Temple Spots in Sanda / Tamba / Sasayama Area

  • Byakugoji Temple
    39 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Tambashi Ichijimachoubyakugouji 709
    This temple is located about 10 minutes by car from the Maizuru Expressway's Kasuga Interchange. Founded by the monk Hodo in 705, the principal object of worship is a hidden hibutsu image brought from India of Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai. The temple was destroyed by fire during Akechi Mitsuhide's attack on Tamba but was rebuilt in the late 1500s. Along with cherries and azaleas, the temple features a wisteria variety known as kyushaku-fuji with clusters reaching as long as 180 centimeters. They spread along a 120-meter wisteria trellis that's a sight to behold when in full bloom. The Kyushaku-fuji Festival is held to coincide with the flowering of the wisteria and sees a flood of tourists come to the temple every year.

    丹波市にある天台宗の寺院。丹波地区の藤の名所として知られており、花の時期にはライトアップが行われる。 休日の昼間はとても混雑しており、長い車列の駐車場待ちが起こるが、夜は些かマシのようでえる。最寄りの道の駅丹波おばあちゃんの里も混雑しているために、JR福知山線市島駅からタクシーを利用するか、1時間歩く選択をした方が無難である。 訪れるには何かと不便である場所ではあるが、咲き誇る長い花穂の藤の花...

  • Kazanin Temple (Tokozan Bodaiji)
    26 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Sandashi Ninji 352
    "A Buddhist temple located a 20-minute drive from the Kobe-Sanda interchange on the Chugoku Expressway. The temple's principal object of worship is a statue of Bhaisajyaguru. The temple has two main temple buildings, the Kazan Hou-ou-den, which enshrines a statue of Emperor Kazan; and the Yakushido, which enshrines the principal object of worship. The shrine is counted as part of the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage and the Saigoku Yakushi 49 Sacred Sites pilgrimage. In addition, the temple has seven ""Jizo Statues of Happiness,"" each of which is said to provide a different benefit to those who pray to it, giving visitors the chance to choose the statue appropriate to their needs. The temple promotes Buddhism through sutra copying events held on the first Saturday of every month as well as through appearances on the local Honey FM radio station."

    西国札所の番外で参拝しました。 紅葉ピークを数日外しましたが、まだ境内は色づいた木々がありました。 山門から石段を上がると広い境内があり、二つの本堂と花山法皇の廟所があります。どこもお手入れが行き届いていて綺麗でした。 参拝所要時間40分 写経場ではいつでも自由に写経をすることができます。時間があれば利用したかったところです。 レンタカー利用、お寺までの道は一般道ではありえない斜度なので、特...

  • Kogenji Temple
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Tambashi Aogakichouhinokura 514
    "This Buddhist temple is about a ten-minute drive from the Kita Kinki Toyooka Expressway's Aogaki Interchange. Founded by the Zen priest Enkei Soyu in 1325 during the Kamakura period, it was given the name Kogenji by Emperor Godaigo in 1326. It's the head temple of the Rinzai school of Zen's Chuho lineage. It was called ""Nishi Tenmoku,"" as opposed to the Kai District's Seiunji Temple which was called ""Higashi Tenmoku,"" making it Tamba's most prominent temple. It's also known as the Tenmoku Kaede Temple after its Tenmoku kaede maples that are characterized by smaller leaves and drooping branches. Many visitors come in the fall to see the turning of the leaves. At the start of the mountain climbing season, they hold Koto zither performances and hand out free amazake sweet half-sake."


  • Tashinji Temple
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hijia Town, Hyogo Prefecture Tamba City 259
    "This temple is located about 15 minutes by car from the JR Fukuchiyama Line's Kaibara Station. Jyukusan Tashinji Temple was named after Jyukusan Tarumi-do hall which was transferred to this site as the main hall (""Tashin"" and ""Tarumi"" share the same Chinese characters). Founded by the priest Gyogi, it houses about 80 Buddhist images including Amida Buddha and Bishamonten. Among these are 12 National Important Cultural Properties and 34 Hyogo Prefecture designated Cultural Properties. There are so many valuable images it's been dubbed the ""Shosoin of Tamba."" There is a large dogtooth violet planting about a ten-minute walk away that's at its peak in early April."


  • Youtakuji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Sandashi Eitakuji 210
    A Buddhist temple located a 30-minute drive from the Kobe-Sanda interchange on the Chugoku Expressway. The temple's principal objects of worship are statues depicting the Gautama Triad-Gautama Buddha, Vairocana, and Amitabha. The temple possesses many items connected to Tsugen, the priest who founded the temple and also a figure featured in local folk legends. The temple also displays some ten-odd stone Buddhist statues made in Gandhara, a source of such statuary which existed in India in the second to the third centuries, and these figures have served as valuable resources for research into art from the state.
  • Kozenji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Tanba-shi Kasugacho Kuroi 2263
    This former site of the Shimoyakata (daimyo's villa) of Kuroi Castle was selected for the list of 100 Sightseeing Spots in Tamba City. It is best known for being the birthplace of Lady Kasuga, born Ofuku, who was famously the wet nurse of the shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu. The Shimoyakata was the residence where the lords of the castle resided during times of peace between the near-constant fighting that defined the Sengoku period. The grounds of the temple retains elements that allow visitors to imagine Lady Kasuga's younger years such as the well that provided the water for her first bath the baby and the sitting stone where she once may have sat. The temple still retains vestiges of when it was the residence for feudal lords, such as its water-filled moat, its tall stone ramparts, and its chalky white walls. For this reason, the temple has been designated as a national historical site together with the Kuroi Castle ruins behind it.
  • Manganji Temple
    25 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Kawanishi-shi Manganjicho 7-1

    母がどうしても行きたいと一緒に参拝しましたが、口コミにあるほど良い雰囲気ではないなと思いました。 もちろん個人差はあると思いますが

  • Kosanji Temple
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Tanba-shi Hikamicho Jouraku

    訪問が10-14日ほど早かったようです・・・ 見所は山門から続く参道、通路の両側に沢山並んでいる石灯籠(点灯)とカエデの木が赤く染まって出来る紅葉のトンネルです。 お庭では少し紅葉しかけたカエデの木が少し癒しになりました。 山門の天井に描かれた龍は一見です。

  • Sekiganji Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Tanba-shi Sannancho Iwaya

    車で行けるのは山門の手前までです。 右手に駐車場があるので停めて歩いてあがります。 本堂までは坂道&階段で5-10分程度。 階段の途中にある手水鉢がハート型をしているので、 女子は必見です。 敷地内には神社や奥の院もあり、 時間をかけてみるのもおすすめです。

  • Entsuji Temple
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Tanba-shi Hikamicho Goyu 983

    お寺の由来は「南北朝時代永徳2年(1382年)の正月に、時の将軍足利義光が、後円融天皇の勅命を奉じて創建しました。今日まで六百余年の歳月を経た禅宗の古刹です。室町時代から江戸末期まで二百余の末寺院と一千石をこえる寺領を有し、丹波はもとより但馬・播磨・摂津にかけて君臨していました」。現在の本堂や庫裏は、天保年間に焼失後再建されたもので、本堂は二段屋根になっており、唐風を連想させるとの説明です。 紅...

  • Raikoji Temple
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Kawanishi-shi Higashiuneno 2-chome 17-2

    川西市にある「頼光寺」に参拝しました。 紫陽花寺として、有名です。 昭和45年、万博の年に市民の心の安らぎの場を願いあじさいの寺として100株を植樹したのが始まりだそうです。

  • Sompoji
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyougo Pref. Sasayamashi Tatsumachi 141


  • Shingetsuin Temple
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Sanda-shi Nishiyama 2-chome 4-31

    「戒名無用!「とは白洲次郎の文句。ここ心月院は三田藩主九鬼家や白洲家の菩提寺。 白洲家の墓があるところに、少したと違う墓石がある。これが白洲次郎の墓。 一見の価値があると思う。

  • Ganryuji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Tanba-shi Hikamicho Koura 613-4


  • Shinpukuji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Tamba-Sasayama-shi Kawaramachi 70


  • Joshoji Temple
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Tanba-shi Sannancho Tanigawa

    階段が365段あります。 根性出して登りましょう。 2月11日には‘鬼こそ’と言うお祭りがあります。

  • Enichiji Temple
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Tanba-shi Sannancho Oda


  • Taineiji Temple
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Tanba Sasayama-shi Okuhata 193


  • Kannonji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Sasayama-shi Kawaramachi 165


  • Sekizoji Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Hyogo Tanba-shi Ichijimacho Nakatakeda 1003-1

    本堂前のお庭が4つに仕切られていて、 それぞれ茶色、灰色、白色、緑色の石が敷き詰められたうえで、 枯山水というのでしょうか? 砂紋で流れが描かれていました。 あとで知りましたが「四神相応の庭」と言われているそうです。

Hyogo Areas


Hyogo prefecture stretches from the north coast to the south coast on the western end of the popular Kansai region, encompassing verdant mountains, urban beaches, and fantastic historical sights. The prefecture’s main attractions lie along the south coast at Kobe, the prefectural capital, a pretty harbor city best known for its production of the renowned Kobe beef, and Himeji, the home of Himeji Castle, one of the country’s most beautifully preserved feudal castles, perched magically atop a hill.

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