Spots in Yamashina / Daigo Area

  • Daigoji Temple
    68 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Fushimi-ku Daigohigashiojichou 22
    This temple is the grand head temple of the Daigo School of the Shingon sect and is located in Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. The ample grounds of this temple cover over 1633 acres on Mt. Daigo, and is registered as a world heritage. In 874, one of Kukai's disciple's disciple, Rigen Daishi Shobo, built a simple edifice on this mountain which became the beginnings of this temple. The temple is divided into upper Daigoand lower Daigo, connected by a rugged mountain path. The premises are allocated with over 80 pagodas and temples. Notable, the golden pavilion that is a national treasure, and the five-tier pagoda built in the Heian period of which there are only a few in the prefecture. On the second Sunday in April, the HotaikoHanamigyoretsu procession, which ToyotomiHideyoshi started, is held annually in concurrence with the Daigo Hanami flower festival.

    We loved every bit of this place.Beautiful ponds and those flowers everywhere is just heavenly.We went during cherry blossom season which made it even more pretty.

  • Shogunzuka Seiryu-den Temple
    159 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Yamashina-ku Zushiokukachouchou 28
    When Emperor Kanmu embarked on the transfer of the capital to Heian-kyo, he buried a 2.5-meter tall clay statue of a shogun to protect the capital in a mound and prayed for the capital’s security, which is the origin of the name Shogunzuka. The okutono of the Daigomado’s Seiryuden which was built in 2014 enshrines the National Treasure Aofudo, and in front of this is an elaborate reproduction which has been created for worship. On the premises is a large observatory made of wood that is 4.6 times the size of Kiyomizudera Temple’s platform which allows visitors to enjoy a large panoramic view of Kyoto’s cityscape.

    Went early morning, and it was amazing! Nobody was there, and I could enjoy a silent view of the city. But what amazed me was being the only one sitting in front of the VERY beautiful painting of Ao...

  • Bishamon-do Temple
    130 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Yamashina-ku Anshuinariyamachou 18
    A Tendai Buddhist temple in Yamashina Ward, Kyoto City. The principle object of worship is a figure of Vaisravana, seen as one of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, and the temple is believed to provide aid with achieving thriving business and safety and peace in the household. The temple was originally the Izumo-dera Temple, which was founded by the priest Gyoki at the request of Emperor Monmu in 703. After much hardship caused by repeated wars, the temple was eventually rebuilt in Yamashina. The “moving screen paintings” created by Kano Masunobu which decorate the Shinden hall are famous and make skillful use of reverse perspective to make it seem as if the viewer is seeing them on center regardless of the angle. Located at the foot of a hillside overlooking the Yamashina Basin, the temple is a well-known spot in Kyoto for viewing cherry blossoms in spring and fall foliage in autumn.

    This place is not very popular among tourist, unlike Kinkakuji which is known by everybody. And that also the reason I choose to visit this temple. After visit other popular temples crowded with...

  • Zuishin-in Temple
    71 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Yamashina-ku Onogoryouchou 35
    A Buddhist temple which was once the home of the renowned Heian period woman poet Ono no Komachi founded in 991. The temple nave houses a seated figure of Cintamani-cakra (the temple’s principal object of worship), a figure of Amitabha (an Important Cultural Property) in the Jocho style, and a figure of Vajrasattva crafted by Kaikei. Also famous for its beautiful, late-blooming Japanese apricot trees, the temple grounds, decorated with elegant flowering plants, are truly befitting of a place connected to Ono no Komachi, famed for her beauty. Numerous sites relating to the poet can be found on the temple grounds, including a mound under which many letters sent to Komachi are buried, a well which Komachi used to wash her face, and a Jizo statue said to have been covered under its paint with love letters to Komachi.

    The garden is amazing. It is a temple related to Ono Komachi, an “excellent beauty”. A lot of cute Komachi souvenirs are on sale.

  • Kaju-ji Temple
    71 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Yamashina-ku Kanshujinioudouchou 27-6
    A Buddhist temple located in Yamashina Ward, Kyoto City, and the head temple of the Yamashina Shingon sect of Buddhism. Erected in 900 by Emperor Daigo to pray for the happiness of his true mother, Fujiwara no Taneko, in the next life, the temple is thus connected to both the imperial household and the Fujiwara clan. The temple’s Mountain Gate stands in front of the road to the temple, which is enclosed by roofed mud walls. A stone lantern with long shade presented by the Daimyo Tokugawa Mitsukuni stands in the front garden of the temple study, an Important Cultural Property. The grounds also feature a traditional strolling garden built around a central pond called the Himuronoike which is famous for the beauty of its sacred lotus and rabbitear iris blossoms. During the Heian period, ice from the pond would be presented to the imperial court on January 2 and its thickness was believed to predict whether the year’s harvest would be a bumper crop.

    Spring is obviously the best time to visit this slightly out of the way temple.The garden is unusual as it is a stroll-thru, as opposed to most other temple gardens which are made for viewing only...

  • Himukai Daijingu Shrine
    53 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Yamashina-ku Hinokaissaikyoudanichou 29
    Himukai Daijingu Shrine is the oldest shrine in Kyoto. Long ago it was called by such names as Himukai-miya, Himukai-jingu, Awadaguchi-shinmeigu, and Hioka-shinmeigu. Celebrated as the Ise of Kyoto, many travelers used to visit to pray for a safe journey, and believers who couldn't make the long trip to Ise-jingu Grand Shrine would often worship there instead. The surrounding mountains are the actual objects of worship, and the precincts are filled with ancient hinoki cypress and Japanese cedar trees. There are also cherry trees and azalea, so visitors can enjoy beautiful views whatever the season.


  • Gankeiji Temple
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Yamashina-ku Kitakazankawarachou 13
    This Tendai Buddhist temple is in Yamashina Ward, Kyoto City. Also called Kazan-ji temple for its ties to Emperor Kazan, it enshrines the deity Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai. Many come here to worship as it's an additional temple on theSaigoku Sanjusankasho (33temples of Kansai's Kannon pilgrimage). They hold a gathering to copy Buddhist sutras by hand on the 8th of every month.


  • Oishi Jinja
    15 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Yamashina-ku Nishinoyamasakuranobabacho 116

    京都山科へ来たなら必ず立ち寄りたい大石神社です。ここ山科にある大石神社は赤穂浪士大石内蔵助良雄公をご祭神として1935年に創建された比較的あたらしい神社で境内には竹で出来た鳥居が建ち本殿前には赤穂浪士の石像をも見ることができます。階段を登っていきますので足元体力に注意が必要です。 岩屋寺や山科神社と合わせて訪問をしてください。

  • Iwaya-ji Temple
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Yamashina-ku Nishinoyamasakuranobabacho 96
    The only convent in the Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Shiga, Nara, and Wakayama prefectures dedicated to the Kinki 36 Fudo Holy Sites. The principal image of the temple was created by the monk Chisho Daishi, one of the three founders of the Nihon Tendai-Jimon Sect of Buddhism. It is said to house an image of Buddha once owned by Oishi Yoshio (the posthumous name of Oishi Kuranosuke) known for the famous raid on the Kira residence. Along with the former belongings of Oishi Yoshio there are wooden mortuary tablets for the 47-Ronin and many who visit the temple also visit the next door Oishi Shrine. Every year of on December 14th, the Gishi Festival is held with a parade of 47 Gishi (loyal retainers) in costumes for the raid.


  • The Lake Biwa Canal Cruise
    8 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Shimogyo-ku Kawaramachidori Matsubara Agaru Tominagacho 2-338 Keihan Shijo Kawaramachi Building 7F JTB Kyoto Branch Uchi


  • Tokurinan Temple, Yamashina-Jizo
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Yamashina-ku Shinomiyasensuicho 16
    A Buddhist temple just a five-minute walk from Keihan Shinomiya Station established by the 260th head of the Nanzen-ji Temple, Un-ei Shoui. It was founded in 1550 to pray for happiness in the next world for Saneyasu-Shinno. Enshrined is the Tokurinan Jizo Bodhisattva Statue, one of the six stops of the Jizo pilgrimage along the former Tokaido Road where people on the Roku-Jizo Pilgrimage would pray for family safety and sound health. The statue of Jizo stands nearly three meters tall and was carved during the Heian period. The Jizo Festival Roku-Jizo Pigrimage which occurs on August 22nd and 23rd is one of the traditional events that marks the Kyoto summer and draws crowds of visitors.

    京都山科にある旧東海道沿いに徳林庵はありました。古さを感じ雰囲気がいいですよ。 南禅寺第260世雲英によって1550年に創建されました。六角形の形が魅力的で六地蔵巡りのひとつとされ親しまれています。ベンチもありますので休憩ももいいでしょう。

  • Origami Inari-jinja Shrine
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Yamashina-ku Nishinoyamanakatomichou 25
    Origami Inari-jinja Shrine is located in Kyoto's Yamashina Ward and enshrines the god Inari. Along with Fushimi Inari-jinja Shrine, it is said to be one of the two oldest shrines devoted to this god. He is also worshipped as the god who protects working women, so many women make pilgrimages here. The Inari Festival is held in June and features outdoor booths and popular entertainment, as well as a portable shrine that is carried around the neighborhood.

    折上稲荷神社は伏見稲荷とともに最古の稲荷神と言われ由緒ある稲荷神社です。 境内には約1500年前から伝わっている稲荷塚があり稲荷神の前身である祖先神を祀っています。 また「働く女性のいなり神」との赤い幟が立てられ女性の商売繁盛祈願としても有名です。

  • Kazan Inari-jinja Shrine
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Yamashina-ku Nishinoyamakakenouechou 65
    This is a Shinto shrine said to have been built by decree of Emperor Daigo. The Sanjo Kokajimunechika, the swordsmith is said to have forged the famous sword “Kogitsunemaru” here with the assistance of deity Kazan, and is thus visited by many blacksmiths.

    京都山科五条バイパスから川田道を南へ西野山欠ノ上町にあります。 903年に醍醐天皇の勅命により創建されたといわれ、宇迦之御魂大神・神大市比売大神・大土之御祖大神の三神を祀っています。また大石内蔵助良雄も崇敬したともいわれていて大石良雄献納の鳥居が建っています。 参道には桜並木があり児童館や公園もあり地域に親しまれた神社です。

  • Kiyomizuyaki no Sato
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoutoshi Yamashina-ku Kawatakiyomizuyakidanchichou 10-2
    This facility propagates the ceramic traditions of Kyo Ware and Kiyomizu Ware. There's a large display area exhibiting the work from kilns and masters of the tradition, including Nonomura Ninsei, Ogata Kenzan, Okuda Eisen, and Aoki Mokubei. Some of the pieces on display is available for purchase. Their workshops for visitors include opportunities to make and paint ceramics by hand. Every third Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in October they hold the Kiyomizuyaki no Sato Matsuri pottery festival when lots of Kiyomizuyaki Ware is available for purchase.

    Location:a short bus ride south of Kyoto from Shijo-Karasuma Keihan line station (bus 84 or 88) or brief train ride to Yamashina station via JR or Keihan line; then bus 29 or taxi to the Kiyomizu...

  • Hono no Ike
    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Yamashina-ku Takehanatakenokaidocho 43
    A western-style restaurant popular for its bubbling beef stew. The potatoes, carrots, onions, and large chunks of meet bubbling about the earthenware pot give the appearance of the name of the shop, Honoo no Ike (Lake of Fire). Their demi-glace sauce is a masterpiece that takes three days to make and is rich with just the right touch of sweetness. They also offer other western staples including gratin, fried shrimp, beef tenderloin steak, and kohlrouladen (white stew stuffed cabbage rolls). The classical wood grain interior of the shop gives a classic western-restaurant feel and you can enjoy all sorts of sauces and dressings with a variety of hand made dishes.


  • Malebranche Forest of Romance
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Yamashina-ku Otsukakitamizocho 30
    This sweets shop does not disappoint, and delivers hospitality particular to each of the four seasons while being particular about the ingredients used to partake deliciousness and mastering the skills of the chef rooted in Kyoto. This branch adjoins their workshop, and is one of their popular branches located near the Kyoto-Higashi Interchange that entices customers with their sweet scent.
  • Kyoeido Ono Branch
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Yamashina-ku Kanshujihigashidecho 46
    The Ono Branch location for Kyoeidou, who sell the Tsutsumi Nama-Yatsuhashi Kyoraika confection, which draws ties to the verses of Ki no Tsurayuki the compiler of the Kokin Wakashu collection of poetry. The Tsutsumi Nama-Yatsuhashi is a Kyoeidou original confection and consists of a Nama-Yatsuhashi red bean treat wrapped in a dorayaki pancake. The voluminous treat has a spongy mouthfeel and cinnamon scent and is a popular souvenir for tourists to Kyoto. Other products that they sell draw from beloved love poetry of the Heian period including the Red Bean Paste Nama-Yatsuhashi Komachi Kaden linked to the Ono-no- Komachi poetry or the Yatsuhashi Amatsu-Hime linked to the waka poetry of famous love poet Sojo Henjo.
  • Kanshuji Kankonouen
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Yamashina-ku Kanshujiminamidainichicho 204
    This tourist farm is located in one of the leading grape-producing areas in Kyoto City. In addition to picking grapes, visitors can also enjoy seasonal activities such as picking strawberries or digging for sweet potatoes.
  • Mausoleum of Emperor Tenchi
    Travel / Tourism
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Yamashina-ku Misasagikamigobyonocho
    The imperial tomb enshrining the Emperor Tenchi in Yamashina-ku, Kyoto City. The burial mound has a square base and octagonal shaped upper portion. A vertical sundial stands next to the approach to the tomb to give praise to the time system the Emperor Tenchi put into place based off of a water clock. The peaceful tomb grounds is surrounded by nature and makes a wonderful place for a stroll.
  • Momota Noen
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Yamashina-ku Shinomiyanaranocho 34
    This farm grows strawberries and tomatoes and sells processed products. From December to May, visitors can enjoy eating all the Akihime strawberries they can pick for an hour.

Kyoto Areas


Its wooden tea houses, shuffling geisha, and spiritual sights have seen Kyoto hailed as the heart of traditional Japan, a world apart from ultramodern Tokyo. Despite being the Japanese capital for over a century, Kyoto escaped destruction during World War II, leaving behind a fascinating history which can be felt at every turn, from the fully gold-plated Kinkakuji Temple down to traditional customs such as geisha performances and tea ceremonies, which are still practiced to this day.

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