Hot Pot Cuisine / Oden Hot Pot Spots in Around Nishijin Area

  • Suppon Daiichi
    33 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Kamigyo-ku Shimochojamachi Dori Senbo Nishi Iru Rokubancho 371
    "A soft-shelled turtle cuisine restaurant located a short distance south of Senbon Nikkatsu. This long-standing establishment has been in business for over 340 years and still operates out of the same building as when it first opened its doors. The popular restaurant has been featured on television and in magazines and a variety of other media and has even appeared numerous times in the works of literary masters. The only item on the menu is the ""Marunabe"" hotpot course meal, which comes with two servings of piping hot turtle hotpot followed by zosui rice gruel made with the residual broth. The restaurant's soft-shelled turtles are raised in a dedicated pond without the use of any chemicals or drugs whatsoever. Advance reservation required."

    まあ 食べるの大好き おいしい物食べるためなら何処へでも行くし 0が一個多くても食べちゃう食いしんぼなら 一度は食べたいなと思うのが 京都のすっぽん料理店の老舗「大市」。創業340年!京都ではそんなに驚かないかもしれないけど 普通考えたら すごい店だわ。一生で 一度で良いと思い食べに来ました。世の中高級な食材はいくつかある。鍋に限ったとしても フグ鍋や カニ鍋 クエ鍋 ウニ鍋 伊勢海老鍋 など食べ...

  • Kamishichiken Jiro Yoshi
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kyoto Kyoto-shi Kamigyo-ku Imadegawa-dori Shichihonmatsu Nishiiru Shinseicho 714-5


Kyoto Areas


Its wooden tea houses, shuffling geisha, and spiritual sights have seen Kyoto hailed as the heart of traditional Japan, a world apart from ultramodern Tokyo. Despite being the Japanese capital for over a century, Kyoto escaped destruction during World War II, leaving behind a fascinating history which can be felt at every turn, from the fully gold-plated Kinkakuji Temple down to traditional customs such as geisha performances and tea ceremonies, which are still practiced to this day.

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