Spots in Around Niyodo River Area

  • Nikobuchi
    37 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kouchi Pref. Agawa-gun Inocho Kiyomizukamibun
    This plunge pool is located in Kiyomizukamibun, Ino Town, Agawa County. Located along the Edagawa River, a tributary of the famously clear Niyodo River, the pool is known as a spot for enjoying the beautiful “Niyodo Blue” surface of the Niyodo River. The pool, which shines blue in the sunlight, is considered a sacred spot by locals. There is also a legend about a large snake associated with the pool.

    素晴らしい景色に感動しました。 昼14時過ぎに到着して、土曜日だった為か盆休みの為かめっちゃ観光客が来られていました。 入り口から820m程度離れた場所に駐車場し、ぶらぶらとさかを登って、階段からにこ淵へ降りましたが、中間付近から見下ろす景色に「おお!キレイじゃん!」て言ったら、下の方がキレイだよ!って教えてもらって、ぶらぶら降りました。 ほとりで写真を撮って、滝の写真を撮ってから戻りました...

  • Dokkozan Shoryuji Temple
    35 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kouchi Pref. Tosashi Usachou Ryu 601
    Located 20 minutes by car from Tosa Interchange, this temple is 38th of the 88 sacred places on the Shikoku Pilgrimage. It is said that when Kobo Daishi studied in China, he prayed to the gods to find suitable locations for sacred places by throwing three ritual implements (a gokosho pestle, a sankosho pestle and a dokkosho pestle); the dokkosho pestle landed here and the temple was founded. The principal object of worship is Namikiri Fudomyo which guards against accidents at sea. It was accessed by boat across Uranouchi Bay until 1973 when the bridge opened. That is why the main hall has many votives of boats. A must-see is the seated statue of Aizenmyoo, a Nationally Important Cultural Property, enshrined in the main hall.

    第36番札所 青龍寺 この旅の最終日はこちらのお寺から。本堂までは170段ほどの石段、雨で滑りやすくなっていましたが逆に雰囲気はよくありがたい感じです。 明徳義塾のそばにあり横綱朝青龍関は在校中こちらで鍛錬していたそうでしこ名の由来にもなったそうです。 山すそにひっそりとある本堂の静寂も良かったです。

  • Io-zan Kiyotakiji Temple
    33 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kouchi Pref. Tosashi Takaokachou Tei 568-1
    The Io-zan Kiyotakiji Temple is the 35th temple of the Shikoku 88-temple Pilgrimage. According to tradition, the temple was originally founded in 723 as the Keisanmitsu-in Takumokuji Temple by the bodhisattva Gyoki, who carved a statue of the Yakushi Nyorai Buddha (Medicine Buddha) to serve as the main object of veneration in the temple. At a later date, Kobo Daishi visited the site, and prayed to Akai Gongen and Ryuo Gongen for a good harvest on a rock near the main hall of the temple. On the day when his prayer was answered, Kobo Daishi touched the altar in front of him with his staff, and clear spring-water gushed out, creating a pool with a mirror-like surface, from which the Kiyotakiji Temple takes its name.

    大きな薬師如来像と、景色が素晴らしいお寺です。 到着まで車での道のりは険しいです。狭くて急でした。対向車が来ませんようにー、と願いながらの上り下りでした。すれ違いの場所がたまにあるので、そこで譲り合いをすれば大丈夫だと思います。運転される方はとにかくお気をつけていってらっしゃい。

  • Ino-Cho Paper Museum
    33 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kouchi Pref. Agawaguninochou Saiwaimachi 110-1
    The Ino-Cho Paper Museum is a specialist paper museum located approximately 10 minutes’ walk from Ino Station (on the JR Dosan Line). The Museum was opened in 1985 with the aim of helping to revitalize the production of Tosa Washi (Tosa traditional handmade paper), one of Japan’s traditional handicrafts. The permanent exhibitions include displays on the history of Washi traditional paper, the related cultural traditions, the materials and tools used to make Washi paper, etc. There are also papermaking demonstrations and opportunities to try your hand at making paper yourself. Special exhibitions are held on ongoing basis. It costs 400 yen to have a go at making two sheets of colored paper or eight postcards in the Papermaking Experience Corner. The papermaking experience activity takes around one hour; groups of 10 or more people are requested to book in advance.

    It was an interesting tour, learning about Japanese paper but I had no interest prior to the tour. Watching the demonstration was the best part.

  • Musasabi no sato
    25 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Agawa-gun Inocho Kamiyakawako 1160-2
    This roadside station on the side of National Route 194, which connects central Kochi Prefecture with Ehime Prefecture, is located between Kochi City and the border shared by the two prefectures. It is well-known as a rest stop for people driving the Setouchi Shimanami Kaido Expressway, which connects Shikoku with Honshu. The surrounding area gained the nickname “Niyodo Blue” in recent years for the beautiful main stream and tributaries of the Niyodo River, a class A river. The area is visited by many tourists due to its popularity on social media. In addition to people seeking great mountain climbers and fall foliage, the spot is also extremely popular with motorcycle tourists and cyclists. The central facility of the relatively small roadside station is its local products shop. Leveraging its location amongst the mountains, the shop offers many handcrafted products made the old-fashioned way with natural ingredients that cannot be found anywhere else. Visitors can always enjoy a hot meal or a variety of handmade sweets at the station’s two food shops, “Shokujidokoro Hachikinya” and “Mori no Chiisa na Okashiyasan”.


  • Konoka Onsen
    10 Reviews
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kouchi Pref. Agawa-gun Inocho Kuwaze 225-16
    This hot spring in is located on the side of National Route 194 in Kuwaze, Ino Town, Agawa County. Its iron-containing sodium chloride hot springs are said to help with conditions including nerve pain, muscle soreness, and joint pain, chronic digestive diseases, chronic skin diseases, sensitivity to cold, sickliness in children, chronic women’s diseases, menstrual disorders, fatigue, bruises, sprains, and more. The spa, which is open to day bathers, features open-air baths from which bathers can hear the sound of the nearby Kuwaze River. The inn’s attached restaurant offers views of the nature along the river. Roadside Station Konoka is also adjacent to the inn.

    木の香温泉(このかおんせん)は、高知県吾川郡いの町桑瀬(こうちけんあがわぐんいのちょうくわせ)にある温泉だ。 道の駅木の香に隣接する。 UFO街道にほど近く、登山をしたあとに立ち寄ることも多い。 魅力は、露天風呂と冷たい水風呂だ。 露天風呂からは山の景色が楽しめ、サウナで火照った体をとびきり冷たい水風呂で冷やすと、シャキッと気分が爽快になる。 宿泊もできるので、何度が泊まったこともある場所だ...

  • Drive-in Hikichibashi
    8 Reviews
    Kochi Agawa-gun Niyodogawacho Hikichi 62
    A drive-in restaurant on National Route 33 that connects Matsuyama and Kochi. They serve oden hot pots, soba noodles, and meal sets in a rural teahouse with an old-fashioned ambiance. Originally, this area was a rest stop for rickshaw pullers and travelers. The teahouse began selling rice cakes and sweets at the end of the Meiji period. Their oden hot pots eaten with sweet miso and grilled amego salmon skewers are famous, and their Japanese mugwort manju buns—a local favorite—often sell out quickly. Since its founding over 80 years ago, the shop's been a favorite of locals and travelers alike.

    5年前、たまたま立ち寄って、購入したヨモギ入り焼き餅が美味しくて、再訪。 やっぱり美味しい。安い! のんびりした雰囲気のドライブイン。ホッとできる場所です。

  • Mura no Eki Hidaka
    17 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Takaokagunhidakamura Hongou 1478-9
    This is a farm direct shop in Hidaka Village, Takaoka County, Kochi Prefecture offering fresh local produce, souvenirs, and more. The tourist information area also displays one of only three of the prefecture's replicas of the national treasure sword, Kondoso Kanto Tachi. They have a restaurant and a dining corner for some quick refreshment while out on a drive.


  • Roadside Station Tosa Japanese Paper Industrial Art Village
    6 Reviews
    Kouchi Pref. Agawaguninochou Kashiki 1226
    This roadside station is located on the side of National Route 194 in Kashiki, Ino Town, Agawa County. It features accommodations offering views of the Niyodo River, a restaurant that offers cuisine made with seasonal local ingredients, a spa with medicinal baths and saunas, a gallery in a renovated storehouse, a farmer’s market, and more. Visitors can also try their hand at activities such as making Tosa Washi paper, weaving (reservation required), or canoeing the Niyodo River (reservation required).


  • Sakawa Municipal Seizan Bunko Museum
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kochi Takaoka-gun Sakawacho Ko 1453-1
    This facility is mainly dedicated to Mitsuaki Tanaka's calligraphy collection from the late Edo and Meiji periods. It contains the work of Takechi Hanpeita, Sakamoto Ryoma, Nakaoka Shintaro, and other leading figures. There are also items from people tied to the shogunate, Imperial court, and major domains like Mito, Choshu, and Satsuma. They change the material on display about four times a year while holding various planned and special exhibits.

    This little town is well worth a visit, perhaps from Kochi. It has a genuine old quarter with beautiful shops and cafes in the old houses, meaning you can explore indoors. And pleasant mountain...

  • Rest Park Ino
    8 Reviews
    Kochi Agawa-gun Inocho 418
    This shop wants to promote the fabulous flavors of Tosa. It sells products like fresh vegetables and seasonal fruit grown by local farmers. Their on-site eatery Gohanya offers meals that taste just like home-made. With cuisine made with local ingredients in a self-service format, it lets you enjoy the bounty of the mountains, sea, and community. Their specialty section has lots of limited availability items you won't find elsewhere and Tosa Treats expertly made by prefectural producers and manufacturers.

    お土産はもちろん、地元の農産物が豊富にあります。 レストランもあり、ゆっくり時間を過ごすことができます。 入口の花売り場は色鮮やかで、疲れを癒してくれる雰囲気です。 同じ敷地には寿司一貫やココスもあり、いつも賑わっています。

  • Sugimoto Shrine
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kochi Agawa-gun Inocho Daikokucho
    Nicknamed “Ino-no-Daikokusama,” this is an ancient Daikoku-cho Shinto shrine. It enshrines three Shinto deities: Okuninushi-no-mikoto, Susanoo-no-mikoto, and Kushi-inada-hime. Its founding dates back to the year 793, and the octagonal portable shrine there dating from the Kamakura period is a national Important Cultural Property. The deities there are thought to impart a multitude of boons, including good fortune, matchmaking, household safety, business prosperity, recovery from illness, and more. The festivals held in spring and autumn are counted among Tosa's three major festivals; the most important event in the region, it sees hundreds of thousands of visitors come from inside and outside the prefecture.

    Although this shrines name is Sugimoto Shrine, locally it is known as Daikoku-san. Daikoku is Done of the Shichi-fuku-jin Seven Lucky Gods and is the god of wealth and the god that looks out for...

  • Sakawa Geology Museum and Institute
    6 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kochi Takaoka-gun Sakawacho Ko 360
    A museum dedicated to the geology of Kochi Prefecture, including the fossil treasure trove of the Sagawa Basin. Its displays cover 400 million years of Shikoku history. There's also a collection of rare fossils, a 3/5 scale mobile tyrannosaurus, movable continental models, a chambered nautilus (known as a “living fossil”), and a horseshoe crab tank. The museum teaches about Earth and the history of biological life from various angles.

    今から45億年前の地球の誕生から現在までの壮大なスケールでの旅が2時間余りで体験できました。 各地質時代の代表的な化石、特に佐川町から見つかった化石が多数展示されています。 また、恐竜の卵の化石やマンモスの牙の化石などもあり、興味深深でした。

  • Seigenji Temple
    5 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Kochi Takaoka-gun Sakawacho Ko 1460
    This was the family temple of a senior Yamauchi clan official, and the garden is considered one of the top three feudal era Tosa gardens. Located on a hill in the Kamimachi district near Aoyama Bunko, it is also a prefectural Place of Scenic Beauty. A Rinzai Buddhist temple of the Myoshinji school, its garden has a pond and “borrowed scenery,” giving it a Zen feel. It also has beautiful cherry blossoms in the spring and colorful foliage in the fall.

    少人数で、ふらっと訪れるのがオススメです。運が良ければご住職のお話が聴けるかもしれません。 牧野公園の山野草を愛でたあとに静かに眺めると至福の時が訪れます。

  • Yokokurayama Natural Forest Museum
    4 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Kochi Takaoka-gun Ochicho Ochihei 737-12
    A museum where you can learn about Mt. Yokokura and the Earth's history, rare plants loved by Dr. Makino, and the history of Ochi. Take a moment to admire the building itself too—designed by world-renowned architect Tadao Ando, it harmonizes with Mt. Yokokura's natural environment. The museum also holds a variety of special exhibits.

    たまたま立ち寄った博物館。全く下調べしないで行ったので、坂の途中の駐車場に素直に駐車したが、平日だったため、空きがあり、建物側でも良かったことを後で知り。 館内は、一部をのぞいて撮影可。 歴史から自然から芸術から、幅広い収集とゆとりある展示。 よくある「地方のなんとなく博物館」とは一線を画した素晴らしい博物館に関心。

  • Roadside Station Konoka
    Kouchi Pref. Agawa-gun Inocho Kuwaze 225-24
    This roadside station is located on the side of National Route 194 in Kuwaze, Ino Town, Agawa County. In addition to a shop offering Ino Town’s local specialties, soft-serve ice cream, and other items, the station also features a red spotted masu trout fishing hole that is open from May to November. The station has an attached hot spring inn and day spa, Konoka Onsen. Visitors can also enjoy a meal at the attached restaurant, which offers views of the Kuwaze River.
  • Yasui Gorge
    Travel / Tourism
    Kouchi Pref. Agawagunniyodogawachou Oya
    This river gorge is located in Oya, Niyodogawa Town, Agawa County along Niyodo River, which is known as ''the Miraculous Stream'' for the high quality of its water. Visitors can enjoy viewing the beautiful ''Niyodo Blue'' surface of the river. There are a number of spots for visitors to check out, including several waterfalls as well as crystal pools that change appearance depending on the time and the season. The scenery is especially beautiful when the fall foliage or fresh greenery comes in.
  • Nakatsu Gorge
    Travel / Tourism
    Kouchi Pref. Agawagunniyodogawachou Nanokawa
    This river gorge is located in Nanokawa, Niyodogawa Town, Agawa County. It is a good spot for viewing the beautiful ''Niyodo Blue'' surface of the Niyodo River, which is known as ''the Miraculous Stream'' for the high quality of its water. A promenade has been built along the gorge, allowing visitors to take a walk while viewing the 20-meter-high Uryu Falls, the Ryugubuchi Falls, the Momiji Falls, and other sights.
  • Kanpo no Yado Ino
    Accommodations / Hot Spring
    Kouchi Pref. Agawa Inocho Hakawa 1569
    This hot spring in is located in Hakawa, Ino Town, Agawa County. Its baths are sourced from the natural hot springs of Niyodogawa Ino Onsen, the waters of this sodium chloride spring are said to help with nerve pain, muscle soreness, and joint pain, frozen shoulder, and other conditions. In addition to open-air baths with a view of the Dosan Line, its many indoor baths include a large bath tub, a lie-down bath, and a cascading stream bath. The inn also offers day bathers a number of plans to choose from, including plans that include meals or the use of a private room.
  • Kochi Ice Shop
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kouchi Pref. Agawaguninochou Yananosekamibun 807-1
    "This cafe overlooks the Niyodo River from National Route 194, and from inside the cafe you can see the beautiful surface of the water, known as ""Niyodo blue"". The cafe offers a variety of sweets, including rich soft-serve ice cream made from the eggs of ""Tosa Jiro"", a locally produced chicken in Kochi, special pancakes and French toast made to order in the cafe, and ""Honwarabi Mochi"" (bracken-starch dumpling) made from Honwarabi powder (powdered starch from bracken roots). The most popular menu item is the ""French Soft"", a plate of freshly baked French toast that is crispy outside and moist inside, served with rich vanilla soft-serve ice cream and sweet-and-sour strawberry and blueberry sauce. There is also a souvenir corner with items particular to Niyodo River area."

Kochi Areas


The largest of Shikoku’s prefectures, Kochi is endowed with some of the island’s most exceptional sand beaches lining the Pacific Ocean, which narrows into the Shimanto-gawa, a huge river that stretches 196 kilometers into the prefecture, passing verdant mountains and hosting countless riverside activities. Whether you’re a pilgrim or not, Kochi’s 16 Buddhist temples that make up one leg of the Shikoku Pilgrimage are worth a visit, particularly Chikurin-ji for its five-tier pagoda.

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