Starbucks Coffee Spots in Tobe Area

  • Starbucks Coffee TSUTAYA Emifull MASAKI
    9 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ehime Iyo-gun Masakicho

    マロンインマロン‼︎ サイズは小さめでしたが、フォンダンショコラのような感じで、フォークで半分に切ると中からとろりんとしたマロンクリームが出てきてとても美味しくいただきました!全体的に空いていましたが、今回はテイクアウトで利用しました。

Ehime Areas


Stretched across the northwest corner of Shikoku island, Ehime is a nature-rich prefecture boasting beautiful coastlines and a rural center where mountains play host to 26 of the Buddhist temples that make up the Shikoku Pilgrimage. Matsuyama is home to an original post-feudal castle as well as Dogo Onsen, one of the country’s oldest natural hot springs. The northern city of Imabari marks the entrance to the Shimano Kaido, a road that crosses six spectacular bridges and several islands, forming a route between Shikoku and mainland Honshu.

Ehime Photo Album

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