Subway Spots in Kochi Area

  • SUBWAY Nakamama
    5 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Kochi Kochi-shi Nakamama 809 TSUTAYA Nakamama

    サンドウィッチ、ポテト、ドリンク、スナックを豊富なメニューから楽しむ事が出来ます。 セットメニューもいろいろあるので組み合わせるとリーズナブルに楽しめます。 ドリンクチケットもお薦めです!

Kochi Areas


The largest of Shikoku’s prefectures, Kochi is endowed with some of the island’s most exceptional sand beaches lining the Pacific Ocean, which narrows into the Shimanto-gawa, a huge river that stretches 196 kilometers into the prefecture, passing verdant mountains and hosting countless riverside activities. Whether you’re a pilgrim or not, Kochi’s 16 Buddhist temples that make up one leg of the Shikoku Pilgrimage are worth a visit, particularly Chikurin-ji for its five-tier pagoda.

Kochi Photo Album

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