History / Culture / Tour Spots in Takayama Area

  • Miyaji Family Residence
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Takayamashi Oushinmachi 2-44
    This traditional machiya merchant house in Takayama was built in 1875. It's been designated as a Cultural Asset of the city, and visitors can tour it free of charge. It's a typical machiya style house with a vaulted atrium as you enter and a tatami room in the back. Antique household goods are on display, giving you an idea of life in the old days. During the March and May festival periods, they have displays of Hina-kazari and Yoroi-kazari, decorations that traditionally accompany these times.

    観光の中心、三之町からは離れた越中街道沿いにある古い商家の建物。 酒屋、米屋、養蚕業を営んでいた。 無料で公開。 観光客も少ない。 豪華、壮大ではないが、標準的な当時の町家の様子を見ることができる。

  • Sogenji Temple
    7 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Tenshojimachi 39
    A Buddhist temple in Higashiyama Teramachi, east of Takayama. In 1608 it was erected for the memorial service of Kanamori Nagachika, the first lord of Takayama Castle. Since then it's been the family temple of the Kanamori clan, and it houses temple treasures such as a crane feather battle surcoat dedicated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, military fans, and a baton of command. The Matsukura Ema Fair is held on August 9th and 10th every year, and lots of visitors purchase paper votive pictures during this summer tradition. People hang these up wishing for safety for their families, prosperity in business, and safety while on the road. It is a nationally designated Cultural Asset.

    高山駅から徒歩20分ほど。東山寺院群の一寺。 1609年に飛騨国高山藩二代藩主・金森可重が父の長近を弔うために創建した曹洞宗の寺院。寺号は長近の法号に因む。本尊は釈迦如来。飛騨三十三観音霊場4番札所。本堂(市指定文化財)は高山城三ノ丸にあった評議場を移築したもの。墓地には金森家の供養塔があり、その隣には家臣の墓石が立てられている。

  • Hida-soja Shrine
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Kandamachi 2-114
    The Hida region's main Shinto shrine located about one kilometer from Takayama Station. Although the exact date of origin is unknown, it is said that the Emperor Suzaku built it in the 930s. The primary deity is Oyatsuhashi-no-Mikoto, but it also enshrines the deities of the other 18 official Hida area shrines. As such, a visit to Hidasoja Shrine it is said to have the same benefits as worshiping at all the other shrines across the Hida region. Its annual festival is held on May 4th and 5th and features a parade of parent-child lion dances and portable shrines moving through the town.


  • Arakawa Family Residence
    6 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Nyukawacho Otani 141
    The residence of the Arakawa family that have been in the area since the late 1500s. The family served as village officials during the Edo period. The main house and the storehouse were built in the middle of Edo period. The two-story house with a gabled roof raised between huge timber beams has been designated a National Important Cultural Property. This flat structured architectural style is widely distributed from eastern Takayama through Shokawa and along the Gujo Highway to Gujo in the west. The house is highly valuable due to a combination of its size, age, and superb design. Inside, there are folk tools and letters written by the warlord Date Masamune addressed to Kanamori Nagachika, the first lord of Hida-Takayama domain.


  • Hirayu no Yu Hirayu Folk Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Takayamashi Okuhidaonsengouhirayu
    This museum is about a five-minute walk after getting off at the Hirayu Bus Terminal. The building is a remodeled private house with a half-hipped roof, with a sunken fireplace room and hemp clothing to show old rural life of the first floor, and exhibits of farm tools that introduce the history of Hida on the second floor. And another thing that is popular is Hirayu no Yu that adjoins the Hirayu Folk Museum. The rotenburo (open-air bath) has spring water directly from the source and is located in a clump of trees, giving it a great atmosphere. Able to see the changing scenes of the seasons from fresh green to autumn leaves and winter snow, you can enjoy the beauty of nature and Hirayu’s hot springs to your heart’s content.
  • Hida Shokawa-no-Sato
    3 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Shokawacho
    A collection of traditional houses from Shokawa Village that have been relocated and preserved. The hip-and-gable roof gassho style houses are over 200 years old. One of them, the former Mishima residence, was built in 1763. It was the first building in the prefecture to incorporate a four-room floor plan, the basic structure of private houses in the Hida region. Each building is an important ethnographic museum that provides a sense of the lifestyle in those days. Annual maintenance keeps the buildings well preserved.

    古民家に入ってじっくり見れます。ペットも同伴OKです。人が少ないのにすごく手入れが行き届いてて、のんびりじっくり見て回れます。 古民家の縁側で昼寝したいぐらいいい雰囲気です。 高速道路ができてから荘川の観光客が減りましたが、逆にそこがいい穴場感になってます。

  • Hida Takayama Teddy Bear Eco Village
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gifu Pref. Takayamashi Nishinoisshikimachi 3-829-4
    This teddy bear museum themed on the environment is about an eight-minute drive from JR Takayama Station. The museum is in a restored gassho (large thatched roof) style kominka (old house) built over 180 years ago, and has 1,000 teddy bears waiting to greet you. You can also take commemorative photos together with historic valuable bears and works by famous international and Japanese artists. In the adjacent Little Bear Cafe, you can enjoy meals, and also parfaits and handmade cakes made using local ingredients that are as organic as possible. The inside of the shop is lined with original bears, bears from around the world, and variety goods.
  • Hida Takayama Chanoyu-no-mori
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Chishimamachi 1070
    "The Chanoyu Art Museum exhibits masterpieces by living national treasure holders of important intangible cultural properties, as well as by potters and craftsmen who have produced many masterpieces. In the tea ceremony room Zui-un-an, visitors can enjoy tea using tea utensils, and in the tea ceremony room ""Doukaku-an,"" a sukiya-style tea house made of yew wood, tea utensils are displayed according to the season."

    Essendo in auto è stato facile da raggiungere in 15 min dal centro di Takayama ma non so se è facile arrivarci con altri mezzi. Se siete appassionati di Via del Te non potete perdervi questo museo...

  • Takayama Castle Ruins
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Takayamashi Shiroyama
    Takayama Castle is a flatland mountain castle which was built on a mountain of 686.6 meters in height. The old fortress style with its two three-story watchtower-style castle towers are believed to have been influenced by Oda Nobunaga’s Azuchi Castle. Now the inner citadel, the outer citadel and inner enclosure are only partitioned by a dry moat, and there are no buildings remaining. In 1945 the castle ruins were designated as a Cultural Property of Japan.
  • Araki-jinja Shrine
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Kokufucho Miyaji 1405-1
    Founded in the year 927, this Shinto shrine has been recorded since ancient times as one of the eight official shrines in Hida. The main hall visitors see today was rebuilt in 1390 and features early Muromachi period architecture including wooden shingle roofing. A nationally Designated Important Cultural Property, it honors Kahaku Daimyojin, a river and water deity. Lots of tourists visit for the annual festival held on the first Sunday of September featuring double-actor lion dances and hayashi music accompanied by flute and drums. The Kaneuchi lion dance ceremony, performed by dozens of children, is an Important Prefectural Intangible Cultural Asset.


  • Hida Senkouji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Takayamashi Nyukawachoushimobo 1553
    "This ancient Buddhist temple, located a 30-minute drive from JR Takayama Station, was founded some 1,200 years ago by Takaoka-shinno, one of the great monk Kobo Daishi 's 10 greatest disciples. The current temple was rebuilt after repeated fires destroyed the original complex. Serving as a dojo for Mt. Koya Shingon shuzen meditation, the temple teaches old fashioned mountain Buddhism. Also known as the ""Enku-butsu Temple,"" the temple's Enku-butsu-dera Treasure Hall, close to the Daiji-mon gate, is open to the public and displays a portion of the temple's treasures and 64 Enku-butsu statues such as a depiction of Two Faced Sukuna and Dharmapala (hall is closed in winter). The temple also offers day trip Buddhist training courses such as sermns, sutra copying, and meditation."
  • Zennoji Temple
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Soyujimachi 177
    This ancient temple has a statue of the Nyoirin Kannon created in Magadha India as its principal object of worship. At first it was enshrined in Kyoto's Kennin-ji, but for some reason Mitsuki Yoritsuna converted and it was said that Shingonshu Zenno-ji was created in 1558, the year in which Hida was suppressed. Afterwards, it caught fire and changed places repeatedly and in 1835 it located itself in this area. At the Jizo-do made by zelkova a life size stone jizo is enshrined and the local people visit it to pray for good health and longer life. Around the 13th Century, the zazen-do which was created in imitation of the Chinese architecture, you can try out zazen which strengthens one's concentration.

    高山駅から徒歩20分ほど。 素玄寺の塔頭。東山寺院群の一寺。1558年に真言宗の寺院として創建。1626年に曹洞宗に改宗。1835年に現在地に移転。本尊は如意輪観世音菩薩。飛騨三十三観音霊場の5番札所。現本堂は1925年の再建で木造銅板葺き。境内には地蔵菩薩を祀る「願王殿」がある。

  • Matsumoto Family Residence
    1 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Pref. Takayamashi Kamikawaharamachi 125
    This is the oldest remaining residence in Takayama City and is an National Important Cultural Property. Once the shop and home of a druggist known as “Harasan, it survived an 1875 fire that destroyed much of the town and is a rare example of an Edo period merchant residence. They knew when the house was built from writing on the pickle warehouse's window frame that read “April 27, 1826. The main house on the southern side of the property, rice granary to the north, and pickle warehouse to the west all border an inner courtyard. The façade small eaves and lattice bay windows reflect its significant value as typical architecture of the period.


  • Highland Art Gallery Hida-no-Kaze
    Leisure / Hobbies
    Gifu Takayama-shi Okuhida Onsenkyo Shinhodaka
    An art gallery in Shirakabadaira Station that's connected to the Shinhotaka Ropeway, the only two-story ropeway in Japan. It showcases paintings, photos, crafts, and more with a theme of Hida's environment and natural features. Exhibits other than their special exhibitions are free of charge, so anyone can drop by while using the Shinhotaka Ropeway. The work on display is inspired by the natural beauty of Hida and the Northern Alps. The gallery space is also available for rent.
  • Murakami-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Okuhida Onsenkyo Murakami
    This Shinto shrine is across from Okuhida Onsenkyo and Tochio Onsen with their idyllic scenery. The primary god honored is Emperor Murakami, Japan's 62nd ruler. It is considered Okuhida's guardian shrine. On May 10th, its annual festival welcomes spring to snowy Okuhida Onsenkyo. After the ceremonies they hold traditional Hida Takayama performances of lion dances and traditional torigei featuring village youths in feathered headdresses called jagama dancing in a circle to the beat of a drum. It has been designated an Important Intangible Cultural Property of Gifu Prefecture.
  • Ankokuji Temple Kyozo (Sutra Repository)
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Kokufucho Nishimonzen 474 Ankokuji
    This sutra repository is at Ankokuji Temple, the 11th stop on the pilgrimage of Hida's 33 sites sacred to the bodhisattva Kannon. The octagonal rotating sutra shelf is the oldest in Japan and holds 5,397 original scrolls containing the complete Buddhist scriptures. It is one of the few sutra repositories in Japan that have been declared a National Treasure, along with those at Horyuji Temple and Toshodaiji Temple in Nara. Featuring a mix of a medieval Japanese and Zen design elements, it was donated in 1408 by Okuda Danjo Yorichika, an official from what is today Gero City. It's impressive in a way you wouldn't imagine from its simple exterior.
  • Enkudo
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Kokufucho Tsurusu 1320-2
    This hall on the grounds of Seihoji Temple was originally built in 749. It houses three images carved by the priest Enku in the early Edo period. He traveled around the country during that time and carved over 120,000 Buddhist statues to help spread the Buddhist teachings. Tradition says he carved the thousand armed, standing, and dragon-headed Kannon statues from hinoki cypress in the ittobori style while staying in the area. The 1.27-meter thousand armed Kannon is one of only a few that he carved and is considered among his greatest works.
  • Fukuraikinen Yamamoto Museum
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Kokubucho Yokamachi 702
    "A museum in the quiet countryside that is about 30 minutes by car from Takayama Station en-route to Toyama. It has displays on the psychologist Fukurai Tomokichi, who did research on ""thoughtography,"" the ability to imprint mental images onto photographic film, as well as the research of Yamamoto Kenzo who attempted to explain the phenomenon with his ""six-dimensional theory."" This added time, energy, and directed thought to the three conventional dimensions. The museum has displays of various instruments used in his experiments."
  • Atayuta-jinja Shrine
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Kokufucho Kisogaito 1023
    This Shinto shrine is about 25 minutes by car from JR Takayama Station. The details surrounding its origin are unknown. The main shrine is built in the Sangensha-nagare-misedana-zukuri style with wooden shingle roofing displaying the simple yet elegant design of the early Muromachi period. From the days of old it's been the guardian shrine of the Kisogaito, Mikkamachi and Handa areas, and was called Gongengu during the Edo period. As it's a remnant of the Hida area's medieval culture, it was registered as a nationally Important Cultural Property in 1961.
  • Kushoji Temple
    Travel / Tourism
    Gifu Takayama-shi Wakatatsumachi 1-86
    The sub-temple at Sotoshu Enjo Temple's first dojo and Unryu-in is located around a seven-minute drive from JR Takayama Station. It was built in 1402 as the last temple. In the front of the mountain is the Gannoden, and apart from the the Honzon (principal image of Buddha), there are many attendants are enshrined in it. In 1827, it was promoted in the era of Mokuyoushinryo and it was founded as the current Kyusoji. Within its premise, a well-maintained pine tree is stretching out and it makes the Hida architecture even more beautiful. The shrine hall of the main hall and kitchen hall and the bell tower are side by side, and you can feel the solemn atmosphere specific to the Higashiyama Teramachi.

Gifu Areas


Tucked away in the very center of Japan, Gifu prefecture houses mountains, old towns, and one of Japan’s greatest hot springs, Gero Onsen. A tour of the prefecture’s traditional architecture will take you from the mountain-enveloped wooden streets of Takayama to the mountain village of Shirakawago, where visitors can explore 250-year-old thatched roofed houses known as gassho-zukuri.

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