Remarkable Water Spots in Kazusa / Rinkai Area

  • Shikoma Fudo Miracle Water
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Futtsushi Shikoma 90-1
    Located along Prefectural Route 182, nicknamed the “Momiji Road.” Here you can collect water springing from a crack in a boulder associated with the Buddhist deity Fudo Myo-o in a cliff along the Shikoma River, whose source waters are believed to lie in the Himuro Mountains. The waters are said to make tea and rice even more delicious when used to prepare them. The site has a parking area and bathrooms, making it perfect for stopping by along the way to another destination in the area.

Chiba Areas


The Boso Peninsula forms the main body of Chiba prefecture, and this is where you’ll find its endless warm water beaches and jagged mountains. Further inland, Narita - most famous as the home of Narita Airport - is a secret haven of tradition and history in the form of centuries-old Shinshoji Temple and quaint wooden Edo buildings. Chiba prefecture is also home to both Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea.

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