Japanese Confectionery Spots in Kamakura Area

  • Toshimaya
    111 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Pref. Kamakurashi Komachi 2-11-19
    The home location of Toshimaya, a sweet shop which sells the classic Kamakura souvenir, the hato sablé. The hato sablé (“pigeon cookie,” named after its shape) was first made in 1897. The rich, buttery flavor has long been one of Kamakura’s go-to souvenirs. Located close to the Ni no Torii gate on Wakamiya Oji, the Toshimaya here also sells hato sablé goods found nowhere else.

    鎌倉土産の定番「鳩サブレー」。 子供から大人まで、皆で頂ける美味しくて安心できる、懐かしい感じのお菓子です。

  • Kamakura Beniya Hachimangu-mae
    8 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Pref. Kamakurashi Yukinoshita 1-12-4
    A confectionary shop founded in 1954. All of the shop’s wide variety of sweets are handmade. The kurumikko, made with fragrant caramel and a heaping helping of walnuts sandwiched between two distinctive cake-like wafers, is particularly popular and a Kanagawa Prefecture specialty.

    鎌倉のお土産に「くるみっ子」を頂きました。 贅沢に胡桃が入っていて、歯応えがほど良く、美味しかったです。

  • Taiyaki Namihei
    17 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Pref. Kamakurashi Hase 1-8-10
    This is a taiyaki (fish-shaped pancake filled with bean jam) shop located along Yuigahama Odori, about three minutes on foot from Enoshima Dentetsu’s Yuigahama Station. Not only do they offer taiyaki made with carefully crafted honey-baked tsubuan (coarse red bean paste) and fresh, velvety smooth koshian (fine-grained sweet bean paste), they also have a full lineup of other items including natural yeast bread, yakisoba, and grilled piroshky. Guests will take joy in the sight of people in the neighborhood naturally congregate here to enjoy conversation with the jovial proprietor.

    昭和の民家のような面影が特徴的な、たい焼き等の和菓子専門のお店です。ほとんどの客はテイクアウトでそれらを購入しますが、店内には10席程度(カウンター席、座敷席)ですが客席があり、店内で食べることも出来ます。昭和の駄菓子屋等によく見られた小物がそこかしこに飾られており、まるでタイムスリップしたかのような感覚を味わえます。 店名に『たい焼き』とありますが、たい焼きの他にかき氷が有名で、しかも冬季も含め...

  • Kamakura Itoko
    12 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Pref. Kamakurashi Hase 3-10-22
    This shop offering pumpkin kintsuba (confection of sweetened beans wrapped in wheat-flour dough) and located on Hase-dori Street is distinctive for its yellow noren curtains. The nutritious pumpkin and red bean with its natural sweetness is enjoyed by women, and is a popular souvenir that is representative of Kamakura. Guests can even purchase single servings, making it a nice treat to enjoy on the go.

    日本国内に数ある《きんつば》を販売している店舗の中で 種類の多さはこちらが日本一(添付 写真参照)と思われ、今回 妻は《柚子レモンきんつば 250円税込/個》私は《くるみきんつば 250円税込/個》を楽しみました。 こちらでは 1個でも 気持ちよく購入出来るのが嬉しいサーヒスです。

  • Kamakura Karin Coron
    3 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Pref. Kamakurashi Komachi 2-12-26
    Operating a store in Wakamiya-oji Street located about five minutes on foot from Kamakura Station, this shop specializes in karinto (fried dough snacks) and bean confectionery. They carry products that preserve traditional tastes with carefully selected ingredients and recipes. Additionally, they stock more than 30 types of products including colorful coated bean confectionery including some made with peanuts and sora-mame (broad beans). Guests will enjoy their special seasonal products that allow one to really sense the season.


  • Kamakura Shokado
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Pref. Kamakurashi Yamanouchi 1340
    A small yet historic Japanese confection shop located along the Kamakura Kaido a one-minute walk from Kita-Kamakura Station. The name of the shop’s meika agari yokan (sweet bean jelly) references the fact that these treats were once presented to the Owari branch of the Tokugawa clan in the Edo period. Made without the use of artificial preservatives or other additives, these yokan have an intermediate texture between soft and hard yokan jellies and are characterized by their elegant flavor. They are also known to sell out as early as before noon. Shokado also sells unique, limited time items from October to May, such as the kuri-iri kojika (steamed castella cake with sweet adzuki beans) and kiku monaka (chrysanthemum wafer cake with sweet bean jam).
  • Dankazura Kosuzu
    42 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Pref. Kamakurashi Komachi 2-13-4
    Located along the approach to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Dankazura Kosuzu is a charming soba and warabi mochi shop with a swaying willow and looks like it could appear in a historic drama. The shop’s soba is springy and smooth. The warabi mochi starch dumplings are made with rare domestically grown bracken starch, and their chewy yet melt-in-your-mouth texture has delighted many tourists. The shop’s warabi mochi can also be brought home as a souvenir.

    鶴岡八幡宮で初詣の帰り道・・・鎌倉に行くと必ず娘が立ち寄るのが若宮大路沿いにある「段葛 こ寿々(だんかずら こすず)」! 娘の大好物のこ寿々の「わらび餅」を買いに! 段葛...

  • Kamakura Suruga Ya Main Store
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Hase 1-11-21
    "A long-established sweet shop established in 1937. All products sold in the store are carefully made with carefully selected natural ingredients, including Dainagon azuki beans from Tokachi, Hokkaido, and are safe for both men and women of all ages. The signature products are ""Hase no Daifukumochi,"" which has enjoyed strong popularity since before and during World War II, and ""Kamakura Dorayaki,"" which has been selected as one of the recommended products of Kamakura, and has a deep flavor with its special red bean paste."
  • Wagashi Ohkuni
    9 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Pref. Kamakurashi Omachi 2-2-10
    Wagashi Ohkuni is a long-standing Japanese confectionary with handmade sweets made from the finest raw ingredients. Along with seasonal cakes and treats a wide variety of other menu options are offered including senbei rice crackers, wheat-gluten manju buns, dorayaki pancakes, and mallet shaped monaka waffle cakes, daifuku, and dango dumplings. Their popular seasonal offerings are always incredibly imaginative.

    比企氏滅亡地妙本寺参拝ついでにコインパーキング近くにあり利用。 洋的和菓子から純粋な和菓子迄ある。 バターどら焼美味しい。

  • Imoyoshi Yakata, Kamakura Main Store
    14 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Yukinoshita 1-9-21


    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Sakanoshita 28-35


  • Kamakura Genjian
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Komachi 2-2-22
    This bean and legume specialty shop stands on Komachi-dori Street a two-minute walk from the east exit of JR Kamakura Station. The shop sells a variety of bean and legume snacks, sugared azuki beans, and peanuts prepared in the shop's own factory in Hadano, a city famous for its peanut production. Inside, the shop is filled with an abundance of products, and there are also samples you can try. Highlights include plain-roasted peanuts and Japanese butter peanuts which harness the innate flavor of the peanuts used. The shop also has nine varieties of moist boiled amanatto sugared azuki beans, and the shop's Okonomi Amanatto assortment, which contains a mix of all nine varieties, makes a great souvenir. In addition, the shop sells around 20 varieties of bean and legume snacks at any given time, such as curry peanuts and the Kamakura Mix assortment; you can also find seasonal flavors here.
  • Minamoto Kitchoan (Kamakura Main Store)
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Komachi 2-9-1
    This Japanese confectionary shop was established in 1946. Harnessing fruits in their entirety, natural blessings which are the origin point of confections, the shop makes seasonal fruit confections. The shop's signature natural series of confections put great value on fruit seasonality and make use of the shapes, forms, and flavors of fruits as-is while turning them into seasonal Japanese confections.
  • Kamakura Goro Main Store
    15 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Komachi 2-9-2
    This confectionary shop was established in 1990. The shop is famous for its Kamakura Hangetsu, matcha green tea cream or ogura azuki bean cream sandwiched between elegantly crisp, mildly sweet senbei rice crackers embossed with a rabbit design. The shop also sells sesame and yuzu citrus fruit cream Hangetsu depending on the season. The shop's Dainagon Castella Hangetsu cakes are also popular, and consist of fluffy castella cake cut into the shop's famous half-moon shape. The cakes are made with brand name Mori no Tamago eggs, along with Dainagon azuki beans and zarame granulated sugar.

    限定品かな? パッケージの可愛さと 栗きんとん味に惹かれて、子年の半月を購入 半月はゴーフルとは違った皮?せんべい部分が美味しいですね!

  • Chanoko
    3 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Nishi-Kamakura 2-2-7
    Established as Matsuno Honten in Higashi Kanagawa in 1917. The third owner changed the name of the shop and moved it to Kamakura. Since then, it has been making Japanese sweets that suit modern people's palates while keeping close to the traditions of the ancient city of Kamakura. Their sweets are on the small side so that more people get the chance to enjoy the colors and flavors. They use only the best rice, beans, and other ingredients, and avoid preservatives whenever possible.

    信濃屋なき後は、西鎌倉唯一の和菓子屋さん。 和菓子の種類が偏っている感じがする。 こちらを非常に絶賛している方がいるが、それに値するかどうかは私には微妙だ。

  • Asahiya Honten
    6 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Yukinoshita 3-3-21 Asahiya Building 1F
    Founded in 1905, the confectionery is popular for its additive-free "mame daifuku" (bean-added rice cake), which is made with homemade sweet bean paste and wrapped in a rice cake mixed with red peas; also recommended are "Kamakura Genji Monaka," which comes in three types: koshian, sweet bean paste and white bean paste, and "Han Dora," a one-handed size dorayaki.

    [一条恵観山荘]から 歩いて[鶴岡八幡宮]へ歩いて移動中 偶然見つけました。 店舗入口の看板に書かれている商品として 《豆大福》は[つぶしあんを餅で包まず、餅で巻かれ]、《あんぱん饅頭》は[外観は 饅頭と言うより 本当にあんぱんにしか見えません]等 面白さに魅かれ 入店しました。 《あんぱん饅頭 184円税込》は3種類ある内[つぶあん]、《豆大福 184円税込》 《だんご...

  • Hanami Senbei Azumaya
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Yuigahama 3-3-23
    A Japanese confectionery shop founded in 1904. Skilled artisans make colorful, seasonal sweets like their Oji-no-Matsu, a well-known Kamakura specialty. With the towering pine trees along Kamakura's Wakamiya-Oji main street as a motif, it offers a taste of Kamakura's history and has been recognized as an official Kamakura product.
  • Kamakura Beniya Tokiwa
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Tokiwa 362
  • Yone Noya Kamakura Komachi Dori
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Komachi 2-8-10 Yone Noya Kamakura Komachidori
  • Le pururu
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kanagawa Kamakura-shi Komachi 1-6-14

Kanagawa Areas


Kanagawa prefecture acts as an extension of the Tokyo metropolis that spills over into coastal towns, most notably Yokohama city, heavily populated and known for its Chinatown and seaside attractions. Just the right distance for a day trip out of Tokyo, Kanagawa is home to some of Tokyo’s most accessible beaches, including around Kamakura, best known for its Big Buddha. Visitors can also travel a little farther afield for a weekend at Hakone onsen town.

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