Japanese Confectionery Spots in Nihonbashi / Ginza Area

  • Kuya
    107 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Ginza 6-7-19
    This is a well-established wagashi (Japanese sweets) shop founded in 1884, and Ginza's Kuya monaka is loved by many including those that are cultured and their signature product of monaka is popular as a present for a special someone. Without using any additives they combine carefully selected red beans and sugar into a tsubushi-an that has a refined sweetness. Since the shop sells out of the entirely homemade treats, customers will need to make a reservation if they want to be certain of their purchase. Ginza Station is the closest train station.

    自分では購入したことがないのですが、有難いことに義母さんから何度も頂いてます。 お店の伝統、理念、手に入れるまでの手間を考えると、片手でパクパク食べるのは 勿体なくて、緑茶やお紅茶などを淹れて、最中を漆器に盛り、皮の香ばしさ、 甘さ控えめな餡をゆったり楽しむのが自分流です。

  • Yanagiya
    89 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo-ku Nihonbashi Ningyocho 2-11-3
    This long-established store that was founded in 1917 is one of the three largest taiyaki shops in Tokyo. The store is located in Amazakeyokocho, a three-minute walk from Ningyocho Station, and attracts queues even on weekdays. The taiyaki, which are carefully baked to order one by one by the specialist bakers, are characterized by their crispy texture. The sweet bean paste, simmered until soft and plump, forms a thick and fluffy filling in this amazing delight. The taiyaki aren't too rich or heavy, so they are eaten up in no time. Many customers also buy several taiyaki as gifts, and these can be packaged in boxes, paper bags or tree bark as needed.

    I love the way how the staff cook them. They dont use the electric like many others. It looks like gas or charcoal. It makes the taste smoky with the primitive smell of flour. The sweetness of the...

  • Eitaro Sohonpo Nihonbashi Main Store
    30 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Nihombashi 1-2-5
    This well-established Japanese confectionary shop has been operating in Nihonbashi since 1857. With its trademark deep blue curtain, they offer an array of sweets that they have introduced over the years like kintsuba, umeboshi-ame, and amananatto. They make them with the same traditional methods they’ve always used. The Nihonbashi Main Store also has a coffee shop called Setsugekka where visitors enjoy sweets like anmitsu and mitsumame. It’s a great place for a break while shopping. Apart from sweets, they also have a substantial food menu with items like their sekihan red rice bento box.

    こちらは、日本橋にほど近い店和菓子のお店、榮太樓總本鋪です。 外から見ると、ビルが古いせいか暗く感じますが、お店に入ると、明るい和モダンでBGMも良かったです。 榮太樓總本鋪と言えば、飴が思い浮かびますが、団子・どら焼きなどだくさん和菓子が綺麗に陳列されていました。 イートインコーナーもあり、ほぼ満席で和菓子と抹茶などを楽しいでいました。 私はハチミツソフトをいただき、濃厚ミルクとハチミツの自然の...

    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Ginza 1-7-7 Paula Ginza Building 2F
    This Japanese confectionary shop faces Ginza Chuo-dori Avenue. In addition to selling namagashi fresh Japanese confections and other Japanese sweets, the shop also carries select tea leaves and containers from a variety of areas. In the adjoining teahouse, capable of seating around 40 customers, you can enjoy dozens of varieties of Japanese tea, original tea blends made with seasonal fruits and herbs, and more. In addition to tea and sweets, the teahouse also serves alcoholic beverages and foods made with seasonal ingredients for customers to enjoy.
  • Tsuruya-Yoshinobu Tokyo Shop
    36 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Nihombashimuromachi 1-5-5 COREDO Muromachi 31F
    Located in Nihonbashi’s Coredo Muromachi 3, this well-established Japanese confectionery shop was founded in Kyoto in 1803. They offer a variety of Japanese sweets like their hallmark yuzu mochi and kyokanze. Watching skilled confectioners play their trade right before your eyes, you’ll enjoy shopping in the laid-back Japanese-style atmosphere and trying fresh sweets with matcha in their tea area.

    This review only applies to my Japanese wagashi (Namagashi) experience. Ive heard of this store and cafe through friends of mine. I stopped by on the way to Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Department store...

  • Mannendo Honten
    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Ginza 5-8-20 Azuma-dori
    This is a Japanese confectionery store located on Ginza, founded in Kyoto in 1617. Their trademark 'Omedeto' sweet, has been long beloved since the early Edo period. Just as the name belies, a homonym for 'congratulations', this confection is given for festive occasions, and the Koraimochi is for non-festive occasions. They both have been widely treasured for over 100 years. The Omedeto and Koraimochi, and the seasonal unbaked sweets are available as single items, or packed in boxes with each one wrapped in a delightful manner. The yokan paste comes in three different flavors and in two sizes of medium or small sticks.

    「萬年堂本店」をご存じでしょうか?1617年創業の京都寺町三条から歴史がはじまりました。の銀座駅から連絡通路を通ると雨に濡れず直結している商業ビル・銀座コア1階にあります。 看板商品の人気の御目出糖と高麗餅は創業から400年以上変わることのない上品な味わいです。また季節の上生菓子などもあります。手土産用と自宅用を購入しました。伝統ある品のよいお菓子は、こちらもおススメです。

  • Tsukishima Kohagido
    2 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Tsukishima 1-19-4
    Kohagido sells traditional baked rice crackers. The rice crackers lined up tightly gives this a mom-and-pop candy store feel. Tucked in the corner of Tsukishima Nishinaka Shopping District among some monjayaki restaurants. Come to Kohagido to try their famous manekineko cat rice crackers in the shape of a cat's head. Choose from five different flavors: soy sauce, garlic, miso, shichimi seven spices and brown sugar. These lightly sprinkled bite-sized crackers are perfect for gifts. You can also get other local items such as the Monja Okoge rice crackers.

    もんじゃストリートの月島駅寄りにある 昔ながらのせんべ屋さん 実にノスタルジック 昭和の香りがプンプンします 風情があっていいですよ いつまでも下町の景色の一つとして 残っていてほしいものです

  • Itakura Ya
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo-ku Nihonbashi Ningyocho 2-4-2
  • Sei Kotobuki Ken
    33 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo-ku Nihonbashi Horidomecho 1-4-16

    [中央区和生菓子組合]が発行している《中央区 和生菓子まっぷ(2021年3月発行) 添付 写真参照》から こちらの《どら焼き》を知り 訪問しました。 《大判どら焼き》と《小判どら焼き》 どちらが好みかは個人個人の嗜好により 異なると思いますが [あんこ好き]には 《小判どら焼き》がピッタリと思います。 又 こちらの《大判どら焼き》は 直径10cm程度あり 一般的な《どら焼き》と比較し サイスが...

  • Usagiya
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo Nihonbashi 1-3-8
  • Okashi Midori E Do
    22 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo-ku Shinkawa 2-17-13

    お土産でこちらの苺大福を頂きました。 皮が薄くて、中の苺が最大限に楽しめる餡子の量でとっても美味しかったです。

  • Ginza Midori Kotobuki Iori Shimizu
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo-ku Ginza 6-2-1 Daiwa Ginza Building 1F
  • Ginza Akebono Ginza Main Store
    88 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo-ku Ginza 5-7-19

    Passed by the shop by accident and decided to buy just one strawberry daifuku. Regretted it immediately and came back the next day to buy more! Soft mochi, sweet fresh strawberry, the red bean paste...

  • Edo Kaze Okashi Nihonbashi Nagato
    18 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo-ku Nihonbashi 3-1-3


  • Toraya Nihonbashi
    6 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo Nihonbashi 1-2-6


  • Okashi no Machioka Nihonbashi
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo-ku Nihonbashi 2-3-18
  • Kikunoyahonten honten
    9 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuou-ku Ginza 5-8-20

    菊延舎さんの富貴寄せや、本葛の葛餅が美味しくないと書いてあり、ちょっとびっくり! 甘すぎる白砂糖のお菓子や片栗粉の甘い葛餅に慣れているからかな? 私は、金平糖なんて甘くて嫌いだったのに、こちらのは風味が良くてワクワクたのしんでいます。 書くつもりなかったのですが、味の感じ方で辿り付くお店も違うんだな とおもいました。

  • Mochikichi Tokyo Ginza Main Store
    10 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo-ku Tsukiji 1-13-14


  • Ichiya Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi-mae
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo-ku Nihonbashi Muromachi 1-12-13
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Tokyo Chuo-ku Ginza 7-8-17 Toraya Ginza Building 4F

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