Japanese Confectionery Spots in Gunma Area

  • Chuji Chaya
    14 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Isesakishi Kamihasuchou 657
    "This shop which sells Joshu's specialty Yaki Manju operates from an old Japanese-style house associated with Kunisada Chuji. Kunisada Chuji was a rebel of the late Edo Period, a great sinner according to the ruling class, and a Robin Hood-type hero according to the locals. The shop's name comes from the fact that it was built from materials recovered from the assumed last hiding place of Chuji. The shop recommends eating its fluffy Manju, flavored with plenty of sweet miso sauce, at the fireplace inside the shop while they're still hot. The Saka-manju coated with sauce and baked to make ""Baked Manju with red bean paste filling"" are also popular."

    群馬県民のソウルフードとして有名な焼きまんじゅうの専門店です。 店内で召し上がることはもちろん、テイクアウトもできます。 店舗入口に非接触式の赤外線温度計が設置されており、出入りする人の体温を常時監視しています。焼き上がるのに少々時間がかかりますので、できあがるまで駐車場の車内で待つことができ、呼び出し用にポケベルのようなものが準備されています。 初めて来店しましたが、混み合っていましたが、感染対...

  • Harashimaya Sohonke
    30 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Maebashishi Heiwamachi 2-5-20
    Ever since its founding in 1857, this shop has focused on making manju buns. After adding malted rice to wheat and letting it ferment, a secret sauce containing red miso, granulated sugar, and other ingredients is added repeatedly before the bun is baked. The shop closes when it sells out, so it’s best to go early. The charming building is modeled after a private Joshu home like the one the original owner grew up in. It is about 10 minutes by car from JR Maebashi Station.

    群馬県の名物だと知って食べてみることにしました。 こちらは遊園地るなぱあくのすぐそば。 なかなか渋い店構えです。 1串に4つの大きな焼き饅頭。 多いとは思いましたが3串買いました。 餡子などの中身は入っておらず、パンのような焼き饅頭にみたらしが塗ってありました。 これは一個でお腹にたまります。 案の定余ってしまいました。 翌日に食べるのはオススメしません。 固くてベタベタです。

  • Misyouan
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Takasakishi Kenzakimachi 1038-4
    Located in Kenzaki Town, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, this Japanese-style confectionery shop can be found by looking for the red shop curtain with its name. The popular “chigomochi” won Honorary President Award at the National Confectionary Exposition in Mie and sells 3,000 per day. Only available from mid-December to early May, the shop is overrun with reservations for this new standard of Takasaki—high-quality Gunma strawberries (“yayoi hime”) wrapped in white bean jam and habutae mochi. The shop also has famous treats like “Takasaki daruma tezukuri monaka” and “nagori no yuki” with yam buns.

    日曜、開店の午前9時に行きましたが、すでに行列。 開店と同時にすでに前日までに予約している方を優先に商品の販売がされるので、当日購入のためには20分ほど待ちました。 ここの一押しは、地元の苺やよいひめを使った苺大福のちごもち。 並んだ甲斐あるわ!と思わせてくれる大粒で甘い苺にもちもちの求肥が絶妙な一品です。

  • Iwaido (Shibukawa Main Shop)
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Shibukawashi Murakami 11-5
    A manju steamed bun shop standing at the entrance of the road leading to the Iwaido Kanzeonmido Temple. The shop’s renowned sake manju are made with a secret natural doburoku unrefined sake yeast and are a famous Gunma sweet. Carrying the vague scent of sake, they also make popular souvenirs. Located close to the Onogami Onsen hot spring, the shop is easy to stop by on the way to enjoy a hot spring bath.
  • Kusatsu Yu no Hana Manju Honpo
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Agatsumagunkusatsumachi Kusatsu 43-2
    A hot spring manju steamed bun workshop and direct sales shop located a one minute walk from the Kusatsu-Onsen Bus Terminal. Hot spring manju filled with tsubuan course sweet bean paste is a common treat in Kusatsu, but Yu no Ha sells rare koshian smooth bean paste-filled manju. The shop’s manju consist of a soft, spongy dough wrapped around just slightly sweet smooth bean paste made from Hokkaido adzuki beans. Yu no Hana is also the only place where you can buy Yumomi-chan-yaki, taiyaki-like confections made in the shape of the official tourism ambassador character of the Kusatsu Onsen hot spring resort district, Yumomi-chan. Fresh off the griddle, these delightful treats are crisp on the outside and fluffy on the inside. When the shop is cooking up a new batch, you can order a special version with two of your favorite fillings mixed in.
  • Kusatsu Onsen Yuagari Karinto
    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Agatsumagunkusatsumachi Kusatsu 505
    A shop specializing in karinto (traditional Japanese snack food) located in Kusatsu Sensui, Kusatsu Town. Their signature product, yuagari karinto, includes 28 different varieties all sold in yukata patterned bags, from the very sweet brown sugar and honey karinto to spinach and wasabi, and shichimi (blend of spices) karinto. They also sell yuagari purin (crème caramel) and yuagari Joshu-gyuman (meat bun).


  • Koarai Seika
    37 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Tone-gun Minakamimachi Yubara 1680-20
    This confectionery is located along National Route 291 on the banks of the Tone River, one of the three major rivers in Japan. They sell Japanese confections made with quality ingredients such as flour and eggs produced in Gunma Prefecture. The premium azuki bean paste and fresh cream sandwiched between fluffy dough is popular.

    観光バスの駐機場もあるので、かつては大繁盛していたのでしょう。いまは店の奥にある展示館のような場所は電気が消え、店内の明かりも薄暗くなっていました。 どら焼きも大福も生クリーム入り。う〜む。。生クリームが多いとうんざりするなぁと最初手に取ったどら焼きを大福に替えました。抹茶大福、おいしかったですよ! でも普通のどら焼きと大福もおいた方がいいのでは?

  • Fugetsudo
    8 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Agatsumagunnakanojoumachi Shima 4237-34
    Fugetsudo is a Japanese-style confectionery store located on Prefectural Route 239 in Shima, Nakanojo Town. The store sells the Shima Onsen classic, onsen-manju as well as three varieties of yokan (sweet beans jelly), honneri, yuzu, and green tea. They also sell yume-makura, the well known confection which symbolizes the legend surrounding the beginning of Shima Onsen, with two different fillings, walnut and yuzu.

    四万温泉に来るたびに買いに来る温泉饅頭などのお店です。 粒あんもこしあんも大変おいしく、かつお安い! 店員さんも丁寧に商品の説明をしてくれ、大変好感が持てます。 四万温泉で温泉饅頭を買うなら、ここをお勧めします。

  • Mayu Kayu Tajimaya Main Shop
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Tomiokashi Takumi 243-1
    Mayu Kayu Tajimaya is a Japanese-style confectionery store located in Takumi, Tomioka City. The store’s well known confection, mayukomori, which resembles the shape of a cocoon in connection with the Tomioka Silk Mill, is dissolved in warm water to make an exquisitely smooth and gentle tasting kuzu-yu, or arrowroot tea. They also have green tea and ginger flavors too. Mayu Kayu Tajimaya also sells their mayukuwa monaka (bean jam filled wafers) in the shape of a cocoon, and their silk du rayaki, a bean jam pancake with Tomioka silk inside.


  • Shogetsudo
    125 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Shibukawashi Ikahomachikaho 591-7 below Ikaho Shrine
    Shogetsudo is a long-established onsen-manju cake shop founded in 1910 near the Ikaho Shrine at the Ikaho Stone Steps in Ikaho, Ikaho Town. Their yunohana-manju, a famous cake at Ikaho Onsen and originally created as such by the first generation shop owners, is the very first kind of onsen-manju cake. And even now, the onsen-manju which has retained the same great taste, unchanged over the years since it all began, is still just as popular today as it ever was.

    日本国内には多くの「温泉饅頭」が温泉地で売られていますが、その発祥がこのお店とのこと。温泉の蒸気で饅頭を蒸して作っていたようです。 お店の場所は、伊香保の石段の一番上にあります。観光客が利用できるような駐車場はないと思いますので、石段下の市営有料駐車場(500円)を使って、石段の左右にある色々なお店や観光施設を楽しみながら上まで地道に昇っていくのが一番よいと思います。饅頭を買っても駐車場の割引は...

  • Terakoya Honpo (Kusatsu Branch)
    4 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Agatsumagunkusatsumachi Kusatsu 507 Yugen Dainichi no yu koraku kan 1F
    A shop specializing in senbei and okaki (types of rice crackers) located in Kusatsu, Kusatsu Town. Using good quality domestically produced glutinous rice the shop sells rice crackers such as their trademark products of mochiyaki-senbei (hard-baked mochi), nure-okaki (soft cake) and age-okaki (deep-fried), as well as their koware-okaki (mixed bag) for commercial use.


  • Yakimanju Shimamura
    40 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Agatsumagunnakanojoumachi Shima 4237-23
    This shop, located in the hot spring district of Shima Onsen, Shima, Nakanojo Town, specializes in Gunma’s famous yaki-manju bean-jam buns. The fragrant cakes are charcoal-grilled and topped with a sweet-and-salty miso paste, making them a popular item for snacking on while strolling through district.

    バスで四万温泉に着いて、温泉協会で地図をもらって、歩き出したらこの店が見えた。 「あ!焼きまんじゅう、食べないと!」と思って、声をかけても何も言わず、一本焼き始めた婆さん。 聞こえてないのか?と思ったけど、お金を渡しても、うんともすんとも言わず。 何この人!? 「もういりません」と言ってやろうかと思ったけど、食べてる人もいた手前、そうもできず、こんな感じ悪いとこで食べてられないと「持って帰り...

  • Chojuten
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Agatsuma-gun Kusatsumachi Kusatsu 495-1
    An onsen manju (hot spring bun) shop situated along the road leading from the Yubatake in the hot spring district in Kusatsu City to Sainokawara Park. The shop makes its own manju bun, and, in addition to the standard sweet red bean paste filling, the establishment also offers Japanese chestnut paste in a white bun as well as green pea paste in a matcha green tea bun. The shop always offers samples of steaming hot, fresh onsen manju bun for customers to try out front.
  • Kasho Seigetsu-do
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Agatsumagunkusatsumachi Kusatsu 25-1
    The confectionary shop Kasho Seigetsu-do was established in 1923 and sells seasonal sweets made mainly from Hana-ingen kidney beans harvested in the Kusatsu-kogen Highlands, such as ama-natto (sweetened adzuki beans), Monaka (wafers filled with bean-paste), and sweet bean jelly. Among the confectionaries made with Hana-ingen kidney beans, the lotus fruit ama-natto is rare. The ama-natto made with lotus fruit, which is known to be used in oriental medicinal cuisine, has a mild sweet taste.
  • Honke Chichiya Yubatake
    23 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Pref. Agatsumagunkusatsumachi Kusatsu 114
    The Honke Chichiya in Yubatake is popular for its freshly steamed two tone bean-jam filled buns. The buns are filled with chestnut paste wrapped in finely strained red-bean paste. Visitors can drop by while exploring the hot springs and enjoy the buns while soaking their feet in a footbath. The store in Yubatake is open until 21 :00 so visitors can enjoy evening in the hot spring town.

    湯畑にあったので本店かと思ったら支店だった 温泉まんじゅう一個110円を購入 皮が薄めで あんこがぎっしり入っていて美味しかった

  • Myoutikurin, Isesaki Main Store
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Isesaki-shi Tsunatorimachi 3016-1
  • Meigetsudo
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Annaka-shi Isobe 1-13-3
    A Japanese confectioner in Isobe 1-Chome, Annaka City. They're known for their specialty Isobe Senbei cracker made with mineral water from the local Isobe hot spring as well as other simple ingredients including flour and sugar. It's been loved for nearly 130 years due to its light texture and melt-in-your-mouth feeling. They also sell a variety of other flavors of senbei crackers including Miso-flavor and hot spring manju buns. The attached cafe additionally serves meals.

    夕方5時過ぎに温泉街と言うか、せんべいストリートと名の付く通りを歩いていて、ハッキリと営業中の判ったのはこちらだけでした。外から店舗の中が良く見えて、しかも綺麗でしたので、足を踏み入れやすかったです。 新旧、甘いのもお酒のつまみになりそうなのも、色んな種類の磯部せんべいが揃っていて試食出来ます。選ぶのが楽しくなります。

  • Matsumura Manju
    116 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Agatsuma-gun Kusatsumachi Kusatsu 389
    A Japanese confectioner located on Sai-no-Kawara-dori Street in the Kusatsu Onsen Hot Spring Town in Kusatsu, Kusatsu Town, Agatsuma County. Their hallmark product is their Matsumura Manju, handmade daily by their skilled chefs and containing their homemade red bean paste wrapped with a thin dough containing brown sugar and then steamed. It is characterized by the smooth texture of their red bean paste with slight remnants of the whole grain. They also sell the Shio-Yokan (sweet beans jelly containing a little amount of salt) which sports a slight salty taste to set off the moderate sweetness.

    訪れたのが1月23日と24日でしたが、残念なことに生憎の定休日と重なってしまった様子でした。お店の前は何度か通ったのですが、定休日ではどうしようもありません。宿泊したホテルで美味しいと聞いていましたので、是非食べようと思ったのです・・・ 機会があれば是非食べてみたいと思っています。

  • Fukido Manju
    4 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Agatsuma-gun Kusatsumachi Kusatsu 393-2
    A shop specializing in Onsen Manju located along Sai-no-Kawara-dori Street in the Kusatsu Onsen Hot Spring Town in Kusatsu, Kusatsu Town, Agatsuma County. They serve Onsen Manju filled with strained red bean paste, a rare offering amongst the many shops offering Onsen Manju within Kusatsu Onsen. Come enjoy the soft mouthfeel unique to strained red bean paste.


  • Honke Chichiya Main Store
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Gunma Agatsuma-gun Kusatsumachi Kusatsu 89
    A Japanese confectioner located along Jizo-dori Street in the Kusatsu Onsen Hot Spring Town in Kusatsu, Kusatsu Town, Agatsuma County. They make and sell Kusatsu's famous Onsen Manju in two kinds; their simple Cha-Manju with red bean paste filling wrapped with brown sugar dough, and their Nishoku An-Manjuwith two different fillings, chestnut paste and strained red bean paste wrapped with plain white dough. . The buns are made in house letting you enjoy a freshly steamed manju. Another popular product is their Chichiya Baumkuchen with a gentle flavor of butter and fresh cream.

Gunma Areas


Gunma prefecture is synonymous with onsen. Natural hot spring water sources throughout the prefecture have given rise to a series of small onsen towns, each set among luscious mountains. At Kusatsu, Ikaho, and Minakami, traditional indoor and outdoor bathing experiences are served hand in hand with irresistible onsen-themed food, including steam-cooked eggs and custard pudding.

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