Michi no Eki Road Station Spots in Koto / Hikone Area

  • Roadside Station Aito Marguerite Station
    55 Reviews
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Imotochou 184-1
    A roadside station situated along the Oumi-Green Road in Imoto-cho, Higashiomi City. Station facilities include a farm fresh shop selling local agricultural products, workshops which make and sell foods like confections and gelato, and a shop selling additive-free foods made with local ingredients. Activities such as flower arranging classes, pizza making, and cooking classes are held in the station’s Denen Seikatsukan building. There is also a buffet restaurant serving dishes made with local vegetables and shops selling local specialty products and knickknacks made with herbs.

    農産物などの大きいスーパーと、雑貨やフラワーアレンジメント関連のお店、ケーキ店などがあり、野菜や花はとても新鮮で安かったてす。 雑貨もあまり見ない様な、お洒落な物も多かったです。 駐車場は広く、すぐ前の広場ではコスモス畑があり満開で奇麗でした。

  • Roadside Station Okueigenji Keiryu no Sato
    18 Reviews
    Shiga Pref. Higashioumishi Tatehatachou 510
    A roadside station situated along the Happu Highway in Tatehata-cho, Higashiomi City. The station operates out of the former Mandokoro Junior High School building. The station sells local specialty products such as Mandokoro tea and Eigenji konnyaku devil's tongue jelly. There are also two restaurants serving dishes such as Omi beef rice bowls and “Eigenji Dam Curry” modeled after the Eigenji Dam. In addition, there’s a small museum corner with aquariums containing fish from the Echi River and Lake Biwa as well as exhibits on traditional local unpainted wooden crafts.

    石榑峠にトンネルが開通してから八風街道の利用頻度が上がりました。こちらはトンネルと永源寺門前の中間あたりに位置する廃校を利用した施設で、道の駅のみならず役所の支所や診療所なども併設されています。域内を回る自動運転バス実証実験の拠点でもあります。 物販は質量ともにこれといった売りに乏しいですが、付近の紅葉を愛でながらの休憩は悪くありません。

  • Roadside Station Seseragi no Sato Kora
    19 Reviews
    Shiga Pref. Inukamigunkourachou Kanaya 1549-4
    A roadside station situated along the Oumi-Green Road in Kanaya, Kora Town, Inukami County, Shiga Prefecture. The station has a farm-fresh shop selling local agricultural products and processed goods, an eating space, a takeout brick oven pizza place, a restaurant serving rice bowls and set meals, and a crepe shop.

    犬上郡甲良町の国道307号にある道の駅。 それ程大きくありませんが、トイレ、売店(地元の野菜、駄菓子、お土産など)、レストラン(食堂、クレープ屋、ピザ屋)などが有りました。 売店は現金のみで、クレジットカードやスマホ決済は出来ませんでした。

Shiga Areas


Visitors to Shiga prefecture are almost always hopping east across the prefectural border from Kyoto, and they are almost certainly Lake Biwa-bound. Covering an area of 670 square kilometers, Lake Biwa makes up the bulk of Shiga prefecture, with beautiful lakeside paths that offer myriad walking and cycling opportunities, connecting a string of museums, shrines, and picturesque views that finally lead you to Hikone Castle on the eastern side of the lake.

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