Spots in Kaga City Area

  • Tsukiusaginosato
    148 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Nagaimachi 43-41
    This rabbit theme park is located in Nagaimachi Town, Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture. The area maintains the legend of the “moon rabbit” who saves the village from torrential rains as reward for saving it first. Rabbits are said to bring good fortune. Every day, there are more than 50 rabbits playing about in the square. You can touch them, give them food, or join in “holding time” held two to three times per day. There are also restaurants and shops selling many rabbit goods.

    Our tour group visited this park on a sunny afternoon after leaving Osaka and arrived late afternoon. Basically a petting rabbit garden with about 50 hoppers onsite, they seem to be well-fed...

  • Yamashiro Onsen Kosoyu
    89 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Ishikawa Kaga-shi Yamashiro Onsen 18-128
    "This public bathhouse, located in Yamashiro Onsen, is a remodeled ""soyu"" (a public bathhouse which only uses water direct from a source spring) dating to the Meiji period. The rest area on the second floor as well as the Kutani war tiles used to cover the floors and walls of the bathing rooms have been restored to their original glory, and guests can enjoy hot spring bathing while also experiencing the history of Yamashiro Onsen. In addition to its exterior and interior, another point worthy of note is the bathhouse' recreation of the ""yuami"" style of bathing used at the time."

    We stayed here because it is quieter than Yamanaka. However, you can visit the temple, public bath houses, some souvenirs shop. Ate teshoku dinner here on the Main Street and it was authentic and...

  • Nakaya Ukichiro Museum of Snow and Ice
    72 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Ushiodumachi A) 106
    Founded in 1994, the Nakaya Ukichiro Museum of Snow and Ice celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2014; the Museum is focused on the multi-faceted achievements of Dr. Ukichiro Nakaya, the first scientist in the world to successfully create artificial snow crystals. Using experiments and observational displays, the Museum shows, in an easy-to-understand way, how the study of snow and ice has developed since Dr. Nakaya’s breakthrough. The Museum also holds a variety of special events, including lectures and photography exhibitions, etc. The Museum is located around five minutes’ drive from the Katayamazu Interchange of the Hokuriku Expressway.

    Amazing! The impressions are unforgettable. This is amazingly healthy, the creations of nature can now be repeated by a person.

  • Kutaniyaki Art Museum
    54 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Daishoujijikatamachi 1 -10-13
    Kutaniyaki Art Museum is a museum in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture that is dedicated to Kutani-ware porcelain. The first floor of the Museum has exhibition rooms with masterpieces of Kutani-ware on display; the second floor has a tearoom and a multi-function event space that can be used for lectures, concerts, formal tea parties, etc. As the Museum is located within Ko-kutani-no-mori Oyamizu Park, it is a great place to relax and enjoy the beautiful flowers and greenery of the park, which change with the seasons.

    周囲はきれいな公園で、理想的な環境にあります。 九谷焼の歴史や成り立ちを勉強したくて訪れましたが、期待した以上の展示があり、おおいに満足しました。 作品の展示も見やすいように、あらゆるところに配慮が見られ、ゆっくりと詳細に作品鑑賞ができました。

  • Kaga Katayamazu City Spa
    38 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Katayamaduonsen Otsu 65-2
    "A day trip hot spring facility located in the Katayamazu Onsen hot spring district, one of Hokuriku's ""Kaga Hot Spring Villages."" The spa building, completely enclosed in floor to ceiling windows, was designed by world-class architect Yoshio Taniguchi. The facility has two bathing rooms-the Kata no Yu, an open and airy bathing area where you can soak while taking in a view of Shibayama Lagoon sprawling just beyond the windows; and the Mori no Yu, a soothing space with a view of lush forest. Which is the men's and which is the women's switches daily. The spa's waters come from a sodium and calcium chloride spring which are said to prevent post-bath chills and aid sensitivity to cold. Spa goers can also enjoy a ""Kaga Parfait"" in the cafe on the second floor."


  • Yamanaka Onsen Soyu Kiku-no-yu
    31 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Yamanakaonsenyunodemachi Le 1
    The Yamanaka Onsen, located in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, is a hot springs area with a history going back 1,300 years. The poet Matsuo Basho, who visited the hot springs during the journey that he described in “Oku no Hosomichi (The Narrow Road to the Deep North),” was so impressed by the smooth-feeling water of the springs, which is warm without being excessively hot, that he wrote a Haiku poem in praise of them, in which he suggested that “Bathing in these waters should in itself be sufficient to ensure long life.” The Souyu Kiku-no-yu baths take their Japanese name from this poem; these baths have remained consistently popular since they were first developed. The men’s baths and women’s baths are located in separate, matching buildings.

    たまたま雪の日のNHKニュースを現地で視て実感した。 山中温泉温泉「総湯」の高温は燃料価格高騰の影響を受けるのだ。 熱い湯が売りである。菊の湯男子館前に立つと菊の湯女子館と山中館が見える。 早く宿に帰って、宿の温泉に浸かろう。

  • Yamanakaza
    57 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Yamanakaonsenyakushimachi 1
    A performing arts theater adjoining the Kiku no Yu (women’s bath) bathhouse in the center of the Yamanaka Onsen hot spring resort area in Kaga, Ishikawa. Seating 180, the hall is equipped with a Japanese cypress stage, and on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, traditional entertainments such as the Yamanaka-bushi are performed by geisha. The gorgeous accoutrements of the building itself are also a must-see, including pillars lacquered with silver and gold in the tradition of Yamanaka-lacquer, and the lattice door-style walls. The facility also has a tourist information center, coin lockers, and shop, making it a great place to stop by while exploring the area as well.

    For foreigners who doesn’t understand the language, don’t worry. You can still enjoy the mesmerising music and the beautiful dance. Just come and enjoy the Geisha/Maiko dancing away to the Japanese...

  • Kakusen-kei Valley Kawadoko
    40 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Yamanakaonsenkajikamachi Aya toya
    The picturesque Kakusen-kei Valley, located in the Yamanaka Onsen hot spring resort area in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, has a lovely pure river running through it as well as seasonal natural beauty which draws large numbers of tourists. Kawadoko, traditional raised decks erected on and near a river, are set up in the riverbed area generally from April to October, and visitors may use them to enjoy a relaxing, elegant time while gazing at fresh spring verdure or fall foliage. Popular sweets such as a cool matcha green tea shiruko sweet bean soup and Kawadoko roll, prepared according to recipes by renowned chef Rokusaburo Michiba, are also sold here. It’s also popular to reserve a takeout Kawadoko bento box lunch at nearby ryokan inns and restaurants.

    その日はとても気温が高く大変だったのかもしれませんが接客態度が酷かったです。 席を確保し1人が全員分注文しに行ってる最中に、注文してないのに座ってると思われたのかもしれませんが1人のスタッフの方が指をさしてきてこっちに向かってきて遠くから「注文しましたか?」と威圧的な態度で何度も大声で話しかけてきたので「今注文しに行ってるものの連れです」と言うと何も言わずに立ち去り他のスタッフの方とこちらをみなが...

  • Kitamaebune Ship Museum
    32 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Hashitatemachi Yi 1 - 1-1
    "A museum which contains exhibits on ""kitamaebune,"" shipping vessels which plied the waters of the Sea of Japan from the mid-Edo period to the mid-Meiji period. The museum is housed in an estate which was built by a kitamaebune ship owner in 1876. The structure was built with the highest quality materials and its lacquered pillars and ceilings are still lustrous today. The museum's many exhibits include ema votive tablets decorated with ships used to pray for safe voyages, model ships given by ship builders to ship owners, sailing instruments, furniture used on the ships, and more. The 2,000 lacecap hydrangeas which grow in the inner courtyard come into stunning bloom from mid-June to early July."


  • Rosanjin's Iroha Thatched Hut
    30 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Yamashironsen 18-5
    The site where the great artist Rosanjin stayed for a half year starting in the fall of 1915. Iroha is located in the Yamashiro Onsen hot spring resort area in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture. The structure was originally a detached villa which belong to the long-standing Yoshinoya ryokan inn; the main building was erected in the early Meiji period. The site is open to the general public, and the workroom decorated with plaques inscribed with calligraphy, study, and living room with sunken hearth are preserved in the same sate as when Rosanjin was in residence. The site’s warehouse has been converted into a display space which is continuously used to present special exhibitions.


  • Kutaniyaki Kamaato Tenjikan
    22 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Yamashironsen 19-101-9
    A museum dedicated to Kutani ware ceramics located in the Yamanaka Onsen hot spring resort area in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture. The museum houses a restored climbing kiln used to make Kutani ware which was moved here from Kutani Village in 1826. Designated a National Historic Site, the kiln site is open for viewing by the general public. A separate museum building presents how Kutani ware is made and the history of the craft; the building was once a private home which was used as on office for the operation of the kiln as well as residence and studio. Visitors can view the aforementioned Kutani ware climbing kiln, the oldest still in existence, as well as displays presenting tools used in making Kutani ware. The museum also holds short classes in which participants can try their hand at ceramics decorating and spinning potter on a potter’s wheel.

    窯跡を発掘した後を、そのまま覆う形で建物が建てられており、当時の登り窯がどのようになっていたのかを実際に見て感じる事ができました。 通常、窯跡の遺跡は調査後埋め戻されるのが普通で、こういう形で見学できるところは初めておとづれました。

  • Yamanaka Onsen Basho no Yakata
    19 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ishikawa Kaga-shi Yamanaka Onsen Honmachi 2- Ni 86-1


  • Zensho-ji Temple
    11 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ishikawa Kaga-shi Daishojishinmeicho 1
    One of the temples in the Yamanoshita temple area, where the lords of the Daishoji Domain intentionally gathered temples and shrines. It was moved here in 1598, when the lord of Daishoji castle, Yamaguchi Munenaka (also known as Genbanokami-Soei). Zensho-ji temple, which is also the family temple of those lords, holds cypress-wood busts of the Buddha in the gyokugan (real eye) style, and a full complement of 517 statues of the Gohyakurakan Buddha statues, and is a Kaga city Registered Cultural Asset. The room restored as a tea-room is a reproduction of a place once used as a stop over by the poets Basho and Sora while on pilgrimage. There are monuments inscribed with haiku from both poets inside the temple grounds.


  • Jissho-in Temple
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ishikawa Kaga-shi
    This is a temple in the Kaga Soto Buddhist school, known locally as Shirahagi no Tera. The name comes from the post-death Buddhist name of Maeda Toshiharu, the first lord of the Daishoji Domain. Daisho-ji temple is said to be a place near the border with Echizen where temples were intentionally gathered together. This area has seven temples and one shrine, and is called the Yamanoshita temple area, and Jissho-in Temple is one of those. It is the historical family temple of the lords of the Daishoji Domain, and the mortuary chapel venerating the family's ancestors is a stunning sight. In autumn, the grounds bloom with hagi flowers, bringing in crowds of sightseers and photographers.


  • Fukata Kyuya Yama no Bunkakan
    9 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Daishoujibambachou 18-2
    Designated as a Natural Cultural Asset in 2002, the Fukata Kyuya Yama no Bunkakan is a renovation of the offices, stone warehouse and gate of Yamanaga - a textiles factory built in 1910. The first floor displays Fukata Kyuya’s relics, and the second floor is a storehouse of materials. You can peruse the documents about Fukata Kyuya, the mountains, or the forests in the library. Approximately 10 minutes by car via Kaga Interchange on the Hokuriku Expressway.

    熱心な登山家や文学者・歌人でなくとも『百名山』は有名。折に触れ引用される。 新たに2018年に開館した資料文献室に収蔵されている「山岳の古典、登山技術書、高山植物など自然に関するもの、山岳信仰についての書籍、『山と渓谷』『岳人』『アルプ』などの山岳雑誌、部報、海外の山に関するものなど一万点を超す書籍・資料(HP)」は圧巻。古いバックナンバーは初めて見た。余裕の時間が必要。 「ここを訪れれば山の...

  • Kaga City Art Museum
    10 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Kaga-shi Sakumimachi Ri 1-4
    An art museum located in the business district in front of Kagaonsen Station. The museum was established to serve as a tourist and culture information center, community gathering space, and central hub for introducing people to the arts and crafts of Kaga City. A large number of works by artists connected to Kaga City are gathered in its four exhibition spaces, and the museum displays crafts, paintings, and a wide array of other art pieces. Also functioning as a space for art and culture activities for local residents, the museum holds a variety of special exhibitions throughout the year.

    「名品展」は23点有料展示。 作品明細は制作年不明絵画1点。江戸時代の絵画・屏風が4点。それ以外は以降後世の絵画・工芸作品となります。入場料金は200円。高いとは思いません、しかし最後の鑑賞でしょうか。 「市民アマチュア美術展」は毎期内容が替わるはずです。入場無料です。

  • Yunokuni Tensyo
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Yamashironsen 19-49-1
    "A hotel located in the Yamashiro Onsen hot spring district, one of the Kaga area's many hot spring villages. A free scheduled shuttlebus connects the hotel to JR Kagaonsen Station and the facility offers relaxing daytrip hot spring bath plans. In addition to a full range of facilities including Japanese and Western-style guest rooms, banquet halls, and a restaurant which serves local seasonal cuisine, the hotel also has an amazing 18 different hot spring baths. The baths are fed from the hotel's own alkaline hot spring, the ""Bihada no Yu."" Each bath area has a different design. The walls of the ""Kutani no Yudokoro"" are decorated with beautiful Kutani ware designs as is appropriate to the Kaga area. After your bath, you can make your own hot spring slow-boiled egg to enjoy. In the summer, the hotel also operates a garden pool. Of course you can swim in the pool and savor the summertime atmosphere."
  • Ukimido Pavilion
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Katayamaduonsen Otsu 63 In Yuan's former park
    "An unusual Buddhist temple built on Shibayama Lagoon in the Katayamazu Onsen hot spring village. Connected to the shore by a bridge, the temple is also known by its nickname, the ""Ukiuki Benten"" (""Floating Benten Temple""). Legend has it that when a huge serpent was laying waste to the lakes of Katayamazu, Bhaisajyaguru sent the goddess Benten to suppress it, and in connection with this story, the temple is dedicated to the dragon king and Benten. A large fountain system has been built out on the lack behind the temple; the fountain, along with the bridge and temple, are lit up at night, creating a magical atmosphere."


  • Roadside Station Yamanaka Onsen Yukemuri Kenko-Mura
    Ishikawa Pref. Kagashi Yamanakaonsenkorogimachi Ai 19
    "A roadside station located in Yamanaka Onsen, one of Kaga's many hot spring districts. The station sells local rice and vegetables, as well as snacks, traditional crafts, and other goods perfect for souvenirs. The station's ""kiku no onsen tamago"" slow-boiled eggs are particularly popular and are characterized by a gooey texture and rich flavor. One recommended product is the station's paper reusable shopping bags painted with Yamanaka lacquer; there are 23 colors to choose from. The Yuyukan, located on the station's grounds, has a heated pool, hot spring baths fed by a Yamanaka Onsen natural hot spring, gym, and a full array of other facilities. A great place to relax for the whole family. The station is open year round, while other facilities on the grounds are closed on Tuesdays."
  • Sugo Ishibe Shrine
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Ishikawa Kaga-shi Daishojishikiji Ru Otsu 81
    The history of this Shinto shrine, the overarching guardian shrine of Kaga-Enuma, stretches back 1,400 years. It is believed the shrine was founded in 585 when gods enshrined at the Imperial court were sent here to suppress a plague running rampant in the area at the time. The oldest Tenjin shrine in Minamikaga, the shrine is the patron shrine of an area where the surname “Saito” emerged. The shrine’s annual festival, usually held on February 10th and called the Gongan Shinji, is also known as the Takewari Matsuri (“Bamboo Cutting Festival”) and has been designated an Intangible Folk-Cultural Property by Ishikawa Prefecture. During this famous Shinto rite, young men split open hundreds of green bamboo trunks. Preceding the arrival of spring, the event attracts large numbers of tourists from across Japan.


Ishikawa Areas


Long, thin Ishikawa prefecture runs along the Sea of Japan up into Noto Peninsula. Highlights of the seaside towns lining the west coast include Kanazawa, often described as a "Little Kyoto" thanks to its old wooden tea houses and geisha culture as well as its picturesque Japanese garden, Kenroku-en.

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