History / Culture / Tour Spots in Ashikaga / Sano / Tochigi Area

  • Shimotsuke Fudoki-no-Oka Museum
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Shimotsuke-shi Kokubunji 993
    This museum displays artefacts excavated from the adjoining sites such as the National Historic Site-designated Shimotsuke Kokubun-ji Temple Remains and Amadera Ruins, and the Tochigi Prefecture Historic Site-designated Maruzuka Kofun and Atagozuka Kofun. The artefacts on display range from the Kofun period to the Nara period. Many ancient burial mounds, temple and provincial office ruins, and other sites connected to the prefecture's history and culture can be found in the area around the museum. The museum presents the history of Shimotsuke City from a variety of viewpoints, including government administration and the lives of everyday people in the distant past, the relationship between the region and more central areas of Japan, and the development of civil engineering and construction technologies.


  • Karasawayama Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Pref. Sanoshi Fujichou 1409
    This shrine in Sano City, Tochigi Prefecture was founded in 1883 and enshrines Fujiwara-no-Hidesato. Prayer requests for safe driving and family safety are accepted and on the first of each month they do fortune-consultations. Built over the remains of Hidesato's castle, the area is a natural fortress surrounded by cliffs and valleys covered in Japanese Red Pine trees and some of the castle ruins still remain. En route to the main hall you'll pass the Sakura Horse Grounds in which numerous sakura cherry trees are planted.
  • Ashikaga Museum of Art
    1 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Pref. Ashikagashi Tori 2-14-7
    This unusual art museum is built into a housing complex. The museum supports the local culture and artistic endeavors of the Ashikaga and Ryomo regions, with works by local artists from both areas on display. Fine art and performing art workshops are held at the museum. There is also a free to view local artist's corner.


  • Soun Museum of Art
    5 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Ashikaga-shi Midoricho 2-3768
    This art museum stands at the southern edge of Ashikaga Park. The museum displays the artwork as well as the personal effects of Tazaki Soun, a Southern School painter who was active in Ashikaga from the end of the Edo period through the Meiji period. Known as a late Edo period loyalist painter, Soun studied under artists such as Kanai Ushu and his works have been highly praised outside Japan. Soun was also chosen to be the first Imperial Household Artist, once the highest honor for an artist in Japan, and the museum stores, conserves, and presents his artwork and personal effects. A thatched roof residence believed to have been the home of Soun stands in the museum's garden, and visitors can take in a peaceful atmosphere cut off from the hustle and bustle of the everyday.


  • Shimotsuke Yakushiji Temple Ruins
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Shimotsuke-shi Yakushiji 1636
    In the Nara period, this Buddhist temple was the greatest in the Kanto provinces and was known for having one of the three most majestic ordination platforms in the country alongside the Todaiji temple and the Kanzeon-ji Temple. Built at the end of the seventh century, in the mid-eighth century, it is said to have been so prosperous, it rivaled the very temples of the capital (then in Nara). Today, a portion of the site of its ruins are maintained as a public park, and visitors can view a reconstructed temple gallery as well as VR imagery which shows what the temple looked like in its heyday. The temple played a central role in Buddhism in the Kanto provinces, and excavations and surveys to date have revealed the temple had a wall stretching 250 meters east to west and 360 meters north to south, as well as 100-meter-long galleries extending in all directions.
  • Ryusenji Museum
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Ashikaga-shi Sukedo 1-652
    The Ryusenji Temple, a sub temple of the Enryakuji Temple, was established in 1205. Since ancient times, the temple has served as a space supporting regional culture, and today a part of the temple is open to the general public as an art museum. The museum's standing exhibition consists of famous works by artists such as Shiko Munakata, Tawaraya Sotatsu, and Taikan Yokoyama, and all are welcome to come in contact with the culture and history of Ashikaga City. The temple grounds bustle with visitors when it holds a Daruma doll market and a lucky Garamaki ceremony from New Year's Day to the Setsubun celebration. Said to ward away evil and misfortune, the temple is visited by many worshippers.
  • Fushimi-Inari Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Ashikaga-shi Omatacho 478-2
  • Adachi Yoshiko
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Tochigi-shi Yorozucho 4-2


  • Yuzo Yamamoto Furusato Museum
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Tochigi-shi Yorozucho 5-3


  • Shinmeigu Shrine
    17 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Tochigi-shi Asahicho 26-3

    第二公園のとなりにあり1403年に創建された神社です。 伊勢の神宮からの御分霊により天照皇大神をお祀りすることから「栃木のお伊勢さま」と言われています。 参拝に訪れた時は工事中でした

  • Iwafune Yamataka Katsu Ji
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Tochigi Iwafunemachi Shizuka

    栃木界隈へのドライブ旅行の際、栃木市にある天台宗寺院「高勝寺」へも行ってみました。 山の中にあるので、登る必要がありますが、自然たっぷりでパワーを感じました。 「三重塔」が特に綺麗でした。

  • Nagusa Itsukushima Shrine
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Ashikaga-shi Nagusakamicho 4990

    足利市のかなり奥まった場所にあります。 それほど山奥僻地というわけでもないので車があれば十分です。 駐車場も完備されており入り口となる参道にはちょっとしたお店もあります。 厳島神社に巨石の数々。いい具合に苔むした巨石の姿はまるでジブリ作品の作中のような雰囲気に溢れておりました。道中は徒歩で向かうのですがこれがなかなかにスリリング。アップダウンもありいい運動にもなりました。これが冬場だったのでまだよ...

  • Mikamo Fudoson
    14 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Tochigi-shi Fujiokamachi Odawa 747

    道の駅みかもに立ち寄った際後ろに見事な建物が見えて立ち寄りました。 真言宗なのでしょうか弘法大師空海の銅像がありました。道の駅みかもに立ち寄った際後ろに見事な建物が見えて立ち寄りました。 真言宗なのでしょうか弘法大師空海の銅像がありました。 ヒンドゥー語も書いてありとても楽しめました。 お布施類はQRコードで行えます。 防犯の意味合いでしょうか? あの世までの説明もあり勉強になります。 どこも写真...

  • Asahimori Shrine
    13 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Pref. Sanoshi Tenjinchou 807

    栃木方面へのドライブ旅行の際、佐野市にある「朝日森天満宮」へ訪問してきました。 長い参道がとても綺麗で、鳥居や本堂なども立派でした。 空いているので、のんびりお参りできました。

  • Sano Historical museum
    12 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Sano-shi Ohashicho 2047


  • Nogi Shrine
    10 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Shimotsuga-gun Nogimachi Nogi 2408

    イチョウを見に訪れましたが、思いの外、いろいろと楽しめました。 まずはフクロウ。野木町の町鳥にして、この神社の森に生息しているそうです。 木彫り、石像、写真や額、お守りなどフクロウだらけ。 5月ごろはフクロウの雛がみれるそうです。 そして紅葉。 ケヤキやイチョウがあります。 長い参道の並木は、ほぼ落葉していましたが夕日を浴びて綺麗でした。 境内の大イチョウは見事のひとこと。建物とマッチしていま...

  • Oyama Municipal Museum
    11 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Oyama-shi Otome 1-chome 31-7

    間々田駅から徒歩10分。 入館料無料。企画展開催時は200円。訪館時は企画展「日光山と小山」が開催されていたが無料開放日となっていた。展示室内撮影不可。 常設展示室の入口近くにナウマンゾウの化石、竪穴式住居・古墳石室の復元があり、以降は一般的な歴史博物館と同様に土器、農具・民具、教育資料などが展示されている。展示品は多くないが、近隣の子供たちが地元の歴史を知るにはいい施設でしょう。

  • Ningenkokuhotamurakoichitogeikan
    9 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Pref. Sanoshi Takasagochou 2794-1


  • Oyama Shiritsu Kurumaya Bijutsukan
    9 Reviews
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Tochigi Oyama-shi Otome 3-chome 10-34


  • Keisokuji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Tochigi Ashikaga-shi Omatacho 2748

    平将門伝説が残る寺です。広い敷地があるようで、山門から勅使門を抜け本堂へ、護摩堂 (五大尊堂)、閻魔堂を回って本堂の裏から墓地へ回ってみましたが、一山境内かと思うほどでした。帰りは墓地からそのまま本堂へ戻りました。

Tochigi Areas


Most visits to Tochigi revolve around Nikko, a small city home to the spectacular, lavishly decorated Toshogu Shrine and Nikko National Park with its mountains, lakes, waterfalls, onsen, and wild monkeys. Neighboring Oku-Nikko is an extension of the fantastic scenery famous for its autumn leaves, while Tochigi’s capital, Utsunomiya, is the only place in the world where you can find oya stone beautifully exhibited in temples and the Oya History Museum.

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