History / Culture / Tour Spots in Nagano Area

  • Sentoji Temple
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Kitasaku-gun Karuizawamachi Oiwake 1259
    "A Buddhist temple located in Oiwake, Karuizawa Town, Kitasaku County, Nagano Prefecture. The temple was founded by the fifth head priest of the Sentouji Temple in Gunma Prefecture in 1598. The temple is in possession of the Toothache Jizo statue depicted in author Tatsuo Hori's story ""Juka,"" and a haiku monument dedicated to calligrapher Kokaku Inagaki as well as a mound in which some of his retired brushes were ritually buried in."


  • Yatsugatake Natural & Culture Park
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Suwagunharamura 17217-1613
    "This leisure facility themed on ""interacting with the nature of Yatsugatake"" is located on Yatsugatake Chuo Highland. In addition to various facilities such as a planetarium, natural observation museum and sports facilities, they also regularly hold events including star viewings. It is used by many people centering on families."
  • Kouko Fukazawa Nonohana Flower Museum
    7 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nagano Prefecture Kitasaku-gun Karuizawa Town Shiozawa Lake 217
    This art museum is located within “Karuizawa Taliesin,” a leisure facility located on the lakeside of Lake Shiozawa in Karuizawa Town, Kitasaku County, Nagano Prefecture. It is on the second floor of the Western-styled Karuizawa Post Office, built in 1911. It contains and displays 200 watercolor paintings of Kouko Fukazawa, a Western-style painter who loved Karuizawa and painted many plateau flowers. You can also see displays with seasonal themes or recreated ateliers. The first floor is an Italian restaurant with good pasta.

    軽井沢タリアセンにある美術館です。ペパーミントグリーンの歴史ある洋館が素敵でした。訪れたときは特別展の深沢紅子 屏風絵展が開催されていました。繊細なタッチの作品を鑑賞することが出来ました。

  • Nakayama Shinpei Memorial Hall
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Nakanoshi Shinno 76
    This memorial hall introduces the achievements of Shinpei Nakayama, a composer that has left numerous famous songs including children's songs. Established in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of his birth, besides a listening corner where you can listen to songs he wrote, the hall exhibits personal items, correspondence and work collections. In addition, it also has the organ he used to use at the Nakano Elementary School, and you can ask the staff to play an accompaniment on the organ. It also holds music events such as concerts.

    数年ぶりに訪れて,改めて,心が揺さぶられた。 入ると,晋平の生涯を紹介する動画を見るように促される。 見終われば,展示と合わせて,(少なくとも)1時間ほどかかることになる。 苦学したり,さまざまなタイプの曲を作らざるをえなくなったり,作曲料が意外に安かったり...

  • Joshoji Temple
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Kiso-gun Okuwamura Suhara 831-1
    A Buddhist temple located in Suhara, Okuwa Village, Kiso County, Nagano Prefecture. Founded by the 11th head of the Kiso clan, the temple is the oldest along the Kisoji road and is located on the outskirts of what was once the prosperous Nakasendo Road post station town of Suhara-juku. The temple's main gate, kitchen, and main temple building have been designated National Important Cultural Properties.


  • Azumino Tensan Center
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nagano Azumino Hotaka Ariake 3618-24
    A museum located in Azumino City which introduces the history of the cultivation of the Japanese oak silkmoth. Thread made using the cocoons of the moths is produced similar to that of regular silk, but the resulting fabric is lighter and softer, and possesses a distinctive color and luster. Inside, visitors can learn about the history of Japanese oak silkmoths and their ecology. In the adjoining studio, visitors can watch as textiles are woven from the moths' cocoons. The museum's shop sells Japanese oak silkmoth silks and accessories. In addition, visitors can also see actual Japanese oak silkmoths being raised in an open breeding house on the grounds.

    We visited Azumino during the off season of March. The town bus was not running during our visit. We took a taxi to the Azumino Tensan Center. The taxi was about $23.00 US from the Hotaka station...

  • Kogenin
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Iyamashi Toyoda 6356
    "A Buddhist temple located in Toyoda, Iiyama City. The temple was founded over 600 years ago. Due to the 800 stocks and 10,000 flowers of bigleaf hydrangeas which grow along the approach to the temple, it is also known as the ""Hydrangea Temple,"" and a Hydrangea Festival is held in the area from the end of June. The temple is also known for its ""Pokkuri"" (""sudden"") Kannon statute, which celebrates Kannon's happily sudden and painless entry into the afterlife."

    紫陽花が有名ということで訪れました。 普段みる寺の紫陽花は手入れがされているのですが、 この寺の場合は、伸び放題で荒々しい感じでした。 他では見れない、紫陽花に飲み込まれたような場所でした。 初めて行ったときは駐車場に迷うかもしれません。 紫陽花の参道の奥の右側に駐車場があります。

  • Suzaka Hanga Museum/Hiratsuka Unichi Hanga Museum
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nagano Suzaka-shi Nobe 1386-8
    An art museum opened in 1991 after the donation of woodblock prints by Suzaka printmaker Asaji Kobayashi and works and self-published magazines produced as part of the Sosaku-hanga art movement collected by Kobayashi in his interactions with other print artists from across Japan. The museum introduces visitors to the wonders of woodblock print art, primarily via a standing exhibition of prints dating to between the Taisho and early Showa periods as well as those produced in the modern day.

    Stunning displays of Hira dolls full of culture! The museum has the original biggest display of Hira dolls. It was interesting to see the subtle differences in the dolls based off of the period in...

  • Takase Museum
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Kiso-gun Kisomachi Fukushima Sekimachi 4788
    "A museum located in Seki-machi Fukushima, Kiso Town, Kiso County, Nagano Prefecture. The museum operates out of the old Takase residence, the home of the family author Toson Shimazaki's older sister married into and a motif in his novel ""The Family."" The museum contains exhibits on Shimazaki as well as displays containing items such as tools used in making medicines, the business of the family that lived here."


  • Nagano City Art Center
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nagano Pref. Naganoshi Tsurugamidorichou 1613
    This complex is located in the Tsuruga Midori-cho area of Nagano City. A building complex with a building of the Nagano City Office, it is a distinctive cultural exchange complex. It is a multi-purpose facility including a main hall where concerts and events are held, theater practice rooms, an atelier and band practice rooms.
  • Nobutaka Oka Collection Suzaka Classic Museum
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nagano Pref. Suzakashi Suzaka 371-6
    A museum in Suzaka City, Nagano Prefecture, housed inside the former estate of the family Maki, who made its fortune in the Meiji period through silk. The museum stores and displays a collection of some 2,000 folk crafts, kimono, and other items donated by Japanese painter Nobutaka Oka. Here you can view kimono used by common people from the Edo, Meiji, and Taisho periods. The museum also holds themed exhibitions. The museum building was made with luxurious materials and tasteful design touches and craftsmanship can be observed throughout, hinting at the lifestyle wealthy merchant’s enjoyed in the Meiji period.


  • Kitamuki-kannon Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Uedashi Besshonsen 1656
    This Buddhist temple was established in 825 by Ennin, the head priest of the Enryaku-ji Temple. The temple was frequently witness to fires and the current temple was rebuilt in 1721. Unusually for a temple in Japan, the main hall was built facing to the north, and it said that by worshipping here and at the south-facing Zenkoji Temple, one can achieve happiness both in this life and after one’s passing. The grounds contain a sacred katsura tree (Aizen Katsura) that is 1,200 years old and which is revered for the luck which brings in finding marriage. A 12-minute walk from Bessho-Onsen Station.
  • Sakai Meijo Brewery Shuzo Collection
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nagano Chikuma-shi Togura 1855-1
    Several famous breweries and a portion of their storehouses which produced countless liters of seishu refined sake. There are also four museums - the Kaya Shirao-kan, Yumeji Kaiga-kan, Shuzo Shiryoshitsu, and Hokkoku Kaido Rekishi Shiryoshitsu. The current oldest brewery was established in the Horeki era, and there are also breweries from the Kansei, Keio, Meiji, and Taisho eras; visitors may freely view the breweries, as well. Portions of the museum exhibits are changed on a seasonal basis, and reviews note this is a valuable space where one can learn about folk culture.

    車でなければ試飲し放題でした。 唯一飲んだ甘酒は美味しくて思わず買ってしまいました。 プリンやチーズケーキなどのスイーツもいただけるみたいです。

  • Wakita Museum of Art
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nagano Kitasaku-gun Karuizawamachi Kyudo 1570-4
    An art museum located in Karuizawa Town, Kitasaku County, Nagano Prefecture. The museum's collection consists of 1,000 oil paintings, drawings, and other pieces by celebrated modern painter Kazu Wakita. The museum is open from early June to early November. In addition to displaying primarily the works of Wakita, the museum also holds workshops, lectures, and concerts.


  • Togakushi-jinja Shrine Hokosha
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Naganoshi Togakushi Treasure Co.
    Togakushi-jinja Shrine is a longstanding shrine located on the sacred Mt. Togakushi that consists of the rear shrine, central shrine, Hoko shrine (Hokosha), Kuzuryu shrine, and Hinomiko shrine. The deity Uwaharu is enshrined in the Hokosha, and is said to be the deity of academic discovery, the arts, needlework, safe birth, women and children. It’s about 30 minutes from the Shinanomachi Interchange on the Joshin-Etsu Expressway.
  • Karuizawa Ohga Hall
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Pref. Kitasakugunkaruizawamachi Karuizawahigashi 28-4
    A music hall located in Yagasaki Park standing on National Route 18 in Karuizawahigashi, Karuizawa Town. The hall was built with donations from former Sony President Norio Ohga. The facility has a 784 seat hall and is used for a variety of performances with a focus on classical music.
  • Kuniko Imai Literature Museum
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Suwa-gun Shimosuwamachi
    "A literature museum located in Shimosuwa Town, Nagano Prefecture. The museum preserves and displays materials relating to Kuniko Imai, an Araragi school woman poet who was active from the Meiji through the Showa periods; as well as ""Asuka,"" a female tanka poetry magazine she launched. The museum operates out of a remodeled Shimosuwa-shuku teahouse, Matsuya where Imai spent her childhood and later years and which was also used as the editing room for ""Asuka."" Surrounded by the restored structure, looking much as it did when originally used, visitors can come in contact with the turbulent times in which the poet lived through her manuscripts, diary, and poetry anthologies."


  • Zenkoji Temple Unjoden
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Nagano-shi Hako Shimizu 3-1775
    This large crypt is situated halfway up about Mt. Jitsukiyama a kilometer north of the Zenkoji Temple's main temple building. The Zenkoji Temple is open to Buddhists of all sects and has had a custom of accepting and interring the ashes of worshippers since ancient times, and it is believed that worshippers would come here to give thanks for the positive benefits granted by ancestors and pray for a better rebirth after death. The crypt's two tier pagoda, flanked on either side by smaller halls, is extremely large, and the entire complex rings out with the unceasing sutra chanting carried out by the head priest in order to protect the Zenkoji Temple's main temple building. The area is famously known as the best destination for viewing cherry blossoms in the city, and in spring more than 600 cherry trees come into bloom on the hill and scenic overlook road behind the Zenkoji Temple. The crypt's main hall enshrines a ritually divided portion of the Zenkoji Nyorai, and from here visitors can get a sweeping view of the Zenkoji Plain.
  • Suwa Taisha
    Travel / Tourism
    Nagano Suwa-shi Nakasu Miyayama 1
  • "Karuizawa Wild Flower Museum of ART ""Petit Museum KARUIZAWA KUSABANAKAN"""
    4 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Nagano Kitasaku-gun Karuizawamachi Karuizawa Higashi 19-40
    An art museum located in Karuizawahigashi, Karuizawa Town, Kitasaku County, Nagano Prefecture. The museum's collection consists of works by Koichi Ishikawa, a painter who painted flowers in Karuizawa throughout his life. Each year, the museum holds special exhibitions of the artist's sketches and oil paintings. From a terrace area, visitors can also take in Karuizawa flowers planted in the museum garden.


Nagano Areas


Nagano prefecture is an exciting mix of mountains, hot spring monkeys, and preserved Edo history. At the heart of the Japanese Alps, Nagano is one of the country’s most popular destinations, whether in winter for its snow sports and the much-loved Jigokudani Monkey Park or in the warmer months for discovering the undulating hills on foot. For fantastic Edo architecture, head to the Kiso Valley for a 60-kilometer stretch of quaint wooden buildings that marked the Nakasendo route 200 years ago.

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