Museum / Science Museum Spots in Ashikaga / Sano / Tochigi Area

  • Mibumachi Toy Museum
    26 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Shimotsugagunmibumachi Kuniya 2300
    "This toy museum is located in the Mibu-Machi Comprehensive Park, and has a cute appearance reminiscent of a medieval castle. The museum houses play areas with slides and play equipment with net, etc. and also displays approximately 9,000 valuable toys, including those made of tin plate. You will also find a corner where you can actually play with toys, a corner where you can create your own original ""Licca-chan"" doll, and a ""Railway Model Room"" with one of the largest dioramas in the north Kanto region, making this museum a place where both adults and children can have great fun all day long."


  • Ashikaga Information and Communication Space
    21 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Ashikaga-shi Tori 1-2673-1
    This facility was established to familiarize visitors with Ashikaga's history and culture, and to contribute to the liveliness of the city area and the revitalization of the community. The building, renovated in 2016, offers exhibition and rest areas, conference rooms, and a variety of tourist information. Visitors can try on Ashikaga Meisen, silk textiles that predominated the late Taisho (1912-1916) through early Showa (1926-1989) periods, and enjoy walking around town dressed in kimono or armor.

    こちらは足利の歴史や文化、自然に親しみ、楽しみ、そして学んでいただく施設として、平成15年3月にオープンしたそうです。 無料で入場でき、展示物としては機織り機が素晴らしかったです。 また、大正末期から昭和初期にかけて一世を風靡した「足利銘仙」を中心とした着物の着付け体験できます。

  • Kuzu Fossil Museum
    16 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Sano-shi Kuzuu Higashi 1-11-15
    This fossil museum presents fossils discovered in Sano City and provides information on the types of minerals and wildlife in the area. Exhibits include a type of limestone found in the Kuzu area called Nabeyama limestone, examples of limestone from across the country, and animal fossils found in limestone caves and fissures. Limestone is widely found in the Kuzu region, and the area is also thought to have once been a habitat for elephants, rhinoceroses, and other large animals. The Japanese rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus nipponicus) skeleton displayed in the center of the first floor is the only one which has been found anywhere in Japan that is almost completely intact. Other exhibits include limestone fossils of Fusulinida and sea lilies which lived during the distant Permian period.


  • Sano Ramen Mini Museum
    16 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Sano-shi Wakamatsucho
    This mini museum is located inside the Palport plaza in front of Sano Station. Inside the tourist information center on the first floor, the museum displays models of Sano ramen served in some 30 establishments in the area. The bowls used are actual bowls from the various restaurants. Each is a realistic replica of each restaurant's vaunted Sano ramen. Informational cards next to each model present information such as the restaurant's address, business days, number of parking spaces, and noodle characteristics, meaning the museum can also be used to help you choose which restaurant to go to. Visitors rave that just looking at the models will make you hungry, and another nice thing about it is that it's free.

    台風19号に寄る水害の災害ボランティアで栃木県佐野市にやって来た。 佐野駅前に佐野らーめんミニ博物館があると言うので立ち寄った。 佐野駅前交流プラザぱるぽーと 1階にあり入場無料の施設。館内に は、市内30店舗のラーメンサンプルが並び、各店の住所や営業日、麺、 スープ、具材の特徴などが掲げられ、らーめん店選びの参考になりま すが、ここでラーメンは食べられなかったのが残念。

  • Tsukada Memorial Hall
    15 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Tochigishi Yamatochou 2-16
    This exhibition facility located in Yamato-cho, Tochigi City makes use of the Tsukada family's storehouse. They were prominent lumber dealers during the Edo period (1603-1868), and this hall displays some of their important items. There is also an exhibit featuring a robotic dolls performing the tragic story about Uzuma River, and a robotic grandmother that tells stories while plays the shamisen (a three-stringed traditional Japanese musical instrument). The facility has a restaurant, too.

    蔵の街の象徴といえる鯉のぼりの架かる川に沿って、この塚田歴史伝説館の壁が100メートル以上続きます。 入口でチケットを買った直後に入る部屋では、三味線語りをするおばあさん人形とそれを眺めるおじさんの人形がとてもリアルでした。これがインパクトのピークだった気がします。最後の人形劇はそれほど印象的ではありませんでした。 とは言っても栃木市に来たらこちらを訪問するのはオプションだと思います。

  • Sano Historical museum
    12 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Sano-shi Ohashicho 2047


  • Oyama Municipal Museum
    11 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Oyama-shi Otome 1-chome 31-7

    間々田駅から徒歩10分。 入館料無料。企画展開催時は200円。訪館時は企画展「日光山と小山」が開催されていたが無料開放日となっていた。展示室内撮影不可。 常設展示室の入口近くにナウマンゾウの化石、竪穴式住居・古墳石室の復元があり、以降は一般的な歴史博物館と同様に土器、農具・民具、教育資料などが展示されている。展示品は多くないが、近隣の子供たちが地元の歴史を知るにはいい施設でしょう。

  • Mahojin Supercar Museum
    4 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Tochigishi Nonakamachi 553


  • Watara Se Reservoir Stork Community Center
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Oyama-shi Shimonamai 865
  • Shimotsu Ke Fudoki no Oka Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Shimotsuke-shi Kokubunji 993
  • Mibumachi History Folk customs Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Shimotsuga-gun Mibumachi Honmaru 1-chome 8-33
  • Tochigi Archaeological center
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Shimotsuke-shi Murasaki 474
  • Tochigi City Ohira History Museum / Ohira History Museum Shiraishi Family Tonaga Residence
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Tochigi-shi Ohiramachi Nishiyamada 898-1
  • Ashikaga Textile Tradition Hall
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Ashikaga-shi Tori 3-chome 2589

Tochigi Areas


Most visits to Tochigi revolve around Nikko, a small city home to the spectacular, lavishly decorated Toshogu Shrine and Nikko National Park with its mountains, lakes, waterfalls, onsen, and wild monkeys. Neighboring Oku-Nikko is an extension of the fantastic scenery famous for its autumn leaves, while Tochigi’s capital, Utsunomiya, is the only place in the world where you can find oya stone beautifully exhibited in temples and the Oya History Museum.

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