Soba / Udon Spots in Around Nagano City Area

  • Okushamaenaosuke
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nagano Pref. Naganoshi Togakushi 3688
  • Soba Iizuna Main Store
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nagano Nagano-shi Iizuna Kogen 2471-1294
  • Fujimi no Chaya
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nagano Nagano-shi Iizuna Kogen 2471-1512
  • Soba Oku Yashiro no Chaya
    27 Reviews
    Nagano Nagano-shi Togakushi 3506

    戸隠神社奥社と九頭龍社の参拝を終えた私たちは、参道入り口前に立っていた「奥社の茶屋」という蕎麦屋さんで昼食をいただきました。 奥社と九頭龍社の参道入口前と言う絶好の立地場所に建つこちらのそば処は、黒塗りの瀟洒な建物です。設計は、日本を代表する建築家である隈研吾氏なんだそうで、店内に入ると一面ガラス張りの美しい空間に周囲の緑が映えてきれいです。20数年ぶりにいただく戸隠蕎麦は、やっぱりおいしかっ...

  • Noka Dining Hall Goto Farm
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nagano Pref. Naganoshi Shinonoifusetakada 943-1
  • Handmade Soba Noodles Ya Kanda Ta
    26 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nagano Nagano-shi Tsuruga Gondocho 2320


  • Sawa no Iori
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nagano Nagano-shi Minaminagano Kitaishidocho 1190
  • Soba Yabu Nagano Tokyu
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nagano Nagano-shi Minami Chitose 1-1-1

Nagano Areas


Nagano prefecture is an exciting mix of mountains, hot spring monkeys, and preserved Edo history. At the heart of the Japanese Alps, Nagano is one of the country’s most popular destinations, whether in winter for its snow sports and the much-loved Jigokudani Monkey Park or in the warmer months for discovering the undulating hills on foot. For fantastic Edo architecture, head to the Kiso Valley for a 60-kilometer stretch of quaint wooden buildings that marked the Nakasendo route 200 years ago.

Nagano Photo Album

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