも良いことを思ってし...

  • Kojoji Temple
    33 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Setodachousetoda 57
    This temple is in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture. It is a Soto sect temple venerating Kanzeon Bosatsu, or Kannon the Buddha of Compassion, and although the main temple had been gone since the Meiji period, it was rebuilt in 2010. It is remarkable for its fusion of Japanese and Chinese architecture, and the only remnant of its original building, the three-story pagoda tower, is a designated national treasure.

    Pleasant enough temple and pagoda but only if you are in the area with some time to spend. Nice walk up the hill through the trees.

  • Jiko-ji Temple
    38 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Nishitsuchidouchou 9-2
    This is an old temple with an impressive, grand stone gate called Jiko-ji Temple, which is one of the seven Buddha monuments of the Onomichi tour route. It is famous for its blooming hydrangeas in the rainy season, and is also known as Hydrangea Temple. The Nigiri Buddha experience, making hand size Buddha clay statues while making wishes, is also popular.

    尾道駅から徒歩5分ほど。 承和年間(834-848年)に天台宗の寺院として創建。1382年に浄土宗に改宗。本尊は五劫思惟阿弥陀如来。「尾道七佛めぐり」の一寺。山門は竜宮門の一層部分だけになった(上層部の櫓がない)ような不思議な造形。裏山のから切り出した36枚の花崗岩でできているとのこと。本堂は木造瓦葺き。 尾道出身の女性画家・平田玉蘊(1787-1855年)の菩提寺であり、境内にはその作品を展示す...

  • Buttsuji Temple
    28 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Miharashi Takasakachou Motoyama 22
    A Buddhist temple in Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture. This Rinzai sect temple is primarily dedicated to the worship of Shakanyorai and was established in 1397. The main temple hall has been designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. The temple draws visitors year-round and is often bustling with people searching for tales of history. The temple is especially well known as a place to visit during autumn for its variety of colors of changing leaves.

    The walk from the bus stop takes you under some lovely overarching trees. Allow a lot of time for wandering and photographing. The momiji against the buildings make for wonderful images. Rows of...

  • Takara Do Ji
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Higashitsuchidocho 10-3

    尾道駅から徒歩10分ほど。 貞和年間(1345-49年)創建の浄土宗西山禅林寺派の寺院。本尊は阿弥陀如来。本堂は木造瓦葺き。境内に鎮座する吉備津彦神社(一宮神社)の神宮寺。観音堂には如意輪観音が祀られているとのことだが、堂内に安置されている仏像は観音像ではない。これはどういうことなのか・・・。

  • Taisanji Temple
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Nagae 1-11-11
    Said to have been founded in the middle of the Heian period, Taisanji Temple is also called “Tenjinbo.” The temple has a Higiri Jizo statue, and many students come to pray for success when they have exams. To the left of the precincts there’s stone monkey images known as the “Goen monkeys.” Their funny gestures are the opposite of Nikko’s three monkeys who “See no evil, speak no evil, and hear no evil.” This invites good luck.

    映画「転校生」のロケ地である御袖天満宮のすぐ近くにある尾道七佛めぐりの寺院の一つ。 尾道七佛めぐりもいよいよ6番目となり残すは西國寺となったんですが、私の足がそろそろ限界近くになり、残念ながらここ大山寺が最後の訪問地となりました。 御袖天満宮の石段はかなり急で上るのも下るのも大変ですが、ラッキーなことに御袖天満宮の境内からこちら大山寺が繋がっていたので簡単に行くことができました。 どうやら大山寺...

  • Kairyuji Temple
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Higashikubochou 22-8
    Kairyuji Temple was established in 1245. In the temple there are the tombstone of Takemoto Yatayu, a Bunraku performer and the Okyozuka monument. As the Bunraku (classical Japanese puppetry) uses the hands, praying while stroking a certain part of the monument is said to improve a person’s artistic skills. A thousand-armed Kannon is the temple’s principle image, and it is an important prefectural cultural property. Other temple treasures including statues of Fudo Myoo (Acala, one of the Five Wisdom Kings) and Amida Nyorai (Amitabha Tathagata) are also must-sees. It is approximately a 10-minute drive from JR Onomichi Station.

    Located on the hilly area near the JR tracks and adjacent to Jodoji-temple. The temple was founded in 1245 and entombs a Bunraku performer (traditional Japanese puppetry), Yatayu Takemoto. The temple...

  • Kaifukuji Temple
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Nishitsuchidocho 14-1
    This Buddhist temple is located a 10-minute walk from Onomichi Station on the JR San'yo Main Line. Records state the ancient temple was founded in the Gen’o era (1319-1321). Said to have been founded by an apprentice of the wandering priest Niso, the temple is famous for its unusual grave containing three heads. There once were three thieves who gave their spoils to the poor, but eventually they were executed for their crimes in 1828. Their heads were buried next to the main temple, and local residents came to honor the thieves. It is said that praying to the grave can cure one of illnesses from the neck up, and even today an unending stream of people visit the grave seeking its miraculous power.

    尾道駅から徒歩15分ほど。 1328年創建の時宗遊行派の寺院。本尊は阿弥陀如来。本堂は木造瓦葺き。本堂の左手には処刑された3人の義賊の首を祀った「三つ首様」と呼ばれる墓がある。この三ツ首様は首から上の病気平癒に御利益があるとのこと。

  • Saigoji Temple
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Higashikubocho 8-40
    Records state this ancient temple was founded by Icchin, known as the sixth Yugyo Shonin (“Traveling Saint”) in Japan, at the end of the Kamakura period. The temple’s name at that time was written with different characters, and a stone pillar as well as a temple name plaque inscribed with this older form of the name can still be found on the grounds. The main temple building, built in 1353, is the oldest extant temple building affiliated with the Jishu sect of Pure Land Buddhism founded by the priest Ippen. An excellent example of Pure Land Buddhist architecture, it has been designated a National Important Cultural Property. The temple’s main building is also famous for its simple square pillars topped by plain horizontal members; known as “crying dragon” pillars, when tapped they produce a distinctive, percussive sound.

    Located on the foot of Mount Senkojiyama and one of the famous 25 temples dotting the mountain. Located near Kairyuji and Jodoji temples.

  • Kaiunto Pagoda, Tenneiji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Higashitsuchidouchou 115
    This three-storied pagoda is located on the grounds of the Soto sect of Zen Buddhism temple Tenneiji, which is said to have been founded by Fumyo Kokushi (high priest) due to contributions from Ashikaga Yoshiakira. It was five stories when the temple was established in 1388, but the top two stories were supposedly removed in 1692. It has been designated as an Important Cultural Property and is also known as Kaiunto. The harmonious scenery created by the pagoda, the town, and the sea is gorgeous, and it is one of Onomichi’s most well-known sights. The nearest station is Onomichi Station.
  • Saikokuji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Pref. Onomichishi Nishikubochou 29-27
    This is the head temple of the Daigo branch of Shingon Buddhism. It is said to have been founded during the Tenpyo period (729 to 749) by the priest Gyoki. Two-meter straw sandals are presented at the Niomon Gate. Passing through the gate and climbing the 108 stone steps, visitors find a main hall which has been designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. There are also a three-tier pagoda, a founder’s hall, and a Fudo hall. The temple is famous as a cherry blossom spot, and in season the blossoms are lit-up in the evening so visitors can enjoy the fantastic scene.
  • Komyobo Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Setodacho Mitera 757
    This Buddhist temple is connected to the Imperial Family, and records state it was founded in 730 by the priest Gyoki on the order of Emperor Shomu. The temple is located a 10-minute drive from the Ikuchijima-kita Interchange on the Nishiseto Expressway. Some of the temple’s many highlights include a 13-tier stone pagoda and a statue depicting a seated Amitabha which is the temple’s principal object of worship, both designated National Important Cultural Properties; and a five-tier stone pagoda dedicated to the wife of Emperor Go-Shirakawa and the great priest Honen. Visitors are also recommended to see a Chinese juniper tree on the grounds which has grown into an extremely unusual and beautiful shape; over 650 years old, the tree has been designated a Natural Monument by the prefecture. In most years, the temple holds a Nehan-e memorial service for Gautama Buddha on the last Sunday in March, and during this event the grounds bustle with visitors.
  • Komyoji Temple
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Higashitsuchidocho 2-8

    尾道駅から徒歩10分ほど。 承和年間(834-847年)の創建。当初は天台宗であったが1336年に浄土宗に改宗。本尊は阿弥陀如来。本堂(1747年再建)は総欅造りで瓦葺き。その横には浄土宗に改宗した僧・道宗の宝篋印塔(開山塔)がある。また境内には江戸時代最後の横綱・陣幕久五郎の墓があり、一段降りたところにはま横に長く枝を伸ばした「蟠龍の松」がある。

  • Myosenji Temple
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Nagae 1-chome 4-3

    尾道駅から徒歩20分ほど。千光寺ロープウェイ「山ろく駅」からすぐ。 1354年創建の日蓮宗の寺院。本尊は法華宝塔釈迦牟尼仏。塀に挟まれた参道の先に立つ山門は竜宮門。本堂は1782年再建で木造瓦葺き。その右手には最上稲荷(岡山市)から勧請されたと思われる最上位経王大菩薩を祀る御堂がある。後で調べたところ、本堂裏手には加藤清正を祀る清正堂があるとのことだが参拝時はその存在に気付かず。

  • Josenji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Nishikubocho 2-2


  • Jikanji Temple
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Nagae 1-4-7

    尾道駅から徒歩20分ほど。 1348年創建の時宗の寺院。1615年頃に現在地に移転。本尊は阿弥陀如来。本堂(1837年築)は木造瓦葺きで二重屋根。鐘楼に鐘はない。境内隅には黒松と赤松が絡み合った「夫婦松」がある。

  • Zenshoji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hiroshima Onomichi-shi Nagae 1-chome 16-25

    猫の細道の少し先にある真言宗寺院。 説明の看板によると本尊の聖観世音菩薩は「萩の観音」と呼ばれているようです。 坂の街、尾道の観光は歩きが大変で、ここに来るまでもたくさん歩いたので入口の石段を下から見上げた時に少しだけ心が折れそうになりましたが頑張って石段を上り訪問しました。 石段の上には素敵な薬医門があり、中の本堂は中々立派でした。特に印象に残ったのは鐘楼で建築様式はわかりませんがあまり見ないよ...

Hiroshima Areas


There is more than meets the eye awaiting any Hiroshima-bound traveler. Kicking off in Hiroshima city, the Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima Castle, and Shukkeien Garden offer a couple of days of exploring; however, the real beauty lies along the southern coast of the prefecture. There, a series of islands spreads across the Seto Inland Sea: from the mysterious sea-submerged Great Torii Gate at Miyajima Island to the first half of the islands that connect Honshu to Shikoku via six spectacular suspension bridges.

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