Fish/seafood Spots in Oarai / Hitachi / Nakaminato Area

  • Seafood and Rice Bowl Restaurant Kaisen Domburi-Tei
    14 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ibaraki Pref. Higashibarakigunoaraimachi Isohamachou 8253-56
    "A market and seafood restaurant located a 10-minute drive from the Mito-Oarai interchange. The facility's market area sells fresh fish from Oarai and the Kashima Sea as well as processed foods like homemade dried fish and shiokara fermented seafood paste. The restaurant portion of the facility serves an abundant array of dishes made possible thanks to the incredibly fresh seafood available from the nearby fishing port. The ""Ganbappe Oarai Teishoku"" set meal comes with deep fried local fish, fresh broiled clams, and other dishes made with an abundance of seasonal ingredients. Also including shirasu oroshi whitebait and grated daikon radish, rice, and assorted sides, this hearty set meal is sure to satisfy."

    待ち時間は非常に長いです。早くから空いているので、朝食にも利用できます。前回は7時半ごろに並んで食べたのが11時。ランチになってしまいました。 今回は初めからランチ狙い。11時に到着。ラッキーなことに2組待ちだったので、すぐ座れました。相方が食したマグロのカマ塩焼き定食は相変わらずの迫力。大量の刺身も付いているので大満腹。私はマグロステーキ定食。隣の席のマグロのテールの焼き物も気になったので、次回...

  • Kaachan-no-Mise
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ibaraki Pref. Higashibarakigunoaraimachi Isohamachou 8253-20
    Located near “Oarai Fishing Port” in Oarai Town, Higashiibaraki County, Ibaraki Prefecture, this restaurant is directly operated by the fishermen’s union. It’s a popular spot for trying fresh local fish, even attracting visitors from outside the prefecture. The cooks are usually the wives and daughters of the local fishermen. There are dishes like sashimi and set meals featuring fresh fish like sea bream, flounder, and octopus. The “Nama-shirasu-don” with clear raw sardines is the most popular.
  • Uoyasu
    19 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ibaraki Pref. Nakaguntoukaimura Muramatsu 214-13
    "A Japanese seafood restaurant which has been in business for over 30 years located a two-minute walk from the ""Masaki Higashi"" bus stop on the bus leaving from Tokai Station on the Joban Line in Naka County, Ibaraki Prefecture. The restaurant serves sashimi, seafood rice bowls, kamani hotpots, and lovingly made using fresh, local seafood and tuna stocked each morning from the market by the owner. The restaurant also offers seasonal goosefish nabe hotpot and goosefish liver in ponzu sauce, as well as reservation-only kabutoyaki broiled tuna head. The restaurant carries several varieties of seasonal sakes and also has courses for parties and Buddhist memorial services."

    Restaurants in country sides are quite different from those in metropolitan cities. First. Their prices are cheap but it doesnt mean that the quality of food is bad. Actually it is sometimes better...

  • Iso-ryori Sansui
    11 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ibaraki Higashiibaraki-gun Oaraimachi Isohama Machi 8249-4
    A seafood restaurant on Oarai Kaigan-dori Street in Isohama-cho, Oarai Town, Higashiibaraki County. It offers panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean and serves sashimi meal sets, seafood rice bowls made with local seafood, and lots more. In winter, you can also enjoy goosefish, which sometimes can be found hanging in front of the store.

    大洗に行ってみまして、 那珂港のほうに抜ける道を行ってみると でっかすごる神社がありにけり 前にいった寿司屋は超行列だったので こちらに入ってみましたー 

  • Umi-no-gohanya Isogiku
    2 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ibaraki Higashiibaraki-gun Oaraimachi Isohama Machi Higashi 8253-24
    A seafood restaurant on Sunbeach Street in Isohama-cho, Oarai Town, Higashiibaraki County. Run by a long-standing fish wholesaler that has been in business for over 100 years, the restaurant makes its cuisine with fresh seafood from Oarai. Reasonably priced fare includes rice bowls such astheir Special Kaisendon Seafood Rice Bowl featuring 15 kinds of seasonal seafood. They also have a la carte items and meals sets.


  • Kaisenmaru Korin
    3 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ibaraki Hitachinaka-shi Minatohoncho 19-8 Nakaminato Osaka Na Ichiba

    訪問時お昼の混雑までもうすぐなので並ばずに入れるうちにと手近なこの店に。 店は小さく先に会計をしてから着座。お茶はお姉さんが持ってきてくれます。 接客は良いです。訪問時は生牡蠣をお勧めされましたが生は当たる体質なのでお断りました。 そしてお食事はすぐに運ばれてきましたが正直今一つかな・・ 味が悪いわけではなのですが、立地上もう少し映える海鮮丼を期待していました。 途中お姉さんにお願いすると出...

  • Crabs To Bowl of Seafood Kaji Ma
    7 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ibaraki Higashiibaraki-gun Oaraimachi Isohama Machi 8253-24 Oarai Ichiba Shokudo

    海鮮を食べられる店が3件並んでいる中、1番美味しそうだったので入ったのですが期待通りでした。 私は海鮮かき揚げ丼に荒汁を追加しましたが、 想像以上に量がありびっくり。 かき揚げは少し油が多い気もするがそれほど気にならないレベルで、胃もたれする事なく食べられました。 量が多く食べられるか不安でしたが、タレが効いていて一気に食べられました。 荒汁も出汁が効いていて、野菜も多くヘルシーで美味かったです...

  • Kyu Raku
    7 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ibaraki Hitachinaka-shi Minatohoncho 18-18

    おさかな市場と道路を挟んで向かいにあります。ツアーのランチで海鮮丼のセットをいただきました。海鮮丼のほかに小鉢が3つと浅利のお味噌汁とボリューム満点でした。海鮮丼にはわさびとショウガがついていて、お醤油皿も二つ。おいしくいただきました。 お店の方もとても感じがよかったです。おさかな市場が大混雑することを考えると、多少の待ち時間は許容範囲と思います。

  • Naka Minatohama Goya
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ibaraki Hitachinaka-shi Minatohoncho 19-8 Nakaminato Osaka Na Ichiba
  • osakanatengoku oaraihamakko Dining Hall oarai Seaside station
    16 Reviews
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ibaraki Pref. Higashibarakigunoaraimachi Minatochuou 11-2 Oasama Seaside Station 2F


  • Fish Heaven
    Gourmet / Alcohol
    Ibaraki Higashiibaraki-gun Oaraimachi Isohama Machi 8253-18

Ibaraki Areas


Just a stone’s throw from Tokyo, Ibaraki is a coastal prefecture that has mastered juxtapositions, where old shrines meet new scientific discoveries and traditional gardens are frequented by the inventors of some of the newest technology. Head to Mito City's Kairakuen - one of Japan's Three Great Gardens - in spring to experience the cellestial blooming of fantastic cherry blossoms at the annual sakura festival.

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