Spots in Around Kiyomizu-Dera Temple Area

  • Kiyomizu-dera Temple
    58 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Kiyomizu 1-294
    A famous Buddhist temple located in Higashiyama Ward in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. The temple is said to have been started when the priest Enchin enshrined a thousand-armed statue of Kannon above the Otowa Waterfall in 778. The main temple nave enshrines a standing figure of an eleven-faced Kannon and is built in the elegant Shinden-zukuri style. The Kiyomizu Stage jutting out over the Cliffside offers a sweeping view of the streets of Kyoto and blooming cherry trees, verdant plant life, or autumn foliage depending on the season, making it a popular photo spot. The three channeled Otowa Waterfall is said to provide benefits such as long life and people line up to drink its waters. Bustling with students on a school excursion as well as tourists both domestic and international, the Kiyomizu-dera Temple is one of Kyoto’s most popular tourist sites.

    Its great fun watching everyone queueing for these three streams - which one will they want to go for? Apparently you should only choose one!

  • Jishu-jinja Shrine
    185 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Kiyomizu 1-317
    A Shinto shrine located just to the north of the main sanctuary in the Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto that is popular with young women and couples due to its dedication to a god of marriage. There are two love fortune-telling stones located 10 meters apart from each other on the grounds and it is said one will achieve true love if one is able to reach one stone from the other while your eyes are closed. The main shrine, front shrine, and main gate are nationally designated Important Cultural Properties. In 1994, due to certain historical details, it was registered as part of the Kiyomizu-dera Temple under the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto World Heritage Site. The temple is also home to the famous Jishu Cherry, so beautiful it is said Emperor Saga turned his carriage around three times to view it again and also seen as the origin of the Japanese people’s love of cherry blossoms.

    This is the best! I have been there 8 years ago and my wish came true.Thank God! I visited there again and the staff are nice. Atmosphere is good! you must try the Love stone :P

  • Yogen-in Temple
    117 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto Sanjusangendomawari-cho
    A Jodo Shinshu Kengo-in Buddhist temple located in Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City. Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s concubine Yodo-dono asked Hideyoshi to build the temple in honor of her deceased father Asai Nagamasa. The temple was destroyed once but restored in 1621, after which the Tokugawa shogunate enshrine a mortuary tablet here honoring successive generations of shogun and the temple became a family cemetery for the Tokugawa clan. The main temple building was a place at Fushimi Castle that was moved here. The “Bloody Ceilings” of the left, right, and main corridors memorialize the great battle that occurred at Fushimi Castle. The temples screen paintings created by Tawaraya Sotatsu are registered Important Cultural Properties and the Image of White Elephants and Image of Lions, painted in a three dimensional style, are must-sees.

    Yogen-in temple is located just at east side of Sanjusangendo temple. It is not very known for tourists, but I found it very interesting. Two things that you cannot miss:bloody ceiling which is...

  • Kyoto National Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Chayachou 527
    A museum located in the Chaya-cho neighborhood of Higashiyama Ward which first opened in 1897 as the Imperial Museum of Kyoto. The museum changed to its current name in 1952. Visitors can enjoy viewing the museum’s collection of masterpieces and historic objects, including National Treasures, such as paintings, carvings, writings, and swords. The museum also holds special exhibitions.
  • Sanjusangendo Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Higashiyama-ku
  • Ninenzaka
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Kiyomizu 2-chome
    This is a slope leading to Kiyomizu-dera Temple, its loose paving stones and lines of houses giving off a Kyoto atmosphere. It is a popular shopping spot with a number of Kyoto souvenir stores with goods including traditional confectionery, Japanese-style sundries and chirimen-sansho (dried baby sardines with Chinese pepper). It is recommended to stop for a break along the way at a cafe featuring Japanese-style sweets.
  • Yasaka Koshindo Temple
    63 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Kinenchou 390
    Inside are colorful “kukuri saru.” Kukuri saru are charms of monkeys with their hands and feet tied, and warn people not to rush towards what they want. If one controls himself against their desire and then prays to the kukuri saru, their wish will be granted. In addition, on the six Koshin days of the year there is “konnyaku dak,” cooked konnyaku (paste made from starch of arum roots). It is said that if one faces north and silently eats three kukuri saru-shaped konnyaku, they will live with sound health.

    We had just visited the Kiyomizu Temple and were walking through the Higashiyama area of Kyoto. I happened to look down an alley to my left and saw many colorful balls, hanging like garlands from a...

  • Toyokuni-jinja Shrine
    73 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Prefecture Kyoto-shi Higashiyama-ku Yamato-dori-dori Front Chayamachi 530
    This is a Shinto shrine in the Higashiyama district dedicated to Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Abandoned with the fall of Toyotomi and the orders of the House of Tokugawa, it was nevertheless rebuilt later under the imperial command of Emperor Meiji. The karamon gate, a remnant of Fushimi Castle, represents Momoyama culture and is designated a National Treasure. There are also several Important Cultural Properties on display including Hideyoshi’s six-legged Chinese-style chest stored in the shrine sanctuary.

    Toyokuni Shrine is dedicated to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a ruler of Japan in Momoyama Period. Under the reign of Tokugawa family, the shrine was abolished, but after Meiji restoration it was reinstalled...

  • Komyoin Temple
    74 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Honmachi 15-809
    Komyoin Temple is a sub temple of Tofukuji Temple. Also known as “niji no kokedera” (rainbow moss temple), it is a beautiful temple with thick green moss and white sand blanketing the grounds. In spring there are of course cherry blossoms, and in autumn one can enjoy the changing leaves of Tofuku-ji Temple.

    Quiet temple overlooked by most tourists. The garden of raked sand and rocks are stunning, so is the bird and dragon patterned tatami mats. I am quite happy to have visited this temple instead of...

  • Tofuku-ji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Honmachi 15-778
    Construction of this large temple was begun in 1236 by the regent Kujo Michiie, who wanted to enshrine Kyoto’s largest monastery. The construction ultimately took 19 years to complete. The temple’s spacious grounds are home to such highlights as Japan’s oldest main temple gate (a designated National Treasure), and a toilet constructed in the Zen style as well as a temple nave decorated with a painting of a dragon on its ceiling (both Important Cultural Properties). Four gardens are distributed to the east, west, north, and south sides of the grounds, and each offers charming but different scenery. The northern garden in particular, with its checkerboard of moss and stones, is a must-see.
  • Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku jinja Shrine
    89 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Seikanjiryousanchou 1
    A Shinto shrine located in Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City that was established to honor patriots who worked to promote the reformation at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate. The grounds contain tombstones and cenotaphs dedicated to figures such as Sakamoto Ryoma, Nakaoka Shintaro, and Kido Takayoshi, as well as a Showa Shrine Grove commemorating military service. The adjoining Ryozen Museum of History exhibits literature and other materials related to the Meiji Restoration. On November 15, the birthday of Sakamoto Ryoma, the Ryoma Festival is held to comfort souls who benefited from his efforts. A key autumn event in Kyoto, the festival attracts throngs of people.

    Across from the History museum. No English captions to speak of, but feels spooky and important. Modest contribution to get in. Nice view of Kyoto.

  • Kawai Kanjiro's House
    67 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Prefecture Kyoto-shi Higashiyama-ku Gojozaka Bell Castle Town 569
    This is Kawai Kanjiro’s House, a memorial hall made in the residence of the famous potter active in the Taisho and Showa periods. Built according to his own specification, the inside now displays plenty of works, design images and letters and the equipment and kiln he used while alive are still in place.

    This is a fab museum - well worth visiting if only to see the inside of a traditional Japanese house. Kawai Kanjiro was a famous potter and this house is absolutely delightful.

  • Ryozen Museum of History
    66 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Seikanjiryousanchou 1
    The museum is located to the southeast of Kodaiji Temple, across from the Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Shrine. The museum opened in 1970 as Japan's first museum specializing in comprehensive research on the history of the period from the end of the Edo Period (1603-1867) to the Meiji Restoration (around 1868-1889). A large number of relics and other materials belonging to historical figures active in the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate, both on the side of bakufu (the Shogunate) side and tobaku-ha (overthrowing-the-Shogunate group) have been collected and researched. The exhibition is held based on a theme selected from over 5,000 pieces of materials.

    Kyoto offers a zillion temples and shrines. This is a welcome alternative BUT the lack of much English lessens it for us foreigners

  • Bishamondo Shorinji Temple
    66 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Honmachi 15-795
    This sub-temple on the grounds of Tofukuji Temple in Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City enshrines an image of Bishamonten. Normally, only groups can view it by appointment. However, special viewings for the public are held in spring and autumn, when many visitors come. They also hold zazen meditation and Buddhist scripture copying workshops.

    I participated in the sutra/deity image copying experience at Shorin-ji. You are led to a room that opens out to a lush green, peaceful garden and spend an hour either copying the Heart Sutra (心經) or...

  • Sannenzaka (Sanneizaka)
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Kiyomizu 2
    One of Higashiyama’s most famous tourist spots, this steep stone paved 100 meter hill road leads from Yasaka to the Kiyomizu-dera Temple. When the Kiyomizu-dera Temple was founded in 808, this path was built for visitors. The path is lined with souvenir shops, ceramic stores, and Japanese restaurants, giving it a truly Kyoto air. The hill is also called Sanneizaka. There are many theories as to its derivation, but based on the characters which comprise it (meaning “to give birth” and “preference,” it is widely believed that it gained this name from the parishioners climbing it to reach the Koyasu-no-to and pray for a safe childbirth.
  • Kiyomizu Sannenzaka Museum
    41 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Kiyomizu Buddhist temple in front of Shimokita Shimizu 3-337-1
    An art museum dedicated to collecting and displaying primarily cloisonné ware, gold and silver lacquerware, metalwork, earthenware, and carvings from the late Edo, Meiji, and Taisho periods. The owner, enchanted with the artworks of the Meiji period made with such fine technique, came up with the idea of opening a museum after attempting to purchase masterpieces from the period that had ended up overseas. The contents of the museum’s standing exhibits is completely changed out once each year. The Museum also holds special exhibitions every three months.

    Its not a very big museum, but that just adds to the whole coziness of the place. Exhibits are nicely done in a traditional way.

  • Hokan-ji Temple (Yasaka-no-to)
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Kiyomizu Yasaka Kami-cho 388
    A Buddhist temple famous for its five tier pagoda called the Yasakano-to located midway between Yasaka Shrine and the Kiyomizu-dera Temple. There are various theories about the origins of the Hokanji Temple, but it is generally believed to have been founded in the Asuka period (593–710) as the guardian temple of the Yasaka clan. The 46 meter tall five tier pagoda is a reconstruction built in 1440 by Ashikaga Yoshinori and is a nationally designated Important Cultural Property. Visitors can go inside the pagoda to view a dais on which are placed figures of Mahavairocana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, and amoghasiddhi—the Five Perfected Ones; as well as the interior structure of the pagoda and the great central pillar supporting it.
  • Gojo-zaka
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Higashiyama-ku Kiyomizu · Gojo Bridge east
    Gojo-zaka is renowned as the birthplace of Kiyomizu-yaki pottery, one of Kyoto's hallmark traditional industries, in league with Nishijin Textile and the Kyo-yuzen dyeing technique. Gojo-zaka refers to the area from Yamato-oji Street to Kiyomizu-zaka Slope. In summer the Kyoto Gojo-zaka Pottery Festival is a sign of the season. Featuring over 400 pottery dealers, it's always bustling with visitors during that period.
  • Rokuharamitsuji Temple
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Founded by the priest Kuya in 951, this is temple 17 of the Saigoku Kannon pilgrimage (33 temples in the Kinki area containing a statue of Avalokitesvara). The temple possesses a large number of wooden sculptures that represent the Kamakura period including the standing image of Juichimenkannon (eleven-faced Kannon), the temple’s gohonzon or principal object of worship which is designated as a National Treasure, and a standing image of Kuya (an Important Cultural Property). In recent years its Kaien Suimei omikuji fortune slips have been popular as slips of good fortune are more often drawn than not.

    六波羅蜜寺には何度も参拝しており、いつも「空也上人立像」を拝見したいと思いつつ機会を逃していました。 今回、初めて宝物館「令和館」に入館してみました。仏像を始めとする貴重な木造が安置されており静かに見学する見学する事が出来ました。特に「空也上人立像」は2Fエリアに安置されていました。

  • Imakumano-jinja Shrine
    34 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Higashiyama-ku Imagumanonaginomoricho 42

    An amazing little shrine that we found on our self guided tour. No admission fee and once again it is situated in an idyllic surrounding. An interesting small collection of Japanese artwork under...

Kyoto Areas


Its wooden tea houses, shuffling geisha, and spiritual sights have seen Kyoto hailed as the heart of traditional Japan, a world apart from ultramodern Tokyo. Despite being the Japanese capital for over a century, Kyoto escaped destruction during World War II, leaving behind a fascinating history which can be felt at every turn, from the fully gold-plated Kinkakuji Temple down to traditional customs such as geisha performances and tea ceremonies, which are still practiced to this day.

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