Museum / Science Museum Spots in Kanazawa City Area

  • Kanazawa Yasue Gold Leaf Museum
    144 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kanazawashi Higashiyama 1-3-10
    "A five minute walk from the ""Hashiba-cho"" bus station on the Hokuriku Railroad Bus and JR Bus lines from Kanazawa Station. This museum is dedicated to gold leafing, a traditional industry in Kanazawa. The museum was started by Takaki Yasue, a gold leaf artisan who collected gold leaf artwork and tools and built a hall to display them in Kitayasue. Due to the aging of this facility, the museum was moved from the hall to its current location in Higashiyama in 2010. The museum building was modeled after a traditional Japanese townhouse and is accented with gold leaf. The domed ceiling in the museum's hall, decorated with no. 3 pure yellow gold, in particular is a must-see. The museum contains exhibits and video displays which show how gold leaf is made and applied, as well as gold leaf works of art, and visitors can learn about the history of gold leaf production and view dazzling examples of the craft."

    Great antique houses with shoos and business mixed. A community showcasing their products. Gold leaf workshops as their champion. Whats more, it is free admission, too.

  • Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of History
    91 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kanazawashi Dewamachi 3-1
    A history museum located a three minute walk from the Kenrokuen Garden easily identifiable by its eye-catching red brick structure. This building was once used as an armory by the imperial army as well as a facility for the Kanazawa College of Art and has been designated a National Important Cultural Property. As its name indicates, the museum contains exhibits presenting the history and culture of Ishikawa Prefecture, and visitors can trace the eras of the area, from a reconstruction of a Jomon period dog based on excavated bones, to a recreation of a Showa period Japanese living room. The museum also actively engages in a variety of activities, including holding several planned and special exhibitions throughout the year as well as seminars and lectures by curators. In addition, the museum hosts tours of nearby historical sites and temples.

    重要文化財に指定されている金澤陸軍兵器支廠の兵器庫を活用した歴史博物館である。外観こそ往年の古い赤レンガの佇まいを彷彿させるが、館内は新しく整備されている。とは言え館内の全てが現代風に刷新されているわけではなく、往年の洋館の雰囲気を随所に漂わせている。博物館の展示資料だけでなく、建物自体を探検するのも興味深い。 博物館は1階が常設展示室となっており、2階が特別展示室となっている。常設展示と特別展示...

  • Kanazawa Phonograph Museum
    95 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kanazawashi Owarichou 2-11-21
    This museum located in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture is dedicated to the subject of phonographs. The museum houses approximately 600 phonographs and 30,000 78 rpm records collected since the mid 1970s-mid 1980s, making it one of the largest museums of its kind in Japan. Three times a day, records are played on different phonographs selected from the collection so that visitors can hear the difference in the sound each produces. The phonographs used range from the wax cylinder phonograph invented by Thomas Edison to a Credenza, which is sometimes called the king of phonographs. The museum's beautiful exterior evokes romanticism for the Taisho era.

    Even of you only have a passing interest in the history of recorded music, the warmth and enthusiasm of the staff will draw you in to this amazing collection of photographs from the creation by...

  • Kaga-Honda Museum
    30 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kanazawashi Dewamachi 3-1 Ishikawa Red Brick Museum 3rd building
    Located within the Ishikawa Prefectural History Museum grounds in the Dewa Town, Kanazawa City, the Kaga-Honda Museum has around 2,000 precious historical artifacts in its collections, including weapons and armor, old documents, relating to the Honda family, one of the “Hakka” (“eight clans”) families of leading retainers that served the Maeda family (who ruled the Kaga Domain) for generations. The Museum is a marvelous place to learn about the history of the Kaga Domain and about the samurai culture of the Edo period.

    石川県立歴史博物館と同じ、金澤陸軍兵器支廠の兵器庫を活用した博物館で、加賀藩の家老を務めた本多氏の所蔵品が展示されている。 石川県立博物館との共通点として、往年の威容を彷彿させる赤レンガの建物が挙げられるが、内装は異なっており、博物館として刷新され、少なくとも目にした範囲では、石川県立博物館の内部で見られた洋館の面影は感じられない。展示品は古文書や書状が多く、それらの劣化を防ぐためか、石川県立博物...

  • Great People of Kanazawa Memorial Museum
    14 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Kanazawa-shi Shimohondamachi 6-18-4
    Kanazawa, once the capital of Japan, has produced great numbers of pioneers in a wide variety of fields since the late Edo period. This museum introduces some of the most famous and celebrated of these personages. The standing exhibition on the second floor is divided into seven areas presenting the achievements and careers of people who have supported modern Japan. One of the areas features people requested by Kanazawa City elementary school students, and visitors can learn more about the things they have done and the way they lived. The museum also serves as a base for research concerning the great people of Kanazawa.


  • Kanazawa Yuwaku Edo-mura
    9 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Kanazawa-shi Yuwakuarayamachi 35-1
    This museum was opened in 2010 after three farmhouses, one samurai residence, two merchant residences, one post station town wholesaler’s residence, and one gate from a samurai residence were moved here from the former Edomura open air museum. The museum conveys the culture and history of Edo period Kaga Domain, centered in Kanazawa. The museum is divided into two zones – a merchant/ samurai residence zone and a farmhouse zone, and the museum’s structures are of immense historical value and have been variously designated as cultural properties by the national, prefectural, and city governments.

    全てが国・県・市の文化財指定されている日本伝統建築物群の民家園。 加賀、能登、越前から武家住宅・町屋・農家などの「民家」を移築しています。 町屋と農家の移築民家園はいくつかは存在するが、武家住宅(中級以下の武士宅)と本陣(宿場町の本陣/問屋場)までも存在するのは、なかなか無い。 日本民家園の佐地家遺構は、主屋の移築は適わず門・供待だけになっている。 (ちなみに佐地家主屋は、名古屋市東区の歴史古写真...

  • Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Traditional Arts and Crafts
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Pref. Kanazawashi Kenrokumachi 1-1
    The Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Traditional Arts and Crafts is dedicated to the collection of examples of Ishikawa’s handicraft traditions. The Museum is located next to the Kenroku-en garden (a popular tourist attraction), which can be accessed directly from the Museum’s West Entrance. Inside the Museum there are displays on 36 different traditional crafts, 10 of which are METI-designated Traditional Craft Industries. On Saturdays and Sundays, visitors can see demonstrations of various traditional crafts by expert craftspeople. The Museum also holds pottery-making experience activities and workshops of various kinds. The Museum is situated around 15 minutes’ drive from JR Kanazawa Station.
  • Kanazawa Kurashi no Museum
    11 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Kanazawa-shi Tobiumecho 3-31


  • Ninja Weapon MUSEUM
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Kanazawa Ichino Machi 2-26-1
  • Japan Omoshiro Bunka Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Kanazawa-shi Higashiyama 1-chome 3-18
  • Ishikawa Prefectural Chuo Children's Hall
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Kanazawa-shi Hoshimamachi 11-8
  • Kanazawa City Buried Cultural Property Collection
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Ishikawa Kanazawa-shi Shinbohon 5-48

Ishikawa Areas


Long, thin Ishikawa prefecture runs along the Sea of Japan up into Noto Peninsula. Highlights of the seaside towns lining the west coast include Kanazawa, often described as a "Little Kyoto" thanks to its old wooden tea houses and geisha culture as well as its picturesque Japanese garden, Kenroku-en.

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