Pleasure Boat / Water Cruise Spots in Bay Area Area

  • Chibako Meguri
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Chiba Pref. Chibashi Chuou-ku Chuoukou 1-20-1 Kays Harbor 1F
    This sightseeing boat boarded in Chiba City leaves from Chiba Central Wharf, and you can see Port Tower, the Chiba Container Terminal, food product complexes, fuel transport bases and the JFE Steel Corporation East Japan Works Chiba District. You can enjoy the boat ride around the factories while listening to the rules of the sea and work in the port.

    千葉港を40分周遊する 小学生の社会科見学か?同船し、賑やかになる 国際貿易港とうたわれる千葉港 国際船が作業をしていた アナウンスがいい勉強になる JAFのカードで10%引き ありがたい チケット売場は目の前の建物の中にある 分からなかったら電話して!

Chiba Areas


The Boso Peninsula forms the main body of Chiba prefecture, and this is where you’ll find its endless warm water beaches and jagged mountains. Further inland, Narita - most famous as the home of Narita Airport - is a secret haven of tradition and history in the form of centuries-old Shinshoji Temple and quaint wooden Edo buildings. Chiba prefecture is also home to both Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea.

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