Travel / Tourism Spots in Gunma Area

  • Shibu Pass
    Travel / Tourism
    Yamanouchi cho, Shimokitai-gun, Nagano Prefecture
    The Shibu Pass, spanning between Nagano and Gunma Prefectures boasts a stone marker indicating the highest peak over which a national highway travels; National Route 292 running between Mt. Yokote and Mt. Shirane. The view from the peak can take your breath away. It overlooks the extensive Yoshigadaira Marshlands in which the luscious green of the trees and the wetlands intermingle. At dawn, the sea of clouds, softly glowing from the rays of the sun is a glorious sight to see.
  • Akagi Nanmen Senbonzakura
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Maebashishi Naegashimamachi 2511-2 Minami Akagi Senbon Sakura
    This famous cherry blossoming spot is in Naegashima-machi, Maebashi City. Approximately 1,000 cherry trees run 1.3 kilometers north to south along both sides of the street, and at peak season they form a gorgeous cherry blossom arch. It's been chosen as one of Japan's Top 100 Cherry Blossom Viewing Sites and places annually on other lists of the best places to see them too. Miyagi Senbonzakura no Mori Park opened off this road in 2013 and has over 500 cherry trees of different varieties.
  • Kiryu City Yurinkan
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Kiryushi Honchou 2-6-32
    This event space can be found along Prefectural Route 66 in Hon-cho, Kiryu City. This group of buildings was originally used for brewing and storing alcohol from the Edo until the Showa period. At present, it is being preserved as a historical building while also being used to host plays, concerts, exhibits, and other cultural productions.


  • Naramata Dam Disaster Protection Museum (Hilltop Naramata)
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Tone-gun Minakamimachi Fujiwara Arai No Sawa 6322-24
    "An exhibition facility attached to Naramata Dam in Fujiwara, Minakami-cho, Tone-gun, with ""Okutone Genryu Corner"" and ""Okutone Nature Corner"" that introduce the natural environment of Okutone, and an exhibition about Naramata Dam."


  • Former Residence of Tajima Yahei
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Isesaki-shi Sakaishimamura
    Located a 20-minute drive from the Honjo-Kodama Interchange on the Kan-Etsu Expressway, this structure is part of the Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites World Heritage listing registered on June 25, 2014. Included in the World Heritage listing alongside the Tomioka Silk Mill, Takayama-sha Sericulture School, and Arafune Cold Storage, this building was the starting point for the development of modern cold air flow silkworm raising and silkworm farm architecture. The structure, however, is still used as a private home and visitors may only view the garden.


    18 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gunma Pref. Kiryushi Kosonechou 3-69
    "This art museum is located 8 minutes by foot from the Jomo Line's Nishi-Kiryu Station, or alternatively, 10 minutes by taxi from Shin-Kiryu Station. The museum displays works collected by Eiji Okawa, a local of Kiryu City. Visitors can appreciate a variety of paintings, mainly consisting of works of art from the Meiji and Taisho periods, and including Eisaku Wada's landscape painting ""Matsushima Godaido"" and Takeji Fujishima's ""Mosha"". There are also a great number of Shunsuke Matsumoto's works and materials, which were the first works to be included in this collection. The museum aims to be a place where ""you can see the masterpieces you want to see, whenever you want to see them"", and as such, has sofas positioned in each of the exhibition rooms. It is designed so that visitors can take their time."


  • Kiryu Meiji-kan
    18 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Kiryushi Aioichou 2-414-6
    This landmark is along the Togoku Culture and History Road in Aioi-cho, Kiryu City. This western-style building was constructed as the Gunma Prefectural hygiene center in 1878. Nowadays, there are exhibits on Meiji-period materials, and the second floor has exhibition rooms and meeting rooms that can be rented out. There’s also a teahouse that does not require visitors to have paid the entry fee. There are drinks, cakes, light meals, and more available.

    相老駅から徒歩10分。国道122号沿いにある。入館料は150円。 1878年に群馬県衛生所兼医学校として前橋に建築。1929年に相生村役場として現在地に移築。 シンメトリーな擬洋風建築。広い横幅に対して奥行があまりない。内廊下はなく、ポーチから各部屋に入るようになっている。資料展示は少なく、どこか雑然とした感じ。2階の部屋にある展示ケースにはカバーが掛けられていたが、もしかしたら企画展が行われた後...

  • Farm Club Nakazato Farm
    4 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Takasakishi Nakazatomachi 820
    This tourist farm is located approximately 20 minutes from the Kan’etsu Expressway Maebashi Interchange. It is around 12,000 square meters in size and visitors can enjoy listening to Mozart while they pick the strawberries. The strawberries which are grown for picking here are Classic Strawberries. Fruits and vegetables grown surrounded by classical music are said not only to reduce stress but also that they taste sweeter as a result. This farm has JGAP certification, which means that the strawberries are grown safely and in an environmentally-friendly manner. The strawberry picking season is every year from January to mid-May.


  • Fuji Fureaikan
    10 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gunma Fujioka-shi Fujioka 2690-7


  • Gunma Glass Crafts Art Museum
    19 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gunma Shibukawa-shi Shibukawa 4204

    Small exhibit but a nice selection. Be VERY CAREFUL of the glass souvenir shop built into the museum. They have many fakes including paintings, Murano glad Meissen, etc. they try to sell as...

  • Arafune Cold Storage
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Kanragunshimonitamachi Minaminomaki Yashiki Ko 10690
    This silkworm egg storage facility was built in 1905. Its refrigeration technology using naturally cooled air allowed the silviculture cycle, which traditionally had been annual, to be done several times a year. From 1905 until the 1930s it boasted the largest storage capacity in Japan. It still maintains its chilled environment today. A nationally designated historic site, it’s also registered as part of the “Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites” World Heritage Site.

    神津牧場の奥の方に駐車場がありそこから900m急坂を降ります 帰りはこれを30分以上かけて登ることになるので時間配分をよく考える必要があります 入場料500円の世界遺産エリア、ガイドの方がいて、いろいろ解説してくださいました 重要なのはここの風穴の冷風で蚕蛾の卵を冷蔵して、出荷の時期を調整したので、年に3-4回、蚕を孵化させることができて、養蚕農家、その集結場所である富岡製糸場の効率が飛躍的に向上...

  • Kibune Shrine
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Midorishi Omamachoushiohara
    This shrine is located in Midori City, Gunma Prefecture, approximately 15 minutes' walk from the Watarase Keikoku Line's Kamikambai Station. Takaokami no kami, who governs water, Oyamatsumi no okami, who governs the harvest, and Oanamuchi no okami, guardian of the country, are enshrined here. First worshipped in 956, due to rainfall from the gods bringing relief from drought, it was moved to its current location in 1668. Beginning with the summoning and dispelling of rain, worshippers also pray here for a variety of things, such as safe travels and prosperity in business.


  • Iwajuku Museum
    15 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gunma Midori Kasakakecho Azami 1790-1
    "The museum is located at the ""Iwajuku Site,"" which rewrote the history of humans in the Japanese archipelago, and recreates the life of humans from 40,000 to 15,000 years ago. In the permanent exhibition, visitors can see stone tools excavated during the excavation, as well as the skeleton of a mammoth elephant that lived during the Ice Age and the skull of a giant antelope."

    もっと評価されて良いと思う「岩宿時代(旧石器時代)」のお宝が展示してあります。 「岩宿時代」と言われてもほとんどの人が「なんだそれ?」ってなると思いますが、いわゆる、日本の歴史教科書で定義されてある「旧石器時代(打製石器使用時代と言われている)」に、「磨製石器」が見つかったということと、「日本の旧石器時代の存在」というとてつもない新たな歴史が生まれた事実。そしてその発見エリアの地名から、岩宿時代...

  • Sogenji Temple (Sazaedo)
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Otashi Higashimaizumichou 165
    This Soto sect temple, known as “Sazae Hall”, is located approximately five minutes from Otakiryu Interchange on the Kita-Kanto Expressway. The temple is said to have originated with the Rokkaku-do, built in 1187. The main hall has been destroyed twice due to fires so currently, the “Sazae Hall”, built as a Buddhist temple, is used as the main hall. The Sazae Hall is an unusual building with a cloister and was certified as an Important Cultural Property of the prefecture in 1977. There are many hydrangeas planted in the precinct and the temple is called “Gunma Prefecture’s hydrangea Temple”. The best time to see the hydrangeas is from the beginning to the middle of June.

    群馬県太田市にある曹洞宗 祥寿山 曹源寺の本堂で、らせん状の階段で上り下り出来る珍しい建造物です。 200年以上前の建立で国の重要文化財に指定されています。 駐車場は無料、入場料は300円です。

  • Kanbara Kannon-Do
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Agatsumaguntsumagoimura Kambara 492
    This Kannon Temple is located in Tsumagoi Village, Agatsuma County, Gunma Prefecture. It is believed to be the only remaining one in Kanbara Village since the great eruption of Mount Asama in 1783. Kanbara Village was completely covered by the eruption and has been called the Oriental Pompeii. In an excavation made in 1979, the remains of two women were found at the bottom of the stone steps. Materials of the period relating to the disaster are exhibited at the nearby Tsumagoi Folk Museum. The museum staff and preservation society also sometimes give talks about the history of the area. Even now, the Kuyo festival is held here every year.

    1783年の浅間山噴火により犠牲になった477名、唯一残った観音堂に賭け上がれ生き残った93名の村人の明暗を分けた階段があります。流された延命寺石標、流死馬供養地蔵、15段に届かず絶命した2人の女性の遺体発掘跡、観音堂を背に村を見渡すと屋根が低い、この辺りはすっぽりと埋まったという景色。隣村有志の情けにて妻亡き人の妻となり この歌が村の再建の執念を感じさせる。一見の価値ありです。

  • Okutone Winery
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Tonegunshouwamura Itoi Ohinata 6843
    This is a winery founded in 1991 at Showa village, Tone County in Gunma Prefecture. They started growing grapes in 2001, modelling the free and open style of wine making from a winery in Napa Valley, USA. There is a large range of grape varieties from Cabernet Sauvignon to Chardonnay. Wine brands such as Oze and Tanigawa, priced reasonably, and barrel aged Nobuhill-703i series have been developed. Visitors can enjoy a tour and tasting at the winery as well as barbequing on the terrace.

    緩やかな坂道を登って駐車場にクルマを止め、振り返ると見晴らしの良い自社葡萄畑と青い空。まるで海外のワイン産地を思わせるローケーションです。標高も800mを超えているそうで、真夏でも爽やかな風が吹いていました。 施設の中に入り、私は運転で飲めないので妻に有料の試飲をお願いしました。シャルドネスパークリング、シャルドネ、ピノ・ノワール、メルローの4種類です。 妻は終始ニコニコ顔で私も香りを楽しんでいま...

  • Kuni-Akaiwa Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Agatsuma-gun Nakanojomachi Akaiwa 225
    The Aikawa district in Nakanojo Town, Agatsuma Couty was designated as Gunma Prefecture's first Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings in 2006. The area flourished with the rise of silkworm farming and many buildings of old sericulture farmers still remain including the former residence of Yumoto family, said to have sheltered Takano Choei, a prominent scholar of western studies when he was pursued by the Edo shogunate. Tours of the village led by local guides are also available (reservation required).

    正確には、「重要伝統的建造物群保存地区 養蚕の里 赤岩集落」といいます。 場所は有名な温泉地である草津や四万温泉に近い場所にあるので、その途中に寄ってみても良いと思います。隅から隅まで歩いても片道400mほどですので、長くても1時間もあれば十分に散策できます。 集落の西の端に「ふれあいの家」というある意味、案内所(トイレあり)がありますので、そこに駐車(5台くらい可)して、地図などの資料をもらっ...

  • Isesaki Meiji Kan
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Isesakishi Kuruwachou 31-4
    This western-style building is a designated Important Cultural Property of Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture, and is located directly next to the Honmachi Nishi bus stop of Isesaki City community bus. It was originally built as a Western-style residence by the Imamura family, doctor for domain in 1912. It was later bought by Mr. Kurobane, who converted it into the Kurobane clinic of internal medicine. The building was donated to Isesaki City in 2002 and designated as a Tangible Cultural Property of Isesaki City. While it retains its Western-style facade with a Germanic outer wall in the Shitami Itabari style, the guest rooms have been styled in a fundamentally Japanese fashion.

    最初に案内しますか、と言われましたので、お願いしました。 (つい、断りがちなのですが) 案内いただいて大正解でした。 きっと、案内の方が、建物・伊勢崎が大好きなので、それが伝わってくるからかと思いました。 伊勢崎は、城下町だったし、絹織物の一大製生産地だったそうです。

  • Arts Maebashi
    16 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Maebashishi Chiyodamachi 5-1-16
    A cultural facility built to support art and culture activities in Maebashi City. The facility makes use of a former commercial complex located in the heart of the city. In addition to hold irregular special exhibitions, the facility holds art tours and workshops which can be enjoyed by everyone from small children to senior citizens. In the facility's archive, you can view records of its activities as well as books on the arts. The adjoining cafe serves seasonal coffees and tasty sweets prepared by a patissier. The museum shop sells colorful art merchandise.

    元セゾン系デパートの空き家を改築した市立現代美術館。上層階は駐車場で利用者は3時間無料のため、市街地での買い物や食事も楽々。 カフェやショップも併設。

  • Ota City Nittanoshou History Museum
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gunma Pref. Otashi Seradachou 3113-9
    This museum is located in Ota City, Gunma Prefecture, 20 minutes' walk from the Tobu Isesaki Line's Serada Station. The exhibits center around the achievements of Nitta clan during the medieval period, and the historical materials of the Nittanosho ruins, which is made up of eleven ruins. The museum preserves this cultural heritage of Ota City. Its permanent exhibits include an ancient falconer terra-cotta figurine, medieval Shiraito armor, and a modern ink painting depicting a cat. In front of the museum, there is also a statue of Yoshisada Nitta, and in a nearby historical park, there are historical sites such as the Shingonin ido (well) and the Tosho-gu shrine.


Gunma Areas


Gunma prefecture is synonymous with onsen. Natural hot spring water sources throughout the prefecture have given rise to a series of small onsen towns, each set among luscious mountains. At Kusatsu, Ikaho, and Minakami, traditional indoor and outdoor bathing experiences are served hand in hand with irresistible onsen-themed food, including steam-cooked eggs and custard pudding.

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