Hot Spring / Hot Spring Ryokan Spots in Niigata / Aga Area

  • Cave D'Occi Vinespa
    39 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nigata Pref. Nigatashi Nishikan-ku Kakudahama 1661
    This day-trip hot spring bathing facility is located in the Cave D'Occi Winery in Nishikan, Niigata. From both the men's and women's outdoor and indoor baths you can look over the splendor of Mt. Kakudayama, Mt. Awagatake, and Mt. Makihata of the Echigo Mountain Range with the winery's vineyards at your back. With advance reservation you can reserve the Garden Spa, a private building in the vineyards surrounded by roses and other seasonal flowers. For women, try the Aromatherapy Stone Sauna, where you can relax in an Aveda Chakra Balancing Mist that changes day to day and will help bring a feeling of harmony.

    静かに、のんびりと過ごせる大人の空間。お湯も、柔らかくお肌もスベスベ。食事もできるし、エステや、ヘッドスパなど、優雅に1日中過ごせる。 夜のライトアップも幻想的でした。

  • Casui Akiha Spa
    35 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nigata Pref. Nigatashi Akiha-ku Kusouzuchou 1-4-5
    This hot spring is a mere 30 seconds on foot from the Ban'etsu West Line's Higashi-Niitsu Station. Located at the foot of Mt. Akiha, this day trip hot spring is reminiscent of southern Europe. It is a weak alkaline sodium-chloride spring, which is said to be effective for chronic skin disease, infirmness in children, chronic gynecological disorders, and the like. The luxurious spring water clings to the skin and the abundance of hydrogen carbonate ion has a smoothing effect. There are also many relaxation facilities within the spa, such as restaurants, cafes, beauty salons and healing rooms.

    2019.12.14夜、9時過ぎなのに小学生前か小学生低学年の子供と親がグループで、その他にも何家族か。風呂場では騒いでうるさいし、脱衣所では母親を探して大音量で泣き叫ぶ。それを親が全然注意しないのに驚いた。 騒ぎたいのならグループ風呂もあるのでそちらに行って欲しい。入館料子供も950円とるか、ヴィネスパのように子供禁止にしてほしい。 マッサージも受け、リラックスした最後が最悪だった。静かに入って...

  • Tahou Onsen Dairo no Yu
    25 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nigata Pref. Nigatashi Nishikan-ku Ishize 3250
    Unusual for a day-trip onsen, there are three different quality springs you can enjoy at Tahou Onsen Dairo no Yu: the spring for beautifying skin, the spring that softens keratin and is gentle on skin, and the healing spring that wipes away fatigue. The entire facility creates healing space, as you can see a Japanese garden from every room in the main building, and you can see the grand Mr. Tahouzan from the annex. About 20 minutes by car via Makikata-higashi Interchange on the Hokuriku Expressway.

    週末、我が家の床を塗り替えるため両親と妻を連れて日帰り入浴をしに行きました。 昼に到着したのどのでまずは腹ごしらえに食事処を利用、両親はちらし寿司と自分は鳥唐揚げ定食、妻は鳥唐揚げとカキフライの盛り合わせ定食を、それから舞茸の天婦羅を1つオーダーしました。 唐揚げ定食、唐揚げとカキフライ定食の盛りは良く味はまずまずでしたが割りにご飯が茶碗に軽く1杯でおかずの割りにご飯が少なくて残念でした...

  • Fukuju Hot Spring Jonnobikan
    11 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nigata Pref. Nigatashi Nishikan-ku Fukui 4067
    This hot spring in Fukui, Nishikan Ward Niigata City is well-known for their fireflies. Come enjoy the western style Heike baths or the Japanese style Genji baths. There is also a huge 117 tatami mat sized banquet hall as well as massage and relaxing rooms. Located near the entry to the hiking trail going up Mt Kakudayama this is the perfect place for those tired and sore after hiking. During the summer you can view the fireflies in the nearby Firefly Village Park, and with the bath house being near the sea just off National Route 460 it's easy to drop in after a day at the beach.

    平日午後5:00から割引なのでそれを狙って行ってみました。同じようにこの時間を狙っている方々が駐車場で待機してます。 サウナが高温でよかったですね。最近は低温が多いので気持ちよく入れました。

  • Niigata City Iwamuro Tourist Information Center Iwamuroya
    8 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Nigata Pref. Nigatashi Nishikan-ku Iwamuronsen 96-1
    This sightseeing facility in Nishikan Ward, Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture provides information on the Iwamuro Onsen (hot spring) region’s history, traditions, culture, and tourist spots. There’s a tourism information area, a rest area, a footbath, a dining hall serving local cuisine such as the famous “kensayaki” and “rice flour ramen,” making it great as a pit stop on drives. There are also regional specialty products and souvenirs for sale. The plaza and exhibition room of the “Dento Bunka Denshokan (Traditional Culture Museum)” host various seasonal events.

    Love this little bungalow near the main onsen hotels in Iwamuro. This location captures the essence of Niigata. There are many locally sourced fruits and vegetables available for purchase as well...

  • Yugan no Yu - Yorinare
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nigata Pref. Nigatashi Nishikan-ku Ishize 3331-1
    This day trip hot spring, managed by Niigata City, is about 20 minutes by car from the Hokuriku Expressway's Maki-Katahigashi Interchange. It is a sodium - calcium chloride hot spring, which is effective for cuts, burns, chronic skin disease, infirmness in children, chronic gynecological disorders, and the like. The open-air Tree Bath is made from cypress wood and has a marvelous view of Mt. Kakudayama and the Echigo Plains, while the marble Rock Bath looks out to Mt. Matsutake, the symbol of Iwamuro Hot Spring. The two baths alternate daily between men's and women's baths. The facility restaurant also offers a seasonal menu, unique to Iwamuro, from the bounty of the sea and the mountains.

    岩室温泉にある日帰り専用の温泉です。 内湯は水道水の沸かし湯で、露天のみが源泉だそうです。 基本的に、地域のお年寄り達が利用されており、浴室内で(当然マスクはしていません)皆さん大きな声で会話をされています。 内湯も露天も狭いので、彼らが会話(ほとんどが予防接種の話)をしていると、時節柄、なんとなく近寄れません。 狭い露天風呂が数人で独占されてしますので、仕方なく沸かし湯の内湯に浸かるしかありませ...

  • Iwamuro Onsen
    20 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Niigata Niigata-shi Nishikan-ku Iwamuro Onsen 96-1
    This hot spring district, first developed 300 years ago, was designated a National Hot Spring Health Resorts in 1963. The area is also known as the Hot Spring of the Ghost Goose due to the strange legend concerning how it was discovered. The waters of the area's sulfur-containing sodium calcium chloride springs are said to treat rheumatic arthritis, nerve pain, wounds, burns, chronic skin diseases, and chronic women's diseases. Visitors can find hot spring hotels and traditional ryokan inns which pride themselves on their cuisine, as well as casual day trip hot spring bathhouses. Situated inside Sado-Yahiko-Yoneyama Quasi-National Park, there are an abundance of sightseeing destinations in the area, such as the Gakematsu Pine, Hanadachi Iwa Rock and Shiro Iwa Rock, part of the scenic Maze coast. The sight of the setting sun sinking into the sea beyond Sado Island from the Maze coast is also stunning.

    少ししょっぱくて硫黄の匂いがする温泉です。 なかなかない泉質の温泉と思います。 魅力的な宿が多いのもいいですね。

  • Gokurakuyu Meike
    10 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Niigata Niigata-shi Chuo-ku Meike 6-chome 1-11

    We had onsen on our bucket list since our first trip to Japan... it was our third trip and time to bite the bullet. We got directed here by the hotel concierge at the Okura hotel. It is easily...

  • Niitsu Onsen
    9 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Niigata Niigata-shi Akiha-ku Niitsuhoncho 4-chome 17-13

    新潟県新潟市秋葉区、旧新津のショッピングセンター近くにある日帰り温泉です。 一般のお客さんはいやがるかと思いますが、ここには石油臭の強い温泉がかけ流しで使用されています。皮膚疾患のある方には最良の温泉かと思います。

  • Hanahoterakyodoyokujo
    5 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nigata Pref. Aganoshi Deyu 794


  • Deyu Nuru Izumi Kyodoyokujo
    4 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nigata Pref. Aganoshi Deyu 810-1

    新潟県阿賀野市の出湯温泉。一番奥に報華寺共同浴場がありますが、その手前の左手奥に共同浴場があります。 こちらでも鮮度の良い単純泉がかけ流しで使われています。 自動車で訪問の際には、温泉街の反対側左手の共同駐車場が利用できます。

  • Sakihana Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Niigata Gosen-shi Sadori
    A hot spring district which generates some of the greatest quantities of piping hot water of any in Niigata Prefecture. According to legend, the area's name was once written with characters meaning flowers ahead, but this was changed to different but identically pronounced characters meaning blooming flowers after the hot springs here were discovered, an allusion to the yubana hot spring mineral flower crusts they generate. The waters of the area's simple sulfur springs are said to be effective for general indication and treat such ailments as chronic skin diseases, chronic women's diseases, cuts, diabetes, high blood pressure, and hardening of the arteries. A money-saving pass called the Yumeguri Tegata is sold at participating hot spring inns; the pass enables users to visit the bathhouses of any three participating inns of their choice. The district also makes a convenient place from which to base area sightseeing activities, and some of the many places where visitors can enjoy local scenery and history include Mizubasho Park; Shiroato Park, the site of the castle where the Hori clan once resided; and the Hayade River valley.
  • Kametoku Izumi
    2 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Niigata Gosen-shi Kariwa

    Si vous voulez sortir des zones touristiques, il faut oser aller dans les montagnes dans la région de Niigata pour découvrir un autre aspect du Japon. Dans ce restaurant familial niché dans la...

  • Shichifuku Onsen Shichifuku So
    2 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Niigata Higashikanbara-gun Aga Machi Nanameotsu 930

    2019年のGWの初旬にたきがしら湿原へ湿原植物を見に行き、帰路に七福壮併設の七福温泉に立ち寄りました。 温泉は大人500円。午前中に訪れたので空いていて、1時間、美肌の湯にゆっくりと温泉を楽しめました。 2019年のたきがしら湿原は2019/4/28開園で、水芭蕉、リュウキンカが咲いていました たきがしら湿原は日本では珍しい人口湿原で、消滅してしまった村の跡地を利用して生まれた場所です。 たきが...

  • Gokurakuyu Matsuzaki
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Niigata Niigata-shi Higashi-ku Shin Matsusaki 3-24-13


  • Mikagura Onsen
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Niigata Higashikanbara-gun Aga Machi Hirotaniotsu 2088

    SL撮影の折利用させて頂きました。 値段もお手頃で1人でも受け入れてくれてかつ温泉で2食付と私のSL撮影時の宿泊条件にピッタリでした。 場所は津川から車で20分程山奥へ進んだ山の上のほうにあります。 食事少なめプランでお願いしましたが私には十分な量で普通に美味しいといった表現がいいのかな。ただ白飯は美味しかった。いやみでなく。 比較的古い施設のようですが改築やリニューアルなど手をかけながら維持され...

  • Chinseikan
    1 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Nigata Pref. Aganoshi Deyu 760-7


  • Hamamatsu Ya Ryokan
    5 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Niigata Niigata-shi Nishikan-ku Iwamuro Onsen 328

    岩室温泉、大きな建物のホテル大橋の向かいにあります。 旅館の脇にある川沿いの小さな道を進むと駐車場があります。 自動ドアの玄関を入り、少し離れた所にフロントがあり受付です。 お風呂は一階奥にあります。 硫黄臭のある温泉です。 また、岩室温泉特有の「黒湯」です。 湯船で浸かっていると、足裏、臀部、手のひらが真っ黒になりました。 硫化鉄によるものと思われます。 フィルターで濾過していないのでしょう...

  • Tsunogami Onsen
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Niigata Higashikanbara-gun Aga Machi Kanose 11840
    Operated by Hotel Tsunogami, this hot spring, situated along the Agano River, has two source springs known for their quality waters-a hydrogen carbonate spring and a sulfate spring. Situated inside Tsunogami Village, a 120 thousand square meter resort area sprawling at the foot of the Iide Mountains, is surrounded by vast, natural beauty. The hotel's recirculation-assisted (heated) scenic baths and outdoors baths are supplied entirely from natural hot spring sources and offer sweeping views of the Agano River and the scenery of the opposite bank. The hotel also has a private reservable outdoor bath perfect for families and friends. There are also many leisure and sightseeing destinations in the area, such as the Agano River Line Boat Ride; Japanese washi paper making classes; and hiking in Takigashira Marsh, one of only a very few artificially created marshes found anywhere in the country. Visitors enjoy the Gokuraku-ji Temple's famous Nonaka-zakura cherry tree, a National Natural Monument in the middle of April.
  • Go Gashira Hot spring village
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Niigata Agano Deyu Imaita Murasugi
    A hot spring village rich in natural beauty sprawling at the foot of the Gozu Mountain Range. In May 2017, it was designated a National Hot Spring Health Resorts. The village encompasses three hot spring areas which visitors can enjoy touring: Deyu Onsen, the oldest hot spring in a prefecture whose history dates back some 1,200 years; Imaita Onsen, which boasts some of Japan’s highest radium counts in the waters of its springs; and Murasugi Onsen, known for granting bathers the gift of children and easy childbirth.

Niigata Areas


Found along the northwestern coast of Japan, Niigata prefecture is celebrated for its high-quality rice and breathtaking nature, most notably its spectacular mountains, whose white peaks draw in snow sports lovers from far and wide over the winter months. Hit the slopes at Yuzawa, pick out your favourite modern artist at Echigo Tsumari, or take a ferry over to Sado Island for an extra adventure.

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