Sake Brewery Spots in Kitakata Area

  • Kita no Hana Shuzojo Sake Brewery
    2 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kitakata-shi Maeda 4924
    "This sake brewery created the label Hoshi Masamune in 1919, and after the Second World War was revived with the release of Kita no Hana. It now bears the name of Kitakata's youngest brewery, a town which has long been known for its sake making traditions. The water is clean, clear spring water bubbling up from a bedrock aquifer fed from the Iide mountain range, which has supported sake brewing for some 500 years. Their junmai daiginjo, brewed using Fukushima's Yume Kobo yeast, is a soft, full flavored sake. Their primary goal with the name Kita no Hana is to evoke their community of Kitakata, a famous sake town, and to help bring a bit of joy to people's lives through the Hana character (meaning both ""flower"" and ""splendor"")."

    喜多方市の主催で、酒造り講座と言うのがあり、約半年間この酒蔵に通って、習いました。米を洗うところから始まって,麹の造り方や仕込みなど、全工程を学びます。 杜氏さんにはいろいろ教えて頂きました。 最後に出来上がった大吟醸に、自分で考えたラベルを張って持ち帰ります。 今まで飲んだ日本酒で一番美味しい酒でした。

  • Brewery Classic (Oharashuzo Co., Ltd.)
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Pref. Kitakatashi Minamimachi 2846
    This brewery is located about five minutes by car from Kitakata Station. Founded in 1717, it has operated for over 290 years in storehouse-district, Kitakata City, making it quite the established brewery. In addition to using spring water from Mt. Iide, they play classical music by Mozart throughout the process, from making the moromi (unrefined sake) to fermentation to create their famous “Music Sake.” In particular, their “Daiginjo Symphony Classic” won a special honors award in the Japan liquor contest in 2015—it features a mature, full taste with depth, and is very popular. They also offer free tours of the brewing process.
  • Sasamasamune Brewery Co.,Ltd.
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kitakata-shi Kamisanmiyamachi Kamisanmiya
    "This sake brewery was founded in 1818. They are famous in Japan for being the first to make modern junmai sake and kicking off the nationwide boom. Their motto is ""Quality comes first,"" and they avoid following modernization and trends to focus on old fashioned methods to make the best sake they can. The story of how President Jimmy Carter praised their junmai on leaving Tokyo after his 1979 visit to Japan is still known today. In recent years, they have been working with farmers in designated areas to grow organic sake rice. They strive to create sake that evokes not only their care for rice, but the water and the local community as well."
  • Ho Mare Brewery
    8 Reviews
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kitakata-shi Matsuyamamachi Muramatsu Tokiwacho 2706

    会津にある酒蔵。酒蔵の見学もさることながら、1番はテイスティングできるお店。 ほまれ酒造には、大吟醸などの酒の他にも梅酒や焼酎などもあり、自分に合ったお酒を選べます。雰囲気もとてもいいので、是非お勧めします! You can look inside of this Sake Factory. But best thing is that they have a testing shop...

  • Aizu Nishiki
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kitakata-shi Takasatomachi Nishihaga Nishihaga 2524
  • Kiyokawa Shoten
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kitakata-shi 2-chome 4659
  • Yoshi no Kawa Brewery
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kitakata-shi 1-chome 4635
  • Mine no Yuki Shuzojo
    Travel / Tourism
    Fukushima Kitakata-shi Sakuragaoka 1-chome 17

Fukushima Areas


Fukushima is a blend of fantastic scenery, delectable sake, and kaleidoscopic colors. This nature-rich prefecture displays its splendor from the hidden Abukuma Cave underground right to the top of its sky-high mountain road, known as the Bandai-Azuma Skyline.

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