History / Culture / Tour Spots in Saito / Koyu Area

  • Tsuma Shrine
    22 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Saito-shi Tsuma 1
    "A 10-minute drive or three kilometers from the Saito Interchange on the Higashi-Kyushu Expressway. Dedicated to the princess goddess Konohanasakuya-hime-no-Mikoto, the shrine's name appears in ancient ""Shoku Nihon Koki"" Japanese history text, as well as in the register of shrines in the ancient ""Engishiki"" law book. According to legend, Ninigi-no-Mikoto fell in love with the princess at first site and held a wedding ceremony, thus becoming known as a god of love and marriage, while the princess safely gave birth to triplets and in turn became known as a goddess of safe childbirth and childrearing. During the Koisai Festival held on July 7th, the wedding ceremony is recreated in an unusual ritual which has been conducted continuously for around five hundred years."

    天照大神は孫のニニギノミコトを高天原から地上に遣わし(天孫降臨)、乱れた国を治めました。その妻が絶世の美女とされるコノハナサクヤヒメで、二人は日本で初めて結婚式を挙げたとされています。都萬神社にはこの神様が祀られているので、幸せを求める女性から篤く信仰されています。 境内には縁結びを求めてハート形の絵馬が奉納されていました。

  • Saitobaru Burial Mounds
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Pref. Saitoshi Miyake Saitohara 5670
    Approximately a ten-minute drive from the Saito Interchange, these burial mounds are scattered around Chigogaike Park. Over 300 burial mounds remain over a very large area 2.6 kilometers from east to west and 4.2 kilometers north to south, and preservation activities are being conducted as a special historic park from its academic value. In the park, besides the burial mounds such as the Oni no Iwaya Kofun that can be seen, there is also the Saitobaru Archaeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture. In addition, it is a popular flower spot with cherry blossoms and rape blossoms in the spring, and cosmos in the autumn.
  • Tsuno-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Pref. Koyuguntsunochou Kawakita 13294
    This is a shrine located in Tsuno Town, Koyu County. The shrine has a very long history, as it was founded six years before of the enthronement of Emperor Jimmu, who was the first emperor of Japan and Onamuchi-no-mikoto is the main deity. The god Daikoku-sama is enshrined here so it is said that the shrine is good for marriage and flourishing posterity, healing illness, and prosperity in business. There are festivals in August and December. A mikoshi (portable shrine) is paraded around in the summer festival in August, and Kagura (Shinto music and dancing) is performed in the winter festival in December.
  • Saitobaru Archeological Museum of Miyazaki Prefecture
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Miyazaki Pref. Saitoshi Miyake Saito Hara west 5670
    A museum located in the Saitobaru Tomb Area, a collection of some of Japan’s oldest tombs. Now a designated Special Historic Landmark Park, the area is dotted with over 300 tombs. The museum displays artefacts from the tombs and visitors can learn about the formation of the geography of southern Kyushu and the mysteries of the tombs from a diverse array of materials. The Ancient Life Interactive Center’s hands on exhibits, where visitors can ake a hands-on class about making haniwa and dogu clay figures, is particularly popular. From the third-floor restaurant, you can enjoy a cup of tea while gazing out over the Saitobaru Tomb Area, famed for its seasonal blossoms, particularly its cherries in spring.
  • Hyuga Kokubunji Ruins/Mokujiki Gochikan
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Saito-shi Miyake Kokubun 3187
    "This Buddhist temple is one of the Kokubunji Buddhist temples and nunneries built across the country on the order of Emperor Shomu in the Nara period. Just when the temple was erected is not clear, but as the land of Hyuga is recorded alongside Echigo and Tanba in the passages of the ancient ""Shoku Nihongi"" history text, it is believed the temple was founded sometime in a 16-year period between 741 and 756. In ancient times, the temple's grounds spanned some four hectares and it is said to have had a Kondo main temple, lecture hall, and pagoda, but these were lost in a fire in 1791. The temple's five statues depicting Ratnasambhava, Bhaisajyaguru, Mahavairocana, Amitabha, and Gautama Buddha were completed the following year as part of efforts to restore the temple."
  • Hayakawa Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Saito-shi Minamikata 183-2
    "This Shinto shrine stands some six kilometers north of downtown Saito City. The shrine's principle god is Seoritsuhime-no-Mikoto, but the shrine is also dedicated to four gods of purification. It is believed that seven waterfalls with names such as ""Man Falls,"" ""Woman Falls,"" and ""Snake Falls"" were located in the area in ancient times, and it is said that what is now called Ryujin (""Dragon God"") Falls located near the main shrine building was once ""Snake Falls."" In turn, it is believed that the shrine's unique method of prayer, which involves visitors making an offering of an egg, is derived from the ancient practice of worshiping the dragon gods of the seven waterfalls. The shrine sees many international visitors. Famously, praying to the shrine is said to grant such benefits as peace and prosperity in the household, success in academic endeavors, luck in passing any and all exams, and the exorcism of evil and unlucky influences."
  • Uto Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Koyu-gun Takanabecho Kaguchiura
  • Taka Castle Ruins
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Koyu-gun Kijocho Takajo

    現在は、城山公園という名前の広場になっています。 高台の上にありますが、車で頂上までいけます。 小さな天守のような建物がありますが、他は何もありません。その割に駐車場が大きくて、第2駐車場まであります。 高台から町を見下ろすことができ、展望台と考えて良いかと思います。

  • Yamanokami Tsuka Ancienct Burial Mound
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Koyu-gun Takanabecho Mochida
  • Mochida Burial Mounds
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Koyu-gun Takanabecho Mochida 5356
  • Matsumoto Tsuka Ancienct Burial Mound
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Saito Mino
  • Oninoiwaya Ancienct Burial Mound
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Saito Ichimiyake
  • Ogawa Castle Ruins Park
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Koyu-gun Nishimera Mura Ogawa Kakoi 833
  • Facilities for learning and other use Yokkaichi
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Saito-shi Okadomi
  • Facilities for learning and other use Terahara
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Saito-shi Miyake
  • Facilities for learning and other use Okuchi Kawa
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Saito-shi Migimatsu
  • Tsunocho Shiotsuki Kinenkan
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Koyu-gun Tsunocho Kawakita 4874-2
  • Takanabecho Art Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Miyazaki Koyu-gun Takanabecho Minami Taka Nabe 6916-1
  • Saito History Folk customs Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Saito-shi Tsuma 1241-1
  • Takanabecho History General Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Miyazaki Koyu-gun Takanabecho

Miyazaki Areas


An unmissable highlight of Kyushu, Miyazaki prefecture satisfies nature lovers with its dramatic gorges cut out of rugged cliffs, leading into waterfalls and beaches of green-blue water popular among surfers. Takachiho Gorge in the north of the prefecture tells a tale of centuries-old Japanese mythology in a fantastic setting, allowing visitors to explore the waters by boat before heading up to the cave at the Awano Iwato Shrine, where the sun goddess was said to have hidden, plunging the world into darkness.

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