Sightseeing Spot Spots in Susaki / Kure / Yusuhara Area

  • Kanzaiko Senmaida Rice Terraces
    Travel / Tourism
    Kochi Takaoka-gun Yusuharacho Kanzaiko
    An example of agricultural craftsmanship developed by life in a mountain village. Yusuhara-cho ranges from 220 to 1,455 meters above sea level. There is little flat land, so the farming there makes use of the mountain sides. Kanzaiko's Senmaida Rice Terraces get their name from the many rice fields rising up the slopes.
  • The Camphor Laurel Tree of Otani
    Travel / Tourism
    Kochi Susaki-shi Otani Suga Jinja Keidai
    A camphor tree on the precincts of Suga Shrine at the foot of a mountain about 300 meters north of Nomi Fishing Port in Susaki City. One of the largest camphor trees in Shikoku, it is about 25 meters high and about 25 meters in circumference at the base. It's estimated to be 2,000 years old and has been designated a national Natural Monument. A shinto deity called Kusukamisama is enshrined in the hollow trunk; you can step inside and try praying for health.
  • Osaka Tanigawa Zutsumi
    Travel / Tourism
    Kochi Takaoka-gun Nakatosacho Kure
  • Sodayama
    Travel / Tourism
    Kochi Susaki-shi Sodayamaotsu
  • Ki no Sato Bunka Densho
    Travel / Tourism
    Kochi Takaoka-gun Yusuharacho Yusuhara 1496-1

Kochi Areas


The largest of Shikoku’s prefectures, Kochi is endowed with some of the island’s most exceptional sand beaches lining the Pacific Ocean, which narrows into the Shimanto-gawa, a huge river that stretches 196 kilometers into the prefecture, passing verdant mountains and hosting countless riverside activities. Whether you’re a pilgrim or not, Kochi’s 16 Buddhist temples that make up one leg of the Shikoku Pilgrimage are worth a visit, particularly Chikurin-ji for its five-tier pagoda.

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