Rest Spot Spots in Japan

  • Roadside Station Obachan no Sato
    51 Reviews
    Hyogo Tanba-shi Kasugacho Nanukaichi 710


  • A la Datena Michinoeki
    85 Reviews
    Miyagi Pref. Osakishi Iwadeyamaiketsuki Shimomiyamichishita 4-1
    A roadside station standing along National Route 47 in Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. The station has a farm-fresh market carrying an abundant selection of local foods such as vegetables as well as rice, bread, and folk crafts. The station also hosts a shop owned and operated by renowned Hokkaido confectionary company Royce, and here you'll find shelves filled with an astonishing variety of chocolate sweets. The station's restaurant is a buffet serving six varieties of curry and dishes made with local ingredients. The station also has an outdoor light meal stand serving soft serve ice cream as well as spare rib barbecue, a rarity in Japan.


  • Roadside Station Hakko-no-sato Kozaki
    53 Reviews
    Chiba Pref. Katorigunkouzakimachi Matsuzaki 855
    Kozaki is known for fermentation. In Kozaki, blessed with abundant water and fertile land, the Japanese hometown flavor still thrives. At this roadside station (rest area), the popular cafe restaurant, serves local fresh vegetables and fermented products. It is famous for Miso Malt Yakidon rice bowl that received the Jalan travel magazine Road-1 Jalan Award. Besides a restaurant serving cuisine with the fermentation catalyzing koji, Oryzae, the roadside station offers selected fermented goods from around the nation at the Fermentation Market.

    以前の体験ですが・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 国道356号沿いには沢山の道の駅があり、ここもその一つです。圏央道の神崎インターのすぐ近くなので便利な場所ですが、まわりには何もない所なのでドライバーが利用するのならばここが目的地となるでしょう。直売店には発酵がコンセプトになっているのでつけもの類が沢山あり、その他にも味噌、お酒などの品ぞろいが豊富でした。 [写真はこちら]https://ww...

  • Roadside Station Galleria Kameoka
    55 Reviews
    Kyoto Kameokashi Amarubechou Takarakubo 1-1
    This Roadside Station is on National Route 9 in Kameoka City, Kyoto Prefecture. Their Kameoka Beef Croquettes made with local beef are popular. At their Galleria Morning Market, you can purchase items like fresh vegetables raised by local farmers and processed food items. They also have a lifelong learning facility that's often used by tourists and locals alike.

    巨大な建物で、大きな道の駅かと思ったらほとんどが地域住民のための施設でした。図書館やホールです。 野菜や特産品の販売所はその一部でした。車なら通りがかりに行けばいいですが、それだけを目的として行くには少し小さいスペースでした。

  • Roadside Station Kamogawa Ocean Park
    98 Reviews
    Chiba Pref. Kamogawashi Emitayuzaki 22
    This roadside station is located along the Sotobo-Kuroshio Line. It sells Kamogawa Sea World goods, processed seafood goods such as Boshu Hijiki seaweed, Kujira no Tare whale meat sauce and dried fish, and agricultural products such as fresh vegetables and the Nagasamai brand of rice. Besides restaurants that offer set meals and rice bowls using Nagasamai and local seafood, there is also an adjoining foot bath using water from Kamogawa Onsen Nagisa no Yu, an artificial tide pool and dog park outside.

    日曜日のランチで利用 駐車場はほぼ満車 建物の外観は傷みが激しい 海の近くでコンクリート剥き出しでは劣化が早くなるのは素人でも分かる 人口の池は水が無い 建物内は以外に小さい 駐車場が狭い 集客力が無い 経費を押さえる という悪循環 道の駅は必要です 鴨川の旅行が楽しい思い出になるように対策を希望します。

  • Aso Roadside Station
    28 Reviews
    Kumamoto Pref. Asoshi Kurokawa 1440-1
    An excellently situated roadside station which offers superb views of Mt. Aso to the south and the outer rim of a volcanic greater standing beyond agricultural land to the north. There is an information booth inside the facility staffed by guides who will be happy to tell you about local tourist attractions and recommend special local products. The facility stands at a key crossing point between the Aso Tozan Road, National Route 57, and National Route 212.

    熊本特産品がたくさん並び、バラエティーに富んだボリューム満点の手作り弁当も飛ぶように売れていました。 観光客はもちろん、地元の方々も大勢利用されていました。 わざわざでも立ち寄る価値があると思います。

  • Cherryland Sagae
    74 Reviews
    Yamagata Sagae-shi
    This roadside station is located along National Route 112 in Kawara, Yakuwa, Sagae City. The largest roadside station in the Tohoku region, Cherryland Sagae is centered around a souvenir store that sells a wide range of Yamagata specialties, such as famous sweets, agricultural produce, local sake and handicrafts. There is also a restaurant and a food court that serve food made using Yamagata beef and Shonai pork. Also, on the other side of the road there is a large cherry orchard called “Hakka Orchard Onuma.” There are also products only available at Cherryland, such as “Jion-ji Temple Golden Sesame Walnut Yubeshi.”


  • Kyotamba Ajim no Sato Roadside Station
    75 Reviews
    Kyoto Funaigunkyoutambachou Sone Deep Shino 65-1
    A roadside station accessible from general roads and the only shopping and dining area situated along the Kyoto-Jukan Expressway connecting north and south Kyoto. Here visitors can purchase Tanba specialty products like black soybeans and chestnuts, local fresh farm products, and Kyoto souvenirs. There are also two restaurants on the premises, Bonchi and the Tanba Daishokudo, which serve dishes made with local Tanba ingredients.


  • Roadside Station Udaji Ouda
    44 Reviews
    Nara Pref. Udashi Oudahirou 714-1
    This roadside station located on the Ise Honkaido Highway in Oudahirou, Uda City houses shops offering local sake, sweets, and souvenirs. It also features a farmers market offering fresh local-grown vegetables, a cafe serving drinks and light meals, a foot bath, rental cycles, and more. The station's eatery Restaurant Kamura offers dishes made with the region's local produce.

    宇陀市の大宇陀というところには、松山地区という古い町並みが残されている場所があります。その保存地区に近い国道沿いに、道の駅宇陀路大宇陀がありました。私たちは、松山地区の街並みを散策するために、こちらの駐車場を利用しました。 道の駅には、この地域の特産品を扱う店やレストランのほか、足湯もありました。吉野葛を使ったソフトクリームというのを初めていただきました。

  • Roadside Station Iitaka-eki
    40 Reviews
    Mie Pref. Matsusakashi Itakachoumiyamae 177
    A roadside station located in Iitaka-cho, Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture opened as a local specialty products market in 1990. Facilities include a tourist information center, shop selling local farm-fresh produce and specialty products, cafe only open in the morning, and a restaurant which serves Matsusaka beef. Visitors can also ease away the fatigue of their journey using the station's massage service or the Iitaka no Yu natural hot spring bath house, which has 11 bath varieties, including an outdoor bath and steam bath. Also offering short soba noodle making classes, the station is a destination where families can relax and have fun.


  • Roadside Station Raiden Kurumi no Sato
    76 Reviews
    Nagano Pref. Toumishi Shigeno Otsu 4524-1
    A roadside station standing along Prefectural Route 79 in Shigenootsu, Tomi City. The station sells confections and processed foods made with Nagano chestnuts, a local specialty product, as well as local agricultural products. The station's restaurant serves dishes made with local Hoe pork, while the cafe offers chestnut soft serve ice cream. The area was also the hometown of the famous Edo period sumo wrestler Raiden Tameemon, and a statue of the man stands on the station's grounds.

    お土産とりんごなど地産の野菜や果物が買いたくて立ち寄りました。 お土産も箱菓子以外にも、袋入りのドライフルーツや焼き菓子、ジャム、味噌、お酒など種類も多く楽しめます。 袋入りのりんごも安く購入でき、またお野菜も豊富でつい色々買ってしまいました。

  • Roadside Station Tajima no Mahoroba
    84 Reviews
    Hyougo Pref. Asagoshi Santouchouotsuki 92-6
    A roadside station situated along the Kitakinki-Toyooka Expressway in Otsuki, Santo-cho, Asago City. Here visitors can purchase seasonal agricultural products such as the Iwatsu Welsh onion, considered one of the three greatest varieties of Welsh onion in Japan (available from late November to late March); as well as rayu chili oil made with Iwatsu Welsh onions, wieners and other processed foods; snacks; sweets; and original products. The adjoining restaurant offers an all-you-can-eat buffet of light obanzai dishes made with local ingredients, and set meals and donburi rice bowls made with Tajima beef. There's also a food court where you can eat breaded mincemeat cutlets made with Tajima beef, Kobe pork, and Awaji grown onions.

    This is a rest stop/tourist information center. Public washrooms on either end and the standard convenience store items are available inside the main building. However, this is an extra large...

  • Roadside Station Imoko no Sato
    51 Reviews
    Shiga Pref. Otsushi Waninaka 528
    A roadside station situated along the Biwako-Nishi Jukan Expressway in Waninaka, Otsu City. The station sells local vegetables, processed goods, sweets, breads, souvenirs, and more. The station’s restaurant buys A5 grade Omi beef by the head, enabling it to serve top quality Omi beef sukiyaki and steaks at reasonable prices. There’s also a convenience store open 24 hours.


  • Roadside Station Kiso-Fukushima
    64 Reviews
    Nagano Pref. Kisogunkisomachi Fukushima 4061-1
    A roadside station standing on the Nakasendo Highway in Fukushima, Kiso Town, Kiso County. The station sells local specialty products such as produce, processed foods, liquors, and crafts. The station's restaurant serves soba noodles and set meals made with local ingredients like Shinshu salmon and Shinshu Ogon Shamo chicken.


  • Roadside Station Lake Utonai
    96 Reviews
    Hokkaido Tomakomaishi Uenae 156-30
    A roadside station standing along National Route 36 in Tomakomai City, Hokkaido. Here you can purchase a variety of agricultural and marine products, like oshizushi pressed sushi and Hokkidama fried dumplings made with Sakhalin surf clams. The facility also has a rest space overlooking Lake Utonai and visitors can observe a variety of wild birds here depending on the season.


  • Roadside Station Katsuyama
    49 Reviews
    Yamanashi Pref. Minamitsurugunfujikawaguchikomachi Katsuyama 3758-1
    This roadside station is located in Fujikawaguchiko Town, Minamitsuru County, Yamanashi Prefecture. The first floor of the station is shop that offers local specialties and produce, while the second floor is a restaurant. It also features a round observatory deck offering views of Lake Kawaguchi and grassy Koumi Park, which spread out in front of the station. The station is beloved by drivers as a rest stop.


  • Roadside Station Nango
    98 Reviews
    Miyazaki Pref. Nichinanshi Nangouchounienami 3220-24
    This is a roadside station in Nichinan City. Located in a central area of the Nichinan Coast Quasi-National Park, it provides tourist information regarding Miyazaki, sells special local products and also includes a restaurant. Locally grown fruit such as mango and a variety of citrus are also available for purchase. A limited number of the “mango roll”, with its mango scent, is also available. The restaurant offering a menu using Mediterranean vegetables is also popular.

    マンゴーソフトを食べたくて寄りました。 ソフトクリームの部分は同じでマンゴー果肉とマンゴーソースがかかったパフェがあったのでそちらを注文。 冬の時期だったからかマンゴー果肉が凍っていて微妙でした。

  • Roadside Station Ashoru Ginga Hall 21
    127 Reviews
    Hokkaido Ashorogunashorochou Kitaichijou 1-3
    This roadside station is at the intersection of National Routes 241 and 242, in Ashoro Town, Ashoro County, Hokkaido. It incorporates the Ashoro Station building from the Furusato Ginga line, closed since 2006. Inside, there is the Furusato Ginga Line Information display area, and on the second floor is the Ginga Hall, used for concerts and more. The hall is famous for its Chiharu Matsuyama Area displaying information about the Ashoro-native singer.


  • Roadside Station Shikabe Geyser Park
    111 Reviews
    Hokkaido Kayabegunshikabechou Shikabe 18-1
    A roadside station located in Shikabe Town with a geyser on its grounds. Discovered in 1924, the geyser blows every 12 minutes or so; the roadside station also has a footbath filled with waters from the hot spring that fuels the geyser. In the local specialty products shop, you can buy marine products like Shikabe cod roe, fresh seafood, and local vegetables. There's an adjoining facility offering hot spring-steamed and barbecued food. Women from the Shikabe Fishery Cooperative serve seafood dishes in the Hama no Kasan Shokudo restaurant and also hold short classes on how to make local meals.

    We had the local cuisine experience at Hamano Kaasan, to learn cooking with fishermans wives and this place was just next to it. We had a good 10-15 minute foot bath ( I believe the admission fee...

  • Roadside Station Asahikawa
    118 Reviews
    Hokkaido Asahikawashi Kagurayonjou 6-1-12
    Located about five minutes from Asahikawa Station by car, this is Hokkaido's 66th roadside station. Located in Asahikawa City, where four main national highways pass through and that is a center for tourism in the prefecture, this roadside station has very convenient access along National Route 237. Inside the facility, you can find a large exhibition hall where several kinds of events can be held, rental classrooms for training and meetings, a shop, a food court and tourist information. The shop has a rich selection of specialty products from northern Hokkaido. Freshly picked local vegetables are also available for sale. You can get a taste the local dish Asahikawa Ramen in the food court, and freshly baked bread at the bakery and cafe.

    驚きました。でもお土産の買い忘れ、食事に便利かなと・ただ今回はブランド品のバーゲンセールをやっており少し場違いの雰囲気 元々の建物を道の駅に改装した感じでスペースもあり催事にも活用しているんだと思います。レストランもラーメン屋さん他2カ所あり 大型スーパーのレストラン街の感じでした 駐車場も広いです。

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