Hot Spring / Hot Spring Ryokan Spots in Hakuba / Azumino Area

  • Funtokyu
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Matsumoto-shi Azumi Shirahone Onsen
    A 70-minute drive from Matsumoto Station. One of Shirahone Onsen's most scenic destinations, there are actually two locations, one on the right side in front of the Shirahone Grand Hotel, and one behind the Katsura no Yu Maruei Ryokan inn. The mineral deposits accumulated over countless years near areas where the calcium carbonate-rich waters of Shirahone Onsen burst forth. The globular shaped limestone formations, formed by layers and layers of dust hardening into stone, are extremely rare and were designated a National Natural Monument in 1952.
  • Hachimen Daio Ashiyu (foot bath)
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Pref. Aduminoshi Hotakariake 7720-4
    This foot bath in the Hotaka hot spring town of Azumino City, Nagano Prefecture is a popular spot to enjoy natural hot spring water for free. The foot bath is distinctive for the stone statue with eight stone faces that portrays the eight-faced king, a character in an old folk legend of Azamino. Small round stones have been set into the bottom of the bath to stimulate the feet and help one recover from exhaustion. The area around is enveloped by aka-matsu red pines, and guests can easily refresh their legs while enjoying the forest therapy.
  • Baikouan
    4 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nagano Prefecture Matsumoto-shi Shirahone hot spring
    This restaurant serving up local cuisine in the hot spring town of Shirahone in Nagano Prefecture’s Matsumoto City is also a day trip hot spring facility. Inside the dignified building that really conveys its history guests can enjoy a very Japanese space with tatami seating and irori (sunken hearth). Their famous product is Yu-no-Hanazen offering a set of items such as okayu (thin rice porridge) cooked with the hot spring water as well as sweetened boiled rainbow trout. The soba is also popular for its local taste and there are various soba dishes on the menu such as Tagoto Soba and Toji Soba. The rotemburo open-air bath that draws 100% of its warm water from the source is a great place to relax and enjoy a bath while taking in a view of magnificent nature.

    乗鞍岳に登り、帰りに白骨温泉に入る為に寄りました。 湯船は小さく、洗い場も狭いですが、山を見ながら入れます。 食事も出来ます。食事提供の時間が短いので、注意が必要です。

  • Yakushi no Yu
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Pref. Omachishi Taira 2811-41
    This hot spring facility is located in Omachi Onsenkyo of Omachi City. There’s the “Alps Natural Bath Building” that contains both indoor and outdoor springs, as well as the “Bath Experience Building,” where you can sample a sulfur spring, an alkaline spring, and many others, bringing the total to 18 springs. There’s a hall 90 tatami mats large, rental rooms, a dining hall, a shop, and even a small exhibition area with materials about hot springs. This is the only day trip hot spring facility in Omachi Onsenkyo.
  • Fine View Muroyama
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Pref. Aduminoshi Misatogura 6524-1
    At an elevation of 800 meters, this hot spring accommodation facility has a view from the bath takes in the seasonal scenery of Azumino and the Matsumoto Basin. The facility is open to day visitors, and it has a restaurant with a view and accommodation with attached outdoor baths. Lots of tourists visit to pass a leisurely day.
  • Suzumushiso
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Pref. Kitadumigunmatsukawamura 3363-1082
    A hot spring hotel where visitors can soak in waters welling up from 1,800 meters underground located on the Baroo Highland. From the open and airy large public bath and outdoor bath, bathers can view the mountains of Azumino. The adjoining restaurant serves dishes made with local rice and vegetables. Visitors and guests can relax and enjoy the old-fashioned, untouched rural atmosphere.
  • Hotel Sierra Resort Hakuba
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Hakuba-mura Mizubashi Hot Springs in Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture
    This accommodation resort facility is located in Hakuba Village, Kita-azumi County, Nagano Prefecture. You can taste the chef's specialty French cuisine using ingredients specially selected for the season in the restaurant. Inside the facility, you can enjoy bathing in a moved and renovated Edo-period (1603-1868) old house as well as in an open-air bath to enjoy magical views of the forest. There is another hot spring that can be rented for private use. In addition, you can experience many activities for every season around the hotel, including swimming and skiing.
  • Hakuba Happo Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Kita-azumi-gun Hakubamura Kita Jo Hoka
  • Nakabusa Onsen
    59 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Azumino Hotaka Ariake 7226
    A hot spring district situated at the foot of the Japan Alps close to a trail leading up Mt. Tsubakurodake. The area is surrounded by abundant natural beauty and its baths, constantly replenished from a source spring kakenagashi style, make no use of additional outside water, external heating, recirculation, colorings, or chlorine. A designated National Hot Spring Health Resorts, this hot spring village is also counted as one of the 100 most famous in the country. The sulfur spring waters are characterized by their soft feel and are said to aid recovery from fatigue and promote health in addition to alleviating skin diseases, muscle soreness, rheumatism, sensitivity to cold, and other ailments. There are hot spring drinking water facilities here as well as places where you can make a hardboiled egg with hot spring source waters, and visitors can enjoy to their heart's content all the joys of a Japanese hot spring.

    2020年8月に利用。燕岳からの縦走登山の前泊と後泊で利用。 前泊は別館利用で主に登山者向け。本館は温泉♨️主体者向け。私は両方利用。近くには山肌から湯気が上がってるくらいなので地熱はかなりのもの。登山者向けの弁当もあります。人気の燕岳の麓にあることから利用者も多数。温泉♨️(7つあったかな?)がいいので温泉めぐりと、少し奮発して本館でワンランクアップの食事を楽しんでもいいと思います。

  • Ringonoyuyaobu
    29 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Pref. Matsumotoshi Ishishiba 3-chome 9-44

    Dirty hotspring! Hotstone forget about it. Spend your money and see it for yourself! I think there are really such a thing. People from other prefectures love their environment much much more than...

  • Oyado Nagomi no
    43 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Azumino Hotaka Ariake 3618-44

    Small ryokan with cozy design. Small room but very nice onsen baths and stylish dining room. Outstanding kaiseki-style dinner served by the dish. A great place for couples to spend a quiet stay...

  • Katsura no Yu Maru Naga Ryokan
    30 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Matsumoto-shi Azumi Shirahone 4185-2

    泡の湯旅館が高騰し続けるので同じ源泉を使っている丸永旅館へ訪れました。 看板犬はおとなしく犬好きにとってはいい感じ。スタッフの方々は普通ですね。 ラウンジはストーブが入っていますが寒かったです。 廊下もファンヒーターありのところは暖かいのですがないところは寒いですね。 家族できたせいか、新館しか予約できず。 割と新しめで、それなりにはよかったのですが、多少埃があり。 テレビはCATVで衛星系は入ら...

  • Omachi Hot spring village
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Omachi-shi Taira Omachi Hot spring village
    A relatively new hot spring district created in 1963 by piping water from Kuzu Onsen in Takase Gorge, its charming location commands a view of the magnificent Hida Mountains (Northern Japan Alps). Encircled by white birch, oak, and beech trees, in fall visitors can enjoy the sight of beautiful autumn foliage. Situated near Kurobe Dam and the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, the area is used by large numbers of tourists both as a base for sightseeing and mountain climbing. The area's mildly alkaline simple springs are said to aid recovery from fatigue and promote health in addition to alleviating muscle soreness, frozen shoulders, joint pain, sensitivity to cold, and other ailments.
  • Asama Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Matsumoto-shi Asama Onsen 2-6-1
    A hot spring district located 10 minutes away from National Treasure-designated Matsumoto Castle. An ancient hot spring destination, it is believed that the place named as Tsukama in the Nihon shoki, Japan's oldest historical record, is in fact what is called Asama Onsen today. The 50° C source springs found here are used to constantly replenish the hot spring baths of the area kakenagashi style, without the use of any additional outside water or heating. Their waters are said to treat gastrointestinal disorders, women's diseases, respiratory ailments, and skin diseases. In the Meiji period, many writers and artists, such as Akiko Yosano and Yumeji Takehisa, frequented the district. The district is dotted with many monuments inscribed with poems, mausoleums, hot spring source, temples, shrines, and other Cultural Property which speak of the area's more than 1,300 year long history. Serving as the retreat of Matsumoto, the district produces one of the greatest volumes of hot spring waters in the prefecture.
  • Shakunage no Yu
    5 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Azumino Hotaka Ariake 7726-4

    安曇野市の日帰り温泉施設の中では新しく綺麗な温泉です。 自分的には温泉の質も1番良いかなと思います。カルキ臭も無く無色透明でよく温まります。 安曇野市民は500円ですが市外の方は700円の料金設定。 それゆえに地元の方の常連が多く来てる気がします。 そのうちの1人が自分です♪ 風呂は高温サウナと微細泡のシルク風がある「木の湯」と低温塩サウナと炭酸風呂の「石の湯」があり日替わりで男女入れ替わります...

  • Naka no Yu Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Matsumoto-shi Kamikochi
    This hot spring is owned and operated by the Nakanoyu Onsen Ryokan, a hot spring inn established in 1915 which is surrounded by virgin forest and still mountains. The inn commands views of the Hotaka Mountain Range and is conveniently located near the Nakanoyu climbing course leading up Mt. Yakedake. The inn is also Kamikochi's only inn open year-round and thus is used by many as a base for area sightseeing activities. In addition to Kamikochi, a designated Special Place of Scenic Beauty and Special Natural Monument, the inn offers easy access to locations such as Mt. Yakedake, considered one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan; Mt. Norikura, which offers all the natural beauty one might expect from an alpine mountain; and Azumino. The inn's bathhouse tubs are constantly replenished kakenagashi style from the simple sulfur spring. The inn has separate men's and women's indoor baths, outdoor baths, and a private reservable bath. The old-fashioned Bokuden no Yu bath is open from early in the morning until evening and a free transportation service from the Nakanoyu Onsen Ryokan to the Bokuden no Yu bath is available.
  • Kanakuma Onsen
    10 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Omachi-shi Yasaka Yajita 1160

    フロントにいる西川という従業員の電話の対応とフロントでの対応がサービス業とは思えないほど最悪。物言いが客に対して上から目線の物言い。有り得ない。 料理もここはシェフがフレンチの料理長らしいが、肉も薄く本当にフレンチやっていたのか?と思うほど不味い。こんなとこに泊まるほどの価値はない。 二度と利用したくない。

  • Shane Garten Omi
    7 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Pref. Higashichikumagunomimura Hi Small East 3434

    長野県 麻績村にある洒落たレストランホテル。今年は、麻績村の収穫祭と松茸懐石を楽しみました。 収穫祭では、地産の野菜に加えて、採れたての松茸が並ぶ。人気の麻績牛のステーキ肉には、朝から行列。余興に、子供達の聖太鼓などもあり、楽しい収穫祭でした。 翌日は、ジェンガルデン レストランで、松茸懐石を堪能。いつもながら、このお値段で、こんなにたくさんの松茸料理が楽しめるなんて。来年もまたきます、

  • Shioinoyu
    8 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Pref. Matsumotoshi Ote 3-6-3

    土地勘のない松本でふらっと立ち寄りました。 一緒に入った女性のことを番頭の方がずっと見ているので見えない位置に移動したにも関わらず、番頭の方も移動してコチラの方を壁の隙間から再度見ていました。非常に不愉快でした。

  • Omachi Community Center Uehara no Yu
    5 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nagano Omachi-shi Taira 1955-446

    地元の人が来る温泉なので、浴槽も小さく 10人以上は入浴できません。でも源泉掛け流しなので泉質は良いです。 2019年2月現在400円から500円に値上げしています。

Nagano Areas


Nagano prefecture is an exciting mix of mountains, hot spring monkeys, and preserved Edo history. At the heart of the Japanese Alps, Nagano is one of the country’s most popular destinations, whether in winter for its snow sports and the much-loved Jigokudani Monkey Park or in the warmer months for discovering the undulating hills on foot. For fantastic Edo architecture, head to the Kiso Valley for a 60-kilometer stretch of quaint wooden buildings that marked the Nakasendo route 200 years ago.

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