Other Light Meals Spots in Akashi Area

  • Yokoi
    12 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Hyogo Akashi-shi Honmachi 1-1-13 Uonotana Shopping street
    Founded in 1952, Mukai-ryu is the original Akashiyaki restaurant that has maintained the traditional taste of Akashiyaki and has been featured in many newspapers, magazines, and other media. Although it is a small store, it is well known for its particular taste and the smiling face of the grandmother who runs the shop by herself.

    またまたなのかテーブルが空いていたので入店。老舗だからなのか、その後も客足はあるものの「待ってても良いですか?」とのベビーカーを押した家族連れに「いつになるか解らんからアカン」とかを観ながらの食事は味が半減どころか居心地最悪… 帰り際に「ありがとう。ご馳走様でした」にも「………無視」。愛想を振りまけとまでは言わないが、せめて「ありがとう」や「また来てね」くらいは言えないのか。遠い国の屋台店でも...

  • Akashi Takoo
    27 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Hyogo Akashi-shi Honmachi 1-5-17
    Located in Akashi Uontana Shopping Street, a 3-minute walk from JR Akashi Station and Sanyo Akashi Station, this restaurant serves Akashiyaki, tai-chazuke, taiyaki, etc. The modern and stylish interior offers a relaxing atmosphere. Akashi Tako Beer, a local Akashi beer, is available at the restaurant and is recommended for beer lovers.


  • Tamagoyakisenmontenshouchiku
    53 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Hyogo Pref. Akashishi Oakashichou 1-6-1 Papiosu testimony 1F

    [パピオスあかし]1階に移転後 初めての訪問ですが 店内は清潔感一杯です。[あかし案内所]等で入手出来る《明石焼物語(明石焼の店舗を紹介)添付 写真参照》を見ると明石駅近辺だけで 21店を掲載されており この内 7店舗ほどしか知りませんが こちらが1番 小奇麗で テーフルのアクリル板の設置手法(添付 写真参照)の点からも 新型コロナウイルス感染予防が気になる方も安心です(今回 もう一店舗[た...

  • bbullhouse
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Hyogo Akashi-shi Okubocho Okubocho

Hyogo Areas


Hyogo prefecture stretches from the north coast to the south coast on the western end of the popular Kansai region, encompassing verdant mountains, urban beaches, and fantastic historical sights. The prefecture’s main attractions lie along the south coast at Kobe, the prefectural capital, a pretty harbor city best known for its production of the renowned Kobe beef, and Himeji, the home of Himeji Castle, one of the country’s most beautifully preserved feudal castles, perched magically atop a hill.

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