Other Japanese Food Spots in Kumano / Owase Area

  • Aji Kobo Taimon
    1 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Mie Kumano-shi Arimacho 4021-6
    "This Japanese restaurant stands on the Orange Road (Prefectural Route 141) in Arima-cho, Kumano City. The restaurant serves choice cuisine made with fresh Kumano seafood, Mikumano beef and other brand name meats, home grown organic vegetables, and other Kumano ingredients. Here you can enjoy dishes steamed in an Owase wappa box, a local traditional craft; broiled Pacific saury ""hitsumabushi"" made with Pacific saury from the Kumano Sea; and kaiseki course cuisine (reservation required) which delights with the seasonal flavors of Kumano."

    先日の土曜日結構寒い夜に伺いました。 ひんやりとした店内の入ってすぐのテーブル席に案内されました。 寒くてコートも脱げずにいるのに、お店の人は知らん顔。 暖房を入れてもらうようお願いしましたが、かかったのは冷房。 文句を言おうとしたら連れに制止されたので、頼んだものを食べそそくさと帰りました。 追い出したかったのでしょうか? おいしいと感じた梅天巻だけが救いでした。

Mie Areas


Spread across the eastern side of the Kii Peninsula, Mie prefecture boasts hundreds of kilometers of pretty coastline comprising the oyster-rich Toba city and Shima National Park all the way down to Kumano, a city that marks the beginning of part of the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage, which runs into neighboring Wakayama prefecture. However, Mie is best known for the Ise Jingu Shinto shrine inland, one of the oldest and largest shrines in the country.

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