Reference/Local/Exhibition/Literature Museum Spots in Kyotanabe / Kizugawa Area

  • QST Kids' Science Museum of Photons
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kidugawashi Umemidai 8-1-6 Institute of Quantum Science and Technology Research Organization Kansai Optical Science Institute
    QST Kids' Science Museum of Photons in the city of Kizugawa, Kyoto Prefecture, is Japan's first museum devoted to optics. With light as the theme, visitors can view museum's historical documents, scientific and technological exhibits, films, and experiments with lasers. The museum holds periodic events, such as workshop experiences for parents and children.

    恐竜大好きの子供の為に家族で訪問 駐車場、入館料、プラネタリウム、工作も無料と太っ腹施設です。 入り口には簡単な3分ぐらいでできる簡単なクラフト工作コーナーと、予約制のクラフト?実験?コーナーあり。 16歳以上でセグウェイが1日5名無料で乗れるそうです。 午前中にクラフトは予約が埋まってましたので、クラフトしたい方は早めに行くのをオススメします。 プラネタリウムは1日に3回程内容を変えて 月の...

  • Doshisha Daigaku History Museum
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyotanabe-shi Tatara Miyako Tani 1-3


  • Kyoto Prefectural Yamashiro Local Museum (Furusato Museum Yamashiro)
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kizugawa-shi Yamashirocho

Kyoto Areas


Its wooden tea houses, shuffling geisha, and spiritual sights have seen Kyoto hailed as the heart of traditional Japan, a world apart from ultramodern Tokyo. Despite being the Japanese capital for over a century, Kyoto escaped destruction during World War II, leaving behind a fascinating history which can be felt at every turn, from the fully gold-plated Kinkakuji Temple down to traditional customs such as geisha performances and tea ceremonies, which are still practiced to this day.

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