
기타 세계 요리


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전화 번호

정보제공원: NTT TownPage Corporation.


  • Good service
    5.0 게시일 : 2022.12.10
    I just hear about biggest naan but I really see at shop I shocked curry was delicious good service I’m happy come with friends
  • Naan is too big
    5.0 게시일 : 2022.08.26
    It was delicious too much cheez tandoori chicken was amazing feel good the sound was nice delicious happy
  • Bad drink service
    2.0 게시일 : 2022.06.13
    bad service. I was thirsty but was not given a drink before I asked. after I asked for water the waiter asked me to take it myself. even though I was the only guest at that time. very...

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