Temple Spots in Around Tottori Sand Dunes Area

  • Kannon-in (Shusse-Kannon)
    23 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Pref. Tottorishi Uemachi 162
    This is a temple located in Tottori City’s Uemachi Town in Tottori Prefecture which used to be the temple for the Ikeda family, the feudal lords of the Tottori domain. It is also the 32nd temple of the Chugoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage, a junrei pilgrimage route. The principal object of worship is an image of the Shokanzeon Bosatsu, or Kannon Bodhisattva, and it is believed to be a Shusse Kannon (the word ‘shusse’ in Japanese means ‘success in life’ or ‘moving ahead in your life/career”) since it reportedly became larger every time it was moved. Construction of the Kannon-in garden, which has been designated as a Special Place of Scenic Beauty, took ten years from 1650 to be completed, and is an example of Chisenkansho-shiki Teien style in which there is a large pond around which gentle slopes, stones and trees and bushes have been arranged. Visitors can partake of the matcha tea and sweets service to sit down and slowly appreciate the garden view.

    It is a unique landmark. Its greenery and open spaces allow light to truly bring peace to your mind. Ive been told the scenery changes from season to season, so it will be beautiful whenever you...

  • Maniji Temple
    12 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Tottori-shi Kakuji 624
    This Buddhist temple is one of the 37 famous and ancient temples spanning the five prefectures of the Chugoku region on the Chugoku Kannon Pilgrimage. Situated at the foot of a mountain at the far end of a forest road, the temple's principal objects of worship are statues depicting a Sakra and a thousand armed Kannon. The ancient temple is connected to the legend of the Koyama Choja and was founded around 834. Mt. Mani, where the temple is located, has been believed to be a gathering spot for the souls of the deceased since the ancient times, and even today there is a deep-rooted mountain faith which worships the mountain, which legend has it is where spirits have been called back from the beyond. The temple is a 20-minute drive from Tottori Station. Note that visiting the temple requires one to climb some 300 steep steps.

    鳥取市覚寺の山腹に建つ天台宗の仏教寺院、山号は喜見山。 300段ほどの石段を登る必要があります、石段は部分的に痛んでますので、転倒など注意が必要です。 元々の創建は平安時代という古刹で、本堂は国の重要文化財に指定されています。 奥之院までは40分程掛かるって事で、今回は帰りの時間の関係で行けませんでした、次回機会が有れば行ってみたいと思ってます。 善光寺の如来堂もあり、戒壇巡りも出来る様です。 今...

  • Genchu-ji Temple
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Tottori-shi Shinhonjicho 176
    "A Jodo school Buddhist temple about a 10-minute drive from Tottori Station. It is said the temple began as a thatched hut in 1508 near today's Tottori Kita Junior High School. It is famous for its ties to the master swordsman Araki Mataemon, known for his involvement in one of Japan's ""Three Biggest Acts of Revenge."" There are numerous artifacts on display that were used in the 1634 duel, including swords and chain mail. The sliding doors in the temple kitchen with whimsical pictures of arhat drawn by Takagi Hyakusetsu are a big draw."


  • Chotsuji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Tottori-shi Kokufucho Okamasu 285
    "This Buddhist temple is located adjacent to the Okamasu no Ishido, a structure also known as the ""mystery stone temple"" because it is not known who built it or for what purpose. This temple is famous for possessing fusuma sliding screens bearing paintings by Meiji period Tottori born painter Reisen Yaotani. Of the 16 paintings, ""Ohato,"" which depicts the stormy Sea of Japan, is particularly stunning. Yaotani is said to have created these screen paintings to express thanks for the sympathy and kindness he received from the temple's head priest and parishioners during the period of wartime evacuation in spite of the lack of supplies."

    小学生の頃時々遠足の途中立ち寄って小さな公園で弁当を食べたものです。中心部に15m四方程度を石柱で囲い一段高いところに巨大な石灯篭がありました。 入り口の木製の開き戸が時折空いていることもありすぐ近くに行くと子供の背丈より3倍程度はあるようでした。周辺には椎の木があり実を持ち帰っておやつにしていました。 また近くには彩色壁画(魚の壁画)のある梶山古墳があります。

  • Tottori Toshogu Shrine (Former Ochidani-jinja Shrine)
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Pref. Tottorishi Uemachi 87
    This shrine was constructed in 1650 by Mitsunaka Ikeda, the first lord of the Tottori Domain, for a spirit divided from the Nikko Toshogu Shrine. The main shrine surrounded by a forest of fir and beech trees is majestic, and the main buildings such as the main hall and the middle gate have been designated as National Important Cultural Assets. It is also a popular spot to view fireflies.
  • Fudoin Iwayado Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Pref. Yazugunwakasachou Iwayadou
    "Fudoin Iwayado Temple is located around 10 minutes' drive from Wakasa Station on the Wakasa Railway Line, or around one hour's drive from the Yamazaki Interchange of the Chugoku Expressway. Built in the Butai-zukuri style inside a natural cave, the temple ranks among the three largest Nageiredo hall in Japan. Hondo (Main Hall) was originally constructed in 806, and subsequently rebuilt during the Muromachi period (1336-1573). The larger temple of which it was part was burned down during an invasion of the region by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the 16th century, leaving only Fudoin Iwayado building, which has been designated as a National Important Cultural Property. The main object of veneration in the temple-a statue of Fudomyo (one of the Five Wisdom Kings)-was carved by Kobo Daishi at the age of 33, and is one of the ""Three Great Statues of Fudomyo"" in Japan; the general public are allowed to view the statue twice a year, during the Goma Hoyo ceremonies in March and July."
  • Kozen-ji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Tottori-shi Kuritanicho 10
    "This temple is one of the three Zen temples of the Őbaku school of Zen Buddhism, and is known as one of the ""Three School Temples of Ōbaku"" along with Dainenji Temple of the Mutsu Date family and Tokōji Temple of the Nagato Mori family. The main hall is designated as a national tangible cultural property."
  • Gakugyoin
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Tottori-shi Kokufucho Matsuo 55
    "This temple was once part of the seven structure compound of the Kakeizan Koryoji, a temple built here during the Wado era (708-715). The temple enshrines a tripartite statue of Bhaisajyaguru and one of Kisshoten. The statue of Bhaisajyaguru, in particular, the temple's principal object of worship, is believed to have miraculous properties, and it is only revealed to the public once every 12 years. Together, the four statues are the only designated National Important Cultural Properties in Tottori City. According to legend, during a fire which destroyed the temple during the Warring States period, locals brought out the statue of Bhaisajyaguru and covered it with grass and soil to protect it, leading to it coming to be called the ""Bhaisajyaguru of the Dirt Temple."""
  • Minedera Temple, Yakushido Hall
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Yazu-gun Yazucho Kamiminedera
    An ancient temple and one of Japan's three major temples honoring Yakushi Nyorai along with Horyuji Temple in Nara and Horaisan Yakushiji Temple in Mikawa province. At the top of a narrow stone staircase, the temple is said to have been founded more than 1,200 years ago. It was known as Shohoji when at the time and belonged to Shingon esoteric Buddhism. The main hall was destroyed by fire in the 16th century; the one you see today was rebuilt in 1861.There is a Chinese cusped gable style Buddhist altar in the center of the hall which has an open veranda on three sides that's eight meters wide, nine meters deep, and one meter high.
  • Seiryuji Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Yazu-gun Yazucho Shimokadoo

    郡家駅から徒歩20分。 710年に創建された真言宗醍醐派の寺院。当初は花喜山浄光寺と呼ばれていたが、明治時代に成田山新勝寺から不動明王を勧請したことで改称されている。 本堂には白兎神社の社殿が移築されているとのことだが、どの部分なのかは分からなかった。本堂のある場所から石段を上ったところにある宝物殿には、花喜山浄光寺当時の3体の仏像(聖観世音菩薩、持国天、多聞天)が祀られており、正月には開帳され...

  • Saihoji Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Yazu-gun Wakasacho Wakasa 306


  • Shoeiji Temple
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Yazu-gun Wakasacho Wakasa 302

    寺通りに面して立つ寺院の一つで浄土真宗本願寺派寺院でした。 境内の正面が本堂となっているのは一般的な境内の配置でしたが、弁柄色の屋根瓦が特徴的でした。又、浄土真宗系寺院とあって親鸞聖人尊像が立っていました。猶、参拝したのが盂蘭盆の時期で多くの参拝者がありました。

  • Jiyukakuin
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Pref. Yazugunwakasachou Wakasa 61

    寺通りに面して立つ寺院の1つでした。同寺の本堂も弁柄色の屋根瓦となっており遠目にも目立っていました。浄土宗系寺院で寺号碑にも本堂に架かる提燈にも「壽覺院」と記されていましたが、境内手前の説明板には「光明山浄光寺 寿覚院」とありました。

  • Ryutokuji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Yazu-gun Wakasacho Wakasa 665


  • Saikoji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Yazu-gun Chizucho Ochi 179


  • Bujoji
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Pref. Yazugunchiduchou Ninomi


  • Kosenji Temple
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Yazu-gun Chizucho Chizu 147


  • Shiro Yama Shrine Annual Festival
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Tottori-shi Shikanocho Shikano
  • Hyaku Te no Religious Service
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Tottori-shi Ketakacho Yatsukami Himeji
  • Wakasa Shrine Grand Festival
    Travel / Tourism
    Tottori Yazu-gun Wakasacho Wakasa 534

Tottori Areas


Tottori prefecture is Japanese seasonal diversity at its best: Huge sand dunes cover the north coast, making for the perfect summer beach trip complete with the unexpected addition of camels; November brings the delectable snow crab, while winter around Mount Daisen, the Chugoku region’s highest mountain, promises snow sports and magical views.

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