Spots in Odawara / Manazurumachi / Yugawara Area

  • Odawara Castle Park
    229 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Odawara-shi Jonai Chinai
    Odawara Castle is believed to have first been built in the mid-15th century when the Omori clan advanced into the Odawara region. The present site of Odawara Castle is designated as a National Historic Site, including most of honmaru main compound and ninomaru secondary compound and part of the outer castle enclosure. It's now administered as a castle park centered on the honmaru for the enjoyment of history and castle lovers.

    Visited in May to see hydrangeas and Irises and it did not disappoint. Odawara Castle is always fun to visit. Its most beautiful when cherry blossoms are in bloom. On some weekends they have a flea...

  • Anest Iwata Turnpike Hakone
    59 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Odawarashi Hayakawa 2-22-1
    This toll road extends from Odawara City to Yugawara Town via Hakone City. It runs along mountain ridges and there are great views of Mt. Fuji on clear days. The Anest Iwata Sky Lounge is at the end of the Hakone Odawara Main Line on the summit of Mt. Daikan; relax there in comfort while taking in the scenery spreading 360 degrees around you.

    東京から三島にGoogle Mapに従って向かっていた所、こちらのターンパイク箱根有料道路に導かれました。通行料が730円と高かったので、どんなにすごい景色が見られるのか期待しました。恐らく頂上付近だと思いますが、芦ノ湖&富士山が綺麗に見えました。ただこのくらいの景色であれば無料で見られる所が他にもあると思いました。通行料が割高に感じました。

  • Odawara Flower Garden
    59 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Pref. Odawarashi Kuno 3798-5
    This garden, located in Kuno, Odawara City, is brimming with seasonal flowers. One can enjoy the tropical plants in the domed conservatory as well as the abundant blooms in the rose garden. With over 200 varieties, the plum grove boasts the largest collection of plum trees in the Kanto region. The grove is barrier free disability accessible for all to enjoy a stroll through the beautiful blooms. Limited to summer only, the dancing fountain is available for children to dabble in the water on hot summer days.

    横浜から熱海のお家に向かう途中で立ち寄った所の紹介です。ここが、その公園です。 ”小田原フラワーガーデン”です。この時期は、”花菖蒲、睡蓮まつり”が開催されているんです。ここには、180種1000株の菖蒲が植えられているそうです。花菖蒲の花言葉には、「嬉しい知らせ」、「心意気」という意味があるそうです。 別名”アイリス”ですね。 Iris(虹)には、神話に登場するゼウスの妻に仕えていたイリス...

  • Hotoku Ninomiya Jinja
    122 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Odawara-shi Jonai 8-10 Odawara Joshi-koen Nai

    Very wonderful place and a peaceful setting , after visiting the castle we came here to enjoy the whole ambiance of this shrine after eating lunch

  • Yugawara Plum Blossom Grove (Makuyama Park)
    104 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunyugawaramachi Kajiya 951-1
    This park is located in Yugawara Town, Ashigarashimo County. This park, noted for its beautiful plum blossoms, is famous for the Plum Banquets, held during the peak season every year around early February to mid-March. During the plum season, many events are planned including Nogaku plays and night lighting of the blossoms which draws many couples and viewers. One can also enjoy the plum flavor soft-serve ice cream, only available at the Yugawara Plum Grove.

    Yugawara is a quieter sister town to Atami, where the Tokaido Shinkansen stops. Makuyama Park, a famed spot for plum blossom in late February and early March, is located in one of the two valleys...

  • Enoura Observatory
    39 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Odawara-shi Enoura 362-1

    i went speechless when i was there. the view is just SUPER! it is a place for you to relax your mind, and admire the beauty and the dedication of how japanese people put their heart in all the...

  • Odawara Ohoribata Manyo-no-Yu
    59 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kanagawa Pref. Odawarashi Sakaechou 1-5-14
    This is an onsen day-spa located just a one minute walk from the East gate of the Odawara Station on the JR Hakone Tozan Railway is open 24 hours year round. An open air bath and a hinoki cypress bath are located on the roof level, while the large bath and private onsen baths are located indoors. All onsen waters are drawn from the ancient hot springs region, Yugawara Springs. One can rest in the relaxation lounge or a guest room, or refresh oneself with such body spa treatments, massages or other leisure activities after unwinding in the hot springs. Ample amenities are provided, so guests can drop by empty handed at any time.


  • Gosho Jinja
    62 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Yugawara Machi Miyashita 359-1

    I dropped in by chance on the way from Yugawara hot spring area to JR station. It was early in the morning and I could feel the fresh air and its spirituality. There is a big camphor tree.

  • Yugawara Art Museum
    38 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunyugawaramachi Miyakami 623-1
    Yugawara Art Museum is located in the town of Yugawara in Ashigarashimo County. It consists of a section containing works by artists who had studios in Yugawara as well as a section devoted to the works of Reiji Hiramatsu, a contemporary artist who paints in traditional Japanese style. A rest area in the exhibition galleries overlooks a lovely Japanese garden, with seasonal views of plum, cherry, and other blossoms as well as autumn leaves. The museum also contains a coffee shop and a shop where visitors can buy souvenirs of Yugawara.


  • Kogome no Yu (Hot Spring)
    37 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunyugawaramachi Miyakami 562-6
    This town-operated day trip bathing facility is located near Manyo in Yugawara Town, Ashigarashimo County, Kanagawa Prefecture. Feel the splendor of the four seasons as you relax in the natural hot spring water. There are two large baths in the facility: “Koume no Yu” and “Manyo no Yu,” and both feature large open spaces. Men and women switch facilities on different days. The free rest area offers an excellent view, and there’s also a teahouse. “Tantan Yakisoba” is a popular item, and it goes well with beer after a dip in the springs.


  • Kibune-jinja Shrine
    30 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Ashigarashimo-gun Manazurumachi Manazuru 1117
    Legend says about 1,200 years ago, a mysterious light appeared every night offshore of the Mitsuishi Rocks off Cape Manazuru, and a revelation was given in a dream to build the shrine. The deity was enshrined as the guardian of the village. The Kifune Matsuri, a nationally designated Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property, is held on July 27th and 28th.

    I highly recommend this hike as part of a trip to Kyoto. Its not too hard to get there (it took us an hour from our lodging in Kyoto to get to Kibune). I LOVE Kyoto but it is also a busy place. I...

  • Living National Treasures Museum
    39 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunyugawaramachi Chuou 3-16-1
    The Living National Treasures Museum is an art museum displaying artworks created by Japan’s Living National Treasures (persons designated as Preservers of Important Intangible Cultural Properties), with a particular focus on ceramics, but also including dolls, lacquerware, and other masterpieces. After viewing the exhibits, visitors can enjoy green tea served in tea-ware made by famous Living National Treasures (some now deceased) such as Hamada Shoji, Kaneshige Toyo, and Miwa Jusetsu.

    The writer of the headline review does not seem to have got beyond the museum shop. There are three more floors of very good modern Japanese ceramics, several Roualts, a Renoir, a couple of Picasso...

  • Kyotaro Nishimura Memorial Museum
    40 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunyugawaramachi Miyakami 42-29
    Located in Yugawara, Ashigarashimo County, Kanagawa Prefecture, the Kyotaro Nishimura Memorial Museum features exhibits related to the mystery writer Kyotaro Nishimura, including his private collection, and rough drafts and published versions of his more than 300 books. Nearly every Sunday, Nishimura himself comes to the museum to sign autographs, although he occasionally misses a week. Visitors can also buy autographed copies of Nishimura's works in the shop on the second floor.

    JR湯河原駅から南へ徒歩15分ほど、千歳川沿いにあります。 入館すると死体を模った床が目に入り、展示スペースの2階への階段には血の跡が点々と付いていました。 2階が展示スペースとなっていて、鉄道模型が走り西村氏が出版した本やドラマの台本が並ぶほか、ビデオが放映されていて、西村京太郎ファンには楽しめる所です。 ショップで売られている単行本には、西村京太郎氏の直筆サインが入っていました。 なお水・木曜...

  • Anest Iwata Sky Lounge
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunyugawaramachi Kajiya 955
    An observation deck located on Mt. Daikan in Yugawara Town, Ashigarashimo County, Kanagawa Prefecture and the terminus of the Mazda Turnpike Hakone Odawara Main Line driving course which starts in the city of Odawara. Visitors can enjoy a sweeping view of Mt. Fuji and Lake Ashi from the parking area and lounge. The seaward side offers a superb view of Hatsushima, Oshima, the Miura Peninsula, and the Boso Peninsula. There’s also a restaurant and tea lounge serving local dishes, as well as a souvenir shop, making the Mt. Daikan Sky Lounge a great place to stop for a rest or a meal while on a drive or touring.
  • Chokozan Shotaiji Temple
    27 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Odawara-shi Iryuda 303
    Founded by the famous priest Tetsugyu who studied under the Zen master Ingen at Obakusan Manpukuji Temple in Uji, Kyoto. In 1669 the second feudal lord Inaba Minonokami Masanori had it moved to its present location from Yamakaku-cho below Odawara Castle. There are many things to see at the temple like the graves of the Inaba clan and Kasuga no Tsubone, a pagoda dedicated to Tetsugyu, and the Chokozan weeping cherry tree.


  • Odawara Local Culture Museum
    25 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Odawara-shi Jonai 7-8 Odawara Joshi-koen Nai
    A facility that showcases the history, nature, and culture of the local area, passing the heritage on to the next generation. The historic archives display materials on the history of Odawara from ancient to modern times, including tiles excavated from the site of Chiyoji Temple from the Nara period and items from the Odawara Hojo clan and the time of the Odawara clan. There are also literary, archaeological, folkloric, and natural science archives.


  • Manazuru Peninsula Tour Boat
    21 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    1974-42 Manazuru-cho, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture
    This sightseeing boat plies the waters around Manazaru Peninsula. You can reach it by taking a bus from JR Manazuru Station, getting off at the Uoichibamae stop and walking one minute. Starting from the Uozayoko landing at Manazuru Port making a U-turn at Mitsuishioki and returning to the Manazuru Port, the round trip takes about 30 minutes. The boat can accommodate 82 people and the panoramic windows help provide an exhilarating experience. The Mitsuishi Rocks at the tip of the peninsula where the Mitsuishi Coast juts into Sagami Bay create some fantastic scenery. Take a commemorative photo with them in the background to make your trip to the Manazaru Peninsula even more special.

    my wife and I had a tour on the boat, BTW it was private. It was awesome! I would highly recomment it to anyone! Great boat ride and great people running the show!

  • Mt. Daikan
    Travel / Tourism
    Kanagawa Prefecture Ashigarashimo-gun Yugawara-cho/Hakone cho
    Named after the artist Daikan Yokoyama, who loved to paint Mt. Fuji, this area is can be accessed through the Anest Iwata Turnpike Hakone. Located in the southwesterly area of the mountains surrounding Hakone, it is known as an ideal spot for viewing Mt. Fuji. A view of Izuoshima and Lake Ashinoko can also be enjoyed. Selected as one of the top 50 views in Kanagawa, it is also popular for those who enjoy auto touring.
  • Nakagawa Kazumasa Art Museum
    18 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kanagawa Pref. Ashigarashimogunmanadurumachi Manaduru 1178-1
    This art museum is located along Prefectural Route 739 in Manazuru, Manazuru Town, Ashigarashimo County. It is home to works by western painter Kazumasa Nakagawa, who is representative of post-war Japan and had an atelier in this town. There are regular exhibits and themed exhibits in five exhibition rooms, where oil paintings, writings, illustrations, book bindings and about 80 works in total are displayed.


  • Odawara Fishing Port
    Kanagawa Odawara-shi Hayakawa 1-10-1

Kanagawa Areas


Kanagawa prefecture acts as an extension of the Tokyo metropolis that spills over into coastal towns, most notably Yokohama city, heavily populated and known for its Chinatown and seaside attractions. Just the right distance for a day trip out of Tokyo, Kanagawa is home to some of Tokyo’s most accessible beaches, including around Kamakura, best known for its Big Buddha. Visitors can also travel a little farther afield for a weekend at Hakone onsen town.

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