Museum / Science Museum Spots in Wakayama Area

  • Taiji Whale Museum
    151 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Higashimuroguntaijichou Taiji 2934-2
    A museum in Taiji, Taiji Town, Higashimuro County. Through various displays visitors can learn about the more than 400 year old relationship Taiji Town has had with whaling, as well as traditional whaling techniques, and the ecology of whales. Visitors can also watch the whales in action in dolphin and whale shows like the short-finned pilot whale show held in the natural pool built in the sea. The full scale skeleton of the world's largest animal, the blue whale, exhibited outdoors, is an impressive sight.

    Wish there was more English there. Interesting museum with show of dolphins and whales. I do not like shows of animals, so I did not stay for that.

  • Shirahama Energy Land
    113 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Nishimurogunshirahamachou 3083
    Come experience this mystery filled theme park centered around ''People and Natural Energy!'' Try a variety challenges to overcome including The Maze, or Solar Town where you can learn all about renewable energy. Check out the mysterious pictures that fool your eyes with optical illusions in the Trick Art House. With these and many more there are a lot of ways to have fun while learning!

    以前から気にはなってましたので、行程の都合上パンダの前に寄ってみました。 中はエンタメに振ってる行政がやってそうな科学館みたいな感じですが、入場料は行政ぽくありません(汗) 子供はミステリーハウスではしゃいでました。小学生くらいの家族連れは結構見ましたが、子供はみんな楽しそうでした。大人はめまいする…とか言ってる人もいました。 うちの子供は360°立体シアターの方を気に入って2種類見てました。ロ...

  • Kudoyama Sanada Museum
    54 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Itogunkudoyamachou Kudoyama 1452-4
    A museum located in Kudoyama, Ito County, Wakayama Prefecture which opened in 2016 and which is dedicated to presenting the history of the Warring States period samurai Sanada Masayuki, his son Sanada Yukimura, and grandson Sanada Daisuke. Informational panels and videos present the life of Yukimura during his time in Kudoyama, the area where he spent the majority of his life. The museum also displays paintings and calligraphy by the three men as well as a folding screen which depicts Yukimura fighting in the summer campaign of the Siege of Osaka. In addition to a standing exhibition, the museum also holds special exhibitions irregularly.


  • Wakayama Prefectural Museum of Natural History
    17 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Kainanshi Funo 370-1
    The Wakayama Prefectural Museum of Natural History in Funoo, Kainan City, has two exhibition spaces. The first is an aquarium and the second is dedicated to animals and plants, geology, fossils and diorama exhibits. Events inside the museum as well as outdoor events such as nature observation tours and excavation trips are held from time to time making it a great place to learn about the rich and diverse wildlife and nature around Wakayama.


  • Kumano Kodo Kan Pilgrimage Center
    11 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Tanabeshi Nakahechichoukurisugawa 1222-1
    This free rest area is located in Nakahechi Town, Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture and serves as the tourist information facility for both the 12 “Grand Shrines” and the Kumano Kodo road. The 12-side building based on these shrines serves as a landmark. There’s a video introducing Nakahechi and materials related to Kumano Kodo, as well as articles from Takijirioji Shrine on display. There’s also an area where you can take photos dressed in kimono, as well as works by a local pottery group and other goods for sale.

    Stopped in here before beginning our Kumano Kodo walk at Takijiri. Women working was very friendly. We looked at the exhibits, took some pictures, browsed the shop (if youve forgotten something they...

  • Wakayama Prefectural Museum
    18 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Wakayamashi Fukiage 1-4-14
    This prefectural museum is located near Wakayama Castle in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture. It was moved to its current location and opened in 1994. Architect Kisho Kurokawa designed the building, which features glass walls for a bright, modern look. The collection consists of over 1,000 items, including cultural artifacts and historical documents related to Wakayama Prefecture on display, along with materials on Mt. Koya, the Kumano faith, and the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage route. There are also items that belonged to Kishu Tokugawa. The regular exhibits introduce 30,000 years of Wakayama Prefecture history, and special exhibitions and other projects are held year-round.


  • Inamura-no-Hi no Yakata
    10 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Aridagunhirogawachou Hiro 671
    When a tsunami was generated after a major earthquake in 1854, Hamaguchi Goryo set fire to the rice straw stacked in his own fields in order to guide the local villagers toward safety. This museum is comprised of two halls, Hamaguchi goryo Archives introducing the life of Hamaguchi Goryo and anecdotes relating to his character, and Tsunami Educational Center which conveys the dangers of earthquakes and tsunami as well as important disaster prevention knowledge. Game-based exhibits, videos, and simulators present disaster prevention information relating to the topics of first-aid, prevention, and recovery. Closest station: Yuasa Station.

    3階建の《津波防災教育センター》と濱口珸陵の生家を利用した《濱口珸陵記念館》で構成されています。こちらに訪問する機会あれば《津波防災教育センター》1階にある[津波シミューレーション(ミニ津波が見れます)][3D津波映像シアター(毎時 00分と30分)]は見逃せません。《濱口珸陵記念館》内の展示品の中に [広村堤防(国指定史跡;高さ5m 幅20m 長さ600m)]築造の模型があります。又 庭園そのも...

  • Wakayama City Museum
    16 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Wakayamashi Minatohonmachi 3-2
    "This museum is about five minutes on foot from Wakayamashi Station and about 20 minutes by car from Wakayama Interchange. Next to the Wakayama Civic Library, the museum opened in 1985. Their permanent exhibit ""What the Materials Tell of Wakayama's History"" has a total of six display areas. Five cover the primitive to the modern era, and a sixth Folk Area gives a feel for farm life. Their special and planned exhibits showcase various periods in history and different areas, and they host lectures and educational workshops too. The museum shop sells picture books of past exhibits."

    南海電鉄「和歌山市」駅からまっすぐ歩いて10分程のところにあります。外観はいかにも公共施設ですが、一歩中に入ると天井の高い石造りで靴音や声がよく響くコンサートホールのような建物で驚きました。 特別展「お殿様の宝物─南葵文庫と紀州徳川家伝来の美術─」が開催中でした。江戸時代の大名には親藩・譜代・外様の別がありますが、親藩のなかでも尾張・紀州・水戸は将軍を輩出できる別格の扱いとされました。現在、尾張...

  • Manyo-kan
    16 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Wakayama-shi Wakauraminami 3-1700-2
    "A museum dedicated to the ancient ""Man'yoshu"" poetry anthology located inside Kataonami Park. Here visitors can learn about the world of the ""Man'yoshu"" from a variety of perspectives using touch panels, informational signs, reproductions of and actual items used as part of daily life in the time period, and exhibits on the cultural background and customs at the time of the ""Man'yoshu."" There are also gallery exhibits and a Man'yo Theater which uses slides and video projectors to illustrate the world of the ""Man'yoshu ."""


  • Wakayama Historical Center
    13 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Wakayamashi Ichibanchou 3 City Hall Minami-annex building
    This museum is approximately ten minutes on foot from Nankai Wakayamashi Station and 15 minutes by car from Wakayama Interchange. It opened in 2015 on the site of Wakayama Castle. You'll find the Wakayama City Tourist Information Center on the first floor, along with the Wakayama City Tourist Souvenir Center, which sells Kishu Nanko ume plums, Kishu Goten temari balls, and more. The second floor is an exhibition room that will get you in touch with the history of Wakayama Castle. It has a theater where you can see a virtual reality presentation about Wakayama Castle in the late Edo Period (1603–1868), as well as the reproduction of the Jissai-an tea house from the Yosui-en garden landscaped by the castle's 10th lord, Tokugawa Harutomi.


  • Wakayama Municipal Kodomo Kagakukan
    7 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Wakayama-shi Yoriaimachi 19
    This science museum is located in Yoriai-machi, Wakayama City. The museum features exhibits about the natural environment of Wakayama, interactive exhibits that teach visitors about subjects such as motion, sound, light, and electricity. The attached planetarium plays programs that include commentary about the night sky for that day. The museum also hosts events such as science classes, natural arts and crafts classes, and stargazing parties.

    メインはプラネタリウム(4F)の観賞であるが、1F〜3Fの各フロアーにも 子供の科学的な興味を引く実験道具的なものが豊富に準備され、2〜3時間は ゆうに遊べる 内容になっている。プラネタリウムは通常の星座や天体観測の他に ドラえもんの宇宙旅行が併映され、子供達は大いに楽しんでいた。

  • Onko Densho-kan Sake Brewery Museum / Kuroushi Chaya
    5 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Kainanshi Kuroe 846
    "This is the library for the sake-maker. The exhibition hall was used by the old sake brewery, and exhibits tools for producing sake from the Nate Sake Brewery as well as daily living items at that time. You can learn sake-brewing methods from the Edo period (1603-1868) and see business records with the abundant materials. The Black Cattle Teahouse on the opposite side is a reception area and cafe with tables and chairs made from sake-making tools to create a warm atmosphere. Besides being able to taste of sake such as ""Kuroushi"" and ""Hitotsukami,"" you can also relax with coffee or sweet sake. In addition, they sell mainly products from Nate Sake Brewery and also local Wakayama souvenirs such as sake vessels."


  • Shiyuen
    4 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Itogunkudoyamachou Jisonin 749-6
    A museum which introduces the traditions and techniques of Koyagami, a type of handmade Japanese washi paper whose method of production is said to have been taught to the residents of Kudoyama Town by the great monk Kukai. The museum is located northwest of the roadside station Kaki no Sato Kudoyama next to the Shori-ji Temple. Museum exhibits include a diorama which shows what Koyagami paper production in the area once looked like at its peak, as well as various items made from Koyagami such as Japanese kites, shoji paper doors, raincoats, and lanterns. With an advance reservation, visitors can also try making some Koyagami themselves, ranging in size from that of a postcard to around an A3 sheet of paper.


  • Yuasa Toy Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Arida-gun Yuasacho Yuasa 679-2
    This museum is housed in a traditional Japanese home building which once also operated as a tofu shop. The facility was opened as part of the Agency for Cultural Affairs' Kominka Model Business project, which aims to repurpose old Japanese homes which are no longer used but which are of cultural value into businesses. The museum retains as much of the original home architecture as possible and displays old toys, particularly from the late 1950s to early 1960s, including kendama cup-and-ball games, beigoma tops, and retro action figures and dolls. There's even an area where visitors can actually play with some of the toys. In addition, the museum has an old-fashioned dagashi cheap sweets shop and a cafe area, making it a space that is fun for children but also a place where adults can revisit their own childhood.
  • Fusion Museum Knit & Sports
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Wakayama-shi Honmachi 2-1
    This is located a 15-minute drive from the Wakayama Interchange on the Hanwa Expressway. This world-first museum is jointly dedicated to both sports and knit fabrics. One of the museum's exhibits, popularly featured on various social network sites, is a machine you power by pedaling a bicycle which will knit you a pair of gloves, a scarf, coaster, or cushion cover. Making a pair of gloves takes around five minutes. In the knitted fabrics area, you can see a variety of knitting machines, from the world's very first knitting machine to the world's fastest horizontal knitting machine. In the adjoining sports area, you can learn about top athletes born in or connected to Wakayama Prefecture.
  • Kishu Museum
    8 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Nishimuro-gun Shirahamacho 2054-4


  • Kawakyu Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Nishimuro-gun Shirahamacho 3745
  • Taiji Marinarium
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Pref. Higashimuroguntaijichou Taiji Museum in 2934-2 whale
  • Flower Hill Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Kinokawa Nishi Noyama 473
  • Koyasan Digital Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Wakayama Ito-gun Koyacho Koyasan 360

Wakayama Areas


Wakayama prefecture unites pilgrims, food lovers, and culture buffs in a tranquil corner of Japan at the base of the Kii Peninsula. The setting for many a Kumano Kodo pilgrimage trail, Wakayama invites those in search of spirituality from one side of the prefecture to the other, from the 100-plus Buddhist temples of the sacred Mount Koya in the west to the inspiring temples of the Kumano Sanzan set among breathtaking nature in the east. Once the grueling hike is complete, make a beeline for Wakayama city to savor some of the country’s most delicious ramen noodles.

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